I've recently created a set of actions that my coworkers and I commonly use at work (in TV news). However, we all use separate computers each with its own copy of PS or a network shared version.
My question is where does PS store the actions or action sets I have created on the HD and then how can I take those files and copy them to another computer. I also want to backup the actions on my home PC (i.e. save them to a disk and take them home). The only action file I can find is "default actions.atn" but I can't find any of my custom action sets. Also the only other way I can figure out how to copy and share actions is through the droplet measure, but it would be a lot easier for us to keep the process action-based (i.e. inside photoshop, not drag and drop)
I would like to save my actions correctly --so I can transfer them from CS to CS2----Have read threads but nothing seems to save in the Adobe >preset > action folder ..as a atn.file?
To export actions from Photoshop CS:
1. Select the action set you want to migrate in the Actions Palette.
2. Choose Save Actions from the Actions palette menu. ( Always grayed-out ?)
Trying to automate file saving in different sizes/formats through an Action in PS CS3. However, always closes the open image after the first save. Any way to automate saves but leave the images open in PS?
I intend to do a full new install of vista 64 bit thereby causing the reinstallation of CS3. Is there any way to save my actions so that i can use them again after reinstallation rather than having to recreate them?
Secondly, is there any information whether CS4 will support more than 4 gb of ram?
using automated actions on my photos for a while, (rotate, re-size etc etc), but whenever I do this, every single time it asks me to complete the "Jpeg Options" box (compression levels).
Can I override this, and just set it so it automatically saves at a particular setting? when i've got hundreds of photos to have to click "ok" on each one!
Question about saving images through an action. According to the 7.0 help manual, I should leave the filename as the default if I want my files to be saved with consecutive names (i.e. image01,image02, etc).
I created an action to do a number of things before saving my file.. everything works great except that photoshop keeps saving my file as 'untitled-1.jpg,' which overwrites the previous file of the same name. What can i do? Feel free to IM as well.
Target a folder with xxx .gif patterns (in the same size)- Setup actions to batch open each image from the folder, copy the pattern image individually over to a .PSD file that have a silhouette of the sleeve.- Apply the individual pattern to the clipping mask- Save it out as .png  Issue:So far ive only had the automate > batch process to save out one .png with the pattern correctly applied to the silhouette.  I close down everything and initiate automate > batch process then Photoshop will complain about not being able to locate the clipping mask.In my action setup I first open my .psd containing my sleeve shape, then open an actual pattern image and then all other steps ending up with saving the .psd with pattern clipping mask to .png. URL....  In this one below, ive closed everything and run the automate > batch process, which gives me the error you can see here: URL....
I downloaded a couple of actions from the web to my actions palette and they worked fine, but then I got greedy and downloaded a few more and that’s when things went south. Now none of the actions work - by not working I mean when I mouse over the Play Selection icon at the bottom of the action palette I get that little circle with a line through it. This happens with the PS default actions as well (I also get the circle on the Stop Playing/Recording and Begin Recording icons).
Somewhere in the following is probably what messed things up.
I downloaded actions to my computer in zip files. Copied them over to the actions folder (or somewhere) and unzipped them. I went back to the actions palette and hit “load actions” and loaded them. On the second set of actions that I downloaded I remember thinking “why am I copying and pasting these files - I bet I should cut and paste them, so I did and that may have been the start of the great crumble of 2004. PhotoShop help says: (under Saving and loading actions) “Actions are automatically saved the the Actions Palette folder in PS7.0 Settings folder. If this file is lost or removed, the actions you created are lost”.
I have searched for the settings folder and couldn’t find it, but the actions still show up on the actions palette - they just don’t run.
I’m a little fuzzy on the details on the above steps. In fact, I probably did something different on each download.
one more thing, I reloaded PhotoShop, but still nothing.
My computer crashed and I removed all apps and reinstalled so now none of my actions appear. However I do have a backup file of all of them and want to reinstall but before when I was using cs6 ( Im assuming same thing as CC as it was all on the subscription plan ) I would click actions then the right arrows and it would bring me a big screen of all the actions ( even the ones that were just preloaded in ps ) and it was a big box with all the actions and some options to record etc...Now that box isn't there and it's just a single column drop down menu.
I have started editing photos using the Photo Fix Options in Instant Fix. I have then switched to Photo Editor to fine tune my edited picture. When I use save or save as, to save the edited picture both the edited and original appear in the files. If I start in in Photo Editor and save there is an option to uncheck that reads "Save in version set with Original" However I am more comfortable with beginning in Instant Fix and then switching to photo editor. For some reason when I go to save after switching from Instant fix to Photo editor the uncheck feature is no longer available. step by step instructions to save revised photo afterusing Instant Fix first then Photo Editor.
If I create a file in Photoshop without coming from Lightroom or duplicate a file in Photoshop that I opened from Lightroom, is there a way to save the new file from Photoshop to the desired directory on my local hard drive and simultaneously have it added to my Lightroom catalog? Or do I need to save the file then import the file into the catalog? I'm working with CS6.
I need to find a photo that I scanned a year ago. It was scanned with a simple HP desktop scanner. I used photoshop CS to work with this photo, now I have photoshop CS2. When I try to open this image, it says that it doesn't recognize the format. The CS2 can't open it. I tried reinstalling the old photoshop and when I try to open this image, it isn't highlighted to open.
How do I know for sure what my resolution is on a jpeg image? In Microsoft Photo Editor is says it's 300 dpi. In Photoshop, when I look under Image/Image Size it says it's 180 dpi in PS Elements, and 72 dpi in PS CS3. What is the right way to find out?
Is there a way to locate my serial number without the CD or package my Photoshop CS5 came in? I can't find either of those items, but I need the serial to upgrade to the new CreativeCloud. Â I've looked on forums and some people have said to close and re-open Photoshop and the serial will appear, but that doesn't happen for me.
I've lost all of my 3D functionality as Photoshop CC is now only recognising my intel graphics card, not my nVidia GT540M. It was working perfectly last night, but mid video render it stopped. I have had both a nVidia and photoshop update around the same time. If it's a software issue due to the updates, is there are workaround until there's a patch?
So, I'm wanting to put Adobe Photoshop CS4 on my new computer but can't find the e-mail with the serial number in it. I've used countless software but no serial found works. Â The question now is: How do I find the serial?
I created an Action on one computer and now want to export it to another computer. The action is in my Actions Palette but I don't know where it is physically located on my computer. I looked in CS2 folders and also did a search on its name and also on all "*.atn" files on my entire "C" drive. Where does CS2 hide these actions (that I create)? It is a LONG action and i would not like to start from scratch.
I was sent a .psd web layout to slice and code and it's a mess. There are no sub folders and the layers are not properly named.
way to easily find layers by mousing over the image? Kinda hard to explain but Fireworks does this all the time. It's almost like selecting an element with the web developer toolbar (the webbies will get that)
I'd like to find out the amount of all non-transparent pixels in a layer. For example, if there was a 100x100 box and a 50x50 box in one layer, I'd like to get the number 12.500 without having to count every pixel.
Why? I've bought myself a copy of "Homepage Usability - 50 websites deconstructed" by Jacob Nielsen & Marie Tahir. One nice idea I found in it was a break down of used screen estate. How much of the website is navigation, how much selfpromotion, useful content, and so on.
I've come as far as simulating the graphics for Amazon by putting each screen estate category on its own layer. What I'd like to do now is somehow get the percentage of that certain category. Like how much percent - compared to the size of the whole image - of the layer "Navigation" are non-transparent?
Recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 and upon reinstalling my Dell AIO printer, it cannot find already installed Photoshop 7 software. No problem with Vista.
I just bought PS Elements 10. I have previously downloaded thousands of photographs onto my lap top. How can I access those pictures so I can edict / alter them?