Photoshop :: Making A Stamp Impression...

Jun 17, 2004

I'm working on a project in which a stamp stamps certain words onto the Screen. I have the stamp and all but making the words themselves is harder than I thought.

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Photoshop :: Making Stamp

Nov 2, 2007

I have done a product shoot for a brand of sun screen cream, the ad requires the product to have it's own passport.

That proved a little tricky (the art director wanted to use a real passport) but for legal reasons here in the uk I had to make up a passport (different from a real one for obvious reasons).

Where I have got stuck is the stamps from the different countries, I don't want real ones, and I can make my own easily enough, but I cant get the worn faded "stamp" look to them, I'm getting an error every time.

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Photoshop :: Making A Stamp Like Picture

Apr 9, 2008

i want to photoshop a picture such that it will look like a postage stamp pasted on a letter, with a "paid" chop like image on top of it.

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Photoshop Elements :: Clone Stamp Making Bright Area Dark Instead Of Like Source

Nov 9, 2013

I am trying to mask out a light source in a complex figure.  I have just upgraded from PSE 11 -> 12, but I doubt that is the problem.  I thought the clone stamp tool in Editor was simply not working.  When I'd drag (after setting a source) over the bright area, it would darken where I dragged. 

From experience it seemed like it was marking the area it was going to modify - but this turned out to be the extent of the modification.  It just stayed dark.  Following other discussions, I adjusted my depth of history to ease RAM footprint, restarted Editor, and rebooted my Mac (OSC 10.9).  I also twiddled with all the options under Clone Overlay.  I could see the effects, but they did not fix the issue. When I try the Clone Stamp tool elsewhere, it does what I expect. 
I'm suspecting pilot error, but don't know what else to try.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: How Light Rays / Foggy Blue Impression Can Be Made

Apr 28, 2011

To be precise, I mean light rays coming from dj player and if  you notice there is blue foggy impression on t shirt , How these things can be  made in Corel Draw X4?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Control Number Of Side Actions When Designing Multi Impression Tools

Dec 3, 2013

I have a question for all the mold designers out there! How do you control the number of side actions when designing multi impression tools?

I recently completed a job for a customer where the requirement was to have a 2 impression tool with one side action to control both of the impressions. I found that if you pattern a part within the mold design environment and then apply a side action, the side actions would be copied to each of the patterned parts. I have created a test part to try and illustrate this (which is way out of size and proportion!):- Even if I combine the inserts, I still get the same effect.

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Photoshop :: How To Use Clone Stamp

Jul 20, 2012

How do i use the clone stamp?

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Photoshop :: Clone Stamp In CC 14

Jun 26, 2013

I installed the new version of PS right now but when I start with CLONE STAMP saw something unusual! I disabled the "Show Overlay" feature, when I press ALT and make a Copy from one place and when I want to paste it in another place sometimes it confused and past unusual, specialy sometimes is paste out of brush area, The settings of the tool is the same as PS CS6 and when I switch to CS6 I have no problem same as before.

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Photoshop :: How To Get Circle For The Stamp

Sep 10, 2013

how can I get the circle for the stamp feature to come up when I start PS CC?

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Photoshop :: Clone Stamp

Jul 1, 2008

try to clone stamps girl on the lefts bikini straps so it looks like shes topless.

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Photoshop :: Filters Like Stamp

Jul 26, 2009

After I successfully used the filter called "stamp" once, now it basically doesn't work. I can even load the original, raw photgraph that worked before and try to repeat what I did and it's doing what it does to all photos now -- all it shows is a very white, washed-out looking version with useslessly dim content, no matter how I tweak the values. It doesn't help to turn the photo black & white first, & it doesn't help to convert the image into "smart filter"-friendly. I'm doing exactly the same thing but it doesn't work now. What on earth is going on? Am I going to have to uninstall and reinstall Photoshop? That is a huge pain to just arbitrarily try unless I have to (they'll say I've installed the max amount of times... I will have to find the copy of Elements I upgraded into Photoshop full... there's never an opportunity to select the version of Elements I upgraded from because it was latter vs. than listed available, so I'll have to talk voice to someone about both matters...). I have a licensed, registered copy of Photoshop CS3 (without the rest of the suite) running on Vista 64, quad processor with 8 gig RAM.

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Photoshop :: 3D In CS4: Using The Stamp Tool To...

Jul 22, 2009

I would like to paint an image onto a 3d model using the clone stamp or pattern stamp tools within Photoshop CS4. The problem is the image needs to wrap around a curved body part, such as a tribal tattoo wrapped around an arm. When I click & brush the stamp on one area and then release to rotate the model, the stamp doesn't continue where it left off and my pattern is completely uneven.

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Photoshop :: Rubber Stamp?

Apr 26, 2007

anyone know a good place to go for a rubber stamp tutorial or have any experience creating one themselves? im looking for something in the vein of 'conspiracy' or 'confidential' like the red rubber stamp you see on paper work that gets 'denied' or a paper that 'failed' in the movies. something you might see on a manila folder that says 'confidential' or 'conpsiracy'.

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Photoshop :: Document Stamp

Jun 9, 2006

How do I create a stamp for a document that reads "Fake" or "Passed" which are both square and round? Also how would I turn this into a PS Stamp so I could just stamp a document?

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Photoshop :: Stamp Effect

Jul 5, 2006

I want to make stamp effect of peoples heads. For example I want to put mans portrait on the some background (marble texture) but to produce stamp effect
with same colour and texture like marble, (like money coin).

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Photoshop :: Pattern Stamp

Feb 22, 2009

I always touch up the backgrounds of my pictures with the pattern stamp tool. I pick an area, option click and then stamp away. But now, when I option click I keep getting the message...pattern stamp could not be used because no pattern has been defined. I have tried everything I can think of but still can't define a pattern.

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Photoshop :: Rubber Stamp Look

Nov 19, 2003

What is the best way to create an "inked rubber stamp" look?

I realized that you turn it into a bitmapped tif and colorize it in a layout program. I am mainly interested in ways to "weather" or "stress" bitmapped logos, etc. Is there a filter or is it done by manually?

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Photoshop :: Transparent Stamp?

Oct 18, 2004

I'm attempting to build a website and I'd like a graphic but dont know how to go about it. Basically I want to make a stamp with the word "Cured" in blue ink color about 2 inches high and 4 inches wide. I'm sure there has to be a way in photoshop to create such an image?, but can I make it so it can be used to actually "stamp" over images or text on the webpage?

Like say have a page full of text and then this image over the top of it, but able to see the text behind the word. Wow I hope that made sense. I'll be using dreamweaver to build the site (unless anyone knows of a better program).

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Photoshop :: CC Clone Stamp Not Working

Oct 3, 2013

The Clone Stamp no longer works right. It's slow and sampling results are all over the place. It will sample from areas I never even ALT clicked on. And it can't keep up with rapid sampling and stamping. As is, Photoshop CC is totally unusable for photo retouching work.
I switched back to CS6, which still works fine, so the problem is NOT on my end. Running Windows 7 64bit. Photoshop CC 64bit.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crashes Whenever Use Stamp Tool?

Jun 8, 2013

otherwise it seems to be working fine. My OS is Windows7 pro.

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Photoshop :: Stamp Cloning Tool In CS5?

Jun 2, 2012

I've never encountered before. I am using the cloning tool in CS5 and I am trying to stamp clone one part of the photo and clone it to another part of the photo. The problem is that after I option click and then drag it to the part I need, dark spots show up instead? I am running Photoshop CS5 for Mac with the latest updates.

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Photoshop :: How To Recreate A Stamp Effect

Dec 22, 2012

how to recreate a stamp effect?

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Photoshop :: Continuous Clone Stamp

Jul 26, 2013

Is there a mode that allows the clone stamp to, in a sense clone itself? So if the target goes over an area that you just brushed with the clone stamp it will actually begin to clone from that, instead of the document state prior to cloning?

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Photoshop :: Clone Stamp Not Working In CS6

Jul 22, 2013

Each time i try to use my actions is says"could not use the clone stamp because the area to clone has not been defined (option-click to define a source point)" or "unable to do.

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Photoshop :: Rotate Clone Stamp Eye

Oct 7, 2011

I have seen somewhere a way to rotate the clone stamp eye so that you can line up clones around curves etc,

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Photoshop :: Irritating Clone Stamp In CS4

May 5, 2009

how to turn off the mirroring aspect of the clone stamp in CS4 & return it to the way it worked in CS3 without magnifying & showing unfamiliar content?

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Photoshop :: Brushes ... And Clone Stamp

May 8, 2004

I'm working on photoshop 7, and I scanned a pic in grayscale. I try to clean up some scratches with the clone stamp, but it doesn't work. Then I try to use some brushes to draw or try the eraser with many diferent sizes and it doesn't work either. I tried later with photoshop cs, but the same happens...

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Photoshop :: Pattern Stamp Tool

Aug 25, 2006

my pattern stamp tool is all distorted, i think i might have changed the brush so know when ever i make something like a bar line, it just smudges it all, do you guys understand this or is it not clear?

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Photoshop :: Clone Stamp Is Broken

Mar 6, 2002

I am doing some photo retouching and have the original photo on the background layer. Now I have never been able to get my clone stamp to work when I add a "new layer" and try working on that layer. It will work on the original background image, where there are definitely pixels. But the new layer sitting on top of the background layer is transparent, and my clone stamp won't do anything

But I want to be able to retouch on the new layer without affecting the original background layer. So I'm watching this Quicktime movie by J. Kost on Advanced Photoshop Portrait Retouching (I bought the entire set from her at Fotofusion) and I am watching her do this!!! But I can't! She is retouching a portrait with the clone stamp....the transparent layer 1 is active above the background layer (ie it's highlighted) and the paintbrush well is indicating that the transparent layer 1 is what is being worked on.

I checked my opacity for this's 100%. I am working in 8bit RGB mode. PS 6.01. Blending mode is normal....

Do any photoshop gurus have any idea about what I am doing wrong? As a beginner (I have only seriously been studying photoshop for about 2 years...and I know it takes a long time), this problem has been confusing me...and not just with the clone stamp but also with the other brushes, and thus knowing when I can work on a seemingly transparent layer versus one with pixels.

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Photoshop :: Error :: CS4 Clone Stamp

Jan 23, 2009

I am having a problem with PS CS4 when I go to use the clone stamp tool I get an error message stating "could not use clone stamp because of a clone stamp error" I searched around but only found topics relating to cs3. I am using a Gateway gt series with Vista home premium Nvidia GEforce 8500 video card and 4 gb ram.

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Photoshop :: Time And Date Stamp

May 7, 2009

how to place a time and date stamp on all my pictures?

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