I have created many images for my new website and they all look crisp and clean in .psd format but when i save them to .gif they become slightly jagged around the edges which are not straight.
I have tried .png format but this has a mask over the image when viewed on the site. Also .jpg images are to big for websites i thought?
What is the best image format and if it is .gif which i have been previously informed to use how do i stop the rounded edges from becoming jagged?
I have Photoshop Elements 11. I designed a book cover with Microsoft Word 2010 and saved the file as a Pdf. I want to upload an image of this book cover to various web sites that require a Jpeg image and the book cover has to cover at least 85% of the image and require a pure white back ground. Pixel size can be 1,000 or more. I did go to the library to get reference books but, I can't ascertain from these books how to do this. I am a beginner to Photoshop and realize I will have to get training for future projects. I wanted to upload an image from my computer to show you the book cover but there was a dialogue box that appeared saying the file was too large to upload. The book cover I designed is 8.5' x 11.0"
My photos look great in CS6 but once I save them and upload them to a website like Facebook, Shutterfly, my personal website or anywhere really, they end up looking washed out and faded. What do I need to change?
RGB is set to: Adobe RGB (1998) CMYK, Gray & Spot are all in their default settings.
I'm starting my course at University in September and they have issued all the students with a summer project which is to design a T-Shirt. That's great and I can't wait to get cracking, but I want to print my design onto the T-Shirt using transfer paper.
The problem is my printers quality won't develop an effective result and it's too small for what I'm printing, so I would like to know if there are any websites I can use to upload my images to and choose what kind of material it could be printed on (transfer paper in this case) and choose the specific size of the material (e.g. A1-A4 etc).
I am making it for my clan for UT2004. Whats a eneral rule of thumb for quailty vs size of file? Not all of us have 100kbs+ connections, so I have to set a limit I guess for you 56ker. So... please take a look at what the site involves.
I currently have the quailty set to MAX. (Note: that im not done editing the interface... gotta edit the WELCOME and MENU lables so they match the big banner on top.) Also.... I just can't figure this out... take a look really closly at the bottom banner and the image under the iframes text and under the navagation.
It doesnt look right does it? The color isnt 100% gray... it seems to trail off to a darker grey or black... yet when I open it in Photoshop it shows that its all gray. Why does it do that and how can I fix it? Also: I dont have the photoshop file for the the MENU and WELCOME image... So how can I recreate the rounded off rectangle? So it has that shadow like appearace?
I would like to know what is the proper way to modify images for a website, for example for a wordpress featured image or for placing it anywhere in a post.
Should I scale the image to some pixels in width and height? Should I resize it? I am a bit lost with these issues.
I'm using VSP X4 to make some short slideshows to be embedded in websites. I have been successful in creating them and converting into a WMV movie for broadband, 320 x 240 for fast loading on the website page.
All works well in terms of the slideshow presenting on the site page, but no matter how I size the container, or change the object code when converting, the slideshow always has a black bar at the top and the bottom of the slideshow. I've changed aspect ratios with no success in removing these black bars. I use CSS to create the container for the slideshow, and the container is coded for a white background, yet, the slideshow continues to have these black bars at the top and bottom. how I can remove these, assuming it's VSP4 that's creating them?
I am relatively new to Lightroom 4 and have had some issues with uploading files to a website that I have already exported from lightroom. I have exported many photos from lightroom to my desktop and then brought them into iphoto. I then went to upload some of those photos, now in iphoto to websites like snapfish, etc. to develop prints or make cards. When I upload these photos to the website, they often look poor in comparison when I look at the same image in iphoto.I then emailed myself the same photo and renamed the image. The photo then uploads true to what it looks like in iphoto. Am I not exporting these images correctly?
I want to prepare my images in PS CS6 for print. I have read several articles that TIFF files print best since they do not lose any information but sometimes you can barely see the difference from a TIFF to a JPEG. However, I have also been told by a professional wedding photographer that you should always give your clients JPEGS since it is such a universal file format. I noticed on websites like CVS photo or Shutterfly they do not even accept TIFF files.
what file settings are best when printing JPEGS?I would normally save a file as the following:
- JPEG (quality 12/baseline optimized) - 16-bit - 300 dpi - 3000x the longest side - RGB color space
However, when I use the 'Image Processor' in PS to save all of my open files as JPEGs, it always saves them as 8-bit, sRGB color space. I have have a few concerns with this..
- Do JPEGs have to be 8-bit? If so, is this ok for printing? I have heard 16-bit is best. - Shouldn't print files be RGB color space? NOT sRGB? - Does the dpi matter?
Is there any easy way to change the auto settings when saving as a JPEG in the 'Image Processor'? Or maybe I could create an action for saving? Although, I have tried this and it never seems to work properly.
i cant save an animated gif in image ready. when i try to save as...it will only let me save as a psd file, and when i try to save optimized...it will only let me save as a jpg.
I have an image loaded in PS which has transparancy. I have tried saving it in GIF format - transparancy looks great. But I do not see an option to save TGA file with transparancy.
What do I need to do to save the images in its perfect shape especially perfect circle? In Photoshop its shape was perfect but after saving the images in image format its shape become horrible..?
I already tried different image format but the image loses its right shape.
I am attempting to convert a proprietary image format to a dng file. What value do I use for the PhotometricInterpretation in my main image if it came from a black and white camera?
When printing in Orgnizer in Elements 11 the printout is as selected,but in Editor the image in Portrait format is always printed out smaller than selected e.g 15 x 10 cm image prints out as 10 x 9 cm. There is no 'Print Preview' facility available
I'm trying to "transform" an autocad drawing into an image format file, but I only can get the image that is in the main window, never the whole drawing. How to get the whole drawing and convert it to an image format file.
I am working on a 3' x 10' banner with 300dpi in Photoshop and it takes all of my time to do the extra tools to do, and it takes 10 minutes to save it or more. I have powerbook and CS6 on me. I put the highest memory in Photoshop preference. So I am bearing to work with it for hours for one small assignment, but why does it takes so long? is there a better way to do to save time and speed to make the poster banner to look greater than life? even in 200 dpi?