The download completed successfully. But when I tried to extract the files, I got the same error others have encountered, with a message stating that I lack write permissions or sufficient free disk space. Neither one is an issue. Running Vista x64, SP1, and all latest patches. Simply trying to extract to c:emp. That is a directory I regularly use for extracting files to an launching installations. The directory was empty before I started this process. Have not had any issues on this machine with CS3 or Lightroom. I deleted the files that were extracted, and deleted the downloaded files, and started over. I got the same error. I then used Winzip to try extracting manually. After successfully extracting a large number of files, Winzip encounters this error: ...
How / where I am supposed to extract gimp-help-2.8.0.tar.bz2 file. If I can't get this to work, I would be satisfied with a pdf of the 2.8 help files! Just anything, because I cannot always work connected to the internet. My operating system is Windows Vista.
how to extract the attribute value of a particular block in multiple drawings to an excel file.
Eg... there are nearly 800 drawings where I need to list down the description and Drawing number which is mentioned in the title block name "Title". The Drawing Number and the description is done in same attribute block. extract the data into an excel file or txt file. All the drawings are saved in one location.
Deleting files and saving files brings up an error message. Files can't be deleted from lightroom which makes editing a nightmare. Also Saving Files (raw of jpeg), brings up an error message everytime.
I want to cut two faces out of one picture and place them into another picture onto two different peoplles bodies. I used the extract tool and got them there, used transform to make heads bigger(they distort and get fuzzy) and also the skin tones on the faces are way lighter than the bodies in 2nd picture.
Here's my case, I need to calculate how many colors used in the image and then extract each of them as a new layer(or new file) which means each layer/file contains each distinct color whatever the image is (might be a true color image or 256 colors), this bothers me a lot, how to do it in ps
i have a picture of a car and i would like to take some parts of the background out but not all of its how can i do its, i have tryed using Filter>Extract but it dosnt seem to work, and i read on a site that i can use Crop tool but i am not familuar with that tool is their another way to do this.
need to be able to extract the metadata that is displayed in Bridhge and CS from *.pdf and raw files so I can use it in my website to power image selections and various other tasks.
I need the file name and the metadata for each file. Ipresume the data is stored somehow in Bridge -- how can I get it exported into a comma delimited text file?
I'm still getting adjusted to PS 7 and I was wondering if anyone knows what happened to the Image > Extract command? Is it still there, but somewhere else or what? I loved that feature in PS 6 and it seemed so quick and easy. I've just used the crop tool in PS 7, but I'm just curious to know if the Extract command is still in PS 7 or not.
how to extract an image from the background, and also use that image without the background. I have extracted, but when I try to use that image elsewhere, powerpoint, it has a white background. Is there a way to do this and to have no background color?
I have an image that I would liked to get the shape from and enlarge to 24" (that is not the full-res image.). I am trying to extract the rings along with the torch, meanwhile making that pattern black and the background white. I can use the magic wand at certain tolerances to get it out, but, like the picture, the edges are not sharp, but pixelated. is there a way I can extract this shape but have very smooth and defined edges, even if the picture does not have them? im trying not to have to zoom in real far and use the lasso to outline the entire thing myself.
I might add that extract edges doesn't work too well on this image
I have that picture and would like to extract both logos and enlarge them. I tried using magic wand but it was hard. Plus a lot of the lines are not very straight.
Im trying to cut out the background in a image, im actually trying to cut out the green screen background but when I do with the magic tool it either cuts out some of the person arm or something, or it would still be some green in the the image.
Every time i go to save a change i made to an already saved file, an error comes up saying, cant save file because of program error. how can i resolve the issue?
{3c0047e5-7fbb-4cc0-e7fa-3-b162e2e0f11} is either not designed to run on Windows ot it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. - Error when trying to open Photoshop files.
Currently using Photoshop CS3 on Snowleopard 10.6.3. Hard drive failed and after new Hard drive installed I migrated files from a backup clone only thing is Photoshop won't save any files I get error message: "Could not build a preview because of a problem with Quicktime." Already tried uninstalling and reinstalling Photoshop and also downloaded and installed new Quicktime player as well as wiping clean the hard drive and reinstalling OSX Snowleopard. Also, I can use "save for web" to save images, that still works but I am a print designer so need to save images higher resolution.
When I try and save a Photoshop file, I get the following error message:- Could not save (filename). because the file is already in use or was left open
I have rebooted my computer, rebooted our server, un-installed & reinstalled Photoshop and also done a system restore, and I still have the problem. (The system restore actually caused huge problems I got the error message The licensing subsystem has failed catastrophically. You must reinstall or call customer support, except I wasnt able to reinstall or uninstall the product. The computer just would not run the installer. I had to undo the system restore.)
I can do Save For Web with no trouble and I can save files to the same location with every other Adobe product installed in the Web bundle, just not Photoshop.
We have 2 machines here with an identical set up (hardware and software) and the problem is only on one machine.
Even though Photoshop says it cant save the file, its actually saving the file in the following format:- ~psX.tmp where X is a random variable, either characters or numbers.
I have to manually open My Documents and rename the file to filename.psd so I can access it again.
Short of reformatting my computer (which Im not keen on doing because it will mean several wasted work hours and I will have to pay our IT people to come in and hook me back up to our network),
I have the attached image from which I am trying to produce a logo, eventually exporting it to illustrator. I have retaken the photo of the charcoal drawing so it is placed on the same paper it was drawn on and have managed to get a reasonable amount of space on the right hand edge but the left hand edge is proving beyond me. As there are so many greys and light greys, it is proving impossible to get a good selection. When I place the logo in my wordpress site it looks awful on the right hand edge.
i m making a 3d model of landscape design, i need some trees from photographs for visualization purposes in elevations. however it's not possible to extract them from a photograph neatly using extract tool from filter. how can i do a nice extraction?
Is it possible to extract raw luminance values from raw image files? Actually, a de-Bayerized flat matrix would be ideal but could (? maybe) deal with a 3 layer RGB matrix -- rather like the output from dcraw, only in PS. Preferably without gamma applied.
What I'd like to do: I'd like to use image stacking for exposure accumulation using "summation" but find that highlights blow out readily. Right now the workaround is to let the highlights go and bring them back with HDR from one (or more) of the original frames, but that's seriously clunky. I'd like a "scaled summation" where a luminance-dependent scaling factor is applied in the sum. I don't yet know how to get there from here in PS (there's a megaclunky way involving dcraw, Matlab, and a stacking program ...), but it seems to me that the first step is to get the luminance info.
I'm trying to get rid of the excess background in this photo. It's kind of an orange color if you see what I'm talking about. The hair is especially difficult. I've tried the extract tool but haven't had much luck with it.
I took a photo for a family Christmas card, and am trying to make the card on Photoshop. This question will prove what an amateur I really am, but I am having trouble with layers. When I change the size or format of one layer, all of the layers change as well.
I can't seperate what I do on one layer from the next. Can someone please help me with this? Also; I can't change the size of my photo to fit it on the other layer. How do I change the background layer from the photo to the background I want?