I just switch from CS3 to CS6 and I am missing some keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop CS6. I used to be able to toggle between a layer and it mask using (for PC) crtl ~ Now, in Photoshop CS6, that shortcut switches me between the open windows. Ctrl still gets me onto the layer mask but no shortcut will take me from the layer mask back to the actual picture. I also can't even find the options in the shortcut menu to create a keyboard shortcut to toggleback from the layer mask.
I've just switched to a Mac from Windows, I'm using CS3 and in Photoshop on Windows there was an easy option in the Layers pallette where I could toggle through the blending options by using the down arrow key which also showed a live preview of the "blend".
I can't seem to activate this on the Mac version -
Just got my new copy of PS/CS delivered, and all initally seemed to be well. However, I've noticed certain keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore - namely New > Layer via Copy (CTRL+J) doesn't do anything and neither do the arrow keys for nudge. Very annoying.
I've had a look in the new Keyboard shortcuts menu, and it's all on default settings and appears to be fine.
In the process of migrating from 2010 to 2013, all seemed okay at first. Now when I open 2013 i have no ribbon and my keyboard is no responding to shortcuts. For example in 2010 is used the keyboard i key to insert blocks.
I have a drawing that contains an alignment and 2 profiles (existing and proposed). Call this File A.
I created data shortcuts for these 3 objects and reference them in many drawings.
Last week File A was having some problems, it was inexplicably large and seemed to have some corruption I couldn't fix. So I created a new drawing, call it File B, and promoted the alignment and profiles into it.
I used Data Shortcut Editor to point the data shortcuts to File B. In drawings that already referenced these objects they look like the they are coming through just fine.
The problem is that I can't see the profiles listed in the Data Shortcuts section of prospector. The shortcuts folder selected is correct, the xml file is there, it points to File B. The alignment is listed and I can create that reference in a new drawing. I also can't find anything wrong with File B.
tried to install AutoCAD 2012 with SCCM. So I configured an automatic install for it. Tested the installation by clicking the link... everything is fine. Then uninstall and tried to roll it out with sccm: The installation works but there is no shortcut for Autodesk Design Review 2013. Not on the desktop, not on the startmenu Why?
I got the same problem (shortcuts stop working after a period of time while in photoshop and I need to restart photoshop to make it work again)But now, It occurs every 10 secs. I CANNOT use photoshop at all. Just as I open it I got 10 secs to use the keyboard and then its over.
Everything is fully updated, as well as drivers. Nothing has changed in my computer since the last post.
CS6 fails to remember a keyboard shortcut after shutting down PS. Upon the next launch, the keyboard shortcut is not assigned anymore. When I assign a keyboard shortcut: Opt F3 to a script in File>Automate>Scripts>script_xxx the shortcut works fine until I shut down PS. The next time I launch CS6 the shortcut does not work. Going into the keyboard shortcut menu I find that under script_xxx there is no shortcut assigned. If I reassign the shortcut: Opt F3, it will work... until I shut down CS6. (rinse and repeat).
I have same shortcut file for several years. The pattern is recent shortcut, always seem to disappear. They stick for a bit, between many lauchnes and quits of CS3, but then need to be re-added. I've done the delete preferences trick, I'm out of ideas.
For some reason on my Photoshop CS3 Extended, the shortcuts mess up.
It's probably me clicking something, but I don't know what it is, because I've always done the same thing as before and it only just started happening recently.
What's been happening is that whenever I want to use a tool like when you hit "Z" on the keyboard to activate the "Zoom Tool" it undos instead, like the "CTRL+Z" shortcut. Or if i want to use "P" for the "Pen Tool" it takes it as if i did "CTRL+P". But I didn't even do CTRL+anything, I only hit that one key. What exactly is the problem? Do i need to re-install Photoshop?
I have Photoshop CC through Creative cloud. My keyboard shortcuts stop working, then Photoshop really slows down, then crashes. I've been through Adobe support five times now, and it works for about 1/2 hour, then acts up again.
I am using Windows 7 OS, running Photoshop CS6 standard 64 Bit, 12GB RAM, dual XEON 2.6ghz processors. I am experiencing problems with shortcuts. I also experienced the issues when using the Release candidate.
The issues I have: The shortcuts will work intermittently and appear to be effected when using the layers palette. The issue relates to things like pressing the J for clone or B for brush. Sometimes they work sometimes they dont. Other times I get a chime noise/beep sounding when pressing the [ ] keys to increase the brush size. the brush will increase/decrease. The fix is normally to select the tool with the mouse and all is well for a while
I seem to have found a pattern when this occurs - and is when I have been using the layers palette. An issue I can reproduce. For example I duplicate a layer, then select the new layer - add a blending mode then click on the new layer, old layer and try the merge shortcut - nothing happens. Sometimes I get the chime noise as well but still no merge. If I click off the layers palette and then attempt the above - the merge works perfectly.
Equally if I attempt the merge of the layers without first clicking off the layers, and try to select say B (brush) I get the chime and the tool is not selected. Other times no chime and the tool is not selected. Again using the mouse to select it works ok
What was an inconvenience is a real pain now, as I am slowing down to do the click off layers trick or double checking the tool is the correct one I am trying to use.
Things Ive tried/figured out:
Ive ensured the kit Im running is technically sound and is not being created by a performance issue.I can reproduce this fault on different computers (all windows) I have tried resetting the workspace and removing all but the layers pallet, but the issue remains Ive even replaced the keyboard!! Even though the keyboard only has an issue in Photoshop.When running CS5 I did not have this issue, but the RC and the final version of CS6 displays this feature Ive closed all apps, with the exception of CS6 Photoshop to work out if is was an incompatibility - feature remains Seems to be related to using the layers palette, when not using the palette .
Like most virulent PS users, I have my own pet shortcuts. Prior to CS6 I saved them in a "new set" and specified that set as the shortcuts to use with no problem. With CS6 I save the shortcuts, they work, and a day or so later, they are not longer there. I recreate them, they work and in a day or so they disappear.
Keyboard shortcuts will work for a little while, then suddenly stop. I can still select tools 'manually', clicking the icons, but pressing P for the paint brush tool or E for the eraser will have no effect. So far as I can tell this happens at random. It has also been fixing itself at random, after some undetermined amount of time not working, but then it just happens again.
'Use shift key for tool switch' is already unchecked in my preferences.
I'm on Photoshop CS6 Mac OS 10.7.3 I've got like 580 gigs of free disk space, and 8 GB of RAM...
I really like the addition of the "recent places" feature in cs5 as browsing between folders, saving and opening new images has been a headache.
I would like to be able to set a specific folder that "Save As" opens. Often I am forced to continue to brows away from a folder that I do not want to save to and navigate back to the folder i need.
are there shortcuts to navigate (up and down) between levels? I've a Italian layout keyboard.Second, pressing spacebar the PAN function (hand). Can I also edit the shortkeys in order to temporarily activate "rotate canvas", that is not having selecting again the tool I'm using after rotating the canvas using the "R" key.
I was madly working along, and suddenly, no keyboard shortcuts worked. I wrestled with this for quite some time. Then I realized that I had two layers selected, instead of one. When I selected only one layer, all my keyboard shortcuts returned and began to operate as normal.
I'm just wondering whether this is a feature to protect the user from unwittingly altering more than one layer at a time, or whether it's a bug?
After the latest update 14.1.1 x64, I've noticed that one of my F key shortcuts will no longer do what it is set to do. I have F5 set to open the Unsharp Mask dialog. If there are any layers present, pressing F5 delets the layer. If only the background is present (not a layer), Unsharp Mask opens as expected.
I can change the shortcut to shift/F5 and it works fine. Changing back to just F5 creates the same problem.