I can not find the next step for completing a transparent image (Jpeg file) in Photoshop CS version 10. I remember in the last version you used the magic wand to select areas and then hit help and in the drop down selected convert to transparent image and it would take you through the next step by steps. I can not find this how do I complete this now in the new version?
I'm a Liverpool Football Club supporter and I'm not going to go into details, but we are making a new supporters group and we need a logo to go with our group.
Had an idea for a logo, take this Soviet badge: Keep the gold around the bottom and sides, have 'The Red Faction' along the bottom, retain the Red star and replace the hammer & sickle with a gold Liverbird. I would need this as a PNG graphical/logo image not simply using the current JPEG and editing it if that makes sense?
I want to make a layer from external reference current.
I tried to identify it with its full name, but I got an error: eInvalidInput. So I found out, I have to use only the part behind the pipe.But then there is a problem, because this name is not unique withing the drawing.
Any number of xrefs can have such layer and also the drawing itself can have a layer with the same name. How exactly can I set a layer from xref current?
layer from xref1: Xref1|LayerName1 layer from xref2: Xref2|LayerName1 layer from the drawing: LayerName1
I have been trying to find the best/most efficient way to make a pavement grade plan for my current project. The only two ways that I know of are:
1) Home Tab->points->Create Points-Alignments->Measure Alignment then select my mainline alignment, enter a profile, enter an offset to create the points. Then assigned elevations of the points to my "pavement" surface.
2) Make lines perpendicular to your alignment (I used sample lines, exploded them to a block reference)->Make a feature line and snap at each 25' segment->Assigned elevations of the feature line to my "pavement" surface->used custom line and curve labels to label start segment z value.
My issue with option 1) is on my project there are multiple curves and I don't know of anyway that I can have the labels follow my alignment. I think the way the alignment labels work is if I would edit the label I would have to manually edit the angle and with multiple curves I don't think this would work the best.
My issue with option 2) is my project is roughly 1.75 miles long with 8 lanes and 12' shoulders, I would have to make roughly 4000 elevation points on my feature lines.
I want to make the background of some images transparent so I select the backgrounds and try to delete them, though sometimes if it was white the background remains white and other times it pops up with the fill panel asking me what I want to fill the area with and transparent pixels are not an option, and other times I know I have deleted the background and it has shown me the checkerboard pattern indicating that it was indeed transparent.
I have a photo of the sky with telephone wires crisscrossing it. The "sky" is pure white", the wires are black. How can I make the white transparent.. as in, gone completely. I'm not talking about opacity. I want to convert the white to be transparent, ie: gone!
I'm VERY new to PhotoShop and I've used the search feature here and can't find the answer to my problem. If this has been asked many times I apologize. I have a logo which I've scanned. It's just two colors, white and black. I'd like to make the white transparent and while I'm sure this should be easy I am unable to get it to work. Can anyone give me an idea how to do it.
I have some black ink writing on a piece of white paper. I would like the writing to become part of a separate colour picture, but without showing the white background.
I was hoping someone could explain how I would go about making the white backround from the piece of paper trasparent, so I can put the writing on the picture, making it look like part of the picture.
I make banners for our company newsletter that we do every month and they vary from month to month in design. I am working a few months ahead and creating a banner for our March newsletter, which I'm doing a Saint Patrick's Day design.
To do this, I am using a JPG of a four leaf clover that I want to remove the white space behind it and then set it to different opacities to add to a plain, green banner.
I do these steps:
1. Open the file.
2. Create a new layer.
3. Drag the new layer under the original file.
4. Use the magic tool, set to appropriate tolerance and select all the white space. It does the moving dotted lines around all the space I want removed.
5. Press "Delete" to remove the white space.
I did the same procedure yesterday and it worked fine. Today, it won't delete the white space. Is it because this image is a JPG?
I have a jpeg that has a white background. I want to remove teh white background so I can drag the jpeg into a layer on another iamge. I tried using the magnetic lassoo tool but it didnty come out all that good. I remember when i used to use Paitshop pro you could choose a colour in an image that you would like to make transparent. Can something like this be done in PS?
I'm designing a header logo for a website with Photoshop CS4 (Mac) but am struggling to understand how to get the background transparent.
In Photoshop I've designed the logo using multiple layers. Prior to saving I've disabled the background layers (used for testing purposes), thus leaving a transparent area behind the logo (shown as a checkerboard pattern). However, I don't understand what the next step is. I've tried "Save for web" as well as flattening it first, only to result in a white background. I suppose I don't need to flatten it then I've also messed around with the transparency and matte options in the "Save for web" window but to no avail (yes, I know that I need to save in either GIF or PNG though for the latter I don't know the difference between PNG 8 and 24 and which of the three formats I should go for).
As for "Matte"; is this the color in the image which should be made transparent? So that in my case with a logo containing white among several colors I should make the background something entirely different from the logo as a background layer and choose "Matte" for that? I've also experimented with that but to no avail.
I have a logo with a white background that I want to remove and make transparent. I can remove the white background but areas inside the logo that need to be transparent have turned black.
Can anyone tell me if it's possible to make a completely transparent and colored image? I'm intending to use it for a webpage and placing links and other stuff on a table, in which i want to have a colored and transparent background, so i can view the page background.
I need help making the background of several images transparent using Photo Shop. For instance, I have a picture of a flower that appears to be floating on a white background, but when you try to insert the picture on a page with a color background, the white shows up too. I would just like for the flower to appear directly on the color background of the page. I hope this makes sense. I just want to make the background of the picture itself completely transparent. How can I do this using Photo Shop?
i have a picture that is a rectangle, but i want to cut out a piece so that the top is irregular. could someone please tell me how to make the top of my picture transparent to whatever background i put it on?
I'm trying to make an image bg transparent and ensure the bg layer is named by double clicking on it(I give it the default name of level 0) then use the magic wand to get rid of the bg and save it as a PNG (I tried with a if too) but it still isn't working.The 3 images I tried are on this page: URL....
I am using Photoshop 8.0. I have a JPEG file of our organization logo. The actual logo is round, but is surrounded by white. I want to make the white part transparent so I can place the logo on other graphics and not have anything but the round part of the logo showing. How can I do that?
I have Photoshop CS2, and I'm looking to make a jpg/jpeg image to texture a VRML model with - The graphic needs to be semi-transparent, as I need the nurb's Material color to show through it. I appreciate that a png image would offer a solution to this problem instantly, but this format is not usable in the situation offered... On the same note, gif format is also out of the equation because it offers only transparency, or no transparency.
If you look at this image ChromeBall.jpg it is exactly what I'm looking to achieve (but not with this image). When I add levels of opacity to the jpg image I want to be semi-transparent, the background of the image shows up as being 'white' whether I save as, or save for web.
what I need is just the white removed from around it completely so I end up with a transparent PNG that I can use on top of any background color.
The main problem I get with doing this is, I always end up with those little itty bitty white pixels around the edges, and if I eliminate those, I end up with rough edges.
I have photographed an item in raw and edited in photoshop and saved it as a Jpeg. In PS elements 10 . It seems like the background is transparent how ever if i open the item in another program like word it does not have a transparent background. What am I doing wrong ? Do I need to save it in a different format ?
I have an image and i'd like to turn that into a transparent gif/png file for a website (has a changing bg color at random). The thing is i don't know how do this, and could use some help. What I tried so far is that I add to the original image an alpha channel which is the original image inverted, but that did not show me the checkered bg.
Anyway I added a faked impression of what i want to achieve. Thanks for any tips on how to make this work.