Photoshop :: Importing And Registering A Sequence Of Photographs

Mar 7, 2012

I am trying to import a sequence of 30 odd photographs which were taken in a tracking shot over about 10 seconds.  I need to import them and then register them so they form a smooth animation (i.e. I basically want to take the jitter out of them).  I have CS3 and a trial version of CS5 extended. 

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Photoshop :: Create Time Lapse Using Sequence Of Still Photographs?

Aug 25, 2013

I am having problems with importing still images into a time lapse sequence in photoshop.I want to create a time lapse using a sequence of still photographs.  All file names are sequentially name/numbered. 
I am using the Motion workspace, and have followed all of the instructions available.  Create correct sized new document (film & video).Create video timeline. Set frame rate. Choose 'create new video layer from file'.Point to first image in the folder where the images are stored.  At this point, no matter what I have tried, I receive this error:
I have tried different sized new documents; tried jpegs and tiffs; tried different frame rates, tried different qualities and sizes of images; tried selecting the last image instead of the first (one recommendation).
If I use the 'Place' command from the file menu (and check the 'image sequence' box) instead of selecting 'Create new video layer' from the layers panel, it loads fine and I can still render the video.
It took me most of a day to discover this workaround, but every other reasonable 'how-to' that I can find says that I should be able to do it by opening files into a new video layer and it seems as though the new video layer option may give me more alternatives.
I have reset Photoshop, deleted the settings file, even reinstalled it.  I use 64-bit on windows 7 and even installed the 32-bit to try that, but all with the same result.

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Premiere Pro :: Importing A Sequence - CC

Dec 24, 2013

Win 7. CC7.1...For specific reasons I created a new Project in Premiere CC7.1 and imported a single sequence from a CC project that had a lot of sequences (11)
This worked absolutely perfectly but I was surprised by 2 things ....that I do not recall happening in CS6 or any prior versions. ( I never did this procedure much though)
#1. The assets came in as if project managed.  ie. Only the assets the sequence required. In this case a very small sub set of what was in the original project.That was very cool and made for a neat and compact project.  I dont recall that in CS6 so if its a feature...I love it.
#2.The assets did not ingest in the new project in the Bin folders carefully named and organised in the original project.Not so cool  in the case where one is using source footage with common file names (eg. AVCHD) and not so cool that it needs managing and sorting  again.I think I recall assets imported  in original folders in CS6 ...albeit...non project managed ie everything???  Part cool and part not!
Do wonder if #2 can be looked at as a possibility for a fix. It would be brilliant please Adobe.I created a new project and imported the sequence  ( which was an edit lockdown) specifically for a Direct Link into  Speed Grade.
It was an insurance measure in case of any issues that may have arisen. eg a corruption via the DL. workflow.the DL and SG are working on this brilliantly well. 

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Photoshop :: CS3 Registering -

Jan 21, 2009

Am using CS3 which for some strange reason over the past few weeks has been asking me to register the product whenever the application is opened although I have already registered it. How do I prevent this from happening please? I am the only user (hence the administrator) on a Windows XP Pro SP3 machine.

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Photoshop :: Registering PS3 Extended

Nov 12, 2008

I bought PS3 Extended last year.

My hard drive shat, and I have now installed PS3 on my new hard drive. Trying to register my product, PS3 says that it is already in use...and I must de-register my old one first!

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended / Registering Serial Number?

Nov 6, 2012

I have successfully installed the download version of Photoshop CS 6 Extended on my IMac, but (a ) want to install this on my Macbook Pro. I thought I should first register the product with Adobe ( as I have always done ) but when I enter the serial number, I am asked for a valid serial number - but this is the one Adobe supplied! I cannot locat a serial number ( to check ) when I am running Photoshop CS6 Extended on my Imac, so this Adobe notification is the only one I have ( when I completed the Adobe Licensing )

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Photoshop :: Re-registering CS6 Serial Number At Startup Every Time

Sep 5, 2012

Despite entering my serial number and registering my product when I initially purchased the application, every day the registration window keeps popping up, asking me to either "begin trial period now" or "register now", sometimes even when I am in the middle of working w/in PS.  So I have to re-enter my serial number over and over, several times a day, which is a productivity killer.

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Premiere Pro :: Creating Multi Camera Sequence Not Working - Not Making Sequence?

Feb 17, 2014

After selecting 2 (or more) files and right clicking and choosing Multi camera sequence from source,  I drag the newly created sequence on to the time line but all I get is the two files on the time line stacked over one another.  the sequence never gets created. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Create A Personal URL When Registering Adobe

Mar 17, 2013

I am unable to create a Personal URL when registering Adobe Photoshop Elements 10. I receive an error message that simple states "an error occurred and your changes were not saved." I then get redirected to the same page to create a personal URL. It is an endless cycle.

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AutoCad :: Not Registering Mouse Clicks

Jul 29, 2013

Problem: When doing a series of rapid mouse clicks, Autocad does not always register the clicks. For example, I'll use move, and when clicking on a line to move, it wont' see that I clicked on the line. I also notice that my crop box does not always work to select objects when i'm going fast. some times it does not show, others is goes to random points on the screen while still selecting the areas i've clicked in.

I've only noticed this problem when I'm in "the zone" and am clicking very fast, when I go slow, it picks up the clicks. its very frusterating knowing that I can't work as fast as I can without having the click input issue. I mostly notice this problem with commands like, erase, trim, move, and extend.

I do have my system set up for right mouse click as 'enter' via the autocad options, not sure if that has anything to do with it.

- It is not the computer system ( I recently got an upgrade at the office )

- Its not my mouse. I've tried several mice, and at home, in games and such, I don't get the fast click issue.

- I've changed the double click speed in the control panel when opeing folders, but no luck.

- its not an OS issue, happens in both XP and Win7, and shouln't be a computer hardware issue, considering I just jumped from a P4 to a new Haswell system.

- I don't know if it happens on other versions of autocad

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Illustrator :: Pantone / Libraries Not Registering In CS5?

Aug 30, 2012

I've just installed the pantone colour management software which is supposed to update CS with all the new pantone palettes including the + colours amongst other things. Although installation seemingly went fine, my CS palettes are unchanged and have not been updated. Have contacted pantone but no joy yet.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Registering Downloaded Picture Tubes?

Nov 13, 2012

I am having trouble getting my tubes to show up in the Tube tool drop down box. If they are downloaded with the .tub extension they show fine. But if the need to be converted they don't work. I've tried 2 different converter programs and couldn't get them to work.

I used PSP5 a long time ago and used a converter that worked great. Now can't seem to get anything to get my downloaded tubes to register in my Tube Tool .

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Photoshop :: Photographs

Feb 5, 2006

I use the Magnetic Lasso in CS to guide a line along the edge of the backdrop between the ground and the sky. It takes time and can be a pain if there are trees. Then I create another layer and place in a more agreeable sky.

Question. Is this the only way to effect the solution to the problem above. I have tried the magic wand and in reality it is more of a problem.

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Photoshop :: 3D Image From Photographs Possible?

Jan 13, 2009

Is it possible to create a 3D composite photograph of a person using photoshop?

My 13-year-old wants to design her own clothes, for which she wants to create a 3-D dummy of herself. She was asking me today whether a series of full-length photos of her standing motionless on a revolving platform, could be combined using Photoshop (or some other program to make a 3D composite image. (I own Creative Suite 2.)

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Photoshop :: Printing Photographs

Feb 12, 2006

I have an Epson 2200, Photoshop CS2, monitor calibrated with Spyder PRO, using epson profiles to print on a given media, followed the directions on My prints aren't even clsoe to what I see on the screen. I have no idea what else to try. Colors are completly washed out and the print is significantly darker, making the shadow areas loose their details.

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Photoshop :: Printing Photographs

May 12, 2009

I have Photoshop 7 and need help in printing out photos (I am a new user).  After I have edited the photos I want to print them out on glossy paper using an Avery form number. 

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Photoshop :: Repairing Old Photographs

May 1, 2009

Are there any tutorials or videos on renewing old black and white and colored photographs in Photoshop? 

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Photoshop :: Resizing Photographs

May 10, 2006

resizing images in photoshop cs2:

The image is 2560 x 1920 pixels, when i check image size in photoshop the image is 90.31 cm x 67.73 cm. The image is opening at this size by default, as i have been using a 5mg pixel camera to take the photograph.

Using the bicubic sharpen option I am simply reducing the image size to 60cm x 45cm, but when i am printing off test strips, there is still alot of pixelation.

I would presume that because i am reducing the size of the image that there would be less pixelation but this doesnt seem to be the case. Is there anything that i am doing wrong or could do to ammend this?

Is there any other way of reducing the size of the image, while still retaining the quality?

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Photoshop :: Printing Photographs

Jun 26, 2008

Do you print your photographs at home, or use a commercial printing service?

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Photoshop :: Moving Images In Photographs

Jul 14, 2013

How do I remove an individual, fill in the background and move people to seperate locations within a photograph?

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Photoshop :: Editing Photographs Of Paintings

Sep 21, 2011

I have a series of photo's of artworks which were taken whilst hanging on a wall, I need to remove the shadow from the one side and edit out any blemishes such as pencil marks which are on the wall in the background, basically so it looks as if they're hanging on a plain white wall. They can't be cropped to having no background either.

I've tried blurring and pasting in sections of the wall where there's no shadow, but it doesn't look good. The pictures aren't dead centre either which makes it more difficult.

I'm fine with the basics of photoshop, but something slightly advanced like this

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Photoshop :: Creating Silhouettes From Photographs

Sep 23, 2005

I was wondering how it is posssible to create monochrome image of a person, where the background is reduced to entirely white, and the person is converted to an entirely black silhouette?

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Photoshop :: Putting Text On Photographs

Apr 6, 2009

Using Photoshop Elements and Vista Home.

way to put text to a photoghaph with out putting it on the picture its self.
Also want to save it as some other file type than PDS such as a jpg file.

Now I extend the canvas image size and type into the extended area and save as jpg file.
Was hoping there was an easier quicker way or may be some other software that will let you add text to a photograph so it doesn't cover the picture.

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Photoshop Elements :: Sequencing Of Photographs

Jan 1, 2013

I went into Windows 7 Picture Manager and annotated the images with a number and a short description. This gets them into the order that I want. When I imported them into a newly acquired Elements 11, the program put them into DATE order. How can I get the sequence into the order that I WANT, ie, by image name, something that W7PM does quite happily?

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Photoshop Elements :: Add Captions To Photographs?

Apr 10, 2013

How do I add captions to my photographs?

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Photoshop :: Determine Number Of Photographs On Drive?

May 21, 2013

how to determine number of files on drive

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Photoshop :: Creating Game Textures From Photographs

May 20, 2003

I'm trying to make some textures for a 3d game with a digital camera.

If you look straight at a wall, and take a picture of it, it will be most likely that the edges of the wall won't all have the same color, because of lighting.

I have no problem getting the perspective and size of the texture right - my problem is getting the shades of the texture even, so that the final texture is seamless (i.e. if you place them next to / above each other, you get the illusion of looking at one image, and not a bunch of squares which don't fit together nicely).

Do some of you have some tips on what I can do to get rid of my problem? Is there some way to "even out" a specified color range? Do some of you maybe know some tutorials on the web which discuss this (I haven't found any )?

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Photoshop :: Cut And Paste Circular Pieces Of Photographs

Dec 9, 2008

I have a picture and I used photoshop's elliptical marquee tool to create a circle. I used the circle and cut and paste so that I have a circular chunk of the photograph.

However, when I copy and paste the circular patch into MS Word or PowerPoint, I get a WHITE rectangular box surrounding the circular photograph.

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Makes Dull Photographs

Feb 19, 2006

So, I take a photograph (Nikon D70s raw format), get the colour balance right and sort out the curves. The picture looks great! Bright, crisp with zingy colours. So what happens when I Save For Web, flat, dull with muted tones. What am I doing wrong? The picture is in RGB 8 bit.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Add Copyright Symbol To Photographs

Aug 19, 2013

Where I can find the Copyright "c" symbol?  I'm tryting to add it to my photographs.  I have PSE 9

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Photoshop Elements :: Copy The Photographs Into Another Computer?

Jan 21, 2014

I have thousands of photographs in my desktop and wish to copy them to my laptop. And is it possible to sychronise them? Both computer use Windows 7 and PSE 11.

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