I am trying to remove/oscure the white lebel behind the fabric without distorting the patter on the fabgric. I have try the stamp toll in colot mode, selecting the area with lazo tool and aplying a color gradient and taking the white out of the red with seelctive color. The best result I get is with the stamp tool in normal mode however it distorts teh pattern on hte fabric. how to obscure the label?
The label associated to a grading point when is moved when is moved changes its size automatically and a leader appears. After this happen no control over the grading point and its associate label. refer to the image below.
C3D 2013. We have profile line labels, some of which get manually edited (for example, change the "<[Tangent grade(FP|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|SD|OF)]>" to a static number such as 0.29%).
However, if you CTRL+Click and select one of these labels and change the style of that one label, then the manual edits are lost and the label reverts back to the default string.
I'm trying to label my Profile label stations as raw stations, 20~20 meters, and I'm not being able to adapt the format to STATION 0, STATION 2, without any plus zeros or +, or -, or commas, or anything, as following in the image.
Does this look okay for white eye removal on the dog? what would need to be done to make it more realistic? Original image should turn up if you feel like a project.
I installed Photoshop CS6 Beta and I just removed it using the uninstaller under Applications/Utility/Adobe Installers/Adobe Photoshop uninstaller alias. I had to find it myself as the information on the Web is wrong. Obviously I am on a Mac (Lion 10.7.4), but now that it has been removed, I still have an Adobe Photoshop 6 Beta folder in Applications that was not removed. Do I just delete the folder or do I need to do something else?
I did find the Adobe Creative Cleaner Tool but I also have Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 installed. Can I use the uninstaller tool and not damage the Elements installation? I just want to be sure before I jump. I do have a full, bootable backup of my installation just in case something goes wrong.
is there a way of removing a blur or mask if someone has manipulated a pic. For example, if someone has posted a pic of their wife/gf and put a mask so you can't see their face...can it be removed?
I thought USM to basically sharpen for the effect of removing atmospheric haze. I liked the technique so I built an action and used it. A while back I lost a hard drive and of course, my actions with it. So now I can't find where I got the info to start.
My memory says that it is USM at 20,50,0 but I'd like to find something like the article I based my action on.
Klattu said in a thread here on haze removal, 250,250,0. Why those numbers. I need to read what got me to this in the first place.
I have a photo open on CS4, that I want to remove the sky and replace it with another. Since the photo has lots of "gridwork" in it (it's the Eiffel Tower in Vegas) I used Mask pro to remove the blue sky. When I save it back to CS4, is there a way to easily select the blank background so that I can insert the new sky? I can make a Quick Selection of the majority of the sky but again, it's the sky, or in this case now, the blank background peeking through all the grid work that is the problem getting selected.
I have a sample pic(which is not mine, but can use)
I want to take all the white particles out of the pic to clean it up, in the past I have been useing clone stamp and patch tool to keep the texture relatively the same.I have tried painting after choosing with the color picker and then palying with opacity, this gets rid of some of the smaller white spots and then I go with the clone tool and patch tool. I find this does not give a very natural look, so I was wondering if there was another way to go about taking these spots out as it is a painstaking proccess which can take anywhere up to 8 hours on a pic with my 1Ds MKIII.
I took a photograph of my daughter lying on a white sheet against a black background, however there were a noticable fragments of dust in the background which has spoiled the photograph.
I would really appreciate it if someone could remove the dust for me, there isn't that much and it will only take a couple of minutes for an experienced Photoshop user.
I need to get this sent asap to a printers so they can print it onto canvas for me, for my daughters great grandmothers 90th birthday.
removing a filter from filter menu plugins list. Have removed or deleted it from the plugins but it still shows up in the menu under filter. How do you remove just the name. Will also add that the filter had no indication add/remove in the control panel so I deleted by going to the plug in folder.
i edited a pic of a girl in photoshop with white background. 1st i selected the background from magic vand and then i created an effect using radial blur and pixalation etc. but the prob is the edges of girl's body are messed up after i created this effect, i am using ps 7.
Is it possible to pin a label to another label ? Or pin a label to an object so that when the first label (or object) is moved, the other moves with it ?
I've downloaded an image from the Internet and want to reproduce it as well as possible. When magnified, there is a patterning in the background as per the (sky) section of the image below. What is the best way to reduce or minimize this?
i use imac i7,8GB,lion. I cannot remember how i learned to do a type of dust/spot remove for large areas. The heeling brush or stamp tool were not used in this technique.
It seems that the rectangular marque tool was used to select an area in the problem layer, a large background area, for example. The selection was then jumped to a new layer. Somehow one could use the arrow keys to move the selection a few pixels. At this point i cannot remember what to do.
I think that the move tool was employed and the arrow keys used to move the selection a few pixels such that the spots were covered by nearby, unspotted areas. Havent done this in years and can't make it work. I have thousands of old black & white photos, and some color, to repair and retouch.
I have a fairly complex black and white design and I want to delete the white from it and have nothing but the black with transparent holes. Is there a way to remove all of a certain color in that way? The Magic wand would take forever to select everything I want to remove.
I can easily take off hair using the magnetic lasso tool. But, how would i then replace the hair selection with skin to look bald! I have tried and tried with the clone tool but it always looks, well crap!
when I lighten up a photo certain dark areas (not all and not all the time) get very grainy / noisy looking. Is there anyway to remove or compensate for that? Unfortunately, I was shooting in very low-light level conditions and I could not use a flash (shots of horses). I would like to be able to get clean 8x10 prints out of these, but the grain is so bad.
I've been designing a logo to submit to a printhouse for screening on to some tshirts so I would like to save my logo without the accompanying background. The image needs to be a JPEG. I have managed to setup the PSD so there is no background only the grey squares but every time I try to save the image as a JPEG it adds a white background and my image becomes sqauare.