Xara :: Saturate All Colors In 132 XAR Files

Feb 2, 2013

I'd like to saturate all colors in 132 .xar files.

I had a look at xarlib and I did not try to compile something since I first need to get Visual C++ to use the supplied pre-built libraries, and I thought I better wait and ask, because in the documentation there's written the year 2007, so Xarlib might be out of date and not work with current .xar files.

My questions:

-Is xarlib still up to date? And is there a sample or framework that I could use to manipulate .xar files?
-Is there anything else that I could try?

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Photoshop :: How To Saturate A Black Color

Jun 21, 2013

I'm working on a project where I want to work on the tones and saturation of the black color. I can easily adjust all other colors, but have difficulty getting a blacker black.
In the Hue/Saturation and Levels I can adjust some things, but the black color gets greytoned instead of becoming more black and crispy color.

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Photoshop :: Normal Blend Mode Saturate When Pushing Contrast?

Aug 17, 2006

I thought with normal you would not get any effects, but in fact, if you boost contrast on adjustment layer and keep at normal you get huge saturation boost -- unless you change to luminosity. So normal is not neutral?

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Xara :: Flat Colors In PDF Export

Aug 17, 2012

I 'm using XDP pro X and made a logo for some friends of mine and exported it to PDF using commercial printing PDF X. When you look at the pdf the colors are a bit more flat than in the PNG or JPG export. Also you can see an aditional line in the black line arround the stones. How I can get the same colors as with JPG export and get rid of the line?

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Xara :: Pantone Colors Availability In XD7 Pro

Jul 7, 2011

Just working through a few designs and noticed that quite a few of the Pantone colors don't exist in XD7 Pro so far all six colors i wanted to use are not in the libraries. How to update the Xara Pantone palettes.

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Xara :: Matching Colors Between Applications?

Jan 1, 2014

I'm trying to match the background color in Xara Photo Designer to the background color in a Filemaker Pro layout. When I bring up the color picker in Filemaker, I get a generic Windows screen with colors expressed in raw numbers, not percentages, but Photo Designer appears to use only percentages, no matter which color model I use. How do I convert Windows integers to Xara percentages?

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Xara :: Creating New Colors And Adding To The Palette

Jan 9, 2012

Current problem is that I've created certain colors for an art piece - basically, it's different poses of a character. I'm outlining each pose on a separate Xara page. So I've inked in the first pose, and, in so doing, created a couple of new colors, which I've named.

Those new colors do not show up in the color palette when I open a new page to ink in another character pose - the palette just defaults to its basic lineup. Is there a way to create a new color and keep that color in the palette for any and all art pieces?

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Xara :: Get Percentages Of Custom Palette Colors?

Oct 25, 2011

I want to detect percentages of my artist's oil colors in any area of a vectorized photo that I point to.

So, I want to first vectorize a photo to reduce it to manageable separate color areas. Then, I want to be able to get a list of the various percentages of 108 different colors that make up any of the vector color shapes I point to or select. These 108 different colors are somewhat accurate small bitmap swatches that correspond to 108 artist's oil paint colors.

Alternatively, can I just somehow plug in this 108 swatch palette and have a software (Xara?) break down a bitmap into areas of vector color using only this custom palette?

Is this possible in Xara, or by any other means you know of?

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Xara :: Named Colors That Are Linked To Another Color

Sep 3, 2011

I'm trying to work with linked colors. I understand and can successfully manipulate both "Tint of another color' and "Shade of another color." I'm having a difficult time getting "Linked to another color to work as expected. The help document doesn't seem to offer much.

+ I create a named color called "S0" ('s'-zero). It appears on the left of the color pallet as a square.

+ I create a 2nd named color called "s1", and instruct that it's to be "Linked to another color". The color that I select as the Parent is "S0".

+ I see no way to control what linking attributes are to be assigned, aside from simply checking on/off the H, S and V option boxes.

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Xara :: Difference Between CMYK And PANTONE Colors

Dec 20, 2011

I am new to designing.

1) What is the difference between CMYK and PANTONE colors?

2) How can I convert CMYK colors to PANTONE in Xara Xtreme PRO 4.0

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Xara :: Reverse Colors On A Fill Gradient?

Feb 29, 2012

I've got an object that I've filled with a circular fill/gradient. Is there a button that allows me to swap the start color and end colors in one click? If this was a linear gradient I could just position the start and end points to reverse it but since its circular I must swap the start and end to retain the circular effect.

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Xara :: Colors Names And Codes Matching Models?

Aug 22, 2013

I want to paint an object with beige wich in the RAL color chart is RAL 1001, how to match the right color with xara since colors are not by name ? Can we search colors by name in xara photo & graphic designer 7 or later versions? what about if i need a pantone color for example ?

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Xara :: Editing Standard Colors In Color Strip

Jun 17, 2013

I can add my own colors to the strip at the bottom of the screen, but time and time again I need to use grayscale that has to be just gray and its not! For instance if you pick 50% black and then click on CMYK scale it turns out to be C:49% M:45.5% Y:32.5% K:11%...Why is it not 0 0 0 50?

if you send something off to the printers with what you think is small grey text that looks sharp on your RGB screen it may well be fuzzy when you see it in hard copy from an offset press.So it would be great to redefine the standard strip, or at least be able to load a user strip every time the program starts.

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Xara :: CMYK Colors And RGB Images With Alpha Channel

Oct 27, 2011

I'm exporting a design for the print shop, and have the following problem:

I have converted all colors to CMYK, and that's fine so far... however, I have imported a few PNGs with alpha channel into the design, and in the PDF output, these create a 'box' around them that seemingly has a flattened RGB version of whatever was behind it + the PNG image.

Same happens with any objects that have drop shadows.

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Xara :: Naming Colors Effect On Color Palette?

Nov 29, 2011

I was trying to learn about naming colors. I named a color, only to find it was now in my default color palette, which was now 'Untitled1'. I did not want to have the default palette that opens on the Color Line when I open the program changed and requiring me to rename it every time I named a color. I tried to undo my actions but had only partial success. The new named color is gone, but the color palette is still 'Untitled1', and how to restore the palette name. How can I correct this?

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Xara :: How To Create Named And Linked Colors That Will Replicate In New Projects

Dec 11, 2011

I have created several tutorials receintly that allude to the power of named and linked colors. In this video tutorial I show you how to create your very own named and linked colors in Xara products. Not only that, but how to add these colors to your default template so that the new named and linked colors will appear in any new projects that you create with that template.

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Xara :: How To Change Colors Of Charts That Brings In Design Gallery

Oct 1, 2013

I would like to know how to change the colors of the charts that Xara brings in the Design Gallery.

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Xara :: How To Control Colors Appear In Color Line That Scroll Across Bottom Of Window

Mar 13, 2012

How do I control which colors appear in the color line that scroll across the bottom of the window. The only colors that currently appear are shades of reds/purples and yellows/greens. If I scroll across from left to right the same colors just keep repeating themselves. There are no shades of gray or blue. Can I somehow preset the colors that appear or do I have no control over what colors scroll across the bottom.

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Xara :: Editing A Scanned Drawing Colors Using Shaped Color Fills And Transparencies

May 24, 2013

I am attempting to edit a scanned abstract drawing where many of the colors are similar, resulting in them printing as all the same shade of red. I am attempting to change some of the reds to have a greater degree of shading. I am aware that I can probably do this using masks and RGB tweaking; but it occurred to me that I can also use a drawn shape and color fill with transparency to change the shade. This worked very well; but it caused one problem I don't know how to solve.

The image I am editing is intended to be uploaded to a website named Zazzle that takes your artwork and puts it on their products. This includes anything from notecards to canvases, to clothing, to shoes, etc., etc. Customers browse the site to find products and images they like. I also have a free webpage on the site where I can promote the sale of these items with my artwork on them.

The image must be a high resolution preferably png file which can be resized greatly for the canvases or left as is for notecards and the like.

While experimenting with the size of my image, I discovered that the edits I performed stay the same size while the rest of the image increases. Is it possible to make the edited shapes part of the scanned image so they will increase and decrease with the rest of the image?

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Xara :: Too Many SWF Files?

Jul 5, 2011

every time I export my webpage out of Xara pro 7 it keeps exporting SWF files I have deleted and have been replaced. So instead of one SWF file in my index_htm_files I have 3, 2 of which I don't need. How do I stop this from happening.

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Illustrator :: Colors Drifting Between Files In CC

Feb 19, 2014

I do a lot of work for a client who's corporate look features Black, white & orange. To start with they sent me PDF's to work from, generated by another designer, and for their particular shade of orange I eyedropped it and it came in at 53% Magenta, 100% Yellow. I have been using this delightful shade of orange for all their print work and they are happy with the results.
Recently they have asked me to put together their exhibition stand, they sent me some actual logo files, .ai, .eps. .png, and when you open these files on screen the orange is exactly the same. But it says it's Pantone Orance 21c. BUT if I copy and paste the offending logo onto a new document it displays as an almost red type orange, but it still tells me its the same Pantone orange. Converting it makes no difference on screen. it seems to be simply that on screen it displays different.
If I convert the Pantone Orange to CMYK it says its 83% Magenta and 100% yellow. Not the same at all.if I convert the original logo .ai file to CMYK it converts it to my favourite 53% magenta, 100 % yellow.I know that I am the one failing here, failing to understand colour consistency, but I would be grateful for a simple explanation.
To summise why does Pantone Orance 21c convert to two different CMYK (one 53% Magenta & 100% Yellow and the other 83% magenta and 100% yellow) depending on which document I convert that colour to CMYK in?

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Illustrator :: Uploading Files - Colors Are All Off?

Mar 6, 2014

I am new to this program, but just designed something lovely. However, once I pull it into Photoshop, save it in the size and type of file I want, and then go to upload it to my website where I sell my prints, the colors are all off! Some don't show up at all, and the others have turned neon... what is happening? How do I fix this?

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Xara :: Exporting Files To Either JPG Or PNG

Feb 20, 2014

But I am having some issues in exporting Xara files to either JPG or PNG.

I am developing maps in Xara for use in an online program called Maptool. My current project is to vector a city built around a volcano so it has better detail than what it did in the original map. First off this is a very large map and I have to be able to zoom in use the standard scale of 5ft for use in Maptools (it is probably zoomed in to about 50ft for this).

1. What is the best format and settings to export a file so that when I zoom in real close (500% to 600% zoom) it doesn't look badly pixelated? I also want it to still have good visuals when I zoom it out to 15% to see the whole map (or most of it.

2. When I export the file as a PNG and open it in maptool to use it as a map some of the objects I placed on it in Xara have either moved slightly or changed size. I am not sure which yet but they look more re-sized than anything. Why and how do I stop this?

3.When I exported the map one time I noticed a building was missing from the original xara file. I went back to recreate it and it was still there, so I assumed I just didn't have it clicked when I exported it. That wasn't the case. The building shows up where I originally drew it but I can't edit or delete it. I can see it, but when I copy and paste or export it into another file the building isn't there.

4. Is it possible to change the units and size of the artboard after the project has been created and worked on for a few days? If so, how?

I tried to move my map project to a new file (after encountering the problem described in #3 above). The original settings were in pixels and is a very huge map. I set the new document in inches (or feet) but I couldn't make the artboard large enough to fit my project. I am not sure how to change from one measurement to another. When I did first save it in another file I could not edit the whole map as my limits are the new document size settings and my project is larger than those settings.

My current export settings are: True color + Alpha. I have removed all the transparency effects as they look horrible in the export so far.

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Xara :: Import EPS Files

Mar 10, 2011

Up until this morning I have been able to successfully import .eps files into Xara Pro Designer 6.

This morning, try as I might I am unable to open a new .eps file which has been sent to me.

All 'old' .eps files already on the system can be opened correctly. The artist sending me the files is not doing anything different at their end. I'm not doing anything different at my end.

To add to the confusion ... an .eps sent yesterday opened correctly. Today it does not and displays "Access violation exception at 0.09681E2C". I did 'tidy up' my folders so it's possible I may have messed up the directory for this one.

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Paint Shop Pro :: PEF Files Not Shown In Correct Colors

Feb 4, 2013

I have recently purchased a Pentax K-5 ii and am taking RAW images. Originally I took DNG images but when I saw that the new service pack issued on 31st January gave new support to Pentax K-5 ii RAW format, I thought I would record in PEF.

I did this but find that the images suffer a strange color reversal: Red is recorded as Blue; Green and Yellow as Cyan; Blue as Brown and Brown as Magenta. The images appear in their correct colors in other software and on the monitor in the camera.

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Photoshop :: Discrepancies Between Workspace Colors, And Saved Files

Apr 4, 2007

Im having some color discrepancies in ps cs2. The colors that i see on my workspace(psd) are different from the colors that appear when i save the image. Check the screen grab for an example. This effect is way more pronounced on my screen.

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Illustrator :: Two Files / Same Pantone Color - Onscreen Looks Like Two Different Colors?

Jun 24, 2011

Recently we have been having this issue at work, We have a line of packaging that uses the same pantone color (375 C). When we go to create a new document and use that same pantone the color onscreen looks more saturated then its predecessor. The only think I can think of is that I've upgrade to the pantone plus system but have since uninstalled and reinstalled the old color books. Both documents are in CMYK color space and both use the same ICC profile. I know it wont appear this way when printed but we make a lot of PDFs for approvals and the colors come out more saturated in the PDF as well. See sample image below.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Changing Colors Multiple Files?

Feb 6, 2014

I have about 300+ product labels that are in Illustrator, and some of them have an incorrect rich black color swatch. What I have been doing is going through and changing the color pallette to change them manually. Essentially going to the instance of black and changing them to regular black.
Is there any sort of script that can do this? The files are in CMYK.
Otherwise I have a lot of monotonous file editing to do.

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Xara :: Importing Large PDF Files?

Sep 7, 2011

I am using xara xtreme 4, i always used it to import large A1 size pdf files to resize them with xara on A4 page. I am trying to import now a 50 mb pdf file, after asking me if i need to optimize for editing i click import, it shows that it is converting the document then it asks me if i need to merge or insert to a new page i click merge and finally nothing shows on my sheet, still empty!

is there a better way to resize that pdf file?

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Xara :: Cannot Copy Import Files

Nov 5, 2013

X1: I have no clue what I might have done to cause this, but all of a sudden when I copy/paste or import a graphic it comes in empty with red dash line around what would be the graphic plus the handles. The files are JPGs and PNGs. Any clues?

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Xara :: PDF Export In Pro 7 - Cannot Open Files

Jun 25, 2011

Having problems with pdf export in Pro 7. People are telling me that they can't open the files.

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