Photoshop Elements :: How To Put 10 Different Photos Together Into One
Jan 17, 2013
How do I 'stitch' together or place together 10 different photos into one? I know how to do a panorama, but these are all differend and don't have borders the same.
When opening my jpeg photos in Photoshop elements 9, once saved elements seems put the image in a format that my Apple Mac isn't compatible with. So when I then try and upload the images to Facebook or other software in a bulk upload the images are highlighted and I therefore can't select them and upload.
New user to PSE11. Is it recommended that ALL photos be in albums or is the idea that photos in albums are a subset of the photos in folders? With all the sort and search functionality, I don't understand the benefit of albums.I name my image folders using a standard naming convention with the date embedded so it makes them rather easy to manage.
The instructions in Adobe Photo Elements 11 Classroom In a Book are the classic Windows "Drag and Drop" Method. However, when I try to do it, the cursor/icon I am dragging turns into a gray circle with a gray diagonal when it reaches the Media Browser pane in the Organizer and the folder/photo is not imported into the Organizer when I "drop." Do I need to change setting in Windows (Vista, SP2) or Photoshop Elements 11?
My photos are OK in the Organizer, but the portrait photos are cut off at the top or bottom when used in a slide show. I have checked the "Crop to Fit" portrait selection but it makes no difference. I have Version 9 of Elements.
I just upgraded to photoshop elements 11. When I attempt to sync photos in iTunes (to synch with my iPhone), Photoshop Elements appears in the drop down and when I select it, it finds all the "albums" in the catalog. However, when I select an album to sync, iTunes indicates 0 photos are available in the album.
I'm running photoshop elements 11, iTunes, Windows 8 Pro.
if I try to sync "all photos and albums" it still reports that there are "0 photos" available to sync.
I've tried to make new albums, which iTunes "sees" the names, but there are "0 photos" available to sync.
I've also tried to sync with a folder (file system) which works just fine.
I can not paste photos from my photos file. If I start a blank file I can paste anything photos want from the web in as many layers as I want. If I try to paste a photo from my own photos file it becomes the back ground by itself. I don't know how to stop this. Using photoshop elements 11.
I have downloaded my photos to a DVD disc. Only 2 were not PSD and they are the only ones I can view on my TV. Is it not possible to download and view these PSD photos. They are the ones I have altered slightly in Photoshop Elements 10.
After installing Elements on my new iMac, I cannot get photos to come up in Photoshop for editing. I went to Preferences and changed the preferred editing program from iPhoto to Photoshop.
I am trying to burn photos to a CD only the pictures that I flattened and deleted in a stack only leaving the top photo says that they are audio files and they will not burn on the CD. What have I done to save them audio files...and how do I correct the problem so that I can put these pics on a CD?
I have a new Cannon 70D camera. I shot RAW photos this past weekend and downloaded the photos to my computer. I try to open them in Photoshop Elements 10 and I get a message that they are in the wrong format. My photos have .CR2 on them. Does this new camera require a upgrade in Photoshop?
How can you copy photos from the Organizer to a DVD in PS10 without creating an album? In PS8 it was easy and a menu pick under sharing but this does not appear to me the case in PS10. So I end up making an album to burn the DVD and them deleting the albut which seems stupid. It looks like Adobe went backwards.
How do I get my photos to format as an jpg? After resizing and enhancing and then saving, when I try to post them to an ebay auction they are still the same as before. I was told that I had to change to a jpg. How do I do that? I am using elements 11
In PSE 12 I cannot open RAW photos in Edit (after first opening in camera RAW), I keepgetting message'Cannot complete your request because of a program error.
How can I import photos from cd's to Elements 8? I had to reboot my computer system and short of copying the photos from the cd to the computer and then to the sd seems to be the only way I have found. Is there a better way to imkport directly from the cd's?
I have Elements 8 and burning photos to a CD/DVD is very easy to do. who just bought a new computer and Elements 10 is on it. I tried on her version, but I couln't find how to do it. I couldn't even find a video tutorial on how to do it in Elements 10. She has not created an account yet - could that prevent access to the Adobe TV tutorials. I have had my version for two years and I forgot how I set it up.
I know, it's been a while. But I've been using Elements 3.0 for years. Finally became unstable. Now have purchased Elements 11. I have photos in iPhoto, folders, Pictures. Is there any easy way to organized them all in Elements 11? I know there are duplicates too. Will Organizer spot these?