Photoshop Elements :: Add Text To A Photo?
Mar 24, 2013Can I add text to a photo?
View 1 RepliesCan I add text to a photo?
View 1 RepliesWhen attempting to add text to a photo, the typed text is not visible on the layer in the "Layers Box" until exiting the Text Tool. Text nexer is visible on the photo Background image. If the edited image is saved, the added typed text is not saved; only the original Background image. How do I reset the Text Tool so it will be functional?
View 3 Replies View Relatedrecently the PSE screen goes red (transparent) when I attempt to use text on the photo and the text is unusable. I have tried numerous suggestions to get rid of it but to no avail...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm try to add text on my photo, somehow it does not print on text box, but I can see the contents in text layer box. I tried to change font and color of the font, but no luck.
View 1 Replies View Relatedis it possible to put text on a photo, if so how do I do it ?.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenI try to insert text in a photo, in PS Elements 11, I get a small book icon, but cannot go further.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am using Elements 11, and my first project is to make a photo book for a recent trip. I have figured out importing the pictures and titles. I want to include a 3000 word story on 3 or 4 pages. I have spent hours trying to do this. I thought I would be able to easily copy and paste from Word but that isn't working for me. I have retyping the whole thing in "Your Text Here". I can't seem to make it work. Pane sizing is an issue. Editing after I have typed several paragraphs. I am about to give up. I can't locate any tutorials etc on how to do this. I bought Elements 11 for Dummys and they might as well have skipped photo books. It was useless.
View 2 Replies View RelatedError while trying to add text to a photo: could not complete your request because something prevented the text engine from being initialized. Using Windows 8 on a HP PC.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I drag the T icon for text from the left side over to just below the photo of my painting so that I can put the titile etc under it all I get is a staight line. How do I get it to print text?
View 4 Replies View RelatedUsing elements 6.0, I think without any to use layers to add the text, but how do I get it under his hand but still on top of the body?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I move text to a different area of the photo?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWith Elements 11, can I write text directly onto a photo?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 with Windows 8. I am not able to save a photo after adding text. When I try to save the photo after adding text I get a blank white page saved instead of the photo with text. What is causing this and how to correct the problem?
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery time I create a Photo Email in PSE 11 the email appears in my email client with this text added to it: "Here are the files that I want to share with you". I do not what this text and I have to select it and delete it for every email I create. Is there any way to change and/or eliminate this text permanently within the PSE files?
I found the text in the following file, but eliminating it from that file did not stop it from displaying. How can I get rid of this unwanted message?
C:Program Files (x86)AdobeElements 11 OrganizerAssetslocaleen_USemailsignaturesstandard_subject.txt
Just purchased Elements 11 - excellent product at the price and am having a great deal of fun using it.
One frustrating flaw within the Photo E-mail service....
I've been using the Adobe e-mail service and it sends e-mail just fine having set up the account as required.
Each new e-mail appears with the text "Here are the files I want to share with you."
Now I'd like to replace that with some different text. I can delete it and replace it on the first editing page, and it stays there after I click 'Next' to the following 'Customise Layout' section.
Clicking on 'Next' after this page, we have the final e-mail page, and the text has reverted back to 'Here are the files I want to share with you' again......
I can delete it again, but cannot type in any further text anywhere on that screen.
Shame, because the programme generally is superb. Have transformed a number of pics already, and it would be nice to use the e-mail prog that's built in as I'd like to use it, adding text as required. Otherwise, why have all the font and layout choices available if not??
I am using PER 6 on OS 10.9.1. When I type to enter text on a photo the picture turns a reddish color and no text appears. What am I doing wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWith Photoshop 11, when I Share a photo through Email attachment I am unable to add any text to the Email. Can this be fixed? If I purchase Photoshop 12 will I eliminate this problem?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have tried font 72 and still the font is tiny.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I open Photoshop Elements 10 Editor to edit a text layer on a 511KB 412x292 psd photo the text layer is not shown. How do I open the text layer? How do I edit the text layer? How do I save the finished work product? The background layer is locked. I can't unlock it. I have tried any number of approaches none of which open the text layer for editing.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need to draw a simple medium size line border around a block of text and photo to set apart from the rest of the page.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to place an image into a new document in photoshop elements 12, I select all-copy-paste the image (or even drag it) over to the new doc created. However, when I do this - the image does not paste in at the same size. It typically shrinks down in size. Do I have to save the file, close out and then open the new doc and PLACE it in the document in order for it to keep size? There must be a better way to do this. Basically, how can I drag a photo that is 4x6 over to a new doc while keeping the size at 4x6.
View 5 Replies View RelatedOn Adobe Elements 11 can you rotate an insert to a photo without rotatine entire photo?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I make a photo sepia and leave an item in the photo the original color?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy does my cropped photo look like a broken page inside a version set with the original photo?
View 1 Replies View Relatedin elements 11 how can I extract a person from one photo and insert that person into another photo? I'm totally new to this and my software booklet doesn't say and I'm lost.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow do i add a person from 1 photo to a group of people in another photo (using elements 9)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI did use the scissors and eraser tool to cutout unwanted background, and now I have an image I want to save and copy to another photo. The problem is that Elements 11 won't let me open up another photo at the same time, or let me copy the selected image to clipboard to paste on a different photo.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have PSE 11 and I am creating a Christmas theme with various pictures. I have my main photo with 6 layers including a tree and figures which I can move independantly and the background is the checkerboard as the main layers are turned off with only my selections showing. I also have another photo where I have selected part of it and also turned off the main layers leaving a small part with checkered background. When I have the main photo loaded and drag the other one from the photo bin with the move tool, nothing appears on the main picture. I have already dragged the Christmas tree in the same way and that worked. By the way, all the files are .PSD.
View 6 Replies View Relatedtried several times to shift an object from Photo 1 to photo 2:
identified the object in photo 1, e.g by using the lasso
stored it by edit/copy (or strg/c)
opened photo 2
edit/insert (or strg/v)
object appears in photo 2, but without the frame it was supposed to come with - and by which I could enlarge / minimize / shift it....
made a mistake or software error?
I have Photoshop Elements 10 which I work with sparingly. I would like to outline a section of the photo (a face) and somehow select it to be the whole photo - in other words to get rid of all background elements. I can outline the area with lasso, but do not know how to just save that area. When I save, the whole original photo is saved. I also tried the magic extractor, which really worked to make just the face and crop everthing else out, but it has a white background the same size as the original photo, which means it is essentially a reactangle with a face in it. I am trying to just get the face so I can paste it into a document, sort of like when people put heads on fake bodies. This is for a church newsletter. I have done this with my old Picture It software, but that was on my old computer. I think I should be able to do this with all the gadgets Photo Shop has, but I must be missing something.
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