Everytime I try to open my saved drawing, it just opens autocad 2012 with drawing1. I've been working on this drawing for weeks, and have saved and opened it many times without problem, and was working on it this morning and saved it again. Now, i've come back and it will no longer open. I can open other saved dwg files no problem. I've tried renaming the .bak file as a .dwg but that still won't work.
I'm in AutoCAD 2013. I've been working on a drawing everyday (was just working on it yesterday), but can't open it now. I just get a blank gray screen when I open if from within AutoCAD. When I open it from my computer drive while AutoCAD is closed, AutoCAD opens and I get "Drawing1.dwg." I've tried the RECOVER command, but I don't get a response. I tried RECOVERALL command which let me choose a file to recover, but it responded saying it could not recover the drawing.
In 2011 every so often I get this error "One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created." This happens and I just go and click file or regen and sometimes it just saves the file other times it does not.
My problem started when we moved all of the users data to a new Windows 2008 r2 server. Searching and file navigation was slow so we turned on Windows Search service. Greatly improved network searches (users do content as well as file name searches).
Then Autocad started having errors when trying to save or create dwf files. The error "One or more objects in the drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created." Users can save the drawing to the local drive without the error.
How do I get my Sheet Set Manager to open up each time I open a CAD drawing? I turned it off and can't remember how to turn it back on. I use command SSautoopen, set to 1 but doesn't alway work. Sometimes if I close AutoCad and reopen it I can got to drop down menu and click on .dst extension and it will open but if I close out of it it won't open again unless I restart AutoCAD. I thought I used a command from the Express Tool menu but can't find it.
I'm doing a program in Visual Basic 2010. In one of the forms I put a button that when clicked must open AutoCAD 2012 and make a drawing in it. The user will decide where to save it.The steps are these:
1. I added the references Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop and Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common to the Visual Basic Project. That's OK.
Dim acadApp As New AcadApplication 'Create an instance of an AutoCAD Application AcadApp.Application.Visible = True 'Show the instance of the AutoCAD Application Dim acadDoc As AcadDocument 'Create an intance of an AutoCAD Document acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open("C:Respaldo TesisDibujo2.dwg") 'Open a Document called Dibujo 2 'Draw a line Dim PT1(2) As Double [code].....
I'm trying to customise my drawing templates to keep them up to date and also include accountability.I seem to be having trouble in including the name of the person who has last saved the model, and the date the model was last saved.
Manually including this information isn't ideal as people will forget, and it makes it harder to trace revisions.I can't see anywhere on the iProperties where the 'Last saved by' feature is available, but I thought maybe the information could be pulled from the username from the application options?
The last saved date should be easy, as there is a modified date in the model's iproperties; however, I cannot pull this information.I have used other cad packages in the past and this was never an issue. With all the customisation of Inventor, I thought this would be relatively straight forward.
When I open more than one drawing the second drawing that I open does not show (but is opened) I see the first drawing that was already open. If I open a third drawing, the same thing happens the first drawing shows ( but the second and third are both open).
Is this something to do with changing the Quick View Drawings Order?
I have a drawing that will not open the objectscale window (annotative scale add/delete). I either select from the right-click menu, or type in objectscale, and nothing happens. I opened a new drawing and the function worked fine in that one, just not in my existing drawing...
We currenlty have our profile loaded but when I open another drawing it changes the layout of the tools in my profile. I then have to reload the profile and all the tools come back to what we want. Why is this happening everytime I open a new/other drawing ?
my profiles are loaded via options see jpg attachment.
I seem to remember a command that you could input which would show you detail info about when a drawing was originally open and how much time it the drawing had been open. But of course I do not recall what the command was.
when I open a drawing that's missing an shx file I get a dialog box (see attached). I put a check mark in the "always perform current choice" item and select the "Specify a replacement for each shx file". I assume this replaces the missing shx file with the default shx file. But if I send the drawing to someone else they get the same message. Did the shx file not get replaced or do I need to do something further?
(Running AutoCAD 2010 on Win 7, Core i7, 8 GB RAM. All AutoCAD 2010 service packs are up-to-date)
I have a drawing file that keeps giving me this message when I try to open it :
"Unable to open this drawing.It contains incorrect or or corrupted information.The RECOVER command may be able to restore undamaged material from this drawing."
When I recover the file I sometimes get a message that 1 error was fixed, sometimes no errors were detected. Either way, when I close it, and try re-opening (whether or not I SAVE it first), I get the same message. I have tried RECOVERALL, AUDIT, AECTOACAD (those AEC objects can be a problem) and tried changing the AutoCAD version it saves to (eg 2007). None of this works. I also discovered that if I WBLOCK the entire drawing it fixes it for ONE reopen, but becomes corrupted if I save it. This drawing is used as a 'template' (not a .dwt, just a "starting point") for other drawings, so the corruption is spreading.......
I am upgrading to a newr version of AutoCAD soon (hopefully that will fix it?), but this is really slowing down produciton in the meantime....
How to avoid nested references reload every time I open autocad drawing. In some drawings I have twenty nested references. I really need to avoid reload each reference.
The user is running Autocad 2010, and she was able to perform this function last week. Nothing has changed, and a system reboot did not correct the issue.
As an engineering company we have started to convert hundreds of our drawings from AutoCAD to PDF using a batch utility.
However every file that is converted into a PDF file is opened by a PDF Viewer. We want to prevent this.
I opened my *.pc3 file and removed the check from the appropriate box. See below
I press OK, then save the file and close. However when I reopen the file, I see the box for Openining in PDF Viewer has been rechecked. No matter what I do, I cannot permanently remove the check from this box.
I have a client that cannot save his drawing and have be in a "Saved" state. When doing an e-transmit (for example) it tells him that the drawing hasn't been saved and if he wants to save the file. He clicks YES and then it tells him the drawing hasn't been saved and asks him if he wants to save it.
It seems to be isolated to this file. If he works in a different file, it works just fine. Also, I had him send me the files (via e-transmit) and I was not able to replicate the problem so, it seems to have something to do with this particular file on his system.
My question then is, can something be embedded into the file that will cause something to happen directly after a save (like a reactor)?
He's using Civil 3D 2012 but I don't think it's anything directly related to Civil 3D.
I've created a drawing and I want to contiune on it. It opens normally but when I try to save it it says: "One or more objects in this drawing cannot be saved to the specified format. The operation was not completed and no file was created."
I wanted to save it in ACAD 2010 format. I also tried to save it in ACAD 2004 did not work.
I get the same error message even if I open the file do nothing else just click on the Save icon.
When press "open" the "open"-window dosn't open. Insted it open a comandpromt by the cursor that promt me to enter full search-way and name on the file I want to open.
I have parts that are similar and want to save a copy of the model and it's drawing together as a new part number. This way I don't have create a new drawing every time. I used ProE 2001 before I upgraded to Inventor 2012 and ProE would save them both together.
But changes are visible in drawing preview/thumbnail. Also, random changes are saved. For instance some changes I made yesterday and saved are not showing up while changes I made today are. Essentially I am missing most of my work from today. I did save the drawing as 3 different drawings prior to closing and each drawing now shows something different.
So I spent 4 days working on a profile last week. And this morning I opened it up and accidentally erased the alignment, saved and closed the drawing (I must have thought it was in another drawing, and I wasn't paying attention).
Now the profile is gone and I'm wondering if I can open up a drawing that was saved before I did this mix up. I checked my autosave path, but the path doesn't exist. So I don't know where it's be autosaving to.
I run the CUI command, and use the command search to find an old macro command that I created a while back. I edit the macro in the right-hand pane and then click APPLY, and then OK to exit the CUI. But the changes that I made are not there - when I run the command in AutoCAD, it executes the old version of the macro.
So I tried it again, only this time I exited out of AutoCAD and re-launched. Still nothing.
This is very strange, because I've been composing and editing macros (attached to toolbar buttons) with CUI for years, and this is the first time I've ever had this problem. But it is worth noting that this is the first time I've tried to do this in our current version of ACAD, which is 2012 vanilla.