Photoshop :: No Actions For Vignette
Jan 12, 2009
I have 220 still images all the same size. I am wanting to put a vignette on all of them by placing an oval shape using the elliptical marquee tool with 150 feather, inverting the selection and using my paint brush, painting over the area.
I have recorded the above in my actions, and when I use this action on my next image nothing at all happens!
I was going to use batch processing, but seeing that my actions do not work, their is no point.
How do I create a vignette, saving it then using the vignette on all 220 images.
I am using PSCS3
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Apr 28, 2013
I spent hours online looking for a tutorial that shows how to feather a video's edge. For example, I imported a video clip on the cs6 timeline. I want to create a circle vignette around the video.
If I select the video and use the Eraser tool to feather around the video, it only applies the effect on 1 frame when I advance the timeline. Is there any way to use the Eraser tool on a video and apply
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Jul 12, 2004
how I can do something that was previously done mechanically by photographers: Vignetting all images on a roll. For school photography, a vignette device used to be placed in front of the camera lens to darken the edges of the final print. Now I can create a vignette in photoshop but only on one image at a time. How do I create a vignette that I can somehow automate to end up on all 300 school children's images before I send the files to the lab for printing?
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Nov 16, 2012
creating a vignette with a black background. If I can avoid using the curves to do this and make it as simple as possible would be best. The image I need to do this to is artwork placed on a white background, instead of having the hard edges that separate the bg and image it would be nicer to have a vignette effect so a soft white background surrounds the image.
I'm in CS6
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Jun 3, 2013
I am experimenting with radial gradients and also elliptical selections with feather applied later via de Refine Edge command.
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Jan 1, 2014
I am trying to make a vignette with the ellipse tool. I only get the selected ellipse black,and cannot figure out how to change it.
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Aug 31, 2004
I downloaded a couple of actions from the web to my actions palette and they worked fine, but then I got greedy and downloaded a few more and thats when things went south. Now none of the actions work - by not working I mean when I mouse over the Play Selection icon at the bottom of the action palette I get that little circle with a line through it. This happens with the PS default actions as well (I also get the circle on the Stop Playing/Recording and Begin Recording icons).
Somewhere in the following is probably what messed things up.
I downloaded actions to my computer in zip files. Copied them over to the actions folder (or somewhere) and unzipped them. I went back to the actions palette and hit load actions and loaded them. On the second set of actions that I downloaded I remember thinking why am I copying and pasting these files - I bet I should cut and paste them, so I did and that may have been the start of the great crumble of 2004. PhotoShop help says: (under Saving and loading actions) Actions are automatically saved the the Actions Palette folder in PS7.0 Settings folder. If this file is lost or removed, the actions you created are lost.
I have searched for the settings folder and couldnt find it, but the actions still show up on the actions palette - they just dont run.
Im a little fuzzy on the details on the above steps. In fact, I probably did something different on each download.
one more thing, I reloaded PhotoShop, but still nothing.
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Nov 24, 2013
My computer crashed and I removed all apps and reinstalled so now none of my actions appear. However I do have a backup file of all of them and want to reinstall but before when I was using cs6 ( Im assuming same thing as CC as it was all on the subscription plan ) I would click actions then the right arrows and it would bring me a big screen of all the actions ( even the ones that were just preloaded in ps ) and it was a big box with all the actions and some options to record etc...Now that box isn't there and it's just a single column drop down menu.
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Feb 6, 2013
I am fairly new to PSE and I want to create an oval vignette in Photoshop Elements 10 with transparent background for printing on white paper using MS Publisher. Using the white background on inverse selection makes a slight line impression and either it should have a defined "frame" or nothing.
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Mar 6, 2011
VS 10 vignette no longer shows ulead color picker when selecting matte. I get the color picker when selecting a border under attributes, but with vignette all i get is a gray scale to select from.
Maybe a corrupt file or am I missing a setting? Have used VS 10 for 6 years with no issues. I've attached a snapshot of the problem.
ulead color picker.JPG (89.73 KiB) Viewed 329 times
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Dec 21, 2013
I can add a vignette to a layer but how do I make a layer just for the vignette? I want to treat the vignette layer just like an adjustment layer and be able to return to it for modification.
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Feb 12, 2013
I am trying to create a vignette on an image and find that when I use a brush with a fuzzy edge the result is not what I'm looking for. There are these circles that are left behind where there should be a smooth transition. (See Attachment)
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Apr 2, 2012
I want to send a pdf of a project containing a vignette to a commercial printer. Here's the challenge:creating a vignette (I can do this with layers with a gradient from black to transparent)
saving the picture as a pdf
here's the tricky part defining the black as CYMK 40 30 30 100 (not just a straight RGB to CYMK 0 0 0 100 mapping) to give a dark black when printed by a commercial printerPhotoshop express won't export pdfs Paintshop won't either Photoshop will, Will
I attach a rough example to show what I mean.
Attached Thumbnails
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Oct 6, 2012
I only looked at a few photos so I could be premature in my assessment (and I don't have time to hunt down a fix list if one exits), but it appears the v2012 exposure (and other basic settings) no longer interferes with the lens vignette correction. In other words the lens vignetting takes priority over all other adjustments, as it should.
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Dec 9, 2012
I have just watched the video on how to apply a vignette. In the video the vignette is black. When I tried to emulate the steps, my vignette is white. How do I change the color to black?
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Jul 29, 2013
Photos adjusted using Process Version 2003 incorrectly display a “Post Crop Vignette: Paint Overlay” History step. Selecting a subsequent History State can reset existing settings that follow that state in the History panel. This reset cannot be undone, effectively deleting any settings that have been applied after the selected History State. This only occurs with images adjusted in PV2003.And up until today, I was indeed seeing this Post Crop Vignette: Paint Overlay history step on my Process Version 2003 photos.
Today, I downloaded and installed Jeffrey Friedl's Data Explorer Plug-In, and I used it to create a collection which contained all of my photos that are Process 2003, so I could go through them and see if any would benefit from using Process 2012.
Lo and behold, I see my process 2003 photos now do NOT have this history step, as you can see in the attached screen capture (the history does not show this step, and at the top right, under the historgram, the photo is clearly PV 2003).have I misunderstood something, or did Jeffrey inadvertently provide a work-around, or something else?
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Nov 17, 2006
I like to put my actions somewhere special on my hardrive, not in apps folder.
Now, in past, when I saved actions CS2 would "remember" where this folder was, making real easy to save.
Lately, it keep defaulting to save as in the app folder-- even though I did navigate to my special area on last save as.
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Apr 9, 2012
I am running the 32 bit trial of X6 and the transparent vignette bitmap effect no longer works. I have converted the bitmap to CMYK transparent and back to not transparent several times in CorelDraw X6 and it still does not work. I have event tried making the bitmap an RGB transparent background and it still does not work.
Then when I click "Edit Bitmap..." it DOES open as a bitmap with a transparent background but the vignette function in Photo-Paint X6 does not work with the transparency either. It forces a background color. There is no longer an easy way to fade the edges of a photo.
Why do you always manage to break stuff that was working Corel?
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Aug 1, 2013
From the release notes: "Catalog containing images processed with PV2003 were adding a post-crop vignette when catalog upgraded to Lightroom 5"
Does that mean all my PV2003 images (10,000+) now have a post-crop vignette included in their edit history? Or some? Or some special combination? I converted my v4.4 catalog a couple of days after v5.0 was released, so I really don't want to go back to my old v4.4 catalog and re-convert..
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Jun 17, 2013
Is there a way to change the color of the Vignette to match the page background color. It appears to that only Black is available at this time.
Is there a transparent vignette available anywhere .
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Feb 19, 2013
I am currently trying to find a faster way to create the images I use for our website at work. We sell phone cases with lots of different printed designs on but all of the actual surrounds of the cases are the same, either in Black or White.
I have created a Black and a White template and kept the front, back and side shots of the phone case on separate layers so they can later be manipulated as needed. I have all of the 'design inserts' saved as separate files which then need to be pasted into the templates (in between certain layers) and saved (one for each case colour).
I am wondering if there is an action or a way in Photoshop that I can set it to import the design into the template, then save the design, then import the next design and save, and so on and so forth? As we have well over a hundred designs and creating the images manually can take a very long time.
I have attached images of a template, a design and how I need it to look after.
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Nov 5, 2008
Can I copy my CS3 personal actions to CS4? If so where can I find them.
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Aug 19, 2009
I have created an action to prepare images for web posting. The action resizes images, sharpens them, adds a frame writes into the frame my contact details and lastly adds the name of the subject (location, or person's name) and then outputs the image to the correct folder. Typically I run the batch on a folder of say 30-40 images at a time.... sometimes upto 100. All run from either bridge or as a droplet via Lightroom.The action works great... except that each batch I run it on the "subject name" I need to insert is different. Is there any way at all to get the action to prompt me for just that bit of information. I've tried checking/ticking the dialog on/off option for the text field in the actions pallet and that works, but... when I'm applying the action to a batch of images it asks for the text EVERY time and doesn't remember what I typed in last time.At the moment, the solution I have is to open one image that I want to run the batch on. Make a copy of the action and enable a stop before the text prompt... run the script to that point. Then run/edit the text line, remove/disable the stop. If necessary create a new droplet. I can then go over to bridge or Lightroom and process the images using the new action.Ideally the what I would like to hapen when I'm running an action like this is when processing the FIRST image in the batch for PS to ask me what text I want and then use that same text on all the other 30 or 40 images.
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Jun 22, 2007
i have about 100 photo cds with 80 to 100 images on each...i have copied each one to a dedicated external drive for storage and access...i would like to convert each cd (folder) to 16 base at 300dpi
to access an image now for photoshop, i have to process each image through graphic converter...
what is the "action" required to to batch convert these folders (retaining the cd number as well as image number: i.e., PCD245_001, PCD245_002, etc)...? presently, the images are tagged: IMG0001.PCD, IMG0002.PCD, etc.
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Jun 7, 2006
trying to create an action which moves a particular item to a certain place every time, and then resizes. This place must be absolute, as I need it to be the same on a variety of images. The problem is whenever I try to use the move command, it uses a relative position. Is there anyway I can tell an object to move to the same place every time?
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Mar 17, 2004
I use Photoshop 7 on a laptop with 900 mghz and 128 ram. Using actions along with batch processing my goal is to open a folder, and, in no particular order, apply the crop tool, levels, curves, and save for web.
Problem is I can't individually apply curves, crop, levels or save for web without batch processing coming to a stop. All files don't require generic applications. When contructing action I've inserted a stop with and without the "allow continue" option and still the batch processing stopped.
Is this manipulation of the action command not combatible with the batch processing command? Do I need to break action into several actions?
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Jun 23, 2005
I have just discovered 'actions' in CS and started to use them to place a frame around some pics BUT one of the actions 'Recessed Frame' has me beaten & confused.
When I play the action I recieve the following messages:-
The command duplicate is not currently available. (and the others saying that others are not currently available) 'set, delete, set (again)' then the message 'warning no pixels were selected' and again currently not available, 'delete, channel frame edge' and at the end of all this I have a totally black picture area.
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May 16, 2008
I want to do a simple thing - create a frame around my picture. The Help directions in the product are so ridiculous in that you cannot follow them. They tell you to look for Photo Frame which does NOT exist, then etc., etc. I've tried exploring Actions, reading all the help - the whole thing makes no sense.
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Jun 24, 2002
how to make Actions (all features included)
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Aug 26, 2008
I am using a free demo version of Photoshop cs3 and I can not seem to get the actions to work. I have selected a picture and tried to use the actions they are all not avalaible in the play menu.
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Mar 12, 2005
Is it possible for someone to give me the short run down on how to do the following with an action? It doesn't have to be batch-applied to a bunch of files. I'd just manually apply it to the files I wanted.
1. Converts from INDEXED to RGB Mode
2. Creates a new HUE/SATURATION adjustment layer with a setting that would turn the file from say, red to blue
3. Save the file in the same format the original was (preserving transparency) and naming the file in the following manner:
original file : top_left_red.gif
new file name : top_left_blue.gif
I could then either modify this action or create a new one that could do the same but apply an orange/green/purple/teal HUE/SAT adjustment and naming convention instead. This would save me a great deal of work and time.
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