Photoshop Elements :: Delete Photo From Organizer Catalog AND Disk With One Click?

Jul 11, 2013

When deleting photo's from the organiser, PSE asks if i only want te remove the file from the organizer catalogue, or as well from the disk. In fact, i always want to do that. Now, it takes 2 clicks to confirm to delete a photo, which is time-consuming.
is it possible to delete photo's from the organiser as well from the harddisk with one click? (or, just by clicking 'delete'.)

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Photoshop Elements :: One Click Delete In 11 Organizer?

Apr 7, 2013

way to delete a photo from my catalog and hard drive with just one click in PSE11 organizer? I would prefer not to confirm each delete and click a check box to remove from the hard drive.

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Photoshop Elements :: Click Photo In Organizer - Missing File Message

Apr 22, 2013

Every time I click on a photo in Organizer I get a missing file can I avoid this?

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Photoshop Elements :: Getting Error Popup That Organizer Sync - No Disk

Nov 13, 2012

I keep getting an error pop-up that the ElementsOrganizerSync - No Disk. I doesnt go away, when I tell it to close it pops right back open. It started when I deleted some Actions I'd added to my library. Also, Actions that I've added recently are not showing up even though I've added them correctly. I plan to upgarde to version 11 but it has to wait a few more weeks.

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Photoshop Elements :: Not Enough Disk Space When Backing Up Catalog

Nov 30, 2012

I'm using PSE/PE 11 with latest updates, Win7 64bit (again, latest updates).  I7 cpu w/8GB ram.
When I attempt a backup of the catalog (EVEN after optimizing & reconnecting) to an internal HDD (SSD) with 188GB free - NO LUCK.  Attempt   another backup to a different internal HDD with 345GB free - NO LUCK - the app says I must free up some disk space/not enough space.  My catalog size from System Info shows 21.6MB but within the Backup app of Organizer, it says it is trying to backup 612,678.10MB. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Use More Hard-disk Space By Using IPhoto Plus Organizer For Photos?

Feb 5, 2014

I have PSE 10 on my MAC. I normally download my photos onto iPhoto (and a while ago, onto Bridge CS3 which came with an earlier version of PSE) but more recently have become interested in using the PSE Organizer for my photo library.  I have started to transfer/copy the photos from iPhoto but, having read various topics on organizing photos, am a little worried that by having the photos in 2/3 places on the MAC I will use much more hard-disk space.  I know that the original files for iPhoto are in the 'Library' so that I just see thumbnails on iPhoto ( I may be wrong here?), but will the photos I now have on Organizer be working off those same 'Library' originals or am I doubling up on the space required to store these photos?

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Photoshop Elements :: Crashes On Welcome Screen When Click Organizer?

Jan 11, 2014

I have Photoshop 11, running it on Windows 7.  It has worked for about 18 months, but now system crashes on the welcome screen every time I click on the Organizer button

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Photoshop Elements :: Doing Catalog Backup Get Message - Your System Is Low On Disk Space

Nov 5, 2013

When doing catalog backup get message " your system is low on disk space, and elements organizer cannot perform the operation.  If create a catalog with 20 pictures backup works OK.  backing up to a 1TB external drive.  Have 16705 pictures in catalog.  Total disk space for pictures is 192 MB.  Why am I getting message?

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Photoshop Elements :: Image Numbers Lost When Import Photos From Hard Disk To Organizer

Dec 2, 2012

When I import my photos from my hard disk to the organizer the image number does not come with it.

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Lightroom :: How To Remove Photo From Catalog Or Delete From HD

Jul 23, 2013

Adobe Lightroom is amazing. Hear this, when you need to delete one image it pops up a dialog box and asks ou if I want to remove the photo from catalog or delete from HD.  When you have multiple images selected, Lightroom cares less to ask you and just deletes them. Here is the flaw.  Aparently with lightroom you can create a selection within selected group of photos (thats amazing I know).  When you select a particular photo within selected group and you want to delete that one photo,  Lightroom just deletes all the selected photos.  That means, if you selected all the photos in your catalog, it will delete them without any warning, just like that. 

Now, why am I ranting about this?  Because of this double selection business, sometimes you are not aware that you have multiple photos selected; sometimes you still think you only have one photo selected. So when you think you're deleting only one photo you are deleting multiple photos, and Lightroom does not even warn you or ask you "Are you sure you want to delete 5,000 photos?". This is driving me nuts, I already delete multiple photos from the catalog several times.  Yes, you can dig your trash and add them back, but all the editing and adjustments you may have done to your photos, evaporated. 
How I can enable something in Lightroom to warn me if I'm deleting multiple images?

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Catalog Is Corrupt

Jul 13, 2013

I have been getting an error message import failed in my organizer.  I am now getting a message that the organizer catalog is corrupt.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Backup Organizer Catalog

Dec 21, 2012

I tried to backup my organizer catalog (only the database) without all the pictures, just like I used to do in Lightroom (.lrcat). But somehow, it seems to work only with all the content.

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Photoshop Elements :: Trying To Restore A Catalog In Organizer

Jul 22, 2013

I am trying to restore a catalog in pse organizer.  I get an error message saying that I should contact the disc drive manufacturer for the latest firmware before trying again.  There is nothing wrong with the disc drive - it works perfectly with every other application.  I open the disc drive in the control panel and can see the files I need are there.  I have tried copying the files to my hard drive, removed the cd, and tried to restore via the hard drive option and still get the same error message. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Organizer Catalog From E4 Be Imported Into 11

Nov 21, 2012

I wish to transfer my Elements 4 based photo collection from an old PC (Win XP) to a new PC (Win 7) with Elements 11. Can the Version 4 organiser catalogue and photo content be converted and imported into Elements 11?  What is the best process for this transfer?

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Photoshop Elements :: Open 11 Organizer Catalog In 9?

Oct 8, 2012

If I decide not to buy 11 after trial, will I have to import new photos into the old catalog file?

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 Organizer Not Opening Catalog?

Oct 7, 2013

First time opening organizer in PSE 12, just bought and installed. On Windows 7. Previously had PSE 8. Told it to convert catalog, but every time it opens, it starts doing the face recognition process, and promptly crashes. Have tried the first few solutions in this thread: [URL] Stopped at entry #6, as I could not find the folder they were describing. And I am not interesting in downloading sqlite.

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Photoshop Elements :: Delete All Pictures Within 12 Organizer?

Feb 26, 2014

How do I delete all pictures within PSE12 organizer?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Delete Albums In Organizer

Jan 18, 2013

How do I delete albums in Ps11 organizer??

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Delete Files In The Organizer

Dec 8, 2013

I am trying to delete files in the photoshop organizer (version 12) but keeping the message, "The requested operation could not be completed because the catalog is currently locked by another process." It won't let me add new photos to the organizer either. 

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Delete Photos In 12 Organizer

Feb 17, 2014

Been using Elements 6 for years.  Bought E12 to go with a new iMac.  I am totally bewildered by 12.  Simple 1 or 2 click things have become procedures.

Like deleting pictures from the Organizer... the Delete function is grayed-out in the pull down menu. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving The Organizer Catalog To A New Computer?

Feb 27, 2014

I am upgrading from Photoshop Elements 9 to version 12 and loading it onto a new computer running Windows 8.2.  To move the Organizer Catalog I have tried several time to create a backup on an external hard drive from version 9 so i can restore it on the new computer with the upgraded software.  Each time i run the backup the process stops and displays an error message "Error encountered while writing files".  This occurs when the process is approximately 75% complete.  There are 12,326 items in the catalog, the estimated "media size" needed it 142,891.30 MB, i have 339 GB of free space on the external hard drive. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Converting Organizer 11 Catalog To Version 12?

Oct 3, 2013

I am attempting to convert an Elements Organizer version 11 catalog to version 12 running on OS-X Lion.  It has been running for two days stuck at 37% and appears to be cycling through files with the name breeze-xxx.XML files in the BreezeData folder.  It appears to be running since the breeze file names change about every 30-60 seconds.  Is this normal or should I cancel and try a different approach?  I checked the BreezeData folder and there are approximately 57K breeze-xxx.XML files and my catalog has approximately 56K images.

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Photoshop Elements :: Turn Off Catalog Function In Organizer?

Nov 16, 2012

I find the Organizer function extremely awkward and non-productive.  I have thousands of images on m computer and I know where they are.  The Organizer just makes things very difficult.  How can I turn it off and have a simple directory tree straight out of Windows to locate my images for processing.  Paintshop Pro does this very well.  I DO NOT need all the fancy bells and whistles found in Organizer.

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalog / Organizer Slow To Respond

Sep 6, 2013

I have 65,000 photos in catalog / organizer.  I note the thumb.5.cache file is 1,165,292 KB.

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 Organizer - Catalog Backup Won't Complete

Mar 18, 2014

I'm new to Adobe.  I just started using Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements.
Adobe Elements 12 Organizer reminds me to backup my catalog about every third time I open it.
So, I did a backup to my Drobo5N.
Every single time, no matter how long I let the backup run, it stops at 96% and OS X 10.9.2 shows the program as 'not responding' so I have to force close it.

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Photoshop Elements :: Viewing Thumbnails In Catalog Organizer

Mar 8, 2013

My Elements 8 has suddenly stopped generating thumbnails in the Catelog Organiser when more than 4 photos are viewed - how do I cure this?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Delete Multiple Folders In Organizer 12

Jan 21, 2014

I have several duplicates of photos that I somehow created. I need to delete lots of duplicates. I see how to do it one folder at a time. However I have hundereds ! There must be a way to select more than one folder at a time for deletion. How or if it can (or cannot) be done ?

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Photoshop Elements :: Delete All Photos In 9 Organizer And Catalogue?

Feb 18, 2014

How can I delete all photos in PE9 organizer and catalogue?

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Photoshop Elements :: Catalog Repair And Optimize Tabs In Organizer 10

May 13, 2013

Where do I find Catalog repair  & optimize tabs in organizer 10? How do I go about finding AVCHD files?

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Photoshop Elements :: Are There Practical Limits On Organizer Catalog Size

Jul 19, 2013

I have 90K items in my PSE11 organizer catalog. I'm running Win8 and I'm getting nervious that catalog size will become an issue. Backing up the catalog is cumbersome since it is 337G. If I need to break it up into smaller pieces, what is the best way to do this? Is there a bridge or link between catalogs?

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer 10 Catalog Maximum Folder Limit?

Oct 5, 2012

I have 17,900 photos and videos in a directory structure organized by date (folders for year, with sub folders for month, day etc).  Recently, Organizer refuses to display newly added folders in the folder tree.  That is, I create the new folder, and rename with a date, at which point it vanishes from the display.  It still appears in Microsoft Explorer.  It looks like there is some limit on the number of folders you can have in Organizer, but surely that is absurd?
I have a new Windows 7 PC, running on a home network (total 3 PCs).  All have (legal) copies of Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements.  Files are stored on a NAS in a shared directory.

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