Photoshop :: How To Scan Directly Into CS4 On Mac When Rosetta Won't Work
Mar 6, 2012
I'm using a Mac Pro Quadcore with Snow Leopard version 10.6.8 and want to scan photos straight into Ps CS4 version 11.0.2 using a Canon Canoscan LIDE 100.
BUT when I go to Import there is no TWAIN option, there is only: Variable Data Sets (grayed out), Video Frames to Layers, Anti-Alised PICT, PICT Resources and Notes (grayed out).
I right click on Adobe Photoshop CS4 inside the Ps CS4 folder to bring up "Get Info" and click the check box that states "Open using Rosetta" BUT when I click open the Ps icon to open it Ps crashes straight away. I click "Reopen" and it crashes straight away. Un tick the Rosetta check box and Ps opens fine.
I assumed this was Apples problem because Rosettas is their program but after walking it through the Apple care operator and following his instructions to download a PowerPC version of VLC (which started up fine without doing a thing)to see if Rosetta was automatically installed, it worked fine, I was told that it's an Adobe problem.
Then I downloaded the TWAIN plugin and dropped it into the import-export folder and NOTHING!
The scanner works with Snow Leopards native Image Capture so it's not the scanner. Except that the scanner buttons dont seem to work when they used to on a MacBook. But here on the Mac Pro I cant find anything within the Ps menus that resembles "permission" to scan.
I need to do a lot of photo correction/remove blurred/restoration and read that it's better to scan the old photos straight into Ps to ensure no quality is lost during the scan. Regardless if this 100% true I still should be able to scan straight into Ps. I mean the CS4 package + Mac cost enough.
how to scan an image directly into Elements 12 (for Mac). Just "upgraded" from 6 and can find no answers other than to go to Apple menu, scan in with Preview or Image Capture, save to desktop, then retrieve with Elements.
So I just finally updated my OS and my Photoshop and just encountered something I wasn't expecting. I have an Epson GT15000 scanner(big one with a feeder) I installed all the drivers and everything and the scanner works fine, but I can't seem to open the scanner from Photoshop to scan directly into the program. I can open the scanner independently and scan it to a saved file and then open it in photoshop. But it only has limited file type options so I'm basically forced to save it as one file so that I can then open it in photoshop and resave it as something else which is kinda a rediculous in between step and also leaves me with extra files that need to be deleted. Since the scanner itself hasn't changed and still functions the same otherwise I'm assuming it's because I'm using a new version of Photoshop. I'm also assuming that I actually can scan in the program, just not in the way that I'm used to. I used to go to import, and the scanner would appear on the menu for me to select it.
how to scan my photos directly into my photoshop elements9 for mac. I see the drop down for camera and videos, but there isn't a category for scanners.
I've been told that I shouldn't edit Adobe product files directly off of a server. At my previous job we did have problems with files becoming corrupted (inDesign in particular) when we used this editing method, so we were told to edit the files locally and then resave onto the server. However, at my new job, the IT department is a bit more savvy and I have yet to see many hiccups with our server. Other employees work directly off of the server and don't seem to have any real problems. What are the pros and cons to working directly off the server and working locally then resaving?
I have bought my first mac, a brand new Mac Pro dual 2.6ghz.
I am a graphic artist, and so of course photoshop cs2 will be the main program I use. I am wondering how they will be running on the Intel chip that is shipping with the MacPro.
I know that the macbook and imac both run a different intel chip, does CS2 run pretty good on those? Or are the intel mac users at a serious disadvantage until adobe releases a universal version of photoshop?
Will Corel6 (or later) ever be able to export to a web page directly since the HTLM export doesn't work (drops links). The Corel Web program, or what ever its name is, was a joke. Its amazing that Corel work puts its name on a program that you could not open a CorelDraw file.
My current work around is to export to a JPG and then import that into dreamweaver and add the links there, then post. A pain but it works.
I upgraded from CS3 to CS5 and need to be able to import using TWAIN so that I can scan at 256 colors like I used to be able to with CS3. I cannot convert to 256 colors afterwards as the quality is too poor.
I am using 64 bit Windows 7. I tried installing the TWAIN plugin in the Adobe/plugins/import folder but it does not show up in the import options after restarting PS. I wouldn't mind downgrading to PS3 if I have to.
I have a card 7.5 x 5 .5. I would like to scan it and use it as my desktop wallpaper for the season. I have 2 Dell u2711 monitors at a resolution of 2560 x 1440. However, when I scan I get a terrible image when I attempt to set it as by background in Windows 7 Professional. how to do this. I have Lr 4 and CS 5.
I had to scan and resize. Original, physical picture is 1 1/4in X 2in. Scanned image requirements: resolution of at least 150 dpi, 600 X 600 pixels, 24 bit color, and keep it under 240 KB. I have basic Canon scanner and CS2....
way to make a text animation in Image Ready. I'd like to have white or bright green text against a black background and have it display as if it was being scanned over. One wide stripe moving right to left exposing the text underneath then moving back, never exposing the whole word at once, just a section. I had thought I could make a black layer over the top of the text, clear away a scection and manually move the layer in IR, but to no avail. Sorry I don't have a visual example of it for you.
I need to find a photo that I scanned a year ago. It was scanned with a simple HP desktop scanner. I used photoshop CS to work with this photo, now I have photoshop CS2. When I try to open this image, it says that it doesn't recognize the format. The CS2 can't open it. I tried reinstalling the old photoshop and when I try to open this image, it isn't highlighted to open.
If the photo has scan lines, then it has scan lines. the lines are now a part of the photo. they're not 'on the photo' they're in it. depending on how pronounced they are, they can be minimized. if you post a copy, I'll show you how. (maybe, no guarantee it can be saved)
I'm using Vista 32. After updating to CS4 I can no longer open jpg files directly into PS by clicking on the file in windows explorer or an e-mail. After much searching and looking for file associations, I was able to get jpgs to open into Bridge from windows explorer, but still cannot get them to open directly in PS. When I attempt to open a jpg from an e-mail message, I get a window in Bridge pointed to a temp folder.
I have an hp Photo smart C6380 all in one that I use for scanning. In Photoshop CS4, I just choose File, Import, then choose the TWAIN option. But in CS5, the TWAIN option is not available. How do I add this in CS5? (I am working on a Windows XP machine.)