Photoshop :: Sending Photo From LR4 To CS5 - Camera Raw Plugin
Oct 23, 2013
When sending a photo from LR5 to CS5 I get a message saying this version of LR may required the photoshop camera raw plug-in version 8.2 for full compatibility. I don't know what to do?
Can't open file from Nikon D7100 in Camera RAW Plug-In,i have Photoshop CS5 and plugin is upgraded.Format NEF from Nikon D 7100 is not in this plug-in photoshop.
Have no choices in the camera calibration tab inside camera raw plugin. Use CS3 and Raw 4.6. Are choices only available in later version or PS? Also in Raw preferences choice for camera serial number and also setting as defaults. Where to enter serial number etc.
I own a GoPro Hero 3 Black camera. I saw the Russell Brown demonstration of Camera RAW to correct lens distortion (
In this instruction, he takes images into Camera RAW and selects a tab called Profile, and it automatically detected the camera from metadata and made corrections.
I was sold, subscribed to Adobe Cloud, downloaded Photoshop and started following his tutorial. When I got to the lens correction part, my Camera RAW has no Profiles tab. Brown does say that you need the latest version, but I have assumed that since I just subscribed and downloaded, that I have that.
I used my Elements 6 on my old Windows Vista okay to send pictures. I have a new Windows 7 computer and a new e-mail address. The program ask me for an association or setup an e-mail account. I can not find where to do that.
I have Photoshop Elements 12 and I am trying to send a picture using Photo Email. I read the tutorial and it says selct Preferences, Sharing then if you have Windows 7 to select it from the drop down menu. However, only option I have to select is Adobe Email Service. Even if I select that, it says an email verification email will be sent to my email address but it never comes.
I have created a lightroom 3 publish service that will export each photo as a huge TIFF file over a slow broadband connection to an external server. The external server creates 3 compressed JPEG files from the TIFF file.
I think this is too slow and that it would be much better if the lightroom publish service created those three files and then sent them over the internet. Please note I am using Mac OS X 10.8.5 and Lightroom 3.
My question is, what would be the best way to accomplish this task? Can lightroom compress the photo 3 times, or is it best to create another script on the local machine to accept each file, compress them, and then send them via the internet?
Using Macbook Pro with CS5 Photoshop and Lightroom 5. Importing photo from LR to PS was told to update PS Camera Raw plugin to 8.2 . Used download for Raw/DNG 8.2 and went through the steps to download successful. When I check the plugin status on PS it is still on ver.
Unable to open my RAW files in Photoshop CS4 on my Mac from a new Nikon D600 camera, I went about trying to find a plugin to update my 5.7 version. I downloaded the new 7.4 update, went through the setup then went to open the plugin in Photoshop but when I tried to do so Photoshop told me that it did not support that kind of file.
I may be going about this completely the wrong way, but I've tried my best to find a solution on line but no luck. When I try to do update through Photoshop it tells me that there are no updates available.
When I download and try to install Camera RAW 4.6 on my Mac (OSX 10.7.5, Safari browser) I get the following message"Could not complete your request because photoshop does not recognize this type of file."
I have talked with Apple. These files can be brought in to iphoto and then exported. This is not what I want to do. I want to open in Camera Raw. Is there a workaround with a converter for CS5.5? I see there is Camera Raw 8.1 available. From what I have read, it is only for CS6 or CC - forcing me to upgrade? Then, according to some posts, the Camera Raw update 8.1 is buggy and does not work as well as previous versions.
I really don't want to re-install, uninstall, flush cache, look for fixes, etc, etc. Is there a converter or plugin that works with CS5.5?
I'm familiar with how to install a camera raw plugin for photoshop. However, I've had a difficult time finding the correct download link for the Nikon d3100 for ps cs4.
How can I open a NEF file from NikonD800 in photoshop CS5 Windows, camera raw plug in version same problem for CS5 MAC, camera raw plug in version
I recently upgraded my computer from windows 7 32 bits to win 7 64 bits. I am trying to use Photoshop cs6 64 bits, however I cannot open any files in camare raw (the plugin does not exist). also I cannot update Photoshop (last I tried from update submenu was Adobe CSX6 InfrastructureCS6). What I need to do to use camera raw in 64 bits and to update photoshop?
I am trying to open a photo in camera raw and the image always has a lot of red and blue in the picture? What can I do to avoid this. When I first started learning photoshop this did not happen?
upgrading to either one of these products as my current versions do not appear to support the panasonic raw file format rw2 but would like to know if the latest versions do support this format before I buy.
having some major problems, just bought a D800, upgraded my pc with a 64 bit os and more ram, re-installed all my programs and cant open my files in PSE, its saying its the wrong files type, go to update pse10 and im getting an error cose u41m1c212, have downloaded a dng converter and trying to download acr 6.7.1 .
I am trying to adjust the white balance using photoshop elements 11, all the information I have come across tells you how to do it using the camera raw plug in. This has been updated and still I do not see it listed when I click on the file menu. I take photos of antique gold lockets using a light house and even though the custom white balance is set on my camera the photos are still coming out too canary yellow. I need to be able to adjust the colors so that they are more antique rose gold looking and have been reading different articles and videos on how other people adjust the colors and would like to try a couple of the ways I have seen but am unable as the camera raw plug in is not showing up as an option.