How to open Camera Raw in Bridge, it comes up with the following error Bridge parent application is not Active Bridge requires that a qualifing product has been lanched at least once to enable this feature. It opens in Photoshop CS6 & Elements 10 but not Bridge?
One thing I noticed is that with CS5, when I choose Browse in Mini Bridge while in Photoshop, Bridge opens in the background. In CS6 when I browse in Mini Bridge, regular Bridge does not open, although I can open Bridge directly from Photoshop. The other strange thing is that I can open Camera Raw from mini Bridge, just not from regular Bridge. I get the same message as others get, that Bridge's parent application is not active and that I must launch a qualifying product at least once in order to open Camera Raw. I searched all the files I downloaded and installed for "trial" but nothing came up.
I am not able to see or open Raw files from my Canon 40D in either Photoshop CS3 or Bridge CS3. At first I was able to open RAWS in Photoshop and then I followed directions on the internet at how to manually replace a Camera Raw Plugin so I could open it in Bridge and now neither of the apps work with RAW. In photoshop It says that the file is not supported.
I looked up what plug in I needed and it said 4.2 for a Canon 40 D. I also followed the instructions in the read me file that was with the plugin download. No results from it. I even tried to switch it back to the old plug in to see if I could atleast get back the capiblility of opening it in Photoshop even though bridge was not working...still can't open it in either. What am I missing?
Whenever I try to open the Brushes panel, the Bridge window pops up. I know that Bridge is a media manager, so I'm not sure why is it opening. I really need to edit the brushes and I can't find a way to do it. Is there a way to disable bridge or another way to open the brushes panel that won't open bridge?
Can't open file from Nikon D7100 in Camera RAW Plug-In,i have Photoshop CS5 and plugin is upgraded.Format NEF from Nikon D 7100 is not in this plug-in photoshop.
When I upload my photos in raw format they look ok in bridge but when I open them in camera raw they are always over saturated etc and I have to manually alter them. Why is this happening? Why dont they open as they appear in bridge?
I have got a problem with bridge cs6. RAW pictures from canon EOS 6 wil not shown. I only see the sign CR" and the name of the file. But i can open the pictures in camera raw. I am working with windows 7, 64 bit, photoshop is updated (13.0.1), camera raw version is 7.3
Whenever I try to edit an image with Bridge I get a message saying: "Camera Raw editing is not enabled. Camera Raw requires that a qualifying product has been launched at least once to enable this feature"
Bridge will not longer allow me to open photo files directly into Camera Raw, saying a "qualifying" program must be open; I have Bridge and Photoshop CS 6.5 Extended open.
After a recent update while working in Camera Raw off of the bridge I noticed that the workflow has changed. I can no longer change the size as easily.
Was just trying to view pictures from my camera in Bridge and more than half of them in this one directory aren't showing thumbnails or EXIF data, just the CR2 icon and incorrect creation date and time (they were all shot the same day, most within minutes of each other, yet they're a week off). If I double click on the icon, the image opens up correctly in the CR2 plug-in. They worked before, I've opened and closed Bridge and PS, I've purged the cache, but it's still not working.
i would like to filter for camera make or model but they do not come up in the filter list despite my including them in bridge -> preferences check list.
I am having an issue when I use the "Place in Photoshop" command from within Bridge CC, it is skipping the Camera Raw Dialog box and not behaving like a normal smart object. This has been my workflow for years and suddenly it's not working in CC.
Using PS CS6 on Mac running Mt. Lion. When I am in Bridge and I choose OPEN, then the picture is opened in the PS application that shows in the dock or in PS that may already be opened. If, however, I choose OPEN WITH and choose either Adobe Photoshop CS6 (default) or Adobe Photoshop CS6, a second Photoshop application appears in the dock and then opens.
Why doesn't Adobe Bridge download files from "get photos from camera", error message" Adobe Bridge CS6 cannot obtain files from this device. ensure that the device is connected properly,or that the battery is charged,and try again.
When I'm using a card reader that does not require batteries, is it because they are Leica DNG files??? I have managed to drag and drop instead but would prefer to use "get photos from camera".
I'm using win7 with plenty of memory. I had PS CS and upgraded to a complete new version of cs6 extended. I loaded it and the ps program works fine. However the Bridge program will not start. I've tried both programs even from the exe file and nothing. It will not run.
I signed up for photoshop CC, downloaded the Creative Cloud software, installed the Photoshop CC and Bridge CC apps, but nothing happens after that? I can't open either Bridge or Photoshop CC. They both say that they are up to date, but I can't open them?
I know this has been discussed a lot on the forums and I have read all of those, but I am frustrated after 3 weeks of working on this. I bouht my wife Photoshop CS6 for xmas and loaded on our iMac running 10.8.2. She was running Elements 8. CS6 Bridge will not open. Get a message "operation can not be completed". It will also not open from inside Photoshop either. Following other posts, went into Library and deleted switchboard folder, plist files, and other listed files. Did an option start on CS6 and reset to factory, delete thunbnails. Performed PRAM and disk permissions repair. None of this has fixed the problem. The only thing that works is creating a new user account. Bridge opens fine in my test account.
I just upgraded from CS4 direct to CS6, all looked fine until yesterday When attempting to open Bridge CS6, the CS4 version kept opening.
After2 hours 'Talking' to Adobe (remote) it was suggested I uninstall PS 6 and Bridge (after deregistering). I carried on working, then first thing this AM, I set about uninstalling, but... I thought I'd try Bridge CS6 first, wooo hoo it works, another BUT...
When I open Bridge it I am presented with the annoying UAC popup -Why? I AM an admin, and none of the other Adobe progs as this. The other issue is, when I select from PS6 FILE > Browse in Bridge. NOTHING happens.
How can I get Bridge to start from PS CS6 as it should.? (mini bridge works fine)How can I get rid of UAC only on Bridge CS6?
Windows 7 8GB ram, latest versions of BR, and PS, in task manager bridge.exe IS running BEFORE I attempt to run it from the PS CS 6 menu option.or should I uninstall PS6 and BR6 then re-install?
I can't open my D800 Nikon NEF images in Bridge and Photoshop CS 6 of Creative Suite. However the jpgs from the D800 will open........ What to do. This is on an iMac that is 6 years old. What to do+
I have no problems opening the NEF on my newer laptop using the same software.
I just installed, registered and launched cs2. however, when i attempt to access bridge, it opens and then is forced shut with a notice that says i must install and launch another adobe program before i can access bridge. please help me, i'm pretty sure i need bridge to create a slide show online.
Windows cannot find C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop CS3/Photoshop.exe
I installed Photoshop CS6 Upgrade (64bit and 32Bit) to my PC which ran CS5 Extended. When I deleted CS5, Bridge stopped opening files, whether I double clicked on the file or did Open with: I get the same error message.
Downloaded lightroom with no problem. When I try to download photoshop and bridge I get a message saying to close bridge which is not open. Tried shutting down and started over to no avail.