What I'm trying to do is take larger pictures and make them into icons (100x100 in size). I'm having a lot of difficulty with the canvas sizing so that I can make it a perfect square so that I'm able to resize the image to 100x100. What keeps happening is that I get the picture, but often times there is white either on the sides of the picture or on the top and bottom. I know it'll still be 100x100 but what I need to know is, can I resize the image so that I do not have the white on the sides, top, and or bottom,
I resized down my HD pictures (2k pixels) to 500px and this is the result. It looks like raw looks like a big picture resized down in browser without actually rasterizing it(??)
I want to achieve this result (below pic 2nd pic, smooth looking. I resized using another program and it's smooth looking, when i resize the same picture down in PS, it doesn't look smooth.)
I looked into the photoshop Automated tasks, in the batch section. It has a list of different actions but resizing wasn't among them? Can you specify your own action to be executed? Basically I want to reduce the size of many JPEG pictures in a folder automatically.
I need to make a banner with animation. I'm trying to put a dog picture into it. I have downloaded a few but when I tried to resize them they are not retain their shape, example when I try to shrink the top downwards or vice versa the picture itself has been distorted.
Is there anyway that can be maintained for the original picture shape.
I was using an earlier version of that a graphic designer and have upgraded to version 9, I never had any problem resizing image in the previous version.
Im getting married and took some pictures with my fiance so we can create a save the date to send out. Her brother was the photographer who has a very expensive and high quality camera. Took those pictures and opened them in paint.net. these pictures open up to be about 75 by 45. I might be trying to do the impossible but im trying to get it down to be able to fit on a 4x6 picture but everytime and way i try it always seem to pixelate it.
I want to take three pictures and put them together on a particular background. I can't figure out how to change the sizes of the pictures. ( not the file size the literal size).
I am trying to download pictures in folders and sub folders into the LR catalog. The import brings all the pics in the subfolders over but when II click on the parent folder it shows not pictures or number of pictures in it.
I imported pictures to Adobe Lightroom and exported them to my memory card. Now my memory card is broke! Is there any way to retrieve those pictures from Lightroom. Right now they are saying missing.
I am trying to place pictures into my paragraph text so that the text wraps around the picture (like you can in Word).? Can anyone let me know how to do this in Photoshop 7.0 for Windows??
All I can find is how to wrap text around object (i.e. word on a coffee cup image itself) or putting the actual picture as fill for the font.?
how to do this? I have included a PDF of a sample of what I'm trying to do.
I am doing an animated theme for my girlfriend`s new handset. I have imported a small clip using imageready. The problem I now have is that I only want to use a certain (smaller) part of the picture. I can do this using the select option in every single frame, but isn`t there a way to select the part directly in the gif so that the selection is made in every frame??
how do I make the small black resizing squares appear for example if I create a text element, how do I resize it using the 4 corner black boxes, I can't see them... Or if I copy and paste something into a new image, how do I get the rezizing boxes to appear?
Lets say i want to resize something to 5x7 how do i do it ? i usally go to image resize but the problem i get is that i get like 5.679 or something when i change one the other one changes any ideas?
I designed a form in photoshop for somebody. I chose A4 size for the canvas from the preset sizes, but the problem is that I need to send it to the other person to print (I don't have a printer and they don't have photoshop).
I thought I'd save it as an image and send it to them to print out, but the image is huge (image->image size shows the document size as 21*29.7 cm but the pixel dimensions as 2480*3508 px).
My only choices (in the dropdown box), for changing the image size requires me to use either pixels or percent. I'm a bit confused as to why A4 size isn't A4 when you convert it to an image. Please could someone give me some pointers as to how I can change my PSD to an image that is A4 size,
how do I resize an image in a layer by dragging it with the mouse? Can I get it to resize while retaining its original shape? I wanna fit some things together visually and I don't wanna screw around with numbers.
I have drawn a few rectangles but want to make them all exaclty the same size and in certain positions. how do you view/change the height, width, x and y positions? In fireworks, the properties pane at the bottom shows the exact measurements and is easy to change. How is this done in photoshop 7.
Using Photoshop CS6, is there any way to make the up and down motion of control+option+pen ALSO control brush size? I keep making erroneous minute up/down changes to hardness or opacity while resizing left and right.
I am trying to resize a mask in Photshop CS6 and everytime I try to scale it the mask disappears and I cant see what Im doing. Is there a setting that I need to change so that I can see it?screenshots of what is happening when I try & resize.
I have the mask visible in the first screenshot. And the 2nd screenshot shows how it disappears when I try to resize.
For years I was using an older version of PS. I am new to CS6 Photoshop. I cannot figure out how to resize a text box. When I chose the box with the text tool, the borders of the box do not show up. To see the border I must hold down the option + command keys. I cannot change the size of the box without scaling the type.
Also, when I click the box with the move tool, I cannot see the border of the text box. I cannot even copy the text box.
This is something that I've been able to do without a problem in the past and now something has happened where it no longer works. When I insert a picture either into a new blank file or onto another picture and then click on the new picture to resize, it appears that the tool sees only the original document and not the photograph that I've just dragged onto it. It does not show the dotted line selection or the resize handles. Also when I try to use the resize menu option in either canvas or image option it changes the whole document and not the new photograph.
I would just like to ask coz' I love to make icons but I have a problem resizing them by 100x100. I'm using Photoshop 5.5 is it possible for me to do so?
I am trying to resize my digital photos to the normal 4x6 inches for printing, but when I enter the parameters to resize, either the width or height automatically changes and I can't get it to 4x6.
1) Open a raw file (.CR2) 2) output the file to JPG or open directly ===> i.e. the resulting image is 3888 x 2592 3) use Automate > Fit Image ===> i.e. 1200 pixels (reducing the image by a factor of 3.24) ======> The result should be 1200 x 800 pixels
However the batch conversion would be result in 1200 x 801 pixel.
Even if I were to add a step 2.5 as follows 2.5) image > image size > 1200 x 800
After automate > Fit Image (1200) it would still result in 1200 x 801 pixels!
What's broken with photoshop? The only fix I've stumbled across so far would be to use an external programme to strip all the exif and attached metadata, only then would the "Fit Image" script work.
Having one extra pixel doesn't really matter most of the times, but it's does get on my nerves. Advice sought: How can I fix this?