Photoshop Elements :: How To Install Profiles 6.6 DNG Converter
Mar 7, 2013
I downloaded the 6.6 DNG converter and when I try to open it I get the following message."Error writing temporary file make sure your temporary files is valid. How do I check temp files and install DNG converter profiles?
I cannot figure out where to put the new DNG Converter. The download is installing itself in a folder (within PS5) but it is not recognized by the program at the time of use!
After re-downloading Adobe Raw 5.2 and running the CameraProfiles.exe program and restarting my system I still cannot find any camera profiles under Camera Calibration other than the standard ones in either Lightroom or Camera Raw. I click the dropdown menu in Raw and click Load Settings, but cannot find any camera specific settings. I am running Photoshop CS4 and want to set it up for my new Canon 5D Mark II?
I cannot find how to install ICC profiles other than the provided defaults of ProPhoto, Adobe RGB and Adobe sRGB. How to install additional ICC profiles.
I have just bought a Nikon D3300 DSLR. Elements 11 will not open raw files fromthis camera. Where do I find such a converter? My OS is Windows XP Home edition.
recently purchased nikon d7100. after raw files opened in view window of iphoto, could not import these files. i have attached screen shot from iphoto: I have already downloaded the dng converter. How do i get the unreadable file to the converter
I have adobe acrobat 9. I had a Pdf converter button on top og the browser that I used to convert web pages to pdf documents. This button disappeared last week. I tried reinstalling the software and tried internet options to make sure third party extensions were checked.
When I open photos in camera raw converter (whether they're raw or not) all white in the photo shows up as red, then when I'm done editing them in camera raw converter and open them in Photoshop Elements 12, the look normal again with no red instead of white.
I have upgraded my Elements 9 to Elements 12. I used to be able to open a raw file directly into the raw editor in Elements 9. With Elements 12 I click to open the raw file with Elements 12 but Elements opens into the basic editor with no picture opening. I then have to select Open Camera Raw from the file menu and select the photo again. The photo then opens. Is there a setting i can change so that elements 12 opens directly into the raw editor?
I used Adobe DNG Converter version to convert .rw2 files created by my Panasonic Lumix FZ200 camera. These files won't transfer into the Organizer and, when trying to open them from the Editor, I get an error message saying the file can't be opened "because it is the wrong type of file".
Bought a new Nikon camera: Nikon Coolpix P7700. Try to open this NRW (RAW)-files in PSE7 and PSE10.Got the following message: (Translated from Dutch in English: Cannot open this ...NRW-file because of a wrong file type).I downloaded RAW-type 8B1. NEF-files from my D300 work well. NRW-files open normally in Lightroom.Adobe DNG-converter doesn't regognize the NRW files.
This is a question regarding Elelments 11 and embedding ICC profiles. I have succesfully set up a colour balanced system for printing on my own premises. At the time of printing I select the relevant ICC profile for the printer/ink combo I am using. However I need to send files way for larger sizes and want to ensure colour correct prints that match as closely as possible the prints I produce in my own studio.
How do I embed the third parties provided ICC profile in the file before sending to them?
If I import a lot of photos into Lightroom at once and they were all taken using the same lens can I enable the lens profile for them all at once? Or do I have to do this one image at a time?
Trying to find ICC Profiles. I am a college student going for my BS in Photography. Our assignment is to take photo paper from three different manufactures and download the ICC Profiles for each of our papers chosen. Let me tell you this is not as easy as it seems! Where I can find the profiles for Adobe PS for different types of photo paper. Each manufacture only gives the ICC profile for their products. No scanned profiles are available.
In trying to get to grips with the Color management aspects of PSE11, I have encountered the following problems: Having selected "Display" a sequence of clicks (Change display settings -> Advanced settings -> Colour Management -> Colour Management tab -> Colour Management) gives a screen which includes the headings:Device Profile and Viewing Conditions Profile.
1. Device Profile. Besides sRGB and ARGB, the profile list includes the profiles for all of the Epson papers.I changed the Profile to an Epson Grayscale, this was accepted within the menu, but there are no changes from normal when I viewed the image on the Windows screen or within PSE11. ("normal" is sRGB or ARGB). I thought it worth a try to test that, if I wanted the display image to closely represent what I would get on a particular Epson paper, this may be a way to do it.So what is the purpose of all of the paper Profiles appearing in the Display listing?
2. The Viewing Conditions Profile has also several options. I have tried to find the criteria for choosing one rather than the other, but failed to find any information. I seek general guidance rather than the details of the Profiles.
Selecting Image on the PSE11 menu across the top of the displayed image, and then Convert Colour Profile, I tried this process on an image, converting tiff to sRGB. When saved there was an extra asterisk in the saved title but in this case, the file was still labelled tiff and there was no change in the number of Mbs. If a conversion has taken place, how is one to know? Does saving a tiff file as jpeg change its colour profile? When is it useful to use this feature?
I cannot change printer profiles in Colour Management on PSE10. Whenever I try to do this it looks like I have changed it, and click OK...but when I check back it has actually not taken effect and has defaulted back to the original stored profile. Consequently I cannot use different paper types now. This has only just started happening and was ok before. I am using Mac OS 10.7.5 along with an Epson R3000.
When I start up PSE11 and go to print I set up the paper size then select a Printer Profile. When print the image it is a mess and seem to be black and white it is as if I printed on the wrong side of the paper.
I then go and try to print it again. Now it all works as it should beutiful colours and spot on. all other print following this works.
Then I shut down PSE11. Start it up again. Guess what first print is a mess again. all others after are fine.
I uninstalled PSE11, deleted prefs. and reinstalled PSE11. Same thing.. first print a mess all others ok.
I am having some issues with surface profiles on a dreffed alignment no updating dynamically.
Currently it requires me to set them to static, then back to dynamic and they update.
I am well aware of the issue of dreffed surface profiles staying static. I am using the work around of dreffing in the surface and sampling in the drawing using the dreffed alignment.
I purchased Elements 4.0 a while back and ran it on my mac running Tiger. I got a new mac (running mountain lion) and want to install it, but there is an error message and it will not complete. Is there a patch for this or is my version just too old?
I am using an HP desktop running under MS Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit SP2, with gmail running in (or not in) compatibility mode and Norton Internet Security.
Formerly everything was running perfectly for a long time; but then I encountered blue screens and the local PC shop fixed that by backing up everything and then formatting the HD. I put basic stuff back from the backup the shop made, then I went away – out of the country for 2 weeks during which I took a bunch of pictures. Photoshop Elements 5.0 worked at this point - I successfully uploaded them into a Pictures directory. Next, I continued working on bringing to life other SW I had working before the blue screen/backup (e. g., allowing gmail to come up in compatibility mode). Next, I took 3 pictures and, planning to upload them into Photoshop, tried to bring up Photoshop Elements 5.0. The window appearing is titled “Organizer – Photoshop Elements 5.0 – My Catalog.psa”. It circles for a long while then adds “not responding” to the window title and then I must X out and close the program.
I have reinstalled several times (from the CD), but the above scenario reoccurs. I have just run CCleaner, deleting the Windows and Applications materials it recommended; again above scenario occurs when trying to bring up Photoshop. It just does not show any thumbnails, the circle just keeps revolving and then “not responding” appears.
I have been using Elements 9 and Premiere 9 on Windows 7n machines, and still have the discs for Windows and for Mac, with serial numbers. I am now changing to an iMac on Mavericks, without a DVD player, so copied the discs to memory sticks. However the "Install" process would not run and I was directed to Adobe Support Adviser, which I downloaded and ran. It "could find no problem" and collected data for a Suppotrt Case.