I need to create a transparent screen protector kind of effect in Photoshop. Pls check the attachment for the effect. I will be greatful if anybody can suggest any tutorials or photoshop filters which can achieve this or a similar kind of effect.
Is there any way to use the "old film" effect, but keep the original colors. I really enjoy the look of the scratches and dust, but I do not want a grey movie.
The attached file shows the front castle of a ship with two ranges of windows on its white wall. I am trying to print this image with a laser printer on a transparent film while keeping the original white of the wall, letting only the windows inside their black frame transparent (the first two window frames of the upper row on starboard have been filled with a greyish tone merely as an experiment) - as if that transparent were projected on a dark surface rather than on a white one.
since the addition of all colours (i.e. 255) is equal to white and therefore to transparency (or to the absence of colours), and since transparency will show as, well, transparency when printed on a transparent film, how can white - in this case the white background of the wall - still be added to the transparent film while keeping only the windows inside their frame transparent?
All my attempts with a variety of painting tools (including those of Mypaint) and profiles failed. Should this be done with two different layers instead?
Does anyone know how to make a starburst effect with a transparent background.
I've attached a .jpg with a white starburst where the background is black. Is there anyway to leave only the white starburst with a transparent background?
how to do something like the following picture effects. I've been searching a lot and either I'm searching for the wrong things, or there isn't much info on this effect? =( The effect is kinda like a glassy, wattery, transparent object.
I am working with a lot of layers in PS and frequently I need certain adjustments to affect each transparent layer in the group without affecting any groups underneath. Is there a way to do so without resorting to masks? In other words is there a way to group adjustments with particular groups rather than with particular layers?
how to produce the kind of effect the Vista OS used in the logon screen. I imagine this has been done often with Xara, given that it has been such a popular effect. But I haven't been able to get a foothold on even the related terminology. What terms should I be searching for in order to find relevant examples and descriptions of methods?
I am in the process of adding lighting effects to one of my images. I'm trying to get a lightning effect, and decided to use Supernova off of the image's frame. This worked for full-frame layers, but on smaller layers, not so well.
What's happening is that I'm trying to get single objects in layers to have a lighting effect, but it's lighting up the transparent space around them, making a distinctly brighter area... well, it's better if I show you:
Adding the Effect:
The Unsatisfactory Result:
How to merge two or more specific layers together, that'd be fantastic.
I am new to Gimp and would like to ask if there is a way to make a good worn out effect more or less like this on a black logo. The problem is that they are using a fork for it and I am a student and can't afford a fork.
The aim is to make a black print on transparent background with transparent scratched "holes". Are there any tips how to do this?
I need to generate a lightning effect and then export the frames to several PNG images.
I figured out how to do the lightning and how to export transparent PNGs, but I can't get rid of the lightning solid background (which is balck in my case).
I'm trying to remove a red fog band from an image I've scanned. I've tried following the method detailed in the Martin Evening book where he takes the green channel and pastes it to a layer above the main image. He then sets the layer to darken.
Trouble is in his image in the book the red goes grey and the unaffected part of the image only discolours slightly. On my image the majority of it goes grey with only one or two colours showing through at all (yellow mostly).
Moving onto the next step of colourizing the image cyan makes little difference.
I'm trying to salvage through photoshop. I developed this roll at school a few years ago, and thanks to a less than perfect plumbing system I had to develope in water that was too cold. The film of course came out super grainy, and to top it off a few of the photos "somehow" got scratched in the school's drying closest (imagine that.) I've played around with them a bit, trying to fix them up, but my corrections always seem really obvious or compromise the image.
May i know which app adobe uses, to capture film from working in Photoshop cs6, for their adobe videos, tutorials and podcasts? I've heard, there must be an official app, but i forgot the name.
i am animating film footage in Photoshop Cs6. i have used the paint brush tool to draw an image over my film, which works nicely. but i have to do this frame by frame--e.g. as i move to the next frame, what i draw is gone, and i have to reanimate every frame. is there a way to hold what i paint in one frame on to the next, so that i am producing a progressive image over the film?
I have some images that I would like to add this effect to.
I am also looking for some information on making a shiny metal background for a website. I have tried many different tutorials, but have yet to find what I am looking for. I want to reproduce a Silver background with a high gloss effect.
Anyone happen to know of a good "melting film" tutorial? I'm looking for a photoshop version of what we've all probably seen on tv. Film strip stopping and getting melted by the projector bulb.
When you've got a photo which the resolution isnt that great on, you tendt to get this grainy effect. It seems to happen mainly on dark colourslike black. When you zoom in close you can see its made up of various colours. None of which generally tend to be black. Is it possible to get all these coloured pixels roughly the same colour so that you can get a smoother finish.
Ive tried various things like the heal brush, few filters etc but nothing really seems to do the trick.
i want draw a 35mm or 120 mm camera film with his wrap, but im beginner. is somewhere any tutorial how do it? any link help me, film isnt problem but crepy wrap...
I have a number of the Topaz Labs plug-ins and have recently downloaded and installed D x O film pack. I cannot get PS5 to recognize all the filters at once.
When I go to the preferences/additional plug ins window, I can get PS5 to "see" either topaz labs directory or the DxO directory. What do I have to do to get the filters drop down menu to see all my installed plug ins?