Just purchased a Nikon P500 and had / have to create a short video. The *.MOV files (I've tried everything from VGA to 1080p) will import into X2, but kill the app when I try outputting to any file type / format; I cannot even write to an audio file.
Nikon is next, then Adobe, but I can write the MOV file to a DVD and the files open in QuickTime and Media Player.
I was import some file off my Nikon D600, then I changed destination subfolder and sudden LR4.4 won't import my D600 NEF raw files. The more I use this product the more dis-enchanted I become with it.
just bought the Nikon D5200 and i always shot in RAW but have now found after my first shot with the new camera that Lightroom 4.3 wont support Raw Files from this camera
I am unable to read teh NEF files from my Nikon D600 in Elements 9, I have tried installing patches to get this working. Â I then tried installing a trial of Elements 11 but still no joy.
My Elements 11 is unable to open Nikon 7100 NEF (raw) files athat open correctly with Nikon View NX2. Adobe download website doesn't contain Camera Raw fix after 2012 prior to 7100 introduction. How do I add correct plug-in?
I've been trying to figure this out for over a week since I got my D800 and am not making any progress. I am using LightRoom 4.1 and Adobe Camera Raw 7.1 on a Mac OS X v10.6.8.  I read that I need ACR 6.7 in order to recognize the D800 NEF files, but I don't know how to remove 7.1. I tried deleting ACR from my .library folder and reinstalling 6.7 but it still says it's 7.1 when I open up LR4.1 again. Also, I only have Photoshop CS5 and I read that 7.1 supports the D800 NEF files in CS6 only.  On a probably unrelated note, I bought the educational version of LR4 and when I go back to my email that contained the download link, it shows a blank page on "My Orders" even though I've purchased this and other educational versions from Adobe in the last few years. I got the LR4.1 download file and reinstalled after removing the release candidate I was checking out, but wasn't prompted for my registration code that was in my purchase email.
How can I find out what version of Camera RAW my PSE10 is currently using and how can I get an edition which will support this. Strangely enough I also have Lightroom 4.3 on same PC and it does import NEF from D600, but I want to be able to bring them directly into PSE10 as well. Â PS - My PC is a Windows 7 64 bit operating system
Why cant I import my Nikon D800E NEF files in LR 4.3 - just started recently -I have been doing the same thing for months and never had a problem. "unable to copy a file to location"
I have a Samsung Captivate and it records video as .3GP files. I can't import this file to VideoStudio X3. I did the latest "Patch" and I'm running version Shouldn't I be able to import these videos?
I've a large number of DV AVI (Type 2) files I've edited several times using VS. But in the last couple of days X3 has stopped loading them into the project timeline. I suspect I have inadvertently deleted, or unlinked, the Type 2 codec. Strangely, the files play OK with Media Player, it's just X3 that's refusing to work! I've reinstalled X3 but that's not made any difference. How do I identify the codecs available?
I've encountered an issue regarding opening FLV. or AVI file extensions. AVI files - Whenever I try to open AVI files in Corel VideoStudio X5 Pro I get an error message saying "so and so file is not accessible" and then a second message replies: "These files cannot be added to the project. These files may of unknown file format, the computer does have enough memory, or the file is copyright protected."
Here's the information on said file.
Video Size: 19.3 MB (19,844 KB / 20,320,402 b
File Length Correct DivX Style "packed bitstream" AVI OpenDML (AVI v2.0) Interleave: 989 ms (24.7 v.frames), preload=1536 Audio frames: Split across interleaves Video: 18.5 MB (95.93%) Audio: 625 KB (3.15%) AVI Overhead: 181 KB (0.92%)
I just installed Ulead VideoStudio 10 on Windows 7 and am having problem viewing .avi files even the sample ones with the installation, also the audio is not working. everything works fine on Windows XP. Is there a patch or Ulead VideoStudio 10 is not compatible with Windows 7?
I first tried capturing the video from a Sony camcorder but VS keeps freezng up on "change field order". So then I just downloaded the files to my computer and tried to load them that way. But the program does not see MTS files in the folder.
Deleting files and saving files brings up an error message. Files can't be deleted from lightroom which makes editing a nightmare. Also Saving Files (raw of jpeg), brings up an error message everytime.
I have found support for Nikon D800 NEF files incomplete in Lightroom 4 with ACR 7.0. Â NEF files created by the camera in 16:9 mode using the shutter release set to take stills (setting g4) cannot be previewed or imported in LR 4. Â Setting g4 and the 16:9 mode are discussed in the Nikon D800/D800E User Guide on pages 324 and 68 respectively. Â Photoshop with ACR 7.1 beta seems to be able to open these files.
Having failed to open a Raw file from my new Nikon D600 I have down loaded the trial of elements 11 but this still does not open the file.I have seen that update 7.3 is needed and that I need to go to update to select it.
I recently upgraded to the Nikon D600. With that, I’m unable to open RAW images in the programs that I currently have (PS Elements 9). Does Photoshop Elements 11 have the correct software (Camera Raw 7 and higher)? Or will I need to get the full version Photoshop CS6?
I have recently replaced my hard disk on my i Mac and having installed CS3 plus Mountain Lion operating system it appears that CS3 no longer reads the Nikon raw (NEFF) files. It was all right before I re-installed everything on my new disk and worked perfectly so the systems are compatible with the raw files.
This discussion is actually a follow on to an earlier one where I thought the issue was resolved. I am using CS5 extended 64 bit with WIN 7 64bit and ACR version 6.7.
I verified the ACR version checking for updates and was informed I am up to date. According to the ADOBE site ACR v 6.7 is available to open Nikon D800e raw files. However when I try and open these raw files there is a message that the camera model is not supported.
I am planning to buy a Nikon D800e, and I am told that NEF files from this model are not supported with ACR and CS5. Is this correct and is there a workaround?
I could not open RAW files from my Nikon D90 (saved as NEF files). So I just bought CS4 upgrade to see if I could overcome the problem. No luck. I also downloaded Camera Raw I can see the file metadata -- showing that the files are NEF. But whenever I try to open one, I get the message:Â "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document." Â This is the same message I got before when using CS2. I cannot attach an example NEF file because they are too large --- but tell me where to send one if needed...