Premiere Pro :: Audio In Nested Sequences
Mar 23, 2014
I'm making a video with Premiere Pro CS5.0 in Windows 8.1, from footage from an HD camcorder with a 5.1 microphone. When I make the basic sequences, the 5.1 sound is preserved. My New Sequence Settings include: Master track type:5.1, Mono tracks:0, Stereo tracks:0, 5.1 tracks:1, Submix tracks: all zero.
However, when I create a Master sequence (same settings) and drop a basic sequence onto it, the sound appears onto a new Audio 2 Stereo track, although the initial Audio 1 and Master tracks are showing as 5.1.
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Dec 24, 2013
Have reinstalled Premiere Pro 6.0.5 because I cannot drag Audio Transitions or Effects to any Timeline sequences in my Projects. Have tried modifier keys, but to no avail.
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Jan 2, 2012
I have used VideoStudio 11 happily for some time now but when I recently captured a HDV video in the DV format I found that the audio in some of the sequences plays back normally BUT some does not play back at all or only at a very very low level. The audio on the original tape is fine and I can see the audio waveform on the sequences that don't play back.
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Jan 19, 2014
My timeline (no sequences). It does not have columns on the left handside. It does not have a slider on the bottom of the box. It is useless.
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Dec 7, 2013
I notice red cursor jumping back and forth as I play to edit in open project - did not do this before.What can I do?
i recently dragged the Premiere pro cc icon to my apps folder - could this have introduced a time /rendering delay?I think the sound has also become lower!
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Feb 11, 2014
I recorded video on a Black Magic Cinema Camera (BMCC), which has legendary video quality but an awful on-camera microphone with tinny recording process, and recorded audio on a Zoom H6 which has great low-noise, more bits and greater sampling rate capability.
In Premiere I made a Sequence containing the video footage, then added the H6 audio and synchronized it by waveform to the BMCC's audio, which I subsequently muted. I call this a Source-Sequence, as it is intended as a virtual source media item, to be cut into one or more Edit-Sequences (my term).
Not "holding my breath" but trying it anyway, in Premiere's Project/Bin pane, I selected that source-sequence then did RightClick > Analyze Content. Teasingly, that option was not greyed-out. However all options in the the resulting popup-dialog were greyed-out.
In this situation, to be useful, the speech analysis would need to be available to Sequences, not just to (Master) Clips. Obviously one could render such a sequence to intermediate but that would waste time and disk space and would essentially freeze the state of the Source (e.g. including any sync issues that might be discovered later, or whole-source color corrections issues etc.). If one subsequently altered that state, a re-render, re-link and re-analysis would be required. If a Souce-Sequence were used instead, and no alteration had been made to the audio (or if user indicated "don't care"), then there would in principle be no need for re-analysis.
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Feb 3, 2014
We are working in a shared storage environment with 4 editors runnig Premiere Pro CC. We set up a Master Project with all the raw media, then split it between 2 editors to sync and create rough assemblies. Afterwards, we need to import the assembly sequences into the master project. I select a bin, Import a project file, select "Selected Sequences", Dynamic Link shows that it's connected to the project, then it takes 10+ minutes (I wish this were an exaggeration) to "load" to project so that I can choose the sequence(s) I want to import. This is even more frustrating when I import a sequence and it brings in duplicate Master Clips, forcing me to go back to the project and figure out what has change with the interpretation of the clips. Is there any way to speed this process up? Projects contain 5000 - 10,000 media elements.
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Feb 16, 2013
If I create multiple sequences within a project, and 'reset current workspace', only the sequence tab currently selected will remain (at least, this is the case when I save and reopen the project). I tend to sync video and audio on the timeline in one sequence, and build an edited scene in another, so I lose either the synced rushes or the scene-in-progress.
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Apr 11, 2014
Any way to generate a date created field for sequences ala Avid?
I find a lot of date metadata fields but none of them work for sequences. Im in 7.2.1
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Dec 17, 2013
We have an iMac workstation here running Premiere that will not open projects or import clips. Here's the sequence of events that led to this:
1. Premiere was locking up on the splash screen whenever it got to "ImporterQuicktime.bundle". I tried trashing preferences and launching with plug-ins disabled and received the same freeze. Based on forum recommendations I removed "ImporterQuicktime.bundle" and "ExporterQuickTimeHost.bundle" from the plug-ins folder inside the package. The software launched fine - but none of the Quicktime files in the project were working. So I then took copies of the above 2 files from the iMac next to this one, with the exact same configuration, and pasted them into the plug-ins folder. Since then - launching the software has generated the below errors.
2. Attempting to open any project gives a long error that starts as: The preset used by one or more sequences in this project requires third-party components that could not be located.
3. Starting a new project and attempting to drag any Quicktime ProRes media into the project gives the error: File Format not supported.
I have trashed the preferences, re-installed the Pro Apps Quicktime Codecs, de-authorized the computer and re-authorized it, and upgraded Adobe Premiere from 7.0 to 7.2. None of which fixed the issue.
I'm thinking about trying a complete re-install of Premiere next.
Here's the details:
Premiere Pro CC 7.2
Mac OS 10.8.5
iMac late 2012 model, 32Gb RAM, 2Gb video card
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Aug 7, 2013
Behavior that I'm used to in both AE and FCP: When I double click the nested sequence my cursor lands in the exact same location on the timeline matching the original cursor location. So if I'm viewing clip on the main timeline I would expect that after double clicking and opening the nested sequence I would still be looking at clip Premiere is not handling it the same way.
The way Premiere Pro CC Behaves: I double click the nested sequence to open it but it doesn't match my cursor location. Instead it lands me in the location I was last positioned when inside the nested sequence. This is very frustrating when trying to make client changes based on the timecode of the master sequence. Once I open the nested sequence I have to hunt for the clip that needs editing.
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Dec 31, 2013
I am realitively new to Premire Pro, and have been working on a stop motion project for my HS. I want to have it to where I can have both of my stop motion sequences playing in the same frame, side by side. I have a sequence of my character doing one thing on side, and another one doing something different, and I want to mash them together to look like they happened at the same time. Like I said I am pretty new to Premire pro, and if you need more infromation, let me know, and I will try to provide.
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Jan 13, 2014
I want to take a sequence that I had in an old project and put it into a current project, but I dont want it to be one rendered file... i still want too see the fades and make changes to it...
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Aug 1, 2013
I have made a short film of 6 minutes (in 6 parts on after effects) I have added all the effects and the camera work on AE, but it needs a lot of editing here and there, which I find impossible to do on AE since you can't cut and join scenes like Premier pro. I need to import all these sequences onto premier pro for editing now. The problem is once I import the files, it imports in the right order in systematic folders etc, but it doesn't show any of the camera work or the special effects like gaussian blur etc. All my hard work has gone.
There must be a way you can import the after effects file on premier the way it looks on AE.
Another problem is I read some boards and it has been suggested to edit the clips first on premier and then add effects on AE but I read this really late and I've already composited the whole film on AE. I just need premier for cutting now.
P.S: I also thought about exporting the AE sequences as TGA files but there's ZERO space left in my internal hard disk for that, and it would take forever to export them all anyway. Any other kind of export would reduce the original quality which I dont want, and which I dont have space for anyway, so that option is out as well.
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Jan 6, 2014
I am trying the new audio sync feature in Premiere CC. I am highlighting audio from videoclip and audio from my external harddisk audio recorder. I can press the merge, but cannot choose the "sync by audio" option. I can also not choose the "synchronize" option from the list, as it is geryed out.
Anoter smaller issue , is that i have not figured out how to view the waveforms, i have solid color blocks.
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Apr 21, 2014
I can't get any audio to play while in Premiere Pro. The computer's programs has audio in the speakers and headphones with everything but Premiere, including exported premiere files but I'm not sure why. It was fine just two days ago.
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Mar 30, 2014
I'm using Pr CC on a Win7 64bit Dell Precision M6700 laptop. I've shot and edited a number of interviews sans problemo but today I'm having problems with outputting a simple edit with audio and video in sync using the h.264 Youtube 720 preset. It's not terrible but enough to grate on the nerves! I attach a screen shot of both my video and audio setting. I've tried both 1 and 2 pass and plain cbr. It's now 2 in the morning CET, I'm knackered and I'm meeting the client first thing.
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Nov 29, 2013
I am trying to record an audio track in Premire Pro CS6 and cannot seem to get it to work.
I have a USB microphone that funcations fine, I can see the levels in Premiere and it reconds well in other programs. When I sletect my track for recording I can see the levels in the Audio Mixer, but when I press Record then Play the levels do not transfer over to the Master track and after I stop recording the audio does not get tracked, it was like it didn't record.
I have followed the steps in this article: [URL]
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Dec 9, 2013
I have Premiere CC7.1 and am having problems playing back the audio after importing a synced sequence from Plural Eyes. The wierd thing is that everything plays back beautifully until I close Premiere. When I reopen the program, I see the audio on the timeline and it plays back in the source monitor but there's no audio in the program monitor.
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Apr 1, 2014
I'm using Premiere CS6 and I have a AVI file that loads video just fine, but no audio. In windows movie maker, the same file loads audio, but no video. VLC Player can play the file perfectly (audio and video) so I clearly have the right codecs installed.
I ran a program called gspot on the file, and it identified the video codec as "xvid", and the audio codecs as - "ac3 (0x2000) Dolby Laboratories, Inc". Is it possible to just point adobe to whatever codec VLC is using? I copy this "ad2ac3dec.dll" file into the root premiere pro directory. But it didn't work for me (I put the dll in my Adobe/Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 directory).
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Dec 3, 2013
audio clips, usually less than 20 seconds, are now being cut off at the last few seconds of the clip. Can't figure out wny it is happening or how to correct it. If I select Edit, Play Original, I can hear the full clip.
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Mar 15, 2014
I am not getting the keyframes on my Audio graph: A1, A2, or A3. I want to be able to fade out parts from my audio clip during the editing process and also tweak the audio levels at various points during the editing. How can I get the keyframes to appear back near my audio waves?
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Dec 13, 2013
I have several business partners that are supplying me with .mp4 files from Adobe live flash media encoder, using the h.264 codec, but the only audio choice is for an MP3 codec. this combination displays/plays no audio in Premiere Pro CS5. Only after I use handbrake to convert the audio to the AAC codec with it play in the Timeline.The upgrade to the main concept plug-in for AFMLE will allow for this, but the business partners are reluctant to spend the $ .is CS6 compatible with the default of FMLE with h.264 and the .mp3 audio? if so I will upgrade.
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Mar 14, 2014
I have a timeline of about 40 minutes long with several audio tracks and sounds, some mp3 from you tube and some recorded on the shooting day. everything sound just fine in premiere, I even exported one part of the timeline as a seperate movie and it was o.k. the problem is when I've import the hole track some of the audio tracks were missing/silent. it happend in 2 different projects.
I'm on windows 7 premiere cc update to latest version...
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Apr 17, 2014
Move my audio track (along with my video) down the timeline a bit and have the (audio) keyframes move with it.
What I'm doing exactly is:
- Select the Timeline Panel and Ctrl A (Select All)
- Then, click on my mouse on the selected area and drag/move the media down the timeline a bit
- All media moves fine BUT, the keyframes in my audio track A2 does not move
The video keyframes I have move just fine.
The audio on A2 is currently checked as Track Keyframes. I tried selecting Clip Keyframes, but no difference when moved; the keyframes stay at the same original place.
Is it even possible to do what I need to achieve ... or do I have to redo my keyframes manually as Clip Keyframes?
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Jan 22, 2014
We've got some Sony XDCam footage coming into Premiere in a .MXF container. Playing back the audio yields a very 'crunchy' distorted sound. 'S' sounds sound lispy and there is generally a lot of additional noise.Opening these files in Sony Vegas doesn't have any audio problems at all, everything sounds fine which leads me to beleive that Premiere is the problem.
However, I've tried exporting audio from Sony Vegas to re-sync with the clips in Premiere, but the audio STILL sounds distorted and crunchy.Opening the audio in Audition ends up being a little better, but still not as clean as how the original audio sounds in Sony Vegas.
Here are all the details I've got for ya:
- Audio recorded in 3 channels, 2 stereo channels from the on board mic and 1 channel through a boom mic (The Sony cams handle up to 8 channels)
- Footage was ingested through Prelude and renamed when copied. (The actual files were not renamed, only the metadata that Prelude tags onto the clips)
- We are working on PC machines (Windows 8) as well as Mac (OS Mavericks) and ALL machines are having the same problem.- We experience the same problem regardless of whether the files are stored on our network NAS or locally
- We are all on the latest version of Premiere CC 7.2.1 (4)
I suspect that it has to do something with how Premiere is decoding the audio from the .MXF clips. Sony apparently decodes it just fine, which makes sense since the Cameras are Sony cams to begin with.I am now noticing that ALL audio in Premiere is experiencing this same effect! Regardless of container/codec.
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Apr 10, 2014
since I updated my Mac OS to 10.9.2, my Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 has a problem: when I import MTS-files (AVCHD) from a Sony video camera, I get the video, but I don’t get the audio! That’s strange, because when I import other video formats like mp4, everything is fine, and I get video AND audio.
I also tried Premiere CC test version, but there’s the same problem.
Before my update I had Mac OS 10.6 and Premiere worked fine.
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Mar 4, 2014
Using Premiere cs6.Audio keeps dropping out during playback. Audio is present in the export.The audio drops out at random and drops back in at random.
I have tried everything from converting my wav to an mp3/aiff, moving my cache and preview files (and changing my scratch locations) to my computer from my external hard drive, creating a new project, deleting the pek files, even closing all apps.
This is something that just started happening out of nowhere in the middle of a project and has gotten worse and worse with use.
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Dec 4, 2013
the original clip is visible perfectly fine,however the edited version now just looks like three coloured bricks instead of an image, and in the preview is simply a blank screen. I can export the clip and view it fine that way, however the quality is much lesser.I'm about to give up on this entirely.
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Aug 13, 2013
I'm new to video editing and I have been using Final Cut Pro X but I have Premier as part of my Creative Cloud Subscription so I want to give it a try.
I have some footage from a Panasonic camera which has imported fine into Final Cut but when I try to import into Premier I don't get any audio.
I'm using the media browser and I've copied the full contents of my card and like I say it does work in Final Cut.
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Dec 5, 2013
I was working on a project last night and without warning, every time I tried to transfer a movie clip to a sequence, the audio stopped coming with the video. The sound definitely works and plays in the upper left hand window, but when transferring the clip to the sequence, the audio did not come with it. Before starting work on the project, I updated Premiere through the Creative Cloud.
This problem has happened before at the beginning of a project, and I have been able to start a new sequence without problems. This morning, however, when I tried a new sequence, the sound would not come in at all. A picture of what my screen looks like when I try to put in a video clip to a sequence is below.
The settings for the audio are the same between the video and the sequence. I definitely don't want to lose the ability to add sound when I get further into my project. What can I do to fix this?
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