Photoshop :: "Replace Color" Function And Other Masks

Dec 29, 2008

I am trying to change the palette of an indexed image without losing the color table indexes. I want to change a bunch of colors at once.

Image->Adjustments->Replace Color (while still indexed) is exactly what I want. And it works, mostly.

The problem is I am trying to select a mask of multiple colors with 0 "fuzziness" so I can adjust their hue/saturation etc.

But, when I go to hold SHIFT to select multiple colors, I get all these other colors that I didn't want included in my mask, despite that fuzziness is set to 0. I tried selecting all colours and subtracting colours and this also fails.

For example, I select ALL colours in the mask by holding shift and picking every colour in the image (there are 24 colours). Then after ALT->clicking 2 colours, it actually deselects ALL 24 colours. I want it to only deselect the exact 2 that I picked.

Magic wand works in this way with 0 tolerance. Why doesn't the mask picker?

I can't convert to RGB->back to indexed because then the color table not match up.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Use Reveal (white Paint) Function When Using Layer Masks In 9

Aug 7, 2013

When i am using layer masks in elements 9 I can conceal paint with a black brush, but when I want to go back over something to reveal (white brush) nothing happens. I have the layer mask selected as active and it works perfectly fine in reverse (black).

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: How To Use Replace Colors Function

Mar 15, 2012

I have a very simple image, 32-bit CMYK which is just black & white. I want to change all the black to Cyan. Should be easy, I just use rectangle mask to mark out the area I want then go to "Adjust->Replace Colors..." and it comes up with a dialog. So far so good.

I use the color picker to select black as the source I want to change, then I choose the color to change to, either with color picker or manually mixing it to pure Cyan. The colour does change, to something blue-ish or cyan-ish, but not what I specified. Same deal if I try with Magenta. It's close, but not quite.

If I just fill with Cyan, it does indeed come out the right color.

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Photoshop :: How To Use Color Replace Tool To Change Color Of Sheet

May 3, 2012

A while back I saw a video about using the video editing capabilities. In particular the video showed a car with a colored sheet over it and the in the video the sheet was either pulled off the car or the car moved out from under the sheet (I cant remember which). Then the video showed how to use the color replace tool to change the color of the sheet throughout the entire video.

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Photoshop :: Unable To Change Color Of Star With Replace Color

Aug 3, 2012

I have a star that I would like in a specific color, but am having issues changing it with the replace color and/or color replacement tool. The image is small, but I am trying to have all the pixels. The color I want to use is Pantone solid uncoated 655 U. This is the image I am trying to change.

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Photoshop :: Color Replace Tool Not Replacing The Right Color

Apr 11, 2006

trying to replace the color of my deck with paint samples i got for my company.. im trying to match it, but if u look in the forground color selector its the one i want but when i pain it on it comes out different...

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Photoshop :: Color Fill Vector Masks

Feb 6, 2013

I create a fill adjustment layer. I create a vector shape and apply it as a mask.I have the mask selected, now I draw more on that layer and it continues to draw.
What actually happens:
create fill adjustment layer - Hey, starting off strong create a vectore shape and apply it as a mask under Layer>vectore mask>current path - different icon, but it seems correct..I select the path under the Paths tab, since the vector mask doesn't show u next to the layer icon, and attempt to draw more shapes -here's where it goes wrong. Instead of drawing on the path layer I have selected a work path layer is created.
I can't actually figure out how to draw on the existing path. If you select the paths from the work path, you can copy and paste them into the actual color fill shape path layer. That works.Now try the same thing with a different layer. Oh....NOW it works. It actually seems to work with all the other adjustment layers. It just doesn't work with fill.

What I think is happening: Some smarty pants realized that there doesn't really have to be a difference between a shape layer and a fill with a vector mask on it. Yeah, that's true, but you're limiting me to 1 single object on that layer now.

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Photoshop Elements :: Layer Masks - Can't Get White Or Shown Masks To Be Taken Off With Black Brush

Sep 11, 2012

I am having trouble with using my layer masks. I can use the masks that are hidden (shown with black screen) and apply them with the white brush, but I cant get white or shown masks to be taken off with the black brush. Sometimes, not always I have trouble adjusting the opacity of white masks. I was playing around with actions I downloaded and after applying three actions to a photo, elements froze on me. I read about trashing preferences, I dont know what that does or means but I tried to hit cntrol alt shift when photoshop was opening and nothing happened. When it first opens it shows I can install the new inspiration browser ( i dont know what that is either) thinking it was a required update I tried to update and it gave me an error message, something about the installer has been mis-configured.

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Photoshop :: Color Profiles Appear To Be Affecting Layer Masks

Sep 19, 2012

We are using color profiles that adjust the white point.  When these color profiles are applied to the image we cannot properly paint into layer masks because we cannot access "pure white".  The brightest white we can paint with is a form of grey (aka, we cannot paint back full opacity in a layer mask).  This shows up in the color "chips" as only allowing the brightest value to be a light grey.  The only way to get around this is to turn off our color profile, paint pure white, and then reapply the color profile (which confirms my understanding that "pure white" is supported by the mask channel when a color profile is applied, we just cannot paint it that value when the profile is applied).
As far as I can imagine, color profiles shouldn't be applied to scalar channels like a mask channel, right?
This affects CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS6

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Photoshop :: CS6 Solid Color Layer - Vector Masks

Apr 3, 2013

Based on the wording in this post, is the older mask display style just plain gone (and with it the ability to toggle the mask on/off)? I'd love to return to that display style if I can - is there an option to do so somewhere?

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Photoshop :: How To Replace Color

May 6, 2012

I have an image taken from off the Net that I need to edit and change some colors.
In the Replace Color dialog I can select the "source color"  but I can't specify the "destination color" except by dragging the Hue slider.

I'd like to be able to specify the "destination color" I want in more detail, like selecting it from a pallette, inputting RGB/HSB values etc.

How could I do that?

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Photoshop :: Replace One Color With Another From Same JPG

Jul 4, 2011

I'm trying to use the Image -> Replace Color tool in photoshop cs5 to replace one color in a jpg with another from the same image.It wont let me. The new color has to be from the palate apparently??

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Photoshop :: Replace Color

Jun 5, 2006

A basic question for a basic user. I have a layer in an image which I created by using a paintbrush to create a shape using the colour black on a transparent background. I want to change this outline shape to a certain green. I go to Image/Adjustments/Replace Color. I click the radio button called Image and I see my black outline on a white background. The colour in the little boxes is black, same as outline.

I change the foreground colour to the green I wish to use and this changes the colour in the little boxes in the Replace Color window to that green. However, whichever eyedropper I choose to click on the black outline in the image just changes the colour in the little boxes back to black. So it is working in reverse to what I want to happen. How can I get the outline to turn from black to green?

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Photoshop :: Replace All Of One Color

May 22, 2009

I would like to know if there is a method to replace all of one color, with another. I am working with a graphic, and not a picture, so I have it easy, but I would still like to know.

I am new to photoshop, but it has served me well so far.

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Photoshop :: How To Replace Color?

May 8, 2009

I have in my document a green brush-stroke, with very feathered edges (brushsize=47px, hardness=0). I want to replace all of it with red. I selected Replace Color effect, and all is fine- for the central green that is. It becomes red. But the blurry green edges remain green, even with maxed Fuzziness.

What can I do?

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Photoshop :: REPLACE COLOR

Mar 14, 2005

It's possible in photoshop cs to replace a color by an other? I have a black part in my picture (rgb = 0) and i want to replace this color by a red color (rgb = 255).

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Photoshop :: Replace Color

Jan 27, 2005

Photoshop CS.

I have a document with a number of layers. Each layer has lines of a single pure colour.

When I try to replace a colour, Photoshop is replacing it with the wrong one!

For instance when I try to replace RGB 128,0,128 with 96,56,17, the outcome is 105,61,18. I try to replace 212,0,212 with 96,56,17, the outcome is 145,85,25.

In the colour picker dialogue, the radio button R of RGB is currently selected. Web safe is not enabled. The file is RGB, 8bits, so this seems reasonable. The eyedropper tool is set to point sample, but as I said the lines are pure colour anyway.

The layers are all at default settings for blending etc.

One thing I have noticed is that when I click on the 'result' colour panel in the replace colour dialogue, the colour is always out by 1 in the blue channel. Since I change this using the RGB numbers, this should not impact the result either.

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Photoshop :: 'Replace Color'

Jul 21, 2004

I am replacing a color using the 'replace color' under 'Image->Adjustments' to match a certain color. Is there a way where i can replace the selected color by typing in RGB values instead of moving the Hue, saturation, and lightness sliders? The sliders doesnt provide exact color matching, instead i have been eyeballing the colors to match, which is dangerous when it comes to deatail.

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Photoshop :: Replace Color?

Jun 3, 2005

i have an image with a white background that i would like to change to a specific shade of gray. obviously replace color would seem like what i needed to do, but i can't get it to function properly...basically all i want to do is select white and replace all white color in the image with the gray color ( i have the rgb/hsb values for the color i want). but everytime i use replace color, it will allow me to alter the hue, sat, etc values for any color in the image that i select except for white. when i select white, and then try to change the values, the color is always the same, with the exception that when i lower the brightness it becomes dark. i wanted to do a search to try to find this answer myself but i'm beginning to wonder if replace color is the command i should be using. even if there was some way to change the white to transparent i could put a layer of gray behind it and that would work, but i haven't been able to do that either.

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Photoshop :: Replace Color

Jan 23, 2007

I am trying to visualize paint colors in my house and figured the easiest way is to play around in Photoshop. But I cannot seem to find a way to virtually paint the walls in my room. I've tried doing a color fill with overlay and I've also tried doing a layer adjustment with Replace Color. In both situations, the results are not completely satisfactory. The resulting "virtual paint" color does not exactly resemble the color I selected and has too many ranges...for example, when I choose a mid-range green, the color on my selection ranges from almost white in certain areas to a dark green. Can anyone think of a way to accurately depict a virtual paint color (while still keeping the lighting and textures intact)?

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Photoshop :: Replace A Color Of An Area

Dec 9, 2007

i would like to modify this attached image so that i get 3 images; each of the image should has its own border with one of these colours:

R=250, G=198, B=200 (FAC6C8)
R=191, G=233, B=211 (BFE9D3)
R=255, G=251, B=191 (FFFBBF)

So i would like to have 3 images with differents border colour: one FAC6C8 border, one BFE9D3 border and one FAC6C8 border. I note that an other image will be add in the center of the image; this last image has all the 4 coulour at the same time (FAC6C8,BFE9D3,FFFBBF et BFBFBF)
I think that i should select the border (to not influence the coulours of the centre's image) and remplace it by the wanted colour ... but how to do it?

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Photoshop :: Replace Color Glitch?

May 4, 2008

I made a simple gradient from black to white, then went to Select>ColorRange and used the sample color I had - #848484. I set the fuzziness to 0 to restrict the selection to only that color and then pressed OK. It selected three pixels. I copy and paste these into a new document to make it easier to see them. Now here's the glitchiness: I eyedrop each of the three pixels to see what their hexadecimal values are. One is 848484, another is 848484, but the last one is 848585. Why is Photoshop selecting an 848585 colored pixel when I'm telling it to only select a 848484 colored pixels? I would assume that setting fuzziness all the way down to 0 would restrict the selection to EXACTLY the color you specify, but it doesn't appear to be doing that. Is there any way around this? This is important because I'm trying to select specific colors that are not used as much and replace them with colors used more often in the image.

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Photoshop :: Replace Color From Blue To Red

Mar 24, 2006

I've ps 7.0

I've a blue car picture and will change it to red . I tried to use the replace color but it doesn;t work correctly. Which tool do you use to replace the color?

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Photoshop :: Replace A Color Of An Area

Dec 9, 2007

i would like to modify this attached image so that i get 3 images; each of the image should has its own border with one of these colours:

R=250, G=198, B=200 (FAC6C8)
R=191, G=233, B=211 (BFE9D3)
R=255, G=251, B=191 (FFFBBF)

So i would like to have 3 images with differents border colour: one FAC6C8 border, one BFE9D3 border and one FAC6C8 border. I note that an other image will be add in the center of the image; this last image has all the 4 coulour at the same time (FAC6C8,BFE9D3,FFFBBF et BFBFBF)
I think that i should select the border (to not influence the coulours of the centre's image) and remplace it by the wanted colour ...

I use photoshop 7.0.1.

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Photoshop :: Paint Vs Color Replace

Mar 16, 2005

I have a image that I need to change the edge color. Would it be better to use the color replace or just use a paint brush?

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Photoshop :: Replace The White Color With Anything Else?

Jul 15, 2005

can i replace the white color with any thing else?

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Photoshop :: Replace Color And Layers

Oct 19, 2007

Using Photoshop CS2 9.0, Windows XP, is there any way to apply Replace Color to all layers in an image simultaneously? I'm setting up an animation, and really don't feel like going through 50+ layer/frames individually just to make some slight color adjustments which I may decide to not even use.

And, while we're on the subject, is there any way to apply other effects and tools to multiple layers in one go? Like, say, pasting and merging a selection into each layer, rather than doing it for each one separately?

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Photoshop :: CS4 - Use Replace Color Tool With Precise RGB Value

Apr 1, 2012

I've seen plenty of tutorials on the use of the Image > Adjustments > Replace Color... tool and in all of these tutorials, they will simply slide the hue slider to a color they wish to change to. I know that in the replacement section, a user can click the color box and choose a color from the swatches, even copy and pasting a specific hex code value.

This is great for web dev work where I need a precise hex color for an image. Problem is, this doesn't work. It seems to blend the new color with the existing one. What I find myself doing is more of an iterative process then: I'll use the eye-dropper tool on this blended color, then repeat the Replace Color steps again and again until I get something close to my intended new color.

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Photoshop :: How To Copy And Replace Rectangle Color

Aug 6, 2013


I have a document that is 8X12 with a white background.

     1.  create new layer
     2.  click on color from swatches.
     3.  draw a rectangle holding shift.  Now I have rectangle that has a color. (Change to Pixels in options)
Can I copy that new rectangle with a different color?? Can I copy and replace that color??
Sounds simple.  I can't find a method to do it!
The reason to do it this way is the rectangle will show in layer as a colored square on transparent background.

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Photoshop :: How To Replace Darkness With A Brightish Color

Jun 22, 2013

I'm attaching an image where the client has requested the dark background be made a bright color, #e48da8 for example, yet still have a believable edge from hair to background. I have made a couple of attempts which have fallen short. How can I replace that darkness with a brightish color and do it convincingly, given that the darkness comes into the hair quite a bit, and the edge is feathery?

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Photoshop :: Replace Color Dialogue Box Not Showing

May 7, 2009

I'm new to the forum, and new to Photoshop. I'm trying to replace a color in an image. When I click, Image > Adjustments > Replace Color, and the dialogue box opens, everything isn't showing. I've attached a screen shot of what I see. Could there be something wrong with my program or am I missing something else?

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