I noticed my computer was saying it had way more space used than it should. I looked around and found that there are a handful of 1 - 16 GB "photoshop temp" files in my temp folder. How did they get there? And can they be deleted?
I only have 512 MB of RAM, and the computer frequently has to use the HDD since I often work with 100MB+ psd files. Does that have anything to do with these huge temp files?
I like the adjustment panel on HDR toning. Is there a way that I can just use those controls without HDR taking over and doing it thing. In other words I just want to open up and not have hdrt make its adjustment I want to do it my self because all of the controls are right there.
A friend was messing with watermarks on some of my photos. Is there a way to remove watermarks he put on? It isn't a permanent picture, we are just messing with it.
I'd like to take out a line of text in an image that has a patterned background, and would like to know what tools I can use to take out the text, but try my best to keep the background as is?
I'd like to take out the 4th line, "Remote............Transmission".
Can Photoshop or another Adobe software be used to edit photo stills from digital movie images? I just want to take specific images and don't want the rest of the footage.
I am trying to take text from a image i have created but not too sure how to.I have created an image and the color of the text is coming from the background by using the Darken Color blend mode. If i remove the background, the color of the text will go as well and will just be white text. I want to have the text with the color but without the background.
i want to take out the buildings on the right and left of the water heaters, leaving the skyscrapers in the middle. i'm quite a novice at Photoshop and i can't seem to find a good way to do it without having a horrible result.... i tried doing it using the clone stamp and spot healing brush, but i just cant seem to get a good transition of the background sky from dark black to lighter grey once i take the buildings out..
i want to take live pictures with photoshop. i want to be able to capture pictures when my camera is conected to the computer . i already tried it with my webcam but the image qulity was terrible . how can i take live qulity pictures using a digital camera / video camera , is there a speciel camera or plug i can use ?
My computer is a MacPro OSX v. 10.7.5 Processor 3.33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon 48GB 1333 MHz DDR3 Ram Both the Start up disk and the Data Disk are SSD Hard Drives
I'm running the latest PS CD6 v.13.0 x64 it's NOT the fastest computer ON THE PLANET..
I'm using PS during the day (I'm a professional photographer and I use PS about 6-8 hours a day).....Liquify gradually get's slower and slower to open. By the end of the day it's taking 6-10 minutes for Liquify to open. I have to literally "RE-BOOT" my computer to get it to start working properly. And...for goodness sake....do not LEAVE Photoshop open over night...by the next day....I can't even open a JPG it's so slow...
NOW...compare that to my LAPTOP....MacBooK Pro.....no where near the processing power and no where near the Ram copacity....and PS CS6 opens perfectly....Liquify POPS OPEN so fast I can't even blink my eyes before it's open.
Why is the faster more robust computer opening LIQUIFY slower than the lesser computer?
I have the latest version of CC. I'm trying to use PS, but it takes forever to open. I literally go to Start> PS and wait for 10-12mins for the program to fully be open to use..I don't have this problem with any of the other CC software.
>I dont have a lot of fonts installed >Not plugins installed>>> No customized preferences
My question is how do I take one object like a face of one person and replace it with that of another? I got to submit a school project and this is part of it....
When I run a video in Windows Media Player then freeze it and take a print screen and paste the print screen into Photoshop, I can't save out the picture because the picture 'moves' around it's canvas in the picture. And when I unfreeze the video so it carries on playing in Windows Media Player, it plays in the pasted Photoshop window too!
How do I simply save out a picture from a video still?
when I fire up PS the opening splash window only took about 15 - 20 seconds to cycle through and PS opens up. Since then it takes a very long time to open. The "Reading Preferences" takes nearly a minute or so then all the other race through and PS opens. Why would the "Reading Preferences" take no time at all one day then the next take over a minute? I haven't changed anything to my knowledge in the Preferences tabs to cause this.
I really like the effect in this poster. I see this effect all the time taking one color and making it light and dark in different areas. Like the banner on this site, but can never do it myself.
Cleared cache and changes are appearing in the Camera Raw edit screen, save the changes, clear the thumbnail cache and the changes are not reflected in the thumbnail. This use to work fine in CS4.
I was using photoshop cs5 and am currently on a trail of CC, everything else is working fine, just File>export>render video takes along time for the dialog box to appear, which was not the case in cs5 (almost instatly opens).
Any settings I can change to speed this up? Im using Windows 7 32bit.
I was wondering if anyone knew what is wrong with my smudge tool. When I go to use it and apply it to my image, it takes a while to show the affect. Everything else in my photoshop works fine. Oh yeah, I use PS CS if that makes any difference.
Our client uses CS 5.5, and Photoshop will continuously take control of pdf and html files. This is without any interraction from the user, and after setting it back to the desired settings (pdf - Reader, html - Chrome), after some time (and doesn't seem to be related to anything the user does, restarting machine etc), Photoshop will snatch control of either or both of these extensions.
Resetting Photoshop preferences does work for a time but it is not long before the issues arise again.
I have used the Magic Wand for a couple of years, taking out backgrounds etc to create transparent GIFs.Now when I use it, the edges of whatever I have cut out are always jagged.
I have anti-aliasing checked at the top, and haven't changed anything that I know of.It seems to get worse when the image is resized and made smaller also.
I made a change to my Architect 2008 ADT.CUI file to change the mouse button configuration, but the changes aren't taking effect. The old configuration is still working. I found that I have two ADT.CUI files. The one in ...userdatacacheSupport has a 2007 date and the one in the ...enuSupport folder has today's date. Apparently the CUI editor lets me edit one but the other is getting loaded. How do I get the newer version to be the one that gets loaded?