3ds Max Animation :: Rig Distortion After Skinning?

Apr 25, 2013

recently ran into some trouble when rigging a character. I selected the character geometry, added a skin modifier, and attached all the CAT bones and muscles that I had created for my character.

The problem begins when I try to rotate the CAT bones in the rig. If I rotate the torso bone for instance, and then press undo, the mesh sometimes pops back but the CAT bones remain in place.

Another issue is that after I reload one of my earlier saves in which I had applied a skin modifier, the rig becomes highly distorted.

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3ds Max Animation :: Skinning - Vertices Moving Out Of Place

Dec 23, 2013

I rigged a model and everything was working fine. I then started going into the blocking phase of some animation I was going to do with it. After a review it was requested that I put some extra bit of rigging on the model. We basically wanted to have the ability to grab both eyes with a controller and pull them around positionally and have the bit of skin they cover follow along with the eyes. So I dropped in some bpones where the eyes are, made the controller bits, linked everything up, so far so good. My problem comes when I try to skin the mesh to the new bones I just dropped in. The verts I have selected, even when given a weight of .1 seem to shoot forward in space. They dont seem to be respecting the bones current position that they are being weighted to.

I fear this may have something to do with the fact that I have animation in this scene which I know isnt ideal but were doing a series of xreffing so our master rig file also contains our master animation data. Seperate files are saved out as backups but as far as working files, yeah, its all in there. So could this be whats causing my verts to jump forward in space when I am skinning a bone that they currently are at its position? Or perhaps some errant transform? In the image I have selected the two rings beneath his eyes and given them a weight of .1. As you can see the verts are shooting out in front of the mesh when they should be staying in place at the eye bone I am trying to skin them to.

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3ds Max Animation :: Rigging And Skinning A Game Character In Pieces?

Nov 28, 2011

I'm wanting to know the best way to make different game outfits for a character. I want to be able to switch out between a couple different torsos and still have the same head model and rigging with animations still working.

I'm not sure if this is the best way or not but I detached a cylinder into two separate pieces.

Then I skinned and weight painted one half of the cylinder, weight painting the seam 50% to both bones and decreased that amount as I went father away from the seam. Then doing the same thing to the other half of the cylinder.

For example if this was the game character I would detach his arms, legs, and head from his torso and do the same thing I did with the cylinder.

I've included a link to a video of the cylinder bending.


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3ds Max Animation :: Skinning - Auto Select Verts That Are Being Influenced

Dec 5, 2013

I am in the process of skinning a character and I was wondering if Max had a feature/option/button that allows you to select all the verts that are currently being influenced by the particular bone you currently have selected? It seems like a feature like that would make setting up the blends between bones a lot easier then having to select all the verts in question each time and then additional verts that you are wanting to weight to.

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3ds Max Animation :: Hiding Parts Of Mesh While Skinning Using Biped

Dec 17, 2013

I am trying to find out if it is possible to hide parts of a mesh while I skin certain parts of a mesh using biped .  Here is what I have tried. Below my skin modifier on my stack is my edit mesh. I open up edit mesh and select the faces I would like to hide and hide them .Then I return to my skin modifier and skin parts of my mesh. but then I reliased that my biped is no longer skinned to my mesh if I hide a porition of the mesh. Even When I unhide the faces the mesh is no longer skinned to the biped. The biped moves but my mesh no longer follows. I tried deleting the skinned biped bones on the skin modifier and re adding them but it still did not do anything.
I know there must be a way to hide parts while you skin. By the way I am using MAX10

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Maya Animation :: Interactive Skin Binding - Whole Rigging And Skinning Process

Sep 18, 2013

I'm pretty new to the whole rigging and skinning process, so in order to skin my model I've used the Interactive Skin Bind Tool (Skin>Bind Skin>Interactive Skin Bind Tool) which so far hasn't caused any problems. But when I started to modify the weighting on the geometry it appeared that the weights are reversed meaning that when using the Interactive Skin Bind Tool (Skin>Edit Smooth Skin>Interactive Skin Bind) on the left leg, I actually modify the weights on the right leg and vice versa (see image below).

(Btw, I'm using Maya2013 Students Version).

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3ds Max :: Skinning Conversion Tool

Jun 8, 2011

In 3DS Max 2010 there was a utility that allowed a mesh with a physique modifier to be converted to skin while keeping all the weights/animations intact. It was the Skinning Conversion Tool and it doesn't exist in the 2012 version. Does it actually exist or where I can find it?

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Maya :: Scene Referencing And Skinning

Nov 11, 2012

I've been playing with Scene Referencing, and have a question about skinning. Is the ability to bind a mesh that is part of an Assembly Reference something that will be coming in a future release? I'd like to be able to bind both a high-poly and a low-poly mesh to one rig using scene assembly. That way I can swap armor parts, weapons, etc on one rig without cutting/pasting animation between rigs.

I've attached a picture of a sample of what I'm referring to. If that isn't workable, any other workflow that is comparable?

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Photoshop :: Distortion Filters

Mar 14, 2008

how to use the polar coordinates filter but why is it even though I follow the tutorial exactly, when i go to apply the filter I can't use it along with many others.
would this be a software issue? maybe have to download filters or sumthing?

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Photoshop :: Wave Distortion

Feb 19, 2008

two things:

I'm using CS3 on a PC. I'm using the wave filter to distort an image. writing down all the characteristics ie, # of generators, wavelength, amplitude, scale ect. Is there anyway to recreate that EXACT wave pattern on a particular image once I've left the program? It seems to generate another algorithm even if I input the same numbers.

Also, I'm distorting an image at 72dpi as a test. When I replace the image with an exact replica at 300dpi and apply the wave distortion, I'm unable to get even remotely the same results. the wave patterns are much tighter. I've moved around all the characteristics with no result.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Get This Specific Distortion?

Sep 29, 2008

How do achieve this effect. I want to create tv distortion, but not in the form of noise. Like when things get stretched, distorted, and look all jagged horizontally. Very similar to when you are losing a video signal.

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Photoshop :: Arc Text Without Distortion

Jun 21, 2004

How do you get the arced text without it distorting the text itself. the tops are bigger than the bottoms of the letters. So your font isn't the same anymore. I am just trying to do a simple arc like cheapo cd label programs do. Straight letters on an arc. Is there a circle text or something i can do?

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Photoshop :: Image Distortion

Jun 23, 2009

I recently installed an upgrade from CS2 to CS4 on my Vista laptop.  It is fully registered and updated.  I seem to be having an issue with Photoshop.  Any file I open, jpg, psd, pdf, etc. opens with lines and squares all over the image.  I can't quite figure out what could be causing this.  I thought maybe video card, but it too is current.  I have included a picture to display what I mean. 

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Photoshop :: How To Fix Lens Distortion?

Jul 17, 2009

I remember seeing a video tutorial on fixing lens distortion but I don't remember that video is and who did it. how to fix lens distortion in Photoshop CS4? I shot the photo with a widen angel 24mm Nikon lens. The picture looks somehow distorted.

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Photoshop :: Image Distortion ...

Dec 26, 2008

I'm creating some website banners. They're beautiful. When I save them and open them, they look great. When I link to them on the web, they look awful. They're distorted - badly. I've rebuilt the images several times and each time, I get the same result. Is this a resolution issue?

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3ds Max :: How To Correct Camera Distortion

Feb 14, 2011

How to correct camera distortion in 3dsmax design 2011 ? Rendering with mental ray .

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Photoshop :: Camera Raw Color Distortion?

May 31, 2013

I'm new to Photoshop. Currently, Im learning Photoshop through Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book. I found out that the camera raw plug-in seems weird.
This is the original photo.
When I opened it in Camera Raw, the color of the photo distorted. ( I didn't do anything on it yet. )
Is it caused by software problems? Or did I accidentally tick something in the Setting/Preferences?

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Photoshop :: Why Is Distortion In Perspective Crop

Dec 18, 2012

Here are two crops of a banal subject, our dryer and its circular control knob.  Both done the same way, but look at the difference.  First result, with size 1876x1419, which is reduced  for this post, is obviously a distortion:

I wasn't surprised or upset to see this distortion, since I'd seen it many times before.  It's easy enough to remedy: just Perspective Crop again.  This time the image was 1871x1000, which is much better:

Photoshop, we have a problem!  Why can't this be corrected?

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Photoshop :: Luminance Formulae And Red Distortion

Aug 14, 2012

I'm working on a chart that displays and names a couple hundred color swatches.  I have all of their color data in a table, and I want to arrange them by hue and lightness, so I applied the Rec.709 coefficients to my data.  This arranges my colors into a natural gradient--except for the reds, which have some glaring misplacement. why .709 coefficients do this, or what coefficients I should use instead?

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Photoshop :: CS3 / CS4 - What Causes Print Size Distortion

Jul 5, 2012

Why would images print significantly smaller than designed (I'm referring to the ruler size, NOT the screen size) when the pixel aspect ratio in Photoshop is set to square pixels and 300 dpi?  Does Premier or AE reset PhotoShop pixel dimenions on the sly in the Master Collection?
We have a summer intern designing business card size (3.5" x 2") inspiration cards on an old laptop that was used for video production with with the CS3 Master Collection and a CS4 Production Premium upgrade.
The 3.5 x 2.0 cards print out at about 3 3/8" by 1 15/16" on every one of the half dozen different printers we've tried them on, including FedEx Office locations and several different Lexmark office printers. Image size is 1050 px by 600 px, i.e., 3.5" by 2.0"
When we lay out a number of cards on an 8" x 11" sheet and save it as a pdf, and then open the pdf in Photoshop and measure the image sizes, each card clearly measures 3.5" by 2" but still prints in the distorted 3 3/8" by 1 15/16" size.
The smaller print problem persists if we save the images as tif, jpg or bmp.  Opening the files and resaving them in CS5.5 doesn't work either.  It's a problem with both the CS3 and CS4 versions of Photoshop on that laptop.
It looks like something is forcing the pixels into a smaller rectangular shape but I don't know where else to look to try to fix it.
Our CS5.5 Master Collection Photoshop is doing the same thing, only not as much.  I'd like to be able to print the cards close to actual size.  The problem persists for 5.5" x 8.5" bookcover designs too.

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Photoshop :: PSD To JPG / JPEG Color Distortion

Jul 24, 2013

I'm doing some post production on a CG project, but now that I'm finished and try to save the finished PSD document as a jpg file, the saved JPG image appears both darker and filled with artifacts. And by appear, I mean it actually is.
I have never encountered this issue before, and it ruins the whole image.. which I've spent alot of time on. Im using CS6 and I can't really say I've touched any color profile settings,

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Photoshop :: Removing Distortion From Panorama?

Dec 22, 2012

Ive taken a pano ( made from 4 images). The image is very warpped where photos join. Ive tried clone tool to move sections of the image up or down but it doesnt really work too well.how to remove teh distortion from this image, its very clear on the horizon.

Image is no way near finished but gives you an idea of my problem.

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VideoStudio :: Video Image Distortion

Jan 8, 2011

For several years I've had excellent results with VideoStudio 9 & my trusty old Sony Digital 8 Handycam. But not so with my most recent project, where the rendered image has vertical distortions resembling pixelation. The film is watchable but disappointingly irritating! Raw footage played directly from the camera onto the TV/into the computer is crisp. I re-processed the footage through Windows Movie Maker, importing the .wvm into VS9 to burn the disk, with the same outcome. A knowledgeable friend suggested that .mpeg drivers in VS9 might have been overwritten/corrupted by another programme so I reinstalled & went through the full process for the 3rd time, again with the same result. The only hardware/other known changes have been a new flat/widescreen TV and computer monitor.

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Photoshop :: Resize Image With Out Distortion

Mar 8, 2008

hi all i have a epson 7800 printer that i print onto canvas 99 % are ok as i do landscapes,sunsets ect i have started doing photos onto canvas people email me the image at 300 dpi then i edit image in photoshop cs3 the problem i have sometimes it looks distorted not all the time sometime they send me a image that is 2x4 inches dpi is 300 when i blow it up to 20x16 inches or bigger it does not look right i know the image should be bigger that they send me is there a way round this so when i blow up a image it looks like it has not been distored i am ok with photoshop as i am learning new tricks evryday any info would be great

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Photoshop :: Correcting Barrel Distortion?

Dec 28, 2008

i just bought a new wide-angle camera, and there's this common issue that occurs in all wide-angle lens - whenever i take portrait/group shots, people who stand at the edges always have VERY "flat" faces.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Resize A Picture Without Distortion

Jul 8, 2004

Everytime i try to resize(smaller) a picture it becomes distorted. Is there a way to avoid distortion.

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Photoshop :: Correcting Barrel Distortion

Jun 5, 2003

took a couple of photos using a wide angle lens.

Now I need to get rid of some barrel distortion.

How would I go about doing that?

On most photos its the horizon that's disorted.

Have a look at the attached photos.

if PS itself has functions for correcting the distortion.

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Photoshop :: A Simple Distortion I Can't Find

Aug 12, 2007

CS2: I can't get from the left shape to the right.

Transforms, vanishing point, lens corrections, all change the vertical spacings.

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Photoshop :: Distortion, But Smooth (bezier)

Nov 22, 2004

method to distort a rectangle?

i need to control it precisely, so the standard-filters don't really help..

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Photoshop :: About Correcting Perspective Distortion

Dec 17, 2006

How to correct for perspective distortion in an image in Photoshop 7? Need make a front view of packing from an existent left view (Box shot).

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Photoshop :: How To Remove Distortion On An Image

Sep 13, 2005

I have an image (jpg file) where some of the portions been smudged with paint brush. I dont have the base file with me. Is it possible to remove such layers from the image to see the original image.

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