Premiere Pro :: Edit Title Style After Its Applied Multiple Times In A Project?
Jan 5, 2014
If I create a new title template and apply it 30 times inside a project and the client comes back and says they want a different font and color, is it possible to edit the title styles globally yet have the text content remain unchanged?
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Jan 13, 2014
I am working on a feature length film which has 48 sequences with subclips and rough cuts created in Prelude. Now I want to start bringing this footage into Premiere for editing, but I am wondering is there benefits or drawbacks to creating a Premiere project for each sequence then merging them all together in one master project file after finished working on each sequence?
I'm trying to determine which way would be the easiest to keep things organized and not so overwhelming.
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Nov 28, 2012
I've completed my drawing (Autocad architectural 2012) and set-up my multiple view-ports (at 1:50 and 1:5 scale) on my title-block.
I'm now going to add my text and dimensions im model space....and that's when the problems start!
I've created text and dimensions in annotative style.
The issue I have is when I change annotation scale from 1:50 to 1:5 my text and dimensions in model space automatically changes (as can be seen on attachment) to a huge scale but is perfect in layout view for differing scales.
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Jan 7, 2014
Re: Adobe Master Suite CS6 and specifically PPro CS6. I am trying to find any information on using my chapter or encore markers in a sequence to create multiple videos using the markers and doing this in Media Encoder. It is a music video I want to split into 22 separate videos based on the start point for each song. It is such a natural thing to want to do this that I would at least have expected to see a comment to the contrary if it is not capable of being done in the manner I am suggesting. I would expect to be able to do a dynamic link to the sequence and be able to split the file in a fashion similar to Encore which imports the sequence as a series of chapter points I then use to create my DVD.
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Jan 6, 2014
I'm doing subtitles for a documentary, and find myself wanting to change the font style in many clips at times. I know, I could start with a prefect template and copy that one over sequences, but in practice I find that you end up changing your mind mid-way about the specifics.
Coming from FCP, I remember there was a way to do this via an XML readout of the sequence (doing a "find and replace" query). Is there anything similar in PP? Or maybe even easier? An extension?
Anything that let me avoid clicking on hundreds of clips to change the style individually.
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Feb 28, 2014
I'm having trouble figuring out how to edit multiple audio tracks. I put the clip on the timeline and I can hear both tracks but there is only one audio track showing. How do I seperate the tracks?
One track is from a rhodes external mic with phantom power using XLR. The other is from a powered lavalier mic attached by XLR. Is there something I have to do in project set up?
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Sep 10, 2012
Any method when in the Library module to quickly edit the Title and Caption per image without having to use the mouse to click in the Title box each time. For instance - my current workflow is a bunch of products with their own SKU titles. Usually I would follow this step:
1. Import images from Camera -> Lightroom
2. Open Library and click on first image, select the Title field and enter the SKU (for instance : HG4356)
3. Now I would click in Title and type in "PROFILE" or "TOP" or "SIDE"
4. I would then use the right hand key on the keyboard to move to the next image in my filmstrip and then have to use the mouse to click into the Title field again.
5. Once all these images are completey named, I select them all and then select Library -> Rename Photos and use the Title_Caption as my fields and rename all my files to the correct SKU names.
I can usually automate option 3 somewhat by selecting all the PROFILE views and doing a sync etc... but the SKU section gets a bit tedious when having to mouse click each time into the field. Ideally, I would like a "Naming" feature where it asks for the name, upon typing it in and pressing enter, it jumps to the next image, into the same field and you can start typing again.
I know its sounds a bit lazy - but when you have over a 1000+ images to rename - it does take its time - and anything to speed up this process.
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Sep 1, 2011
I have this script that basically makes a shape expand by adding an outline, conveting the outline to an object, and then welding the whole thing together.
I have the script set to execute with hotkey ctrl+numpad+
The odd thing is, when I run it once, it seems to work fine and only one object is left, but when I hold down ctrl and press numoad+ over and over again, it seems to produce a new copy of the object everytime.
I'm not sure why this is happening, but I need to get it to stop.
Sub Expand() EventsEnabled = False 'Dim vars Dim c1 As New Color Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange Dim OrigColor As Shape Dim width1 As Double Dim height1 As Double Dim minSize As Double Dim Thickness As Double 'copy color of current selection Set OrigColor = ActiveShape If OrigColor Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If OrigColor.Fill.Type <> cdrUniformFill Then Exit Sub c1.CopyAssign OrigColor.Fill.UniformColor 'get thickness to increase by Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange OrigSelection.GetSize width1, height1 If width1 <= height1 Then minSize = width1 If width1 > height1 Then minSize = height1 Thickness = minSize * 0.035 OrigSelection.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 0) OrigSelection.SetOutlineProperties Thickness, ScaleWithShape:=True 'weld Dim s1 As Shape Set s1 = OrigSelection(1).Outline.ConvertToObject Dim s2 As Shape Set s2 = s1.Weld(OrigSelection(1), True, True) 'auto reduce 's2.Curve.Nodes.All.AutoReduce 0.001 's2.Fill.ApplyUniformFill c1 'delete remnants OrigSelection.Delete s1.Delete 'OrigColor.Delete EventsEnabled = TrueEnd Sub
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Apr 16, 2014
i have a certain tv-promo-project where i have to render several comps which all include the same amount of text and just a hand full of additional graphic elements, e.g. a lensflare and a glowing line which separats the text blocks.
The text of the specific promo-comps are read out of a "main text comp" by expressions. The expression is as follows:
txt = comp("Master Textkomposition").layer("Textebene").text.sourceText;
The rendertimes of the project are constantly slowing down as the render queue and the process goes on. The first comp takes about 8 Minutes to render (it is only 10 sec long) and the second already 20 min, where the third comp reaches like 2 hours of render time. I also recognized that even the preview in the timeline is really slow, although the used effects are usually not that performance heavy.
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Feb 15, 2014
i have recently brought a new computer (very powerful) for the things i want to do, as i am also posting this you can tell i make alot of videos as well.
Here are my computer specs:
intel core i7 quad core 3.70ghz
16gb beast ram 2400mhz
4gb amd radeon r9 290 graphics card
asus SSD writes @ 830mb/rs
At the moment i am exporting a video which is 1hour and 20 minutes long and have manged to get the export time down to 30-40minutes
I have always been trying to figuring out how to get faster exporting times for a long time now, is it dependant on the sequance settings as well?
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Mar 17, 2014
My specs are
CPU: i7 4820k 4.4ghz
GPU: 4gb radeon r9 290 200 series
RAM: 16gb 2400MHZ
SSD: ASUS writes at 840/mbs
OS: Windows 8.1 64 bit
Using CS6
Taking like 15 mins to export a 374mb video
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Feb 2, 2013
I am working with font "not a free one" and it has a problem that I can not take its style with the eye dropper,
it only gives the same font name but the shape of font did not applied
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Jan 13, 2014
I want to take a sequence that I had in an old project and put it into a current project, but I dont want it to be one rendered file... i still want too see the fades and make changes to it...
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Mar 28, 2013
Copying an element which has a graphic style applied now breaks apart the style into individual elements if the style is applied to text, the text is outlined too. This never use to happen. Have tried changing the paste board setting but this changes nothing.
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Apr 1, 2014
I have a project in which I need to do a 3 or 4-way split screen. While it's easy to set that up and position them at the right places, I cannot seem to find a way with which I could change the scale of the video with an Image Matte applied without changing that of the Matte as well. I can use offset and push the video around "underneath", so to speak, but I would love to be able to scale that video underneath as well. I know that could be done with a layer on top obscuring the video below but I find that rather cumbersome, especially with 4-way or more, adding quite a few more layers.
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Dec 21, 2005
how i edit them at the same time like it works with linking 2 layers?
or how i apply one layer style to multiple layers is also ok...
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Jan 2, 2014
i´m having a problem opening a premiere pro cs6 project from another computer. My partner can open the project in her computer, but when she sends me the project by mail and i try to open it in my computer i I get t the mesasage " Cannot load project". I´ve tried importing the project into another project but it doesn´t work.
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Dec 20, 2013
I've had this problem since switching over to Premiere, and continue to have it since upgrading from CS6 to CC. I can't believe this is actually how Premiere is supposed to work. It's a global thing, not specific to a single project. But I'll use my current project as an example:
I have about 4 hours of media, mostly P2 Avc-Intra, with some R3D as well. Total number of media clips: around 2600.Every time I open the project, it takes a thoroughly horrific amount of time for the media to finish loading (as evidenced by the "Loaded" status message at the bottom of the screen, and the "Media Pending" screen display on still-pending clips). On this particular project, for example, it takes 12 minutes for the media to finish loading. It doesn't take many crashes or reboots per day before the re-loading process eats up a significant chunk of my billable hours.
I've tried having the media cache in the internal drive/Adobe/Common directory, and I've deleted that and set the media cache for the external Thunderbolt media RAID. Same results either way.
System specs: OS 10.7.5 iMac 2.7 GHz Core i5 20 GB RAM P Pro 7.1.0 (though, as I said, it has been like this in CS6 as well)RADEON 6770M
Hardware Mercury acceleration is not an option (grayed out), so that's turned off.Results are the same regardless of whether I have the RED Rocket card connected.
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Jan 8, 2014
In a project i'm working on I have two large jpegs with a small zoom scaling effect. Going from 100 to 103 percent.
I've noticed that both Adobe Media Encoder and Premiere Pro experience a heavy slow down in render time as soon as the jpegs have to be rendered. Not only does the render speed almost come to a halt, the complete system lags very heavy, even the mouse cursor won't respond well.
This happens when i have GPU acceleration enabled and when i do a 2 pass H264 encoding. When I have the GPU acceleration disabled the render goes very smooth, and doesn't seem to slow down...
The jpeg is 4023 x 2677, and 6,97 MB large.
Scaling the jpeg down to about 1920x1080 in Photoshop and put that one in the timeline made the render go a lot faster.
I understand that a large picture takes a bit more time to be rendered, but we're talking about a 10minute render whit the large jpeg file and a 2 minute render with the jpeg resized. The total time of the two jpegs in the video is 5 seconds in a 3 minutes video. So, that made me think that the render times are exponentially long.
Is this considered normal, I can't remember having such big differences in CS5.
My system:
Premiere Pro CC (latest)
i7 4930K
2xGTX480Footage and project on a Raid0 disk
Previews/Cache on a Raid0 diskSystem and Premiere on SSD
Render to a single 7200 rpm drive.
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Jan 8, 2012
Can I use "edit in" in Lightroom to move video clips to premier or premier elements to edit them?
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May 4, 2011
After applying drop shadow to a text, I find no direct way to edit the text without removing the drop shadow. I've tried the text tool, Ctrl-Click, Alt-Click, Shift-Click, etc, maybe I missed something.
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Sep 25, 2012
Using PS CS6 on WIndows 7 64. All drivers updated. When I set 5 copies in the print menu, with either PSDs, TIFFs, or JPGs, PS sends the same job five times rather than telling the printer to just make 5 copies.
This happens when using either the color laser or Epson R3000. This does NOT happen when using non-CS6 products. On a 25 print run, this takes an abnormally long time.What I HAVE found is that PS is NOT passing the information to the printer. In other words, even though I set PS to multiple copies, when I click printer options the number of copies has not been passed to the driver.
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Feb 14, 2013
I'm trying to apply an opacity mask to multiple layers (which happen to be contained within a Layer Mask). When I make the Opacity Mask, it takes all of the stuff on different layers and compresses them to a single layer (see attached images). I would like to keep the data on their assigned layers for later editing. I've done this before, but I have a feeling I have a setting or pref de-selected somewhere. Could the layer mask be the culprit?
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Nov 22, 2013
I'm copying 1 object, multiple times. Yes I know how to multiple copy.
The problem is this.
The object I'm copying will have varying distances between each copy e.g. , 50, 100, 90, 150, 140, 100, 190 so on and so forth.
Is there a way in LT to copy relative to the last object placed?
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Jul 6, 2012
Is there a way to flip face multiple times? I have lots of composite window in the external wall of my model which someone has placed the wrong way round, at the moment I’m just flipping one window at a time.
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Apr 22, 2013
I want to put multiple people in the scene. So I'm trying to import people.fbx into the scene. It succeed at the first time. I grouped the meshes and skeleton and name it in name people1. But I can't import the same people.fbx again. Is there any way to import one .fbx into the scene for multiple times?
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Apr 2, 2014
I'm getting the same file opening multiple (20-30 times)try closing and it just keeps opening new copiesHave to force quit in the end
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Aug 8, 2011
I'm using Autodesk Map 3D 2006, it's a new install. I am trying to import an ESRI .shp file with the object data, but have only been able to successfully import it once. When I try again (even after restarting the program), I keep getting 0 objects processed and no linework imported, even with new drawings. I also got 2 error messages at one point: 1900 - about having coincident points and a can't transform object error.
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Dec 2, 2013
I have an issue where an addin loads once the first time Inventor is opened. If the addin is unloaded and reloaded via the Addins dialog and no documents are open it loads once. If the addin is reloaded while a file is open is reloads twice.
I came to the conclusion it is loading multiple times because the it seems to go through the Activation method of the addin twice. When is the Activation method called during loading an addin?
Inventor Addins
FlowTools for Inventor
ilxButton Panel (Buttons for iLogic Rules)
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Jul 15, 2011
I have a SelectionAdded event handler that reacts three times when selecing a single block and once when deselecting it.
If there are two blocks in the drawing but only selected one it reacts 5 or 6 times.
And it reacts every time I pass the mouse over the selected block.
Is there any way to sidestep the events in the handler so that AutoCAD doesn't grind to a halt if I have multiple blocks in the drawing. And decide to move my mouse over all of them?
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Jul 11, 2013
A drawing that is in Vault, it asks if you want to check it out, and if you say no (like if you just need to print it), it opens it then asks you again if you want to check it out? Did it not get the hint the first time?
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