Just purchased CS4 and Lightroom. CS4 has some funny things going on, or I just need a little a guidance...? I was working on http://www.photoshoplab.com/pixelated-mosaic-edges.htmlthis tutorial and once I get to applying the ocean ripple effect it does nothing. I tried a reboot, shut down and can not get this filter to apply or work. I've also noticed that deleting a layer is grayed out and I can't even drag the layer to the trash icon. The layer is NOT locked. I'm on a windows vista 32 bit machine with 4GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX
These shots that i have here, i should ve used a polarizing filter so there wouldnt be so much glare. What can i do in Photoshop CS to get rid of the glare, soften the ocean, and overall improve the photos.
I'd really like to create an animated shadow cast down on the ocean floor by the waves above. That nice ripply effect where the light peaks through the waves onto the sand below. I need it to animate too, I think that will be very hard.
I can't post links at the moment but a simple Google image search of "stingray ocean floor" should yield some nice examples. I can't actually find any tutorials similar enough to adapt for this purpose. (I'd like to have the light ripples as the transparent part, and the shadows varying shade of grey to black)
I want to try to recreate this effect of a circular ripple - actually I want to recreate this pic. I have read how to create rippled water, but not a circular ripple effect.
I have hardly ever used filters for any of my work as I have preferred using Xara's native tools and effects to get what I wanted. But recently, I was inspired by some animation work which used backgrounds painted in Photoshop. They used a lot of textures which enhanced the look of the animation and so I thought I'd try to simulate it within Xara.
It works very well and I can export it as a PSD retaining the layers and Alpha channel. But here come my questions.
1. How can I remove the two Alien Skin demo plugins as I already have the full versions.
2. Why don't the native Photoshop plugins--Artistic, Sketch, etc.--seem to work?
I am trying to add a "ripple" effect onto this sphere to make it look like a drip of water was falling on it. (any tips on the sphere itself are also greatly appreciated)
[IMG]C:Documents and SettingsAdamGMy DocumentsFolly.jpg[/IMG]
In CS3 you could change something to make all filters act like smart filters, even though they won't. I found this worked very well, now I have CS4 and would like to do the same but can't remember what to do to make it work.
I just downloaded a bunch of filters and I dragged them into the filters directory under plugins, but when I open photoshop, none of the filters are there.
I'm looking how to achieve the circle ripple'ish effect that can someone be seen in the outer points of image marked with "1" - (ignore the lens flare itself, don't want it there). I've just played around with some tools to see if I could get somewhere near the effect - this is not quite perfect though. The image marked with "2" got a very low opacity example of this. Â Im looking to do something like nr "2" with the white "ripple"/glow'ish effect. I figured it could be done in a manual combination of -> making a circle shape -> applying some effect to it -> copy the layer -> scale it down etc. But haven't been apple to find a useable combination and was hoping there perhaps were some filter or other method. Â EDIT: click the image to see it correctlyÂ
I'm designing a wrap for a hummer. My client wants it to look like the hummer has a force field and show a few bullets hitting the truck and causing a ripple. I googled this and found out that the "zig zag" filter under "distort" does this. Only problem is, this option is greyed out on my comp. It could be that my project file is half a gigabite (required for the size of printing on the truck).
I have a layer which includes font that's been merged with another layer. I want it to appear to "ripple". The problem here is I can't just use some random ripple effect. I need to to correspond with the layer below it which is a pic of a wavy piece of paper. So it needs to be accurate enough so that no one will notice.
When I view an image at full screen a slight ripple effect appears, I thought it was just an issue with my GPU rendering settings and the ripple goes away when I zoom in on the image.
The problem is this ripple effect is showing up on the printed image.
I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.8 in Windows XP. The Filters menu option shows only Repeat last, Re-show last and Reset all filters.Nothing else in there. Where are the filters?
My problem seems like it should have a simple answer yet I cannot find it anywhere and I even have the user manual printed out.
I have multiple tracks in my project and I want to insert something video at the front end (not the beginning but at the 30 sec mark of a 6 mon video) and have all contects of the other track move as well. I can make this happen when I am deleting "stuff" and everying will move to the left but when I go to insert things, I cannot get the other tracks to move to the right. I know this is a common occurence in video editing so this ability has to be in VS Pro 4 but for the life of me I cannot make it happen.
I know on the left side of track 1 there is down arrow that has an option to enable ripple editting and I do a select all tracks and enable ripple editing but when I try to do the insert, the rest of the track do not move.
I completed the editing of a multi- camera edit using two tracks. The second cameras footage on the second track was towards the end of the production.
I then proceeded to add the music and sound tracks at the beginning with full ripple editing activated and when doing this I tweaked and removed a few clips to match the music which reduced the production by about 40 seconds in all.
When I got to where the synced clips were, they had moved by about 15 seconds. I had dozens of these from the second camera on the second track that took hours to edit and cut into place. However I managed to move them all in one go by highlighting them all and re-syncing the first one which made all the others fall in line again.
Is it possible to prevent timeline markers from responding to a ripple delete? On a film project it's not an issue, but when I do broadcast work, a lot of times I need to hit specfic moments in time, like 28:30 for a half hour show. I'll add a timeline comment mark to that point in time, but later, due to a lot or ripple deleting, that marker has shifted drastically. Right now the only work around I found is to add an ajustment later on an unused track and lock the track. But this gets to be a pain if I need multiple markers.Â
I am working on a dormitory project and need to provide a required light and ventilation schedule. I have figured out how to create a schedule for each level, but I want to isolate only the Dormitories and the Kitchenette (weed out all the other rooms such as corridor, elevator, storage, toilets, showers, stairs, trash, electrical, etc.).  I tried using seclusion filters, but there are too many items to exclude and cannot fit them all into the 4 filter categories.  I am trying to just get the rooms that begin with 'D' and 'K'. I tried providing the variable 'Begins With' for D and in the next line 'Begins With' K, but then nothing shows up.  Is there a way to provide information to the filter that would allow it to show only rooms beginning with D AND K? I cannot seem to get it to work. I have been playing around with separation values within one filter category (i.e. 'Begins With' D, K) but apparently you cannot add multiple variables within one of the filter items.
Still working on my project, and should of done it the other way first.
I need to place a clip in the middle of a project that is done. Can I click ripple editing then place the clip in the middle and have all of the title track move with the clips that will be sliding to the end? Thought I would ask before moving things around.
Or can I put the clip in where it has to be, then hit ripple editing and slide all the title track where they should be all at once? I have not done to much with ripple editing, guess it is a good way to start.
I see that I have to enable Ripple Editing to lock my titles with the video track before adding more scenes, but I can't seem to find where to do this.
I just read the thread the thread "...plus ask about erasers" but it doesn't answer my question about combining shapes to remove unwanted portions - or at least I didn't quite understand it. Here's my issue. I've created a nice "background" image with ripples and live effects, but it has gaps, and isn'tthe right shape. I need to erase parts of it and clip it to the right shape, but every time I try to do this using the slice tool, it puts the gaps back into the image! Attached is my image and the shape I want to clip it to.
I just tried converting the ripple shape to a bitmap copy and then slicing the shape - that doesn't get me the rippled effect I want - just the shape I already have. Then, I tried just creating the water ripples in my shape - but again that leaves gaps and when I try to "slice" them away it does all kinds of weird things to the shape..
When I'm editing a file in PS CS5, when I want to used Artistic Filters it's greyed out, as are most of the options in the Filters menu. This happens whatever type of file I'm working on, and it doesn't matter whether I'm working in layers, a flattened image or a fresh image that's completely unedited and am using the background layer.
I frequently use the BPelt Flatten and Multifill plugins and they have always worked perfectly until today. Now I get the following error: "Could not complete the [Multifill/Flatten] command because of a problem with the filter module interface." Â I use Photoshop CS6 Extended with the Creative Cloud membership, and just recently updated to version 13.1.1 x64. I believe this may be related, as the plugins worked before the update and nothing else has changed.
Im makin this home page graphic...and im using a few PS filters. Is ther a way u can put a filter in a new layer on a transparent background so that u can edit it....(emboss....distort it?)
I'm working on a Logo for my college projest right now and was wanting to put some texture into it, so I tabbed into Filter tab and it wont allow me to click on "Texture", nor will it let me use "Artistic", Brush Strokes" or "Sketch"...
I need to know how i can use all filters when working with a rastarized layer in Photoshop CS2. Often it's only very limited selected filters i can use!