Photoshop Elements :: How To Create Paragraph - Text Is Not Wrapping
May 30, 2013
I am trying to create a paragraph of text & the text is not wrapping! I am creating a large text box, but the text just disappears when it reaches the right edge of the box. I know that I have been able to do it before, but now can't. I have closed program & reopened, but no luck.
I'd like to create sheet notes with different line spacing and paragraph spacing in ACA 2013. When I change before/after Paragraph spacing settings in the Text Formatting window, I get a message reading "please provide a value within range of 1/4" and 4". I'd like to use 1/8" for the paragrpah spacing, which is the same size as the text.
way then using the text wrap thingy to wrap text around a object? cause the option that comes with the text tool to make it curve sucks. I want to wrap the text around the inside of a circular saw (theres a perfect white cirlce in the center of it)
I'm a writer and what you see below was my first published article back in 1999, therefore I would like to have a good copy. As you can tell, the newspaper in the image is beat up and faded, so I thought I would chop up the JPG, lay it all out again in PS and fly in my text.
When I select text from WORD and paste it into a PS Text box, there are enormous gaps in between sentences. How I can fly my text into the re-done article so it looks exactly like the newspaper copy, except the text is crispy and clear-y.
Original newspaper article:
New layout:
Text - I tried to lay it out so it would sorta fit the format of the original article. FAIL
I'm trying to find a quick way to realistically wrap text onto the surface of this sphere, and initial experiments in CS2 with the Arc warp and some perspective finangling have proved below expectations.
how do I use the text tool to wrap text around an image. Just like any news site or editorial site where the text wraps around the image and there is padding added to the image so the text is not right up against the image.
I want to be able to control the wrapping and I know there must be a way with PS CS.
I have designed a C# application to To Print I Cards Of School. Here I am sending data from my application to a CDR FILE (Already Created ) Which Contains ADDRESS Text Field..Now I Need to Print Address(which contains 60 characters or more) on this Text field .
I Have Used The following c# Code.. To Replace Address text field that contains text 'Address '.....
s.Text.Replace('Address',"Text To be replaced .......") s is Active shape...
This Works Fine But How can i WRAP TEXT....of Address field.
I'm attempting to use the "emboss" feature and wrapping the text to the surface of the part.
Attached is the example of the part I am working with. Also attached is the error message I receive after attempting the process. Is there another way to wrap the text about the surface of a "coiled" face?
wrapping a continuous line of text around a 90 degree bend. The third attached image is exactly what I need it to do. That is something I just put together as an example though.
I have some repeating information that I want to wrap around the border of an image. Being that it is repeating information, the text can also look like the first and second image uploaded, where part of the word is cut off. I would prefer this to be minimal though.
So far all I have found in my time searching on this leaves the words distorted.
No matter the complications, this also needs to be scripted. It is not feasible to do this manually as the repeating information is dynamic.
EDIT: The upload for the thumbnails is off. Added Details.Attached File(s) textwrap2.jpg (8.9K) Number of downloads: 19 textwrap2.jpg (8.9K) Number of downloads: 17 textwrap.jpg (8.38K) Number of downloads: 7
Can the "Basic Paragraph" style in Paragraph Styles be modified? How is this done?
I can bring up the Paragraph Styles Options diaglog by double clicking "Basic Paragraph" in the Paragraph Styles panel. I can also modify it, for example, by changing the font family. But when I click OK to save it, it creates a new style and leaves "Basic Paragraph" unchanged.
I know that the Basic Paragraph style can be modified in InDesign, but I don't see how to do it in Photoshop.
how to Wrap the text shown here. Obviously the Column labeled "ITEM NO." would be 1, 2 , 3 etc. So I would like that column to be smaller. When I make the column smaller, the wording disappears.
I am trying to create an attribute with multi-text and I am unable to get the text to wrap. I have the boundary width option checked and specified, but the text doesnt seem to care and keeps right on going....
Here is a strange problem since this morning. The text wrapping window is totally empty! I don't have any setting options anymore.
Yesterday, everything was OK but not today. I don't understand why and I don't know what to dot. I restarted InDesign and the computer but nothing changed. The other setting windows are OK.
Is it possible to get paragraph text Headline (Title) & body text applied by style at one click without selecting each separately. If yes, how we can do? If not possible, will it be possible in update or next ver. 7
Illustrator CC, Mac OS 10.8.4 : When pasting text formatted with a Paragraph Style, the style drops off and the text converts to Myriad. I am copying and pasting from/into the same file - even into the same text box.
how to curve text within a shape, as paragraph text, not artistic text? (See my attached image.)
I have drawn the shape, inserted the text as paragraph text, but the text always wants to sit straight. I am so frustrated as I can find a workaround in either Corel or Adobe CS products. I have tried using artistic text in Corel, but have to do it line by line - and this brings other problems, such as I cant justify each line with each other, and sometimes a character jumps up relative to the other characters and the entire paragraph does not taper this is not a solution, apart from the fact it will take me FOREVER to insert line by line....I would like to treat the text as a multiple line paragraph, and follow the shape.
I can create a text box using the edit panel but no text will appear in the box. the pointer or curser won't appear in the box. I was able to insert text the first time I used Elements 10 but not anymore.
In the last 2 days Corel has decided to start changing Artistic Text to Paragraph Text when I copy & paste it across documents, completely changing the font, size & colour of what I am copying.
I've just done a factory reset & it's still doing it.
I don't recall doing anything that would change a setting.
The text I am copy & pasting are disclaimers that are all set on 1 document & I copy & paste them to a proof as needed.
What i'm looking for is the equivalent of using "Path along text" (in this case for a circular path) but using already rendered bitmap data instead of text and a font. Why i need to do this is: 1. i don't have a font for the logo text i created (i don't think one exists) and 2. i would like to add some effects before "wrapping" the text around the circle.
I'm having so-so success with "distort -> polar coordinates" .
I've been searching everywhere for a way to create a paragraph follow a path with a justified last left alignment. Is this possible? Basically the technique I'm trying to achieve is to have a text paragraph say in the shape of a silhouette of a tree. For simplicity sake, look at the image below and you'll get the idea.
I am having trouble w/ entering text that will auto wrap. I am using PS 6. I drag the text box (which should put me in paragraph mode) and when I type, the words 'disappear' off the edge of the text box instead of auto wrap.
If I hit enter, the next line jumps to the bottom of page/box.
I don't want to have to type each line as a separate text box, but so far that is the only way to get it to work.
When I copy properties from one paragraph frame to another, only font and its size is copied, not paragraph settings (spacing before/after paragraph, bullets, indentation etc.). I never had problems with this - it started a couple of days ago (the update??).
I've been using CorelDraw X3 for a while now and whenever I have copied and pasted artistic text is has simply pasted over itself in the same place for me to move wherever I want to.
Yesterday I copied some artistic text and when I hit paste it pasted as paragraph text, in a different size and font and in the center of the page. Have I accidentally and unawares changed a setting?I know I can get around this by duplicating instead of pasting but it is frustrating as it is a feature I use constantly.
I am taking a pdf file into coreldraw home & student X6 to edit and change layout from landscape to portrait. When it opens the paragraphs are either objects or artistic text, so when adjusting the bounding box the text stretches instead of wrapping. I have tried both importing the file as well as opening it. What am I doing wrong?
When I am using PS CS6 typing in a text box, when I type in a full stop or question mark, it automatically puts the . or the ? ( or any symbol for that matter) at the beginning of the paragraph.
I am using Elements 12 and want to remove the extra spacing that is automatically inserted between paragraphs after a hard return. Is there some way to adjust the extra spacing before/after a paragraph in Elements?