Photoshop :: Reflection Enhancement
Jan 19, 2005
Well I have been a avid PS7 user for a long time now, mainly to do touch ups and compositions for my 3D work etc but ,ately I have been trying my hand at photo restoration and image enhacement.
I have a problem. I am trying to enhance a photo that has a reflection in it so as to try and make out the detail in the reflection.
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Jan 8, 2011
How do I make picture like this pie on the top of this page and muffin on the bottom for example: (I cannot post links, so here it is: (www proverstka ru)
It looks like drawn thing, but I thing it was made from photo. How do I achieve smooth and nice looking picture like this from an existing picture?
What type of effects I need to apply?
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Jun 1, 2006
I have a digital photography business and just starting out.
I have seen some photography sites that do some photoshop "eyes enhancement" to make photographs...pop.....and I am wondering how they do it and what methods they use.
They seem to make the childrens eyes iris' look crystal clear and enhance them.
click on the "inquires" link. See the picture of the kid? No way his eyes are really like this. She must photoshop a bunch of her pictures to make them pop.
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Nov 20, 2012
Need to know if there is software available which can increase the pixels for photos already loaded onto the iMac and deleted from the camera.
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Dec 22, 2012
I have a question that relates to a digital image that is of an old original B/W photograph.
The image is of an old, plain page of a book found by Police some 65 years ago, in it's orginal form the police had noticed what appeared to be indentations or very feint writing on this page and used graphite powder to highlight their findings and then went over the highlighted areas with what appears to be an early felt tip pen. This was then photographed and an image produced.
The intial image itself is quite small about 400 X 400 px.
It shows 5 lines of hand written characters with additional hand drawn lines.
Here is an example of a close up of the 'sharp end' of the two crossed lines in the centre of the page:
Here is that image reversed:
When I examined the image in more detail I noticed that the actual characters and lines were not simply black markings but in fact had various shades ranging from grey through to black within them.
I turned the image negative and it showed up what appeared to be smaller letters and numbers behind the initial blackened markings and lines. I have done some basic filtering and have managed to improve on the appearance but only a little.
The questions I have are these:
1. Are these real markings or are they some kind of digital noise? Most of the letters and lines on this page show signs of letters and words beneath the drawn over markings. (I have done a lot of research about micrography and such miniature writing does and did exist at the time and in fact has been around for 4000 years or more)
2. Is it possible for me to 'strip away' further layers of lighter coloured pixels to sharpen the markings that appear to lie beneath the overdrawn characters and lines?
3. This being so, what steps or processes can be used to achieve better clarity and hopefully a larger image.
I hope I got that right and it makes at least some sort of sense
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Jan 7, 2009
Photoshop 9.0.2
I took a Word 2003 graphical single-color (black) letterhead and copy/pasted into PS. I can see the grid lines in PS so that's cool. Now, what I want to do is to highlight (via MagicWand, I think) the outer perimeter of the logo and enhance its pixelation (is that a word?) so I can use it in an email (HTML type) as well as change its size (+/-) without altering its resolution. There are alot of lines, circles, curves etc. that appear to be (are?) connected and interconnected - except for about 6 stars and planets. [Logo is based on stars, planets, earth, moon, sun etc. - like an astronomy or solar system approach to make it pretty simple.]
So, when I've selected the MagicWand icon on the Toolbox and then select the black outer border of the logo, it appears that PS enables all of the logo - at least the connected parts - the others I'm not too sure as I can't see them 'vibrate' as I currently look at the MagicWand enabled logo. There's also some text involved - slanting up to the right and down to the right. All text is English.
how do I increase the pixel resolution of the ENTIRE logo (all stars, planets etc. even those not interconnected) and make sure that I can use the *.psd file to change the logo size but not the resolution? Or do I need to change the file to *.?.
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Jan 15, 2009
I have a grayscale photo taken in fron to a window producing a bad bounce flash. How do I fill in the spot using a portion of the outside image?
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Feb 13, 2012
Am looking for batch resize enhancement. I did Select All and then did Re-size, but only got re-size on the current picture. Actually, I don't think SelectAll did anything. Wonder what its there for, actually.
Adding other utilities (paid or free) to get the re-size job done is not a valid workaround. The point is to use a utility that does it all. For actions that I do not do frequently, I can never remember which tool does which thing best. It would be preferable to have one go-to tool that meets basic editing and file needs and is easy to use. I am thinking may be mostly for advanced editing.
I ended up using MS Picture Manager for this task, but in folders that need selective selections (e.g. select all pics > 2Kmb), they don't support n-to-n-selection with ctrl-shift.I had to use Explorer to copy the desired folders to a temp folder then use MS-PM to Select-All and Batch Resize; then copy back. blech. There once was a uploader tool from a website photo hosting site I had used in the past that did batch resize, but couldn't remember which or where it was.
I used %percentage reductions, maintaining aspect ratio. I can see that h x w absolute measurements might be tricky in batch mode.
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Jan 23, 2012
i was curious as to which sharpening/color correction techniques this photographer used to result in such a perfect photo. more specifically, i'd love to learn how he managed to make the blue halter strap almost shimmer and pop out of the image and his face a beautiful, warm and rich coffee color.
i attempted to recreate his enhanced image with the original, but fell slightly short in a few areas. i did eventually manage to get a similar look by simply adjusting input levels and sharpness, but had the toughest time making his head and all the fine details on it really "pop" AND "glow".
i basically increased the black input levels a bit to saturate and bring life to the image, but that resulted in the face and halter also darkening.
before: [URL] .......
after: [URL] .....
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Dec 5, 2013
I have a GIF image file (single colour on transparent) I would like to match to this PowerPoint text.
There is a slight embossing with a hint of highlight, plus the shadow effect.
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Oct 7, 2006
I'm trying to remake a picture of the new 747 Advanced, and I cant figure out how to make a nice looking reflection.
Here is the picture I'm talking about, and the picture I'm working on. I'm not actually going to deal with the reflection untill the end, but I figured I would ask now in hopes that someone would reply before I actually get to that point lmfao.
The main things I want to reflect is the wing onto the body of the plane, and the windows onto the wing.
I really want this to look professional when it's done. I'm trying to build up my portfolio, and I want to turn this into a united airlines poster.
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Apr 8, 2007
I would like to do a reflection of sunglasses as seen here:
The typical filp verticial, does not produce the correct angle and I cant see how to achieve it.
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Dec 4, 2007
how do i get the reflections out of the car, and get the trees to be in the reflection, also is there anyway to give the car a realistic shadow after placing it in its new background.
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Jan 12, 2003
how I should make the reflections for the following image.... I've allready made some reflections on it but it started to look kind of funny i think! Is it even possible to make proper reflections for this image?
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Dec 19, 2008
Just wanted to know how I might be able to create this effect: Also if someone can give me a few tips on how I might be able to achieve the "look" of the pic as well, I'd appreciate it.
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May 23, 2009
i have tried my best at making the logo look like a reflection,
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May 27, 2006
how can a make a simple relection on a picture?
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Jul 10, 2003
I'm trying to make a marble ball that looks wet, thus a reflection. I can pretty much get the ball (albeit not extremely realistic) and some what of a reflection idea going on after looking at some reflection tuts, but the reflection just doesn't seem to wrap right or something, it just seems...unnatural.
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Jul 5, 2006
I'm having a nightmare in creating a realistic reflection of the cut-out white car I have attached to this post - as if it was shot in a studio with a shiney floor. I have scoured the forums and tried distorting the picture but can't seem to get it right. I have attached another file showing an example of a disasterous attempt.
The third file I've attached is an example of what I am trying to achieve. I understand that the underside would have to be recreated to make it realistic, but that can just be black.
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Aug 30, 2006
How do I create the reflection of the sun in the sunglasses of this photo? Is it done using a brush?
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Oct 11, 2007
how this reflection was achieved? I kind of understand the layer 2( they duplicated the original, moved down and then reduced opacity) but I don't understand the process of layer 3 at all. It'll great if some give me a tutorial on how to make this reflection.
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Jul 13, 2006
how to reflect things like text, but not for images.
how to reflect an image?
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Aug 21, 2006
I was taking photos for my club's badges and I thought using a green screen would be useful in editing the images later. It turns out that the green reflected off the wall and highlight some or all of the outter edge of the people photographed. This is a pretty mild example, but you can see the green bleed over into the hair especially. Listed below is an example of what I mean.
Is there any adjustments that I could do to recover the image? I'm half-skilled at photoshop, knowing enough to be dangerous, but I do pretty decent work and make it look like I know what I'm doing most of the time.
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Apr 27, 2006
trying to create reflections that end up "dissapearing" (like you can see in the attachment). i�ve tried EVERYTHING, playing around with the gradient overlay but the image always seems to dissapear either at the left or the right, not at the bottom,
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Oct 12, 2007
I need to add a reflection to this icon, like it's sitting on a glass surface.
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Aug 10, 2004
I am trying to create a realistic reflection of my photoshopped car, but it never looks right, I have seen people use relections before like this and it looks amazing but I can't seem to get it right.
... And this is what my attempts look like, the front end of the reflected car is not right, and no matter how much I use the Skew/perspective or distort tools it doesn't look real.
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Aug 1, 2012
Using CS6 on Windows 7. I've got a product photo of a product with square corners and the shot is taken on a angle so that a corner is pointed out towards you with 2 sides going away from you. I've created a copy of the layer, flipped it vertically and lowered the opacity to create a reflection. I then added a layer mask to the reflection layer and then a gradient to fade out the relection to solid white on 1 side of the product. But I need to apply a gradient to the other side of the product to fade out its reflection, but when I do this, it removes the first gradient. How can I fade out both sides of my reflection?
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Jan 22, 2013
I am creating a chrome emblem using Photoshop's CS6's 3D tool. On the face of the surface I want a specific reflection (an image of city street with people walking, etc.). I want to be able to control this reflection by moving it around on the surface so I can control what is reflecting.
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May 12, 2011
I am trying to do a reflection in photoshop. I can do a reflection in photoshop if the picture is a straight on shot of a car. I tried to do a shot of a car that is from a front angle, but when I flip it verticle I can not get the tires to all line up. I am wondering how to get all three tires to touch each other. I have tried distorting, skewing, perspective and can not get it to work. Here is the image I have been practicing on that I found on the internet.
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Oct 15, 2008
Corel Draw X4 and CS3 package. Im pretty familiar with X4 as Iv been using Corel for a long time, but never done this particular thing before...
wanting to do is put a mirror or reflection underneath my object
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Mar 14, 2006
Im trying to take this picture:
(my old school Minolta X370)
And add a reflection into the lense, to make it look like it is reflecting something else, for example, a beach, or a city skyline.
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