AutoCAD 2010 :: Changing Mtext Width Of Multiple Objects?
Jun 21, 2011
Is there a way - or 3rd party app or lisp- to change the width of multiple Mtext objects all at once? I have several drawings where the width of all Mtext objects is 1.25, and I would like to change all of them to 1.
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Jun 26, 2012
When I create new mtext in my drawings I normally like to have a zero width.
Instead I'm creating new mtext and it has a set width that I am unable to change in the properties window.
I have no problems with changing the justification point.
Is this a setting that I can change?
Plus is it posible to change the default so that I don't have to worry about changing it every time?
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Jul 18, 2012
How do I globally change the defined width of a group of mtext entities in a drawing? If I select a few mtext entities that I want to make the same width then go to Properties, the Defined Width box says "varies" and is not editable. Seems like long ago I used to be able to do this, but not now. I'm running 2011 autocad.
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Jul 3, 2013
I have long used the following lisp to convert multiple single text objects into multiple mtext objects (i.e. make each text entity into separate mtext entities).
; T2M - convert individual Texts/Dtexts to individual MTexts
; modified by Xanadu -
(defun C:T2M (/ ss i elist)
However, the mtext entity always moves position slightly (compared to the original text entity) after converting the object. better lisp that converts multiple text entities into mtext entities (which are all separate still, i.e. not joined together) without the position of the entity changing?
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Apr 4, 2011
I have annotative mtext that keeps changing width and location. See pic. When gripped, they're in the correct location but wrong scale. I experienced this on a few drawings with C3d 2010 and now 2011.
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Jan 31, 2012
I have multiple singular text objects on my screen and I want to convert them to mtext so I can use the Background Mask option within mtext on my drawing. how to quickly select all the text and convert it to mtext without it combinin ginto 1 mtext?
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May 2, 2011
I've been having this issue happen repeatedly, but not consistently. In a new file, I adjust the width of an mtext box so that the text wraps into multiple lines. When I next open the file, all mtext boxes are back at a wider width so that the text is all on one line. The start of the text is also usually in a different location. This was happening on 2011/XP and now on 2012/Windows7.
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Jan 27, 2011
I have a drawing with mtext objects. I can not edit the the defined width through the properties palette. I think this is just some setting but I haven't been able to recall/ find it.
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Feb 17, 2012
I lost the ruler to adjust the width and length of mtext objects in the editor settings.
How can I get this ruler back?
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Jun 14, 2012
If I create one MTEXT object with the Background Mask set to Yes, then COPY it to several locations, and lastly edit the text for each one, does the width of the bounding box have to be adjusted for the width on each individual peice of MTEXt, or is there an "autofit" option?
The Background Masks are either too narrow or too wide on the copied items.
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Jun 3, 2013
I am using AutoCAD 2011. I have been reading of similar problems with MText: I format the text in the drawing to my desired appearance and once I close and reopen the drawing, the column widths have compressed and muddled the text legibility. After reading other similar posts, I set MTEXTCOLUMN to 0 and changed all MText to "No Columns." MTEXTCOLUMN is still set to 0, but the other properties have reverted back to dynamic columns, so I am still having this problem. To check against this being a problem on my specific workstation, a coworker opened the file on his workstation and experienced the same text compression.
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Jul 17, 2012
Is there a way to change multiple MTexts at once to a certain font? I don't have the full version, only AutoCAD LT 2013 so unfortunately I don't have the fancy express tools or lisps.
I have at least 1000 MTexts that need to be changed. This will take a long time if I have to activate each one and change them individually.
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Oct 18, 2012
How to change MTEXT to MLEADER? We often have texts on our drawing - mostly MTEXT and used line to the text.
Recently I started using MLEADER due to that it has added line to the text and looked more professional with consistent line setting out within the text.
The problem is that I don't seem to find a way of converting MTEXT to MLEADER. From the internet search, it seems that adding a LISP created by someone seems to do trick but I would prefer to do from the Autocad software so that all colleagues can use.
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Jun 24, 2009
I received a drawing with Mtext notes has a different color from the layer they belong...the user change the Mtext note color from the Mtext editor .
Is there a way to change the color for these Mtext notes to by layer color globally and with one command?
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Feb 10, 2012
I have a bunch of dwg's that were converted from dgn's using Microstation V8's batrch convert utility. In many of them there are these Mtext objects that, when I hover over them, or when I pick them to change their properties using the properties dialog, slow performance way down. I have to wait about ten seconds for the machine to catch up.
This can get pretty annoying since it ouccurs when I merely cross over the objects when I am not in any command whatsoever.
The text objects are referring to a font that I do not have installed on this machine. I think it defualted to using simplex.shx as a result. I did not get any errors or warnings about the missing shx when I opened the file.
Using Civil 3D on a 64 bit Win 7 Dell POS - everything is up to date.
C3D 2012 on 64bit Win 7 all up to date
Dell Precision 7core 8GB RAM
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800M
LDT/C3D user since release 12
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Sep 22, 2011
I have a whole bunch of labels that are single line text that I want to convert to Mtext. I have been using the Express Tools TXT2MTXT command but that only works on one label at a time. If I select all the labels at once using this command it gives me one long Mtext string. Is there a way to convert all of the labels to mtext, but still maintaining individual entities?
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Aug 31, 2012
I have polylines and changed the width to 3/4" and now the Plines are not solid (filled like a hatch) anymore? They are splined as well. I must have changed a setting somewhere and did not know it. AutoCAD 2012.
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Sep 26, 2012
I was wondering if there is a way to change multiple entities of Mtext. I tried CHT but the options are limited. Is there a way of say changing the color?
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Aug 28, 2013
I am drawing an icon holder for a church. However, I got this problem, where I need to change the width of a piece but keep the height. So scaling wouldn't work as scaling would change both the width and height.
I can't use trim and cut from the middle as there is a block in the middle of it. and if I do that it will cut the block in all location.
I am not sure if there such an option in AutoCAD.
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Oct 25, 2012
Illustrator has the 'Transform Each' dialog, but it only allows you to scale multiple objects by specifying a percentage. Is there any way to specify the size in pixels? More specifically, imagine I have 10 rectangles on my canvas, and I want them all to be of a specific height. The rectangle position on the canvas matters, so I can't do the 'vertical align to top and then resize group height' trick - they need to be resized in place.
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Apr 16, 2009
Tool to combine multiple pieces of Mtext into a single Mtext with paragraphs?
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Jun 1, 2007
Autocad Express Tools allows converting text to mtext. How would I be able to combine multiple mtext into a single mtext?
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Jul 12, 2011
Why is this happening?
The dwg was fine, then it crashed while changing from modle space to paper space...
When i recovered the dwg, EVERY MTEXT I try to edit becomes rotated vertically and stays that way when i close the edit box...
I do not recall hitting any buttons or making any keystrokes without my knowing...
Is there a way to get my text back to Horizontal and stay that way?
I tried setting the MTEXTFIXED to: 0, 1 & 2.
NONE of these options changed anything.
I NEED to have this fixed. more importantly, i need to know why this is happening sop that i can take steps to prevent this happening in the future...
I am currently working with the latest CAD available.
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Jul 12, 2013
When I create a drawing with Mtext and my co-worker opens the drawing the width of the box defaults to 0 and the grips to enlarge the box are all snapped to the insertion point. How do we get the text boxes to stay the same??
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May 3, 2012
Any way to make Acad C3D hold the value for MTEXTCOLUMN = 0? I am having issues with it resetting my column width to 0, even after I have formatted all the Mtext to read how I want it shown. Once I close a drawing and open it again, the formatting changes that I have previously set return to "dynamic" and column width = 0. I just want to turn off the dynamic setting so it stops messing up the formatting, but I can't get it to retain the dynamic setting. Currently running C3D 2012.
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Mar 16, 2012
I have about 500 drawings which i want to change the border on. Is there a way i can change them all at once?
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Dec 15, 2012
Is there a way to change a common parameter of multible objects — For example scale x parameter, or Length Segs parameter of say 20 box objects, and change that parameter for all of them as as easily as changing one? I used Max long long ago, but am coming from a Maya and Softimage background.
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Jan 6, 2012
I am trying to change text in hundreds of drawings. What I have is a line of text say "the brown fox" and I need to change it to "the black dog". I have probably 1500 drawings I need to do this in. I am not versed in scripts of lisp. I know the ACAD commands to do this but could develop a script file to batch this.
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Dec 8, 2011
I was curious to see if there's a way to set up Autocad (2010) to recognize when MTEXT objects are edited, and have it adjust their defined width automatically (both single- and multi-line)--versus having to click on the arrow every time to snap the text box "margin" to the actual text. I'd like to do this to keep my background masks the exact width of the text; I just hate it when the mask doesn't cover enough of the text, or when it covers more and the background is unnecessarily obscured. I'm careful about keeping things neat, but my coworkers aren't .
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Aug 5, 2013
I am exporting a design for 3D printing, and it includes multiple objects. If I save each part as a separate STL file, and assemble them in my 3D printer software (Object), the alignment of different parts is lost.
If I save it as a single STL file all the objects are grouped, and I cannot select them individually to assign them different properties.
I am using Autocad 2012 student version, and it does not allow me to select any option at the moment of exporting the files.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have this problem with my drawing. before I decided to post here, I first ask mr. google about the problem but to no avail. anyway, here's my problem:
I have this drawing. 3d object. with multiple items. and would like to create a 2d detailed view of the items.
what i did was isolate the first item and did the base view command. after the command, I then hid the first item and isolate again the second item. but then I always get this pop-up menu that says "A model has changed" and my item is missing. I ignored the warning and poceeded with my second model and so, on. after the process I unisolated all my items and most of the drawings are there and some are lost. Is there a proper way of doing this base view for multiple objects without disrupting the previous drawing that I objects?
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