Photoshop :: Slicing Images And Exporting Them

Aug 23, 2006

about slicing web images (navs, UIs, ect.) and exporting them to HTML files.

I know when you create slices in ImageReady and Save Optimized As..., they are exported in HTML and are put together with tables. Now, my question is:

Is there any way to export them as HTML, but then have them pieced together with "tableless", CSS design? For example, instead of aligning everything up by way of using tables, is there a way to align everything by way of using CSS?

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Photoshop :: Slicing Web Images And Exporting Them

Aug 24, 2006

slicing web images (navs, UIs, ect.) and exporting them to HTML files.

I know when you create slices in ImageReady and Save Optimized As..., they are exported in HTML and are put together with tables. Now, my question is:

Is there any way to export them as HTML, but then have them pieced together with "tableless", CSS design? For example, instead of aligning everything up by way of using tables, is there a way to align everything by way of using CSS?

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Photoshop :: Slicing Images And Exporting HTML With ImageReady

Apr 10, 2004

how to configure the export of image slicing and stuff. Basicly, I need a tutorial that'll teach me from slicing of images, configuring (like text image to text in html), and exporting.

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Photoshop :: Slicing And Exporting PNG With Transparent Background CS4?

Jun 22, 2013

A client gave me a PDF of a typical architectural floorplan; with various rooms in the building. My job is to slice it so that each room is a separate slice. Easy. But we need the background of each slice to be transparent. Essentially we want to overlay a line drawing outline of the rooms on a different background.But when I save it as either a GIF or a PNG, it always saves the bg as -white-, regardless of how I try to set the transparency colour.
Now in Corel, if you save as a GIF or PNG and set the transparency colour to the -background- colour (white), the GIF or PNG auto-magically gets saved with a transparent bg. But this is not happening for me.
So... is there a way to save my GIF, PNG slices so that the white is automatically converted to transparency in each slice?
Or do I have to -manually- remove all the white in the main image (not looking forward to that!) and then slice?

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Photoshop :: Slicing Images For Web Use

Aug 15, 2004

when u slice an image, and then make different slices into links to web pages,

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Photoshop :: Slicing Images - Better Way Than Tables?

May 24, 2004

I recently redesigned my website using an image which was sliced using imageready and then put back together using tables.

I was told that tables were okay for this but I should have used css, surely I owuldn't have to do an absolute position for each small segment of the interface - can anyone describe how this technique may work and is it better than using tables?

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Photoshop :: Slicing Images/Fill Tool

Sep 11, 2004

recently in photoshop i have been designing web layouts and theres one thing i need help on. I was wondering if anyone could post a good slicing tutorial that clearly explains how you can the html contents to your site, for expample once you've made a content box, how then do i slice it so that i can add text inside the box and the box can also get bigger the more text that is added. Any help with this will be appreciated . Also one little problem i seem to be having is that when i use the fill tool and fill inside a cut out (marching ants) it always overlaps the edges of the lines and looks like its been blurred,anyone know why this happens?

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Photoshop :: Slicing The Images Into Jpegs And Text Blocks

Mar 17, 2007

i did all my images, layout and text with photoshop... so i started slicing the images into jpegs and text blocks... now my problem is when i select no image in the slice tool and it ask to enter the text it messes up the whole page.. and it puts a white background on it... how do i get rid of the white background? (the text is over color) and also how do i prevent it from pushing all the other stuff over and messing that up?

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GIMP :: Getting Error While Slicing The Images

Jan 6, 2014

I am working on 2D game and I have been using GIMP to make the images and textures. I am finding an error when slicing these images. Ive tried it on multiple computers at home and at work and i always get this error when slicing this image.

I tried slicing a different image and it worked recreated this image and tried slicing and get the same error... so whatever the issue is, i accidentally repeated it..

Error is below... when i try to slice the two error windows come up



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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 :: Slicing Of Large Images Still Fails?

Mar 28, 2012

I have been reporting this problem in PhotoPaint for many years now, and was hoping it might be fixed with the 64 bit implementation.   Sadly, it still does not work.  Certainly this cannot be such an impossible problem to resolve.

The last version when it worked was with release 12, which I kept around for quite a while until I switched to a new system.    I have tried it on each release of PhotoPaint since then, and it has failed on X3, X4, X5 and now it still fails in X6.  

It works with smaller images, but when the image is greater than some 3000 to 4000 pixels wide, the results are totally scrambled..  

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Photoshop :: Exporting Images

Jan 30, 2003

I would make any sort of graphic, then save the file to my computer, and the color would be very, very much "off". The color would often times show as lighter, and it's totally not the same color as it were inside the PS workspace. I'll show an example between the photo "before & after". This is happening whether or not I use "save for web" or the save as feature, and whether I save it as a JPG, GIF, PNG, etc.

I took a screen shot of my desktop while I was in PS, and cropped just that section in Fireworks to make the buttonFWG.

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Photoshop :: Exporting Images To Email

Mar 10, 2009

How do I get pictures from photoshop to an email?

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Photoshop :: Exporting Images To Flash

Aug 25, 2002

I saw a websit with a menu,first i thinked it was a simple javascript menu,but later i saw it was done using flash. The exporting of the mage got perfect,do not seem pixelizated or contrasting. I would like to know what kind of format the image was exported into flash.

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Photoshop :: PS8 Exporting Images Turn Out Darker

Aug 31, 2004

when I save my image (jpeg, gif, etc) the colors turn out slightly darker then they're supposed to. I tested it myself and infact the color code slightly changed when I re-opened a saved image back in Photoshop.

Also, when making a new document is the default supposed to be 8 bit or 16 bit? Because when I set it to 16 bit I can't export it as a jpeg or gif. Moreover, is there a way to change all the settings back to default so that I'm sure I didn't screw anything up?

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Lightroom :: Exporting Images From LR4 To A Folder Or Photoshop

Mar 16, 2013

I have a problem with exporting my images from Lightroom 4 to a folder or Photoshop.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Low Res Images When Exporting To PDF?

Nov 23, 2011

I seem to be having a problem upon exporting the file to a PDF, which is very image heavy.  All of the images in the file are at least 300 DPI if not much, much larger.  However, when I export to PDF the image resolutions are very low.  When I sent it to the printer (who does not accept CorelDraw files so it has to be PDF) they remarked upon the low resolution and you can tell the quality is terrible on the proof.  When I print a copy of the brochure on just our color printer at work (same size as the is not larger) the images are completely fine.  What am I doing incorrectly?

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Lightroom :: Exporting RAW Images From 5?

Jul 7, 2013

My continuing story of space issues. Find that I'm rapidly running out of space now that my wife has been uploading way too many 24 mpixel files (~30Gb total) to my Lightroom 5 catalog. Is there any way to export her RAW files to a thumb drive or another external hard drive?  The only export functions I see are conversions to Jpegs.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Images From LR3?

Dec 4, 2011

last week no problems exporting images at all come yesterday I get a screen saying ' An unexpected error occurred. This photo was not rendered. ( 1) ' this seems to occur for all images I have in LTRM

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Exporting Images And Text

Apr 11, 2012

I have been using Corel for a few years now, and have achieved amazing results with corel and 4 color litho printing... HOWEVER now I am dabbling on the internet, and run a site

[URL]....... andwant to use Coreldrawx5 for doing my banners etc, as i am comfortable with the program... BUT if you take a look at my site you will see that the test banners on the top of the page and the Side Box Banners on the sides look " Out of Focus" for a lack of a better word.

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Xara :: Exporting Images 300 DPI Are Exported At 96 DPI?

Oct 18, 2012

I am working on a project that requires the images I create must be at least 250 DPI, preferably 300 DPI.

When I export, I am specifying 300 DPI, but the resulting image is only 96.

Is there a setting somewhere that is causing them to revert back?

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Xara :: Images Exporting As 300 Dpi JPEGs

May 16, 2012

I have to get to my printer ASAP with these images and i am having issues with a memory exception error, i have tried different computers to no avail, i have attached the .xar file and i need both images exporting as 300dpi jpegs. the images in the file are at 100% size but i can also live with 50% 300dpi jpeg exports.

the black background is C35 M35 Y35 K100 (rich black) and i have converted all fonts to shapes won't need the fonts. Both images use the 'speedometer' graphic as a clip view

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Xara :: Exporting Images To Website

Oct 13, 2012

when i create images in Xara they look very clear and crisp but once exported and appear on the website they lose their clarity and sharpness.

Which brings me to the question.. what is the best way to export images for a website? Are there advanced settings that I may use to improve the images appearance on the website.

Heres a link to a website: [urL]........ and Im uploading the Xara document as well.

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Illustrator :: Exporting Only Selected Images?

May 28, 2012

I have a canvas with a number of different images/shapes on it.How can I just export one of the images & not the whole canvas?

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Lightroom :: 5.0 Is Not Exporting Images Properly

Sep 1, 2013

Recently I upgraded to Lightroom 5.0. I have been noticing that when I export images at 1000px max and 100% quality, the image is very grainy. I can open that same image in Photoshop CC from Lightroom, resize the image to 1000px max, and save, and the image looks great.The first photo is the Lightroom 5.0 export. The second is the Photoshop CC resize and save. never had this issue with any earlier version of Lightroom and I have been using it since version 1.0.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Edited Images To Mac?

Jun 3, 2013

I am able to export from Lightroom to my computer (iMac), but the file that shows up is NOT EDITED.

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Lightroom :: Rename Images While Exporting?

Jan 1, 2013

n Lightroom, I want to rename my images, based upon the image name and its mapping in a CSV file. Ideally, I would want something like this:
When the user after editing goes to Export under File menu. Inside the File Naming panel above, one should be able to input the CSV file containing the mapping. Hence once exported, the new Images will be named consistently with what I need rather than the default ones provided by LightRoom.Using the plugin LRTransporter one can do it while Importing images (storing the new name under Caption and then renaming all using Batch Rename). But it is tedious. What I need to know is that, can we build such plugin which can do it? If yes I would move ahead with constructing it.

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Lightroom :: Pixelated Images After Exporting?

Mar 15, 2013

I  have recently switched from a Mac Laptop to a PC desktop. After I export my images they are really pixelated. I am not sure if lightroom is different for a PC. I have the same settings picked too.

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Lightroom :: Why LR5 Exporting Noisy Images

Aug 31, 2013

When I export my images, the results are not nearly as good quality as on my screen. In fact, I have to throw out perfectly acceptable photos after I have completed editing because they are way too noisy after export! 

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Images Not Exporting To A Folder

Sep 16, 2012

I am exporting images from a folder in LR4.1 to another folder in LR while changing the name, and changing to a JPG.  I have done this to 95 other images, placing them into multiple folders with multiple subfolders with no problems.  Now I have created another subfolder and have tried exporting 8 images into this folder but LR doesn't show them.  LR shows the folderd with the name greyed out and a file count of 0.  I go to the hard drive and find all 8 images in the same (greyed out LR folder) location.   Why is LR unable to see these files?

I have exported other files to other folders but when I go back to trying to export to this problem folder it doesn't work.

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Lightroom :: Exporting Editing Images To DNG?

Jan 31, 2013

I had a problem exporting editing images to DNG. Lightroom will only export the original unedited versions to DNG. If I export to JPG I get the edited versions, but it will not export the edited versions to DNG.

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GIMP :: Exporting Multiple Layers Into Images

Jun 1, 2011

I have scoured the net for any Script-Fu or Batch to do this, and only find old code that is no longer good for gimp 2.6. For some absolutely insane reason (as far as I am concerned), gimp has failed time and time again (since their inception) to actually make it available to export multiple images at the same time. I literally have 300 layers, and for me to crop them all and save them as images would take an entire day.

Why hasn't this been made available? Is there any code or anything I can use to accomplish this task in Gimp 2.6? Photoshop allows it, and has since its inception! Why not Gimp? Is it that difficult to create? Are there really no plugins to do this?

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