Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask And Smart Sharpen Soften Automatically. CS4

Aug 15, 2009

I will get into the sharpen dialogue box, set the correct values, the picture looks fine at this point, then click OK. After that, photoshop will then reduce the level of sharpening I have added. I have no idea why it's blurring my sharpening but it's driving me mad. Does anyone know what's causing this?

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Photoshop :: Use The Sharpen Feature And The Unsharp Mask Feature?

Nov 24, 2003

I like to use the sharpen feature and the unsharp mask feature but haven't gotten very good at it. Mostly I'm wondering if there is a way to calibrate the sharpen function so that it doesn't sharpen quite so much each time I click it.

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Photoshop :: Moving Smart Layer Mask To The Smart Filters As A Mask

Aug 20, 2013

Can I move smart layer mask to the smart filters on the same layer as a mask?

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask?

Feb 17, 2003

in another thread, spectra mentioned to set the radius at the resolution/200. so i assume this means if its 72, then divide it by 200 and set the radius at .36. I was just curious as to whether or not anyone knows where this number comes from? I tried it, and it works great. Just not sure why it is so.

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask

Nov 10, 2006

I am using photoshop cs. After layer adjustments I have tried to use the unsharp filter, but nothing shows up in my unsharp mask window. By trial and error I have found that I can do unsharp if it's the first thing I do, i.e, no adjustment layers. Is there a reason for that or am I doing something wrong ?

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask

Feb 18, 2007

Most of the photos I shoot end up getting resized for the web. I have heard it said that it's best to use unsharp mask, after you do the resizing. Still others have told me to unsharp mask, then resize for web.

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask

Feb 7, 2006

I'll use the unsharp but Is the best number amount? Is the best raduis number? Is the best threshold number or is it diffent every time?

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Photoshop :: Presets For Unsharp Mask In CS6?

Dec 21, 2012

I use Unsharp Mask quite often. I find these presets from Kelby very useful:

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask Loupe

Jun 21, 2012

My PS 5.6,  Ver 12.1, 64 bit doesn't show the unsharp mask loupe area of image, everything else with the program appears OK, is there a known problem? 

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Photoshop :: Settings For Unsharp Mask

Aug 5, 2005

Does anyone have any advice on what Unsharp Mask settings I should use? Percent, Threshold and Radius? I use settings of 75% on images taken with my digital camera, but what about Theshold and Radius? Where do they come in?

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Photoshop :: Fade Unsharp Mask

May 20, 2008

This tutorial applies the filter 'unsharp mask' on the 'stone texture copy' layer (pic 1). After that the same filter on the layer beneath 'stone texture'(pic 2). After this: Edit-Fade Unsharp Mask (pic 3+4). I'm doing exact the same steps but I don't get this 'Fade Unsharp Mask' but only 'Fade..' and this is greyed out. If you notice he uses the unsharp filter on the stone texture and not the masks.

I tried this in cs3 and cs2 and both give the same result.

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Photoshop :: Drag Unsharp Mask Dialogue Box?

Nov 8, 2013

When I use Unsharp Mask, the window pops up across part of my image. Cannot drag it away from the image. I noticed the title "Unsharp Mask" is not highlighted which is a clue that it can't be moved.  Are there any particular settings I should look into? 

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Photoshop :: Default Setting For Unsharp Mask...

Feb 2, 2009

Was attempting to clean up a photo enlargement last nite utilizing 'Unsharp Mask'...inadvertantly changed the 'Threshold' setting in the dialog window...& failed to notice what this setting was previously engaged at.

[this happens to me every so often, aamof.]

so...I'm using Photoshop CS3. What is the default number for this setting ???

(or...perhaps more does one return *all* such dialog settings in Photoshop back to factory default ???)

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask Settings In PS7 (windows)

Jul 25, 2005

I had taken a photoshop class and learned that there were some "works most of the time" settings for unsharp mask in photoshop. Unfortunetly for me, I not only lost the book that came with the class I've forgotten the settings entirely. If there is a thread pertaining to this or if someone can help me out I would appreciate it. I did look and even searched (twice!) first, but with the wealth of info here I may have passed by it.

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Illustrator :: Where Is The Unsharp Mask In CS6

Nov 29, 2012

Is there any third party plug-in that recovers this functionality? Why is this effect removed? Is there another way of achieving an unsharp mask effect applied to bitmap images?

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Photoshop Elements :: Photo Editing - Auto Contrast And Unsharp Mask

Apr 20, 2013

I'm using PE10, and usually start with the "Quick Edit" tab to do a "Smart Fix" where I can select a desirable fix.  Sometimes I additionally do Shadow adjustments and/or Highlight adjustments, but not much else. Then go to "Full" edits.
- "Enhance - Auto Contrast" does tonal corrections as I understand.  However I usually see no difference after doing this.  Is that because when I did the Smart Fix, it is essentially doing the Auto Contrast as one of its adjustments?  If so, is it just a waste of time for me to do the Auto Contrast if I have previously done a Smart Fix?
- As the last step, I usually use "Enhance - Unsharp Mask" on my photos with Amount = 70, Radius = 2.0, and Threshold = 0.  Are those reasonable numbers?  I understand that beginners tend to over-sharpen their photos.  I've played around with various values, and these numbers seem to have worked for me, but would just like other opinions since I don't have that professional eye as to what is a great photo.  I make sure that I zoom in to print size or more when looking at the results of sharpening.

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Photoshop :: Smart Sharpen

Aug 27, 2006

smart sharpen in CS2. I have a photo that I've tweaked the colors by using the curves dialog. Next I bring up the smart sharpen filter. Before I hit OK, the original photo in the background is altered. It is brighter and the colors are better as well as sharper. Overall it looks much better. I figured this was a preview of sorts but when I hit OK in the smart sharpen the results aren't as good as it was showing. In fact, they are noticeably worse. It is sharpened but the colors and brightness of the photo back to the original.

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Photoshop :: Smart Sharpen

May 2, 2007

After I sharpen an image using Smart Sharpen, then click OK, it shows the status bar of the image being sharpened. All seem good. But when the status bar is complete the image defaults back to what it looked like before it was sharpened.

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Photoshop :: CC Smart Sharpen Vs LR / ACR Sharpening

Jul 23, 2013

how Photoshop CC's Smart Sharpening differs from Lightroom (and ACR's) sharpening in the Detail panel? Do they approach sharpening differently? Is one more powerful than the other, and if so, in what way? Are there particular circumstances under which you find it worthwhile to use SS rather than stay with LR/ACR?  (I do see that SS allows one to control the effect in highlights and shadows.)
I have generally been sticking with LR sharpening, but want to be able to answer these questions intelligently (and be aware of circumstances where I should take the time to open PS and use SS).

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Photoshop :: Smart Sharpen Tool In CS6 (64 Bit Only)

Aug 24, 2012

The smart sharpen tool in Photoshop CS6 takes up to 2 minutes to apply, during wich time nothing else can be that normal? It was a breeze to use on the same computer with CS5 Every thing else works really well

The problem seems to affect the 64 Bit version only, the 32 Bit works OS is 64 Bit...
if I change the bit-depth to 8 bit it works ok, the problem is when I open a 12 bit file...

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Photoshop :: Very Slow Smart Sharpen

Nov 3, 2006

Since a couple of weeks, processing Smart Sharpen has slowed down dramatically. A full frame EOS1Ds MII at about 4000x3000 px, 16 bit, takes more than 70 seconds when it used to take maybe 15-20! My computer runs Windows Professional SP2, has an AMD Athlon 64 2x, 4800+ on an Asus A8N SLI Premium mobo with 4 Gb ram. I have an identically equippped machine in another location and it is considerably faster. Any hints as to what might have happened or what I can do to find the problem? Btw, the efficiency is 100% according to the status bar.

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Photoshop :: Smart Sharpen In CS3 On Vista Does Not...

Jan 31, 2009

When I open Smart Sharpen, on an image in CS3 on Vista, it looks great... however when I click OK, as soon as the processing is done, the image goes back to what it looked like before. How do I get it to "take".

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Photoshop :: New Smart Sharpen Slow Updates?

Jul 14, 2013

The new Smart Sharpen (Photoshop CC) is very nice especially the possibility of enlarging the preview window. However the update when adjusting the sliders is quiet slow despite the fact that I have a rather powerful configuration.

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Photoshop :: Smart Filter Mask Not Moving With Smart Object?

Aug 9, 2012

Why doesnt the smart filter mask move with the smart object?

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Photoshop :: CS5 (Mac) / How To Load Custom Smart Sharpen Filter

Mar 10, 2012

Yesterday I was working with a collection of photos, and saved my Smart Sharpen settings. As I moved from one photo to another, I was able to choose my saved settings in the dropdown menu. Today, however, all that is available is "default" -- how can I load yesterday's saved settings?

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Photoshop :: Gaussian Blur Versus Smart Sharpen

Jul 29, 2013

As far as I know, gaussian blur is a spatial convolution filter and smart sharpen is a deconvolution filter.So I think that they should be opposite of each other when smart sharpen is at the gaussian blur mode.But we can not remove gaussian blur (applied to a JPEG) with the smart sharpen adjusted for the same radius.

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Photoshop :: Copy Layer Mask To Smart Filter Mask....

Nov 2, 2008

How do I do this in CS4?

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Photoshop :: CS6 On W7 Platform Crashing Recently Using Smart Sharpen Filter

Jun 21, 2013

Been working on a project moving files from Light room 4 to Photoshop CS6 for final edits and experiencing recent files crashing PS CS6 when using the smart sharpen filter. I've processed hundreds of files in CS6 and never had this issue till lately. All other filters work fine, including other sharpen options, it's just the smart sharpen interface.

I over-installed/re-installed Photoshop CS6 thinking a driver might have corrupted for that filter, then installed all available upgrades but the problem persists. I can't figure it out, and it's a problem - I use smart sharpen a lot for final output. Am I overlooking something simple? Or, do I need to just uninstall PS CS6 and do a total re-install or is there another option?

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Photoshop :: Difference Between Threshold Slider In USM Filter - Smart Sharpen In CC?

May 17, 2013

What's the difference between the Threshold slider in the USM filter and the Reduce Noise slider in the new Smart Sharpen filter?

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Photoshop :: Smart Sharpen Runs Slow - Have To Force Quit

Sep 2, 2013

On my current system and on my previous system smart sharpen runs PAINFULLY slow. It happened in CS3, CS5, and now with CC it often causes the Photoshop to stop responding and I have to force quit.
I currently have:
MacBook Pro Dual 2.5 GHz i7
8 GB 1333 DDR3 Ram
dual SSDs running Raid 0
OS 10.8.4
The rest of Photoshop seems to run OK, it's just Smart Sharpen that bogs down I'm usually working on 16 bit files that have gotten to be around 800MB-1.2GB by the time I get to sharpening.

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Photoshop :: Transform Applied To Smart Object Fails To Transform Attached Smart Filters Mask

Aug 9, 2012

Ps CS6
OSX 10.6.8
Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object fails to transform an attached Smart Filters Mask.
I mean a Transform, including Free Transform, as found in the Edit menu.  A simple move by the Move Tool is OK.
A workaround until this bug is squashed is to encapsulate the Smart Object + Smart Filters + Filter Mask inside another Smart Object and transform that.However, that will not be a satisfactory solution in some cases. If a filter has size parameter(s), e.g. Gaussian Blur radius, a scaling or warping/distorting transform applied after the filter will obviously differ from the filter applied after the transform.
In any case, the workaround is inconvenient to subsequent editing and experimenting with filters and masks.

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