Xara :: Blending - How To Ungroup

Feb 27, 2014

I have created 2 boxes. One filled with light green color and one filled with the darkest green color.I then select the blend tool, clicking on the boxes and then select to have a total of 50 steps.The blend tool does it work, creates a total of 50 boxes that goes from light green to dark green.

Now I need to "ungroup" the boxes into 50 separete boxes, everyone with it's special tone of green.I don't know if I have missed something, but for me I can't do that.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Cannot Ungroup Set Of Objects

Sep 4, 2013

We have created a simple label and grouped several components in CorelDraw X5.  Now we cannot ungroup the components.  When we right-click the group, the options to group or ungroup are dimmed.  The result is the same when right-clicking on the group in the object manager docker.

Perhaps related, is the fact we cannot select the components of the group from the object manager docker.  We can select the group, but none of the individual components in the group.  None of the layers is 'Locked' in the object manager docker so we should be able to edit them.

What might be preventing us from accessing the ungroup option for a group?

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Illustrator :: How To Ungroup Several Layers

Feb 5, 2013

How do you Un Group several layers in Illustrator? My drawing had layers of information but now is frozen as one and I can't access or change the individual elements within the layers panel or dby picking them in the drawing.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: UnGroup A Control Group?

Jan 17, 2013

I have a dwg showing both sides of a dinette. One side ("Left Booth") was grouped & then duplicated. The duplicate ("Right Booth") was mirrored and moved to the other side. I "UnGrouped" the duplicate ("Right Booth" - not shown in the attached clip), but I can not UnGroup the original "Left Booth" grouping. The original grouping has NO special effects (drop shadow, etc.), simply a group of lines, curves and rectangles. I can't find any "attachment" between the two.

How can I ungroup the "Left Booth" group?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Ungroup To Separate Pages

Oct 30, 2013

I would like to split - ungroup an object and than put every part to a separate page ( need to export it to PDF after ). Since there are a lot of parts I would like to know if there is a quicker way, a macro ore something, to do this automatically. 

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Ungroup Control Group?

Jul 10, 2008

 i have 63 grouped objects - some of which include artistic text.  I have worked with CD for a while now and have never had this happen. what have i done??

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Ungroup Multiple Groups

Aug 28, 2013

Using LT 2014. If I select a few lines and group them, I can select that group, right click, and ungroup them. No problem.

If I group a few lines, then make another group of a few lines, then group the two groups together, then the right click menu will no longer allow me to choose ungroup. Also on the ribbon, the ungroup icon will not operate.

Before this I had LT 2011 (and before that) and I was able to group/ungroup multiple grouped objects at will. So this appears to be a glitch that was introduced since then.

How do I ungroup multiple groups?

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AutoCad 2D :: Group And Ungroup Of Items?

Jan 18, 2014

currently I am using autocad 2011. I have worked in the past on autocad 2012. in the 2012 version was a function available to "group" or "ungroup" items. in the 2011 version I can not find the function. was is something they add on in the newer version or do I just overlook it somewhere?

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Illustrator :: Divide AND Ungroup In Action?

Nov 21, 2013

In CS5, I created a very handy action that allowed me to, with two paths selected, Divide, Ungroup, and Deselect, resulting in the divided paths without having to do each step manually.
In CS6, for some reason this is no longer possible-- if I try to record the same action, after the divide, everything is automatically deselected and I get a "The object "Ungroup" is not currently available" error. Very frustrating that the new version is more troublesome to use!!
I KNOW that it's possible to do this because I was somehow able to fudge it at one point and get this action to work. But I'm not sure what happened-- maybe a step was deleted in my action or something-- but one day it just stopped working. This action is basically THE function I use most in Illustrator given the way I work, and while it's not a huge step, having to manually reclick, ungroup, and deselect is a huge inconvenience.

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Revit :: Can't Load Family - Ungroup Error

Jan 29, 2014

I have placed showers within various apartments. These apartments are groups. I have made a change to the family, (realigned a reference plane to be equal between two points). Now I reload the family into the project and no matter what I try, I cannot load it into the project without getting the ungroup error. 
Prior to the warning, it states i need to delete a number of dimension references. Which I allow, then the group error appears telling me I still have constraint problems. 
I thought it would be fine to dimension to families in groups, but it appears their is the potential for problems. 

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 Ungroup Accept Button

Jul 24, 2013

I am running LT 2013. I have the Group Ribbon turned on and use it constantly. Until recently, whenever I would select the "Ungroup" button on the ribbon, a box would appear below the ribbon with a couple of button choices, "Accept" or something else.

I was looking at the shortcut list a couple of weeks ago, and went to turn off the command line (ctrl+9), and apparently entered the wrong command. In trying to undo my error, I probably entered some other commands, of which I have no idea what was entered. As a result, My "Ungroup" "Accept" button no longer shows up.

I know I just turned off a setting. But, I have been through the "Shortcut Key" list and I can't find it. I've been through the listings with AutoCAD LT 2013, and I have looked through the forums to no avail. And turthfully,, there are other text readouts that I used to get when doing a command that seem to be missing too. However, for now, I'd like getting the "Ungroup" "Accept" button turnd back on. I'll worry about the other ones later.

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Illustrator :: Graphic (Logo) Grouped In AI - How To Ungroup

Jan 5, 2014

I have a small graphic (logo) 'grouped' (in .ai) and it won't 'ungroup'? Never happened b4.  ???

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Illustrator :: How To Ungroup Or Expand A Pie Chart In Adobe CS6

Mar 15, 2013

How do you ungroup or expand a pie chart in Adobe Illustrator CS6? This functionality seems to have been removed. Say I'd like to remove the legend: before, I could ungroup the chart, release its link to the data, and then delete the legend with my white mouse. Object > Expand no longer works either.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Ungroup IParts In Parts List

Mar 1, 2013

If I create a parts list as a parts only list it groups all my ipart members into one single entry, but if I use the legacy option it shows them all separately. 

How can I split this out in the standard parts only parts list? 

Inventor 2013

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3ds Max :: Animated Cameras - Original Movement Changed When Ungroup

Aug 29, 2012

I created a file from revit, imported in 3ds max and created animated cameras. I needed to change location in my 3d space of every element so in order to do that I had to group the objects of the scene, rotating and moving them from point A to point B, cameras included.

The problem now is that, if I ungroup my cameras their original movement has changed. I need to keep the original path and I'm trying to avoid rebuilding the cameras. Is there a way to do that?

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Illustrator :: Ungroup And Change PS Spot Color Channels?

Oct 22, 2013

In illustrator, how do you change a photoshop spot color channel that has been imported into illustrator. Ever since Illustrator CS2 you could import a psd into Illustrator and you could ungroup the channels and change the colors. How do you do that in CS3-6? I have been trying to figure this out for years. My old computer with Illustrator 10 is about to die and so will my ability to do what I descried above.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Ungroup Or Unmask Imported Group (VBS)

Sep 3, 2012

In vbs, I import a illustrator file with this way

Set importedGroup = appRef.ActiveDocument.GroupItems.CreateFromFile(dest)

after i duplicate them

Set dupItem = importedGroup.Duplicate(newGroup, aiPlaceAfter)

but i don't know how to "ungroup" or "unmask" the importedGroup?
I have looking to use clipped but it seems to not working.

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Illustrator :: Can't Release Clipping Path / Can't Ungroup Objects

Jul 18, 2013

I'm working with another artists's file, and I can't seem to release the clipping mask he created. When I try, I get an error message that says, "Can't ungroup the objects." I've tried releasing Compound Paths, but I get the same message.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Cannot Ungroup Objects - Option Greyed Out

Dec 4, 2013

I can't ungroup objects.  This option has been greyed out.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Ungroup All Groups On Active Layer (JavaScript)?

Mar 5, 2013

How one would go about ungrouping all groups on an active layer with JavaScript?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Ungroup All Groups Then Create A Single Group?

Jul 30, 2013

I'm having trouble getting a script together where I can ungroup all groups in a document, then put everything under a single group. Everyhting I'm working with has a single layer, but for some of the arts I'm importing have groups within groups ect. To run certain actions I've made properly after I need eveything to be in one, single group.
I searched for an answer and found this (wirtten by Carlos Canto)
function ungroup(whereToUngroup, group) // where to ungroup? layer, document, other group?
for (i=group.pageItems.length-1; i>=0; i--)
group.pageItems[i].move(whereToUngroup, ElementPlacement.PLACEATBEGINNING);
But I'm having trouble getting it to work.

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Illustrator :: Releasing Masked Images - Unable To Ungroup What Had Been Masked

Sep 29, 2012

Sometimes when I mask an image - or actually - mask a group of several complex images, when I release the mask it is impossible to ungroup the images. Is there a way to make masked groups but then not have that happen?

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InDesign :: RTF / Ungroup Imported Text Boxes From Parent Text Box

Apr 3, 2014

I have hundreds of diagrams in Microsoft word that need importing to Indesign. I have imported the illustration part of the diagrams via Illustrator but i now need to bring in the diagrams' text labelling.
The diagrams have a lot of text labels which each appear in their own text box, but if I save the .doc as an rtf and import it into InDesign, it imports all my individual textboxes into 1 large textbox which I can't seem to separate them from.
If I select one of my labels in Indesign and copy and paste it, it is now a separate text box - great, but InDesign won't let me select multiple text boxes within it's large text box and it just is not feasible for me to be selecting each box individually to cut and paste it.
Edit: Each individual text box (within the large textbox they have been imported into) appears to have been anchored on import. If I release the anchor this does what I need in the same way as cutting and pasting, but again, indesign won't let me select more than one and it would take far too long to select each box individually to release it. So I guess I'm either asking for a different import methos, or a way to select multiple textboxes that have been imported into a single text box.

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Photoshop Elements :: Ungroup Different Text And Graphic Elements In 9?

Mar 13, 2013

How do I ungroup different text and graphic elements in Elements 9?

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Photoshop :: Blending

Jul 26, 2005

I'm working on this illustration and can't figure out how to do what I'm thinking. Looking at the attached image, the two colors signify the shallow outer edge of the pond and the darker part is the deep section. What would be the best way to blend them together? If the pond was round or at least square I could use a gradient, but that doesn't work in this case (at least using my limited knowledge). I'm using PS7 by the way.

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Photoshop :: Blending

Apr 2, 2009

I have an image I wish to extend from width 800px to width 1024px and possibly beyond this width. I would like to extend the grass on either side of the image to get the required width but Im not sure how to blend the grass to make the image look like a natural shot, how can this be achieved or can anyone help?

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Photoshop :: Blending

May 3, 2006

way to cut out my pics and blend them together.

I currently use the magnetic lasso and then feather it to 1.

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Photoshop :: Blending

Aug 1, 2007

I'm trying to blend a skin tone. Basically I have this picture of me and my friend, but somehow the film or something got screwed up and threw this white smudge/ color deformation on my face. I want to take it out and blend my skin color over it. I guess it would be just like replacing a bird in the sky, with the sky... if that makes sense. Im sure its easy, im just half way retarded. I tried searching the forum first and I tried some of the tips, but for some reason, I just cant get it to work.

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Photoshop :: Blending Layers In CS5

May 7, 2012

I recently downloaded the trial version of Photoshop Cs5. I haven't had many problems and I like it a lot except for ONE thing! I cannot figure out how to blend layers! When I upload my first layer (my image) it shows in the layers palette.  But when I upload my second layer (texture) it not only jumps on top of my first layer in the layers palette, but it ALSO jumps on top of my first layer (the image) in the work area.  I have watched a lot of the Photoshop tutorials and I've noticed that when they upload their second layer it shows SEPARATELY from the first image in the work area. 

They then click on the second layer and drag it over onto the first layer and then they are ready to start working on blending. For the fact that my second layer jumps on top of my first layer in the work area like it does, I am not able to follow along with the tutorials!  I have also tried and tried to figure out how to manage to blend by trying lots of techniques and options in the program but nothing will work. 

I use textures and depend on blending A LOT with my editing so this has been very discouraging!  I have used other editing programs and usually with them, after you duplicate your first layer and then upload another you are able to blend with no problem.  So I do not understand this at all!  You can even blend with no problem by duplicating your first layer in Photoshop Elements 10.

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Photoshop :: Blending A Face Into The Sky

Mar 3, 2012

I need to make a picture of a person's face blend seamlessly into the sky. The below shows you what I mean. At the moment the Kenyan Warrior's face has harsh edges and doesn't look properly blended in. My very limited Photoshop ability had me placing an inner glow and bevel and gloss to get something close to what I want, however I suspect the real tool I need for this is completely unknown to me!

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Photoshop :: CS6 Blending Modes?

Nov 11, 2012

I have Photoshop CS6, and I just got a Windows 8 computer a couple days ago. I just now have realized that the Screen and Linear Dodge (Add) blending modes are not working at all. They have no effect on my layers. I know that the Overlay blending mode works... I haven't tested all of them.

I understand that others are having problems with Photoshop and Windows 8. Is this a related problem, or is it unrelated and is it something that needs to somehow be fixed?

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