Photoshop :: Some Clipping Will Occur

Sep 14, 2004

I've made a logo and head for a business letter.

In PS i,ve typt tekst 2 cm from the left paper edge. The canvas size is equal to A4, and paper settings too.

When i print the image, ps comes with the messsage "The image is larger than the printable area, some clipping willl occur". And when th eimage is printed the text is less then 2 cm from the edge of the paper.

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Photoshop :: Fonts Missing - Substitution Will Occur

Apr 3, 2013

Last I checked, Arial was a default font and I have always had it on my system. It's still there too. Why is CS2 being wonky about this?
Every text layer has a little yellow triangle and harasses me about changing the font which if it does, I wouldn't know since it just changes it back to what I had before anyway.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Occur Error When Opening A Drawing File?

Aug 5, 2013

When I open Inventor, the message "cannot load..." pop-out. Although I still can create the 3D model in Inventor but everytime when I open my existing or new drawing file (.idw), Inventor will occur fatal error and closed.

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AutoCad :: Error Occur When Change Version 2007 To 2012

Jun 4, 2011

In our office we use autocad 2007 but in our architect office send us drawing on autocad 2012 version drawings we converted all drawings 2012 to 2007 autocad version with drawing true viewer... n than we work smartly..... but when i send drawings..architects office draftsmans open my autocad 2007 version drawings on autocad 2012 version and than show recovery message.. and than drawing close...

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Lightroom :: Color Clipping Before Highlights Are Clipping

Sep 17, 2012

I have pretty strange behaviour on concert pictures I import from my D700. Usually I import with camera profile Vivid V4. The concert pictures have strong reds due to the flood lights.

My camera histogram shows a slight clipping of the reds (even though I underexpose 1-2 stops).
After import of the RAW files using Vivid V4, the histogram in Lightroom looks strange, and also the controls behave strange:

- a strong red spike in the histogram at about 1/5th away from clipping level (the picture in Lr shows blown out parts in red)

- hovering over different areas of the pictures and checking the percentage indicator underneath the histogram shows significant areas of 100 % red, even though there are still tonal differences in those areas

- moving exposure to the right: the histogram content left to the spike is shifting as expected, but the spike is growing and staying at 1/5th, nothing is appearing to the right of the spike (more areas in the picture are blown out)

- no other basic control can flatten out the spike, even not the highlight slider

- only the saturation control has some influence, and also with the tone curve I can fill the histogram, but picture is still looking blown out
The situation improves a lot by using Camera Neutral V4, the red is more spread out in the histogram, also beyond the 1/5th the highlight clipping level. Significant areas in the picture are still at 100 % but less blown out. Basic controls are behaving more normal, and it is possible to fill the histogram by increasing the exposure or other controls.
The question is.. is this unintended behaviour of Lightroom, or is is as good as we can get it with the strong red colors, and is it better not to use Vivid V4 in these cases?

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Photoshop :: Clipping?

Mar 22, 2008

i'm having some trouble with photoshop. what is clipping and how do i get rid of it? apparently ive got clipping on the white top, and i need to remove it. can someone explain to me how it's done?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask In Cs5

Oct 11, 2013

I do not have the ability to create a clipping mask in cs5.  It doesn't matter if I use the short cut or the long way.  In fact, when I go the long way it is in grey print, not it is not even an option.

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Photoshop :: Transform Again Clipping

Feb 23, 2012

Im having a rather annoying problem with transform again, I'm trying to create a cylinder effect from a circle, I duplicate the layer select free transform and nudge it over 1 pixel then click (shift alt command T) to repeat the transformation, it seems to work ok when I nudge to the right but when I nudge to the left, the left hand edge of the duplicated circles is cut off along the line of the original transform controls as if there is an invisible clipping mask, but there are no masks in the document, quitting photoshop and restarting and reopening the document doesn't solve the problem.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Masks

Jul 20, 2012

Everytime I add an adjustment layer to CS5 layers palette, the adjustment layer comes in as a clipping mask and is clipped to the layer below.  I must have accidently invoked something that is causing this.  It is very frustrating and time consuming have to change each layer in my stack. WHAT DID I DO WRONG... and HOW DO I FIX IT.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Paths

Aug 22, 2005

I am trying to create a logo that incorporates a circle and a picture of a dog.

Now I want to acheive a look where the dogs legs are hanging over one part of the circle but the circle is covering the rest of his body as though he had put his head througha hole in the wall.

I have been trying to acheive this with clipping paths but I can't see how to recreate the smooth lines of the original circle.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Masks?

Mar 4, 2005

i am taking a photoshop class and i am having some trouble with an assignment. i've emailed my instructor, but i haven't received a reply yet and i was hoping maybe somebody here could help me. the instructions for the assignment are listed below and i've attached some example .gif files of what the graphics are supposed to look like. Code:

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Photoshop :: Clipping Masks...

Oct 13, 2005

clipping masks.

some background on what im trying to do is create an image i can place over my snowboard. The folks over at will then sell the art for you. Really, im just interested in getting something on there for me... But to get to it, they give you a file that has the outline of a snowboard and i want to only see whats inside of that shape. (problem here is that the file comes in an illustrator or acrobat file, not a photoshop one...)

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask

Jun 17, 2009

I have cropped a photo in photo shop 7 and drop it in as a clipping mask in cs2 , upon opening cs2 the clipping mask disappears

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Photoshop :: Clipping Paths?

Jan 10, 2006

What does someone want when they say "send me some images at 300 DPI with clipping paths" ?

I get the resolution, I'll make them 300 PPI...but what is a clipping path? Does that just mean that they want them cropped? They have not specified a size or aspect ratio.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Paths

Mar 25, 2003

I have a document in which I need to outline several objects seperately, when I do so and place the Photoshop file into Illustrator nothing shows up. It seems as though when I outline one item it will work but as soon as I outline multiple items (seperately) it will not work.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Warnings

Aug 27, 2008

how to enable a clipping warning in camera raw and how to modify the colour shown when there is highlight clipping. Any further information regarding clipping would be useful.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask?

Feb 3, 2005

what a clipping mask is, since a layer mask seems to do the same thing.

A layer mask uses a mapped grayscale image transposed onto the current layer's document in order to determine each pixels transparency level accordingly.

But to me, a clipping mask is the same thing when you ALT+CLICK between 2 layers, and the layer below which is not indented uses it's content (and it's transparency) to determine what the (now indented) layer above's contents can be "seen".

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Photoshop :: What Is A Clipping Path?

Feb 22, 2006

and what are the advantages of using them?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask?

Apr 22, 2005

I've an image and typed the words . Do I create the clipping mask or something else ? I would see the the words inside the image. Will I use the clipping mask to get them togherher?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Masks

Mar 13, 2009

I'm using CS2 Photoshop and Illustrator for class projects. I know almost nothing about the products. I want to edit photos by removing parts of them and I was told to use clipping masks. I'm not getting what I want. Sometimes the area I want masked "disappears" but when I combine it with other elements in my composition the edges of the photo are still there although they are "whited out" (Sorry, I'm explaining this the best I can). I can't seem to get just the editted shape without the part that is masked.

I also don't know what the definitions are for things like "Clipping Masks", "Merge Layers" vs "Group Layers", etc. Most of the time I know what I want to do but I don't know the Adobe term for what it is called. This makes it impossible to look for a tutorial or other help.

I've used MS Publisher for many years but Adobe has me totally baffled.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Path

Aug 6, 2009

when I'm drawing clipping paths around an object that has spaces within the image (i.e. space between someone's arm and body, or the space(s) within an object such as a coffee cup handle) does it not clip out the paths inside the outermost path? Do the inside paths need to be drawn first? I'm scratching my head here - it seems to be a CS4 thing, as other versions of PS have not seemed to do this...

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask Is Not Working?

May 13, 2012

I cannot get the clipping mask to work. I have tried Ctrl + G and have gone the long route and it will not blend in at all. I am trying to teach myself and have searched and searched but cannot find an answer. I have also checked to make sure I am on the correct layer.

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Photoshop :: Visibility Of Clipping Paths

Sep 22, 2013

Whilst CS 6 has some great improvements, I find running clipping paths in it very difficult. That is because in earlier versions of Photoshop, clipping paths showed up in the complementary color of the underlying color and were very visible. Now they are a darkish grey, which makes it often impossible to see them. You can go blind trying to see where you are clipping.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Layer Clipping Mask

May 3, 2013

In CS6, the clipping mask is just an icon in the lower right of the layer icon in the palette. How do I easily drag it to another layer to create the same clipping mask? In previous Photoshops, you could option drag it to other layers/folder to quickly add the masks.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask Restriction

Apr 8, 2008

"You can use multiple layers in a clipping mask, but they must be successive layers."

What is the point of imposing this restriction, and how do you get around it?

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Photoshop :: How Do I Make A Clipping Path Around A...

Jun 25, 2009

I want to make a clipping path around a person who has hair blowing in the wind. How can I make a good clipping and get close enough without losing the effect?

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Photoshop :: Inverse Clipping Paths?

Jan 12, 2006

If I save a path as a clipping path and then import said path into Quark, I'm getting the background, not the selected cutout. Basically I'm getting the inverse of my path selection. I figure there must be a key command for this because it only started happening today.

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask Broken

Jun 27, 2009

I am running Photoshop CS4 and whenver I try to make an adjustment layer only affect the layer below it by creatnig a clipping mask, it just disables the Adjustment layer. What I mean by this is that its just as if I hid the adjustment layer, so it doesn't affect anything. I've tried everything in the Solutions to Common Problems thread.

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Photoshop :: Adding To Clipping Paths

Jun 16, 2004

But I have more than one inner path (20 in fact). I made a few, then stepped away, then made the rest. But when I select the clipping path and Make Selection, it only selects the outline and the first 3 inner paths that I made. How do I add the other 17 paths to the clipping path?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Mask For A Group

Oct 21, 2008

Basically I have a background layer and group with 5 layers inside. I want to set an adjustment as a clipping mask to affect the whole group but I don't want it to affect the background layer. Is there a way to create a clipping mask for a group, so that just the layer within this group are affected and not the background layer?

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Photoshop :: Clipping Path Not Working

Nov 20, 2007

I'm using Tiger and Photoshop CS2.

We are having a problem with one of our clipping paths. Once we convert the image into a compression image for use, the image does not appear at all. No path, no image no nothing. Any idea why this happened? I know that the designer who worked on the original file used the incorrect "path area" selection (at the top) but changed that.

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