my Epson 700 scanner made tiffs of 600 mb each. I put one levels adjustment layer and it doubles to 1.2 GB.(and I turned off maximize capability the day before per another thread)And the files now do not get small or big previews in Bridge at all. (I purged cache)
I tested a save as PSD, and they come in fine with previews and are only 430 MB 1/3 size of the Tiffs. I think I'm done with tiffs unless an agency demands them.
whenever i open my raw files from acr, they are opening as tiffs...i disabled the tiffs in acr preferences as well to prevent this happening but to no avail...when i go to save my file to jpeg, it defaults to tiff as highlighted and i have to select jpeg every time..then after saving a jeg, i am asked do i want to save the tiff file every time... I have disabled tiff support as mentioned in acr preferences...this has never happened before.
I have many PSD files from photoshop – with layers, masks, adjustment layers, nested groups, smart filters, layer styles and editable text at 600dpi with embedded color profiles. The idea is to import them all into lightroom and make a book.
Should I flatten the files and make them into tiffs or jpegs?
Does it make sense to keep them at 600dpi or Blurb will downsample them to 300 anyway? (if so I would rather do it myself, if not is there an option to control the output resolution?) What happens to color? – How do I ensure the best match between what I see on the screen and what the book will look like?
I've been using Lightroom 3 with an external hard drive for a few years now with no problems.
I shoot raw with my Canon t1i and jpg with my Canon SX-10.
Just last week I hooked up my external hard drive and Lightroom wouldn't connect to it. Usually when I hook it up, Lightroom opens up automatically. At least it use to.
I looked at the drive and it seems the tiff files are now called CR2 (Canon Raw I think). Why this happened and is there a way to get them back to where Lightroom will recognize them?
I can open them in Photoshop, but not Lightroom. I usually go first to Lightroom, then to Photoshop and back. Can't do it know though.
im having problems with saving my tiff files and converting. once i convert them to jpegs to email or go to the printers, they are changed and are washed out as if the org tiff before editing. when i open on my comp they are ok but when emailed to someone or once printed are destroyed. i dont think is my colour management as org jpegs files are fine. below are some details of the process.
i open my file (pro photo RGB, 16bit, 3888x2592 10.1MP) i edit the photo. if saving in jpeg i change to 8bit and save with the embedded colour profile button clicked.
I get this annoying problem with color banding when i export 16bits TIFFs ProPhoto RGB (with no compression) from Lightroom to Photoshop CC. Both LR and PS working space is set to ProPhoto RGB color space. Miraculously, the banding disappears when i convert to Adobe RGB or sRGB.
There's no banding in Lightroom, only in Photoshop. I have encountered others with the same problem, but no one have come up with a solution.
When I flatten the files that I have been working on into TIFFs for delivery to clients, sometimes the preview (or thumb nail) shows only a single layer of the original layered file that I was working with. When the file is opened in Photoshop, the complete image is there.
Is this a bug or is there a way to correct this before I flatten the image? Btw, I have seen this same issue through many versions of Photoshop... from CS3 through CS6. When saving the same flattened image as a JPG, the preview saves correctly.
I was trying to create a PDF with some modified TIFFs. The TIFFs were opened, manipulated and flattened in Photoshop to reduce file size. I then took a few TIFFs and tried to create a new PDF. When the PDF was created I zoomed into one of the pages.
Noticed that the Photoshop editing has shown thru (all of the good and removed editing). It was like all of the Photoshop editing had come thru, all though I had flattened the image at its final output.
I then tried to create another PDF. I took the flattened TIFF images and saved them as PDFs in Photoshop. This worked. However, the file size was super huge. The 'reduce file size' destroyed the clarity of the pictures.
Is there a way to create a PDF from flattened TIFFs without all of the Photoshop edits to come along?
am currently working on a Flash site which is relying quite heavily on images with transparency.
my method has been to create PS3 images, save as TIFF, preserve transparency, and then import into Flash. However sometimes when I go to save, I do not get the TIFF options dialogue box, and when this happens Flash cannot import the image.
I found this quote on another post which might be related, but I do not know enough about photoshop to understand it!:
"Keep in mind that before you will have a transparency option when saving, you need to have either a clipping path or an alpha channel saved with the transparency info in it. (aka a mask)"
is this what I am not doing, and if so, how do create a clipping path or alpha channel to save my transparency info 'in'?
At the moment I seem to be able to get around the problem by opening a new image, dragging the layer into that, and then saving. but it's a pain in the arse and for some of them, I need to preserve the position of a layer more accurately...
I've got a folder with about 200 pdfs in (all single pages as I've split them as such). What I want to do is set up an action that opens them in photoshop, converts them to a bitmap and saves them as a TIFF. Easy right? Nope.
I've set this up by recording the action. What happens is it opens all the files in turn and changes them to bitmaps as I want, but when it saves them, it saves them all with the same file name, which is the name of the first one (the one I recorded the action with), this means it keeps replacing the first file.
what I want it to do is to save each file with it's own file name!
I have a couple dozen large-ish TIFFs that I need to convert to there a one-time "Save As" command that will convert all, without having to repeat the "Save As" command for each, one at a time?
If I zip tiffs using Image Processor or Image Processor Pro, the file gets zipped but not the layers. That means the zipped tiffs are much bigger than the psds. Zipping the layers manually is very tedious, but gets the size down to about the same or slightly less than a psd. It seems to me that selecting zip for compression should zip everything by default. It doesn't seem to.
When I was using Elements 8, I could easily edit jpegs and tiffs in the Photoshop Raw interface. (I know that's not the same as an image originally shot in Raw, but nevertheless it was very useful in some situations.) Now I'm using Elements 10, and either I've forgotten how to do it, or it can't be be done.
My Windows 7 PC does have CS5 installed. I also have a full Office 2010.
I've got 32 TIF files, each the page of a comic book. i want to crete a 32 page PDF file. Turning one tiff into one PDF in Photoshop is easy. But two or more into a single pdf document... I don't see how.
I went to some other forums and was called 'stupid', 'lazy' etc. and am very frustarted at this. I simply cannot spend any more time researching because I have wasted days doing just that.
I'm trying to convert Excel graphs into high resolution tiffs. I am saving the graph as an .eps file and opening it in Photoshop. This worked for a few graphs, then all of a sudden Photoshop started opening the .eps file such that it was shifted and only part of the image was showing up (the rest cannot be seen and is just cut off).
I have a weird problem with Photoshop CS. When I double-click on a tiff, jpeg, or Photoshop file it launches the program, but it won't open the image. In order to do that I must go to file and choose open. This is much more trouble. I can't figure out why. My photoshop guru friend couldn't figure out why. Any ideas?
Also, and this may or may not be related. When I open the program I get the following message: For Photoshop UI to display correctly, open System Preferences, click General, and turn off text smoothing for font sizes 8 and smaller.
The weird thing is, when I did what message suggested, I discovered that there was no "text smoothing" option to turn off under Preference (under General) in Photoshop. There is no General in the computer's System Preferences, so I'm assuming the message refers to Photoshop Preferences.
I went through about 100 files and did what I wanted in Camera RAW (started out with NEFs). Thereafter I had Bridge make TIFs of all the files in the folder using the PS Image Processor.
Now, looking at the TIF folder in Bridge, I find that about 80 of them has a wrong creation date (I checked the Preferences and I have asked for the date of creation - and not the date of modification). As I watch (several minutes) Bridge changes some of the dates to the ones known to me to be correct - but not all. If I close Bridge, restart Bridge and open the folder again the same happens, i.e. it starts all over. Even stranger is that the Windows Pathfinder have problems with the same files - i.e. does not show the date of creation at all.
The date of these 80 files are all the same - and they have been edited over several days!
I have done a lot of work on those files and would hate to start all over. I checked and of course the dates are the original in the RAW folder that I started out with.I am sure that I do not have any bugs in my PC.
I shot loads of images as jpegs as requested. Now the customers says actually I'll need them in TIFF!! As the shoot went on I exported the images to 34 folders with 56 subfolders containing 751 jpeg images. I now need to supply exactly the same but with TIFFs. Now I still have the raw files in my C: and it would be lovely to simply re-import them and export them as TIFFs but without looking at every single raw file and finding where ever the corrosponing jpeg is I have no way of exporting the new TIFFs to sit alongside their jpeg counterparts, if you see what I mean? Is there anyway I can utilise/batch process the raw files and export them to right folders as TIFFs?
-I use one catalogue for each wedding/event/shoot.
-I import all my images as CR2 or DNG and work with these files in LR and Photoshop CS6.
-Once I complete the edits on a wedding, I'm left with , for example, 300 16-bit Uncompressed Tiff images in around a dozen different folders (I shoot big 600 pax + weddings sometimes).
-I want to: Re-save/Overwrite all these images as 8-bit Tiff images with ZIP compression.How can I do this?
-I've tried selecting all the images and Exporting them as 8 bit Zip Tiffs with the Overwrite Originals Without Warning tab selected. However I get the error that the file already exists and LR can do nothing about this.
-I've tried creating an Action in Photoshop but this poses two problems:
1) The photos are spread over multiple folders and selecting each one through File>Batch>Automate means the process requires manual intervention to reselect the next folder's tiffs - I want to hit the action, go eat lunch and come back to find them ALL saved. 2) The action acts outside of LR and I'd rather like to avoid 'metadata has been changed externally' errors although this isn't much of a biggie.
Why not just save the images as Zip Tiffs to begin with? I use a number of freelance retouchers , many of whom complain that the process of compressing slows their initial workflow (slower hardware).
(and yes - the space saved is considerable, where I live memory is still not quite cheap!)
Lightroom 4.3 is still experiencing slight tonal shifts when creating TIFF copies. This happens when I export to PS6 from LR, or create a TIFF copy of a TIFF file edited in PS6.I can provide samples.
I run LR4.3 on a Windows 7 64bit OS; 8 GB of RAM; AMD 9750 Quad Core Processor; NVIDIA Quadro 600 Video card.
I have a font bitmap which is greyscale, 8-bit, 512 x 512 pixels. It takes up 18K bytes. When I open it up in CS3 and save it back out under a different name, the file suddenly swells to 114K!
What is it doing there, and why? Maybe some kind of compression in the original that is not being used by PS?
I am trying to insert a tif that has a world file. I have AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013. I changed my workplace to Planning and Analysis. I clicked on the Image ican. I found the tif file I wanted (the tfw is in the same directory), I clicked open. It does not give me the option to select the tfw from the correlation source dropdown.