Photoshop :: No Desktop CC Downloads Available?

Jun 18, 2013

When I signed up for the Cloud, the desktop application manager for CC wasn't installed on my computer, so now, when I try to update or install something new (Photoshop CC for instance), I get a message to do it from my desktop. Since I don't have the Cloud application on my desktop, I can't do this!

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Photoshop :: CS3 Maimum Amount Of Downloads

Oct 27, 2008

I bought Photoshop CS3 and have a photography studio. I have 4 computers to do my editing on and when I tried to dowload the program to the last computer it says that I have reached my maximum amount of downloads or something like that. It won't let me register it and it tells me that I have to de-activate one of them to register the last computer. Am I going ot have to go out and actually purchase yet another copy of PS CS3 to have it on that other computer? Is there a discounted price or do I actually have to pay full price to add it to one more computer?

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Photoshop :: Installing Font Downloads

Mar 12, 2008

Recently downloaded new font file from Adobe.

Extracted all files and placed them in PS Fonts file in appropriate places.

PS still does not acknowledge this font.

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Photoshop :: Trial Version Downloads And Installs...

Aug 19, 2008

I can download and install PS CS3 (as well as Illustrator, Dreamweaver etc) just fine...

but when I launch the app and select the option to start the trial, I get an ambiguous error message saying that...

"A problem was encountered while trying to load the trial period for Adobe Photoshop CS3

Click Quit to see if restarting you computer or reinstalling the software..."

so I did both, and I still get the error.

I need this trial version as a bridge for the next month before pulling the trigger on the full suite;

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Even Make A Quick Movie - Nothing Downloads

Sep 17, 2013

I have bought yet another Elements and this one doesn't work any better than the last one did on Windows 7.  I am sick of wasting money and time!  Last time I was out the money and just had to continue using Windows Movie Maker.

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VideoStudio :: Can't Find Any Transition Downloads

Jan 24, 2011

I'm a fairly new user to Video Studio - started with X2 version 12, which had 30+ mask type transitions. I used these mask transitions the most for my editing. I recently upgraded to Pro X3 and now only have 6 mask transitions.

I have searched the corel site, this site, and the Get More feature in X3 - but can't find any transition downloads anywhere. The only options available in Get More are titles and templates (styles). I still have files from X2 on my computer - which folder transitions are kept in or what file type they are? I might be able to track the specific files down and move them over to my X3 files.I've only been using X3 for a few days and I'm ready to go back to X2!

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VideoStudio :: Path Downloads / Sharing

Jul 14, 2013

I searched but could not find any paths for download.

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Illustrator :: Multi-page PDF Downloads?

Oct 30, 2013

How do i download multipage pdfs within the Adobe illustrator program?  I know it is some sort of module within scrips..

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VideoStudio :: Video File Format For Downloads

Feb 21, 2011

I'm using Video Studio Pro X2 on XP.

I have a personal website and upload video files for people to download. My videos are around 45-60 mins long and I save them using MPEG optimizer usually, resulting in file sizes of around 2GB. These files take a long time to download, and I have to upload them overnight. I've downloaded video files of around 60 mins in duration from other sites which have been only 500MB in size. These tend to be WMV files 25bit with frame size around 640 x 480 and bit rate of around 1122fbps, frame rate 25fps.

Is this the best format for achieving a compromise between quality and file size? The WMV options un custom are much smaller frame sizes, where can I find the right option? Is there a better format available in the custom menu?

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Illustrator :: Vector Downloads Are Not Supported On Device

Jan 3, 2014

When  I try to download a vector image from the site , when i select a vector image i get the folllowing message: "Vector downloads are not supported on this device".I have adobe creative suite 5.5 installed and my computer is a windows 8 OS on a HP TouchSmart i can get these images "supported" on my device?

Shutterstock information tells me that i should be able to download these files -- but i continue to get this error message.

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Photoshop :: Photoshop 5.0 Brush Downloads

Mar 4, 2007

I learned to use Photoshop CS2 while I was in school, but the only version I have at home is 5.0... I'm having a hard time finding brushes that are compatible with this version.

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Corel Website Creator X6 :: Create Download File Handler To Manage File Downloads?

Jul 17, 2013

1) how do i create a download file handler to manage file downloads in a website? to be precise, lets say for instance i need to place file samples for my audience to download, how do i go about it?

2) how do i place a file upload handler in a website?

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Photoshop :: Possible To Have CS6 Not Hog The Desktop

May 20, 2012

I don't like Lightroom, and when I tried the trial of CS6, I could not find a way to get rid of the big box that obscures the desktop. Is there a way to default back to the "classic CS5" look? Also, I prefer the previous version of Camera RAW.

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Photoshop :: My Desktop & PSE 6

May 3, 2009

I recently purchased Photoshop Elements 6, for my Macintosh OS X.  Though I've looked everywhere on the menu, I can't find a way to keep my desktop in the background.  The only way I can get a view of my desktop is if I keep switching back and forth to the help section of PSE 6.  Any enlightenment on how to keep my desktop visible all time, while using the PSE 6,

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Photoshop :: Re-download CC To Desktop?

Aug 2, 2013

How do I re-download Photoshop CC to my desktop?

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Photoshop :: Can't Print In CS5 From Desktop Only (Mac OS)

Jan 3, 2012

I have PS CS5 on my laptop and desktop.  I have Mac os x 10.6.4 on both computers.  I have a new Lexmark s605 printer set up wireless that I use for general stuff and an Epson 2400 for photos.

I can print from all applications to the Lexmark from my desktop except Photoshop CS5.  It goes to the print queue and shows "Printing page 1 of 1" but just hangs, never prints.  I can print from PS CS5 from my desktop to my Epson 2400.  I can print from PS CS5 (wireless) from my laptop with no problem.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the printer and PS CS5 on my desktop, same result.  All the firmware, systems and applications are up to date.  I am using 64 bit which prints from the laptop.  I tried 32 bit just for the heck of it from the desktop and it did not make a difference.  I've tried Lexmark support and Adobe support without much luck.   Adobe says it is Lexmark, Lexmark says it is Adobe.  Adobe says it does not support networked printers? 

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Photoshop :: How To Get The Icon On Desktop

Nov 23, 2013

How do I get the icon for Photoshop on my desktop?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Used On Extended Desktop

Aug 26, 2012

Very strange reactions from Photoshop CS6 when used on my Lenovo ThinkPad in an extended desktop situation. Any attempt to open an image in Photoshop is unsuccessful in showing the actual image, despite the layers box showing the thumbnail, the "open ifle" text box at the top indicating it is open, and the image details box also indicating correct data for the image file.  If I close down extended desktop Photoshop works just fine. If I extend the desktop once Photoshop is running, I can move the open window to the extended desktop and it also works fine. Once I close Photoshop I am back to square one.

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Photoshop :: Install CS3 On A New Desktop

Nov 4, 2012

I have CS5 on a MacBook Pro laptop and CS3 on a PC Win XP desktop that crashed. Will I be allowed to install CS3 on a new desktop? I will access the XP hard drive only to retrieve some scan files?

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Photoshop :: Can't Access Anything But Desktop When...

Aug 19, 2009

I have Photoshop CS3 on a PC running Windows Vista. When I try to batch or automate I cannot access any files other than the desktop. If I do file>automate>batch and then go to choose folder, the only folders I can access is the desktop. There are no plus signs and no other options except desktop.  The same thing happens if I go file>scripts>image processor. Someone told me this could be a permissions problem with Vista.

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Photoshop :: How Can I Spice My Desktop Up?

Jul 30, 2007

I just made something in cs2 and put it as my desktop wallpaper, it was from a simple tutorial. I was just wondering how I could add some more color or how to jazz it up a little. Right now, it seems kind of plain.

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Photoshop :: Remote Desktop

Apr 13, 2009

I use Remote Desktop quite a bit to login to my computer and use programs installed on there.  A frequent one is Adobe Photoshop.  When I do my work in Remote Desktop everything works great, but when I'm actually at home on my pc it loads everything and the splash screen goes away and then all of a sudden it has "Photoshop CS4 has stopped working" error.

It turns out it is doing this with all of my adobe products.  I am using Vista 32-Bit and all the products are CS4.  One more thing I noticed is if I open Photoshop in remote desktop then login to my computer I can use it without error.

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Photoshop :: Desktop Artifacts

Jul 31, 2009

i recently fixed a virus on my computer after a few days hard work tracking it down, and since then i have experienced no blue screens anymore, but i had a probel with explorer.exe where it used sometimes over 800MB of memory doing nothing. With more research and monitoring, i discovered its cause was actually a corupt music file on my desktop, and every time i refreshed my desktop, explorer's memory usage would jump up a few dozen more kb of memory.

This is now fixed. BUT, i still have one symptom of something wrong, that doesnt seem to go. My PC is back to being fast it seems now, and there is no noticable real lag between just opening folders like there was, but my desktop still has problems. If i close a full screen program, the computer doesn't exactly slow down, its just the program closes very slightly slower than normal because it closes from top to bottom.

MSN in particular, always leves it's title bar behind when closed. And if i click and drag on my desktop, the little dashed box it makes sticks and doesn't go away. All of this is resolved by a refresh of the desktop, but it doesn't explain why it is happening. Windows XP 32bitNVidia 9800GTX GPU4GB RAM

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Photoshop :: Metroid Desktop

Apr 19, 2007

Here we have a wallpaper I am trying to pick apart piece by piece. To do so, I am making my own with a different character, color scheme, etc. I am just using this wallpaper as a guide since I like the general layout quite a bit.

There are a few areas I would like help with, but first...

Here is what I have worked out.

1. The hex grid I have made, along with the fill patterns and split character image (thanks to Aegis.)

Here is where I am stumped.

1. How do you created the white transparent "reticule-esque" areas in the center of the page. I assume you could create something in illustrator and import it, or work in photoshop alone. But the shapes seem quite complicated and I was curious if anyone had any ideas how to best create them. I know you would certainly need to use the grid to keep things lined up.

2. The other area of interest is the series of small white vertical bars coming off each black horizontal line. Each on is maybe 10 pixels in height and fades from white to transparent as they move up. Making one wouldn’t be too hard (Perhaps using a brush with a fade setting or filling a Marquee with a gradient), but making 200 seems like it might be tough. I suppose you could make a pattern and "fill" alone the length of the black lines, but there might be a better way.

3. The character has some really net white blur/highlighting going on especially on the top and bottom sections. If I had to take a guess, Id say a filter was probably used, though I have no idea which. That or maybe brightness/contrast settings.

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Photoshop :: Desktop Cloud App Missing?

Jul 22, 2013

Yesterday there was an update to the Desktop Cloud app which I agreed to and started to download.
During the download process it failed and now the Cloud desktop app is missing from my computer and I can't find a way to get it back.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Hang And Then Crash To Desktop

Mar 8, 2013

My studio has been using the Photoshop COM interop to do some automation which has worked really well for us, but just today I got this COM exception:

System.OutOfMemoryException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {99AEA70E-4D13-44BF-A878-33345CBFCBC8} failed due to the following error: 8007000e Not enough storage is available to complete this operation. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000E (E_OUTOFMEMORY)). 
which was weird since I wasn't anywhere close to being system has 32 GB and i still had 16+GB free and ~600 GB of space on my HDD.
In any case, after that event, when I start Photoshop, the UI is active for maybe about 5 seconds before it becomes unresponsive and sits frozen for about 3 or 4 minutes before it goes 'magic-desktop'....crashes with no errors or dialogs. 
Any runtime logs that Photoshop CS6 generates where I can look for more info on what might be going on?

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Photoshop :: Can Operate CC On Desktop And Laptop

Sep 24, 2013

Can I operate CC on my desktop and laptop?

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Photoshop :: Get Icon For Program On Desktop?

Nov 23, 2013

How do I get the icon for my Photoshop program?

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Photoshop :: CC Desktop Fails To Install?

Jun 27, 2013

Payment went through but Creative Cloud failed to instal What next!!!

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Photoshop :: Mac Os 10.6.8 And 5 - Can't See Trace Of Camera On Desktop?

Jan 12, 2013

I recently received a new Imac running 10.8.6 and when I attach a digital camera the images go directly to iphoto and yet I don't see any trace of the camera on my desktop or in my finder and therefore can't import them onto my hard drive as customary. if this is an issue with photoshop 5 that will be transparent if I upgrade to photoshop 6?  or is there a download that will address this issue is PS

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Photoshop :: Workstation Or Desktop Video

Jun 13, 2013

My new Dell U2713H is on its way, and I need a new video card to take advantage of it. I work mainly with Photoshop and Illustrator, with a little bit of Video and 3D. No games whatsoever.
How much video memory do I need? When I look at the Nvidia Quadro series, there's a big jump in price from entry-level to mid-level, but only the mid-level has 2GB. For desktop cards, even some of the lower-end ones have 2GB. Would the extra memory be good for working with image stacks and panorama stitching?
For the more expensive desktop cards, are you mostly paying for enhanced gaming capabilities, or would it be a general overall improvement in performance?
Most of the reviews I see for workstation cards are oriented towards people who do do a lot of 3D. Like I said, I don't do a lot, but I do some. Would something like a Quadro K600 give me a performance boost in Photoshop? Or might I be just as happy with a lower-mid-range desktop card?

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