Photoshop :: Zooming In CC Crashing

Jul 27, 2013

So my photoshop CC is crashing when i try to zoom. It's not doing this consistently usually whilst I am working I'll try to zoom out and suddenly 'Photoshop CC.exe has stopped responding.The image that i have inserted or more importantl the the overlay of the red lines keeps popping up whilst zooming. Only whilst zooming again not consistent sometimes the red lines appear sometimes they appear about 4cm around the left and right edges of the image.

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Photoshop :: New CS6 Is Crashing And Now Old CS2 Is Crashing Too?

Dec 18, 2012

cleaned up the fonts and its still crashing by simply scrolling thru to find a file to open and to make matters worse, my CS2 which hardly ever crashed now crashes just opening it. I am rather beside myself, I have an iMac running 10.6.8 with 4GB of memory. I would love to copy and paste the crash report but it's not letting me do that.

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Photoshop :: Lag When Zooming (CC On OS X)

Oct 2, 2013

where when I try zooming in and out of any document, PS lags for several seconds. When trying to zoom in with a single click, after a second wait the zoom box activates and I have to click again on another spot for it to zoom in. Normally when I click a spot it zooms in immediately. When I try to click and drag a zoom box the box appears, but when I release the mouse button nothing happens and I have to click again for it to zoom. When trying to zoom out I have to click several times and wait several seconds for it to zoom out. There's no spinning beach ball/hourglass, just lag.
This happens on two different Macs running OS X 10.8.5 (an iMac i5 3.2GHz, 32GB ram and MacBookPro i7 2.3GHz 16GB ram). All other commands appear to be working fine. I've deleted all preferences, uninstalled and reinstalled with no improvement.

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Photoshop :: Cs4 Zooming

Dec 2, 2008

i'm trying the photoshop cs4 trial. when i zoom the picture using the mouse wheel it's slow. in older versions this was fast. using control-+ to zoom it's fast though.

geforce 9600 178.24 driver
xp 64bit, 6 gigs ram

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Photoshop :: Zooming In CS4

Jan 17, 2009

alt + mousewheel zooms however for some reason in CS4 it only zooms in untill the image covers the whole screen then refuses to work untill i manually zoom out. Alt + scroll at that point simply moved the image up and down. Anyone know how to fix this? ive done several searches as well as went through every preference menu at least 10 times and cant find anything.

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Photoshop :: Zooming

May 5, 2009

i recently picked up a copy of Photoshop CS4 extended from my friend, and im a little new. The reason i got this was for my Intuos4 which will be arriving tomorrow. In the mean time i though i could practice a little. Ive been checking out videos of people drawing and coloring already existing images,

I noticed he was zooming in a lot, and the problem is when i go to zoom in, the lines obviously become distorted and lose a lot of quality.

Now i know its not my pc because im running 1.5 gigs of ram, a xfx geforce 8600gts , and an athlon amd 64. Ive also enabled OPENGL and updated my video drivers to the latest version.

why cant i zoom in and out like the videos and not lose a crap load of quality.

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Photoshop :: CC Won't Stop Zooming In

Oct 13, 2013

Whenever I open a file, it instantly starts zooming in as if I'm holding download option and turning the mouse wheel.  I've change the keyboard and mouse,  restarted my mac, reinstalled photoshop, but it's still doing it.  This isn't happening in other applications.

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Photoshop :: Grid On Zooming

Apr 1, 2012

When I zoom in, I get a grid.  I click "extras" off and it disappears but won't stay off.  When the grid is on and the photo is zoomed in very large, it is very difficult to see what I'm doing.  Grid won't stay off.  Will this be fixed in the final version or is there an option that I'm not seeing?

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Photoshop :: Odd CS4 Render While Zooming, Anyone...

Oct 22, 2008

Just installed the CS4 Design Suite Premium and everything is swell so far with the exception of strange behavior while zooming. Whether I use my wheel mouse (logitech Revolution) or Cntrl/+- to zoom, the zooming is jumpy and all of the icons on my desktop flicker on and off. It makes no difference whether I have open GL turned on or off. I updated both the graphics card and the mouse with the latest drivers this morning and that did not ....

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Photoshop :: Zooming Shortcuts

Jun 14, 2008

There's plenty of ways to zoom in and out of your images inside Photoshop, which ways suits you best?

I use CTRL SPACEBAR to zoom in,


CTRL ALT SPACEBAR to zoom out.

I'm also partial to the scroll wheel on the mouse.

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Photoshop :: Accurately Zooming

Mar 23, 2008

Can I zoom more precisely than just by clicking with the zoom tool?

I have photographs of a medical patient. I want to accurately measure certain medical features, to see if they are getting larger or smaller over time. I figure that I can use guide lines to measure - but that would require me to have each photo starting out as the same scale, and that's why I need to be able to accurately zoom.

I suppose I could resize, but that would seem to take a very large amount of trail and error. If I can zoom arbitrarily, I believe I can use layers with top-layer alpha = 50% or so, and match any two photos to each other.

Or is there a better way altogether? It's not feasible for me to have each photo be natively as the same size/distance as every other, so I have to adjust the photos themselves.

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Photoshop :: Screen Blanks When Zooming

Dec 18, 2012

I'm not quite sure how to search for this, so it may be in here, but I'm not finding it........
Windows 7, 64-bit, 12GB of memory, Photoshop CS6, LR4.
In Photoshop, a normal Nikon D300 image, opened from LR4.  I have my normal complement of layers for cloning/healing, dodging, burning, curves, hue/sat, etc.
EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE - not consistent, no idea what provokes it - I zoom in while cloning to clean up some small area, and at some point in the zooming, my image disappears and I have the white/gray series of boxes on the entire screen (the thing that shows up when you increase canvas and there's no image on that part)...  I can zoom back out, and all of a sudden I have an image again.  Zooming in makes it disappear.  I have the clone tool set to "Sample All Layers", so it shouldn't be seeing a blank layer, and IT WORKS FINE ALMOST ALL THE TIME.
I've tried closing the image and reopening it, but that made no difference.  Did the same thing.

I have to shut down Photoshop and restart it, and then it typically works when zooming in the same way on the same image... 
Is this a memory issue (12GB isn't enough for CS6?) or do I have something configured wrong? 

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Photoshop :: Image Flattens When Zooming

Aug 27, 2013

Of late whenever I zoom into or out of an image PS CC flattens the image without prompting.   would rather it not do this.   Is this a bug or have I inadvertently set some preference that is causing this.

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Photoshop :: Newbie Zooming Question

Jul 12, 2006

Often I'm zoomed in, editing pixels up close, and I'd like to zoom out to 100% again periodically to check how it looks. What's the best way of doing this?

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Photoshop :: Zooming Out With Right Mouse Click

Jun 6, 2006

is it possible to configure photoshop to zoom out on right mouseclick. The same way it zooms in with left mouseclick.

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Photoshop :: Zooming & Paning W/ Mouse In PS CS2?

Aug 26, 2005

I have both PS6 & PS CS2 installed, but only in PS6 Zooming & Paning w/ mouse works!

Is there any setting in PS CS2 I have to check or what?

How can I fix that in PS CS2?

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Photoshop :: Alt-zooming Opens The Menu

Feb 16, 2009

When ALT+mousewheel is used to zoom, the ALT press is also interpreted to open the menu, so when I stop zooming, I have to press escape again to get out of the menu. Does anyone else see this? It's a bit of a pain. Usually, when ALT is used as a modifier for something else, it also cancels it triggering the menu.

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Photoshop :: Zooming Into Small Text

Oct 21, 2008

Is there a way to make out a text that is too small to read? I really really really need to know the name of these brands, but the labels are impossible to read due to the small size.

Is there a special program or technique to make stuff like this out?

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Photoshop :: White Lines When Zooming Picture?

Dec 18, 2011

How i can remove this lines Because when im zooming in picture very closely they appear and i cant see pixels.

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Make A Zooming Effect In An Animation?

Oct 31, 2012

I am trying to make a zooming effect in an animation and can't seem to figure out an easy way. Essentially, I would like a layer (.jpg or text) to start off small and then get larger as it gets "closer", essentially me zooming in on it. Is there a relatively easy way to do this in animation in Photoshop CS5?

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Photoshop :: Zooming/panning Using The Mouse Wheel

Mar 16, 2009

I don't mean the Zoom Tool, but simple zoom in/out operations. I seem to recall that the default behaviour in Photoshop was that you zoomed with Ctrl+mousewheel scrolling, and if you just scrolled, then the picture would pan up/down (vertically). And you could untick the "Zoom with scroll wheel" option if you didn't want Ctrl+scroll to mean "zoom".

However for a while now, having that option ticked seems to mean that scrolling (with no Ctrl) is all it takes to zoom in/out, and if you untick the option then you need to press Alt+scroll to zoom; in either case, there is no shortcut for panningup/down.

Anyway, whether this was really ever the case or not, my question is: is it somehow possible to make it so Ctrl+scroll zooms and (simple) scroll pans vertically?

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Photoshop :: Moving Or Zooming Canvas Crashes The System?

Mar 7, 2012

my entire system locks up.It seems to work fine at the start, but it will lock up on me on random. I tried finding out what the exact problem was, and it seems that moving about the canvas in any way always seems to be the cause. I also often get this while I try to save, in the saving process I would move my canvas around, and it would lock up on me. Thus making my .psd-file corrupt/unreadable.

I tried different methods to approach this, but no luck. One is installing the latest video driver, but it already seemed to be up-to-date. Second would be disabling certain plugins in Photoshop, like the FastCore and the MMXCore ones.

Basic system specs:

VGA: GeForce GTX 580
CPU: Intel Core i7 3930K
Motherboard: ASUS P9X79 DELUXE
RAM memory: 8GB
Operation system: Windows 7 ultimate.
Photoshop CS5

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Photoshop :: Transparency Edges On Image Files When Zooming In CS6

Oct 6, 2013

I usually happens when I'm usuing the Ctrl+0 command. Zooming anywhere between 100-200% I'm getting this issue. Is there a reaon for this?

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Photoshop :: Zooming In On Image Shows Grid At 500 Zoom?

Nov 27, 2012

Ive noticed since upgrading to CS 5.5 that when I zoom way in on an image in Photoshop, a grid shows up around the pixels at 500% + zoom. I don't mind it all that much but there are times when I don't want that grid to show. I'm sure there is a toggle somewhere in the preferences to turn this on and off completely but it would be nice to have a key command. Not sure if that exists

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Photoshop :: Black (or White) Box Appearing On Photos Sometimes When Zooming In And Out?

Nov 5, 2013

I just recently upgraded to Adobe Photoshop CC and something really odd is happening:  On some zoom levels I have this empy black or white box appearing.  When I zoom in or out it disappears, or reappears. 

However, when I save the file as a JPEG, or bring it into Google Nik it is OK.  It's almost like there is a software bug, or a bad memory spot in my video card. 

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Photoshop :: White Or Black Squares Showing Up While Zooming?

Nov 22, 2013

I have been experiencing a 2" black or white square while zooming that stays on image at that zoom ratio. I use Topaz Adjust and NIK software. If I save file and reopen it's gone!

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Photoshop :: Colours Stuff Up Zooming Or Changing Tools

Jan 31, 2013

I get the colors right then I zoom in or change tools the color changes and then back again like skin goes all red magenta..I work in raw or psd when saving files wrong color occurs again in saved JPG even though color looked alright . Im using windows 8 64  CS6 Same thing occurs even when no plug ins loaded tried all color spaces also. I am not talking monitor to print difference either .

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Photoshop :: Zooming In On One Image Has Same Effect On All Other Loaded Images

Nov 29, 2013

When zooming in on one image it has the same effect on all other loaded images (C5)

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Photoshop Elements :: Zooming On Page In Photo Book?

Jan 8, 2013

I'm using PSE10 and want to make photo books.  I have a book uploaded and have been putting photos in but my problem is the text.  If I use a smaller text to tell a story on the page (ie: size 9-11), it is so small on my screen that I cannot see what I'm typing.  I want to zoom in on certain sections of the page so I can see what I'm typing and make necessary corrections etc. When I try to use the 'set zoom percentage' it zooms in on the center of the page and I cannot figure out how to scroll so that I can see the top or bottom part of the page in the zoomed in state.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Shows Transparent Pixels Over Image When Zooming Past 50%

Oct 26, 2012

I'm not sure why, but Photoshop just started doing this after I converted my files to a smart object. When I try to zoom in past 50%, it displays these transparent pixel squares over the entire image. I tried rasterizing and flatting the image back, but that didn't do anything. It seems to keep doing this.

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Photoshop :: Images Open Small Zooming Works Poorly?

Nov 28, 2013

When I open a large image (one larger in resolution than my monitor), it opens in a small window on the far right of my screen. When I move it to the middle of my screen, resize it so I can see more of it and zoom in again, the window snaps back to the far right.

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