Any way to temporarily edit(like move) a linked layer via a hotkey (or a script through a hotkey) that will not affect other linked layers?
For example, i have layer A and B linked. I want to move A but not B. I don't want to temporarily disable the link in the layers, just a key to press that will temporarily ignore the linking.
It will really save time instead of shift clicking the link to turn it off...move the item...shift click to turn the item back on....i know it seems minor but it would really improve my quality of life since i tend to use linking very often when dealing with multiple layers that need to stay aligned to each other. This becomes especially handy when selecting like 10 layers and not having to disable the link on each one of them...then going back and enabling it.
I know that the Euphonix panel we have has an edit soft effect button. But it doesn't add the effect as well. (plus you have to hit the "NAV" button to make it accessible)
I'm almost certain this hotkey existed:.. but I cant find it!  Extend the selected layer to the last layer of that comp?  Currently I have to select the layer.  then scroll....... all..... the.... way..... down to the end of my layers.. then shift + click. to select I have a repetative task of shifting things around.. and is becoming difficult.
I have been given a set of plans by a client to design a system on. The plans have a lot of layers and information on them that I don't need/want to merge to a base layer. If I click on anything on the plans everything gets select and is layer 0. I originally thought these were just poorly made plans but if I go through the layers in the toolbar and turn them off individually it works.
Its like somehow all the layers have been linked to layer 0 but are actually individual layers .
Is there anyway to make a block with more than one layer linked to it? For example if one wants a hole in "floor layer" to line up with a hole in "roof layer" simultaneously so that if it's moved in one layer it will automatically move it in the other(s) layer(s) since they would be linked. This would save a ton of time since you won't have to turn on different layers and make sure they both line up plum by moving them one by one until they all line up on top of one another in different layers.
In other words I would like to move a hole on a single visible layer that would automatically move the holes on any other layer that are linked or plum to that one visible hole (even if the others are Not visible/turned off or if they are frozen in the view port).
When I create a shape in Photoshop CS6, it brings up a nice panel of options - allowing me to change radius, stroke style, colour etc. However, once this shape has been placed in the Photoshop document, I am not able to edit it, without creating a new shape.
I cannot change any of the options. Sure, I can select it and change the size - but how would I change the shape stroke colour and style, as well as the radius of the curves?Is there an option or panel which I need to activate to get back to this menu for the current shape?
Here the shape options are visibleHowever, once I click off the shape - they dissapear and I can no longer get them back. Â How would I get the shape options back for this shape, without creating a new layer and shape?As with the way it is now, I have to get things like the stroke colour and radius right the first time - and I like to experiment with my options.
I found an old thread from 2011 about the same problem and the mod reported it to the devs, but as far as I know no solution has ever been offered.(maybe in cs6? we are still using cs5)For one or two layers it's no problem to do it manually, but with say 40 layers with corresponding linked layers we need a better solution.
My designer has created an Illustrator file on his Mac that has linked images. When he sends me the all the files and I open the ai file in Illustrator CC on my Windows PC, I need to re-link the images. One image can't be found at all.  However, if I open the file in CS4 it finds the linked files no problem.  Is this some bug in Illustrator CC for Windows?
Basically PS is freezing up temporarily, after 2-3 minutes then it becomes usaable again until it decides to feeze again. I do most of my editing in Lightroom, and only use PS because I like to just do soem finally touch ups if needed (bit of dodge/burn) and i like to use photokit sharpener (I like to brush in sharpening with actions i have created).So, i can't say for sure what initiates the freezing. Sometiems its while trying to brush in sharpening, other times it won't allow me to save. Â I'm on Mac using Snow Leopard. 4Gb RAM. I use a logitech mouse. I had previous been using CS4 with zero problems.I've tried unchecking "save in backgrorund" as well as "use graphics processor"
I want to display all colors except black and white as red temporarily like this. Â I want to check the area I forget to paint, so I want to display those 3 colors(red, black and white.).
My layer nest is like this.  Layer 0(this contains Black line) Group 1 [ Layer 1(red) Layer 2(cyan) Layer 3(green) Layer 4(yellow) ] White Solid color layer  And I want to make the color of layer 1,2,3 and 4 red temporarily. Adjustment layer doesn't work.
I have a question about whether or not it's possible to temporarily "freeze" part of a Photoshop canvas so that you can work on the rest of the canvas without the frozen part being affected.
I know there are plenty of tricks that you can do with layers and layer masks, but if possible, I would prefer to have a completely separate function that works outside of all layer options.
when I make more than one copy of the background layer, I can't seem to make changes to the newly created layer. I've done some experimenting, and it seems that I can do things like crop, etc., but when I try to paint or use the clone or healing brush tools, the changes don't show up at all. My layer is not locked so I'm not sure what the problem is. Basically, I start by either doing a duplicate layer or a copy of the background layer. The first time I do this, the new layer works fine. However, if I try to do another copy/duplicate of the background layer, the second copy doesn't allow me to make the kinds of changes mentioned above. If I copy the original copy of background layer it seems to work fine.Â
in 7.0 if you held Shift, Alt, or Ctrl and held your cursor over a layer in the layer panel box it would either add/subtract/not select whatever the contents were inside the layer and in Photoshop CS2 I don't know how to do that or set that.
I've noticed a strange bug with photoshop when working with a pen and tablet. I'm using the CC version on the latest Mac OS  While working on an illustration I'll frequently use keyboard shortcuts. command+z, i, r, z, option, etc. Someties after making a stroke with the brush tool, I'll go to undo with command+option+z and nothing will happen. Other keyboard shortcuts do the same thing—no response.
Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the Video card manufacturer's website for the latest software. GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of preferences
when am trying to open up my adobe photoshop cs6 software each and every time a pop up box is displayed indicating that photoshop has encountered a problem with display driver, and has temporarily disabled enhancements which use the graphics hardware..
Cut and pasted text from a pdf to Encore menu page. The text is a bit hard to read, so I want to change the font, etc. However, I am not able to edit the text in Encore or Photoshop. I tried to recreate a new page and copied the same text, but this is how it pasted. I am not able to word wrap it or get it to appear as the original. What am I doing wrong? I have not rasterized anything. Not sure if it's point text or paragraph at this point.
I am having a little "problem" with 360 pano image and 3D layer. I need to edit stitched image, so I convert it to 3D spherical panorama, which allows me to view the whole image as a tour and I can easily edit for example bottom of the image and remove tripod. It goes fine so far.
I edit the image as I need but the problem is I have no idea how to save it back to 2D layer to get back whole stitched pano image. If I use "Rasterize", it saves only the current view of the image not the whole thing. Does anyone know how to do it or I won't be able to?
when I start photoshop, I get a message saying: "Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancements. Check the video card manufacturer's website for the latest software. GPU enhancements can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences."
I have the latest graphics drivers installed, but this message does not always occur when I start Photoshop although the driver does not change. So, I guess there might be some other reason causing this error message.
I am running Photoshop on a Thinkpad with Windows XP Professional.
I was busy designing an advert for work, happily adding layer styles to text as per usual and when I was busy selecting a colour for the gradient overlay my colour picker menu froze.I can still select colours and photoshop is still active (if i move my cursor about the screen the menu buttons still work but all the options are greyed out so I can't even save and restart) but I can't escape the menu. Neither the "Cancel" button or the "Ok" button are working, the "x" button isn't working and hitting escape doesn't work either. When I try and click anything in the menu I get an error "ping" and photoshop opens the adobe Photoshop web page but if I click on the canvas my cursor becomes the ink dropper and selects the color.
Is there some other way I can get out of the layer menu without restarting and losing all my progress?
The problem I am having is that every single file I open looks like this. Once I click transform (which I have to) the layer no longer allows me to click and edit the layer. I like to re-size my images in relation to the multiple images I place on a document. My previous version of photoshop did not create a transform box with each new file. How can I adjust photoshop so that it doesn't do this. I am using CS5 on a PC.
I am trying to design a pattern with different peoples names in (You can see a rough one I did in the image below, all the 'NAME HERE''s are on seperate text layers) and would like to know if there is a way to update all the type (i.e. change the 'NAME HERE' to actual names) at once? I know you can link the layers and press shift to edit the formatting but I want to update the actual letters.
I've opened a photograph in CS3 (whereas the photograph is the background layer), and subsequently tried to use any of the tools (clone, eraser, etc) for editing with no success. Everything appears to be working properly with the tool bars, but when you click on the image to use it, nothing happens.
I thought maybe it was an issue with the layer being locked, but I've tried copying/pasting the image as a new layer in a new file (layer is unlocked at that point), but it still doesn't work.
I'm on OS X 10.8x and just upgraded to Photoshop CC. I can no longer press Space to toggle the hand tool temporarily. Â am I missing something during migration?
I am receiveing this message every time I open Photoshop. What dose this mean?
Photoshop has encountered a problem with the display driver, and has temporarily disabled GPU enhancments. Check the video card manufacturer's website for the latest software.
GPU enhancments can be enabled in the Performance panel of Preferences.