Photoshop :: Duplicate Group Command On Video Timeline Crushes CC
Oct 27, 2013
Photoshop CC alerts me "Could not complete your request because of a program error" when I'm trying to duplicate layer (sometimes) or group (every time) on video timeline. And I have to restart PS forcibly because alert has only "OK" button. When I'm pressing on it same alert comes instantly.
is it possible to change position of a layer group in new timeline? I only see opacity keyframes. Seems like I can convert to smart object to do it, but rather not do that.
I believe there is a shortcut key for rolling up the members of a div on the timeline (kind of like you would use folders in Flash, and exactly the way it happens in the edge elements panel.) I need less layers on my timeline to cut down on the scrolling and hunting for specific layers. My coworker accidently hid hers while randomly keysmashing and we can not reproduce it. Since it's a keyboard shortcut--there's probably another way to make it happen but I can't find it. How to toggle between the hide/reveal of elements in a div on the timeline?
I forgot to switch the frame rate from 29.97 to 12 fps when I started working on an animation and when I switched to 12 fps mid-project the frames changed.
I have a hard time describing exactly what's going on so I'll just post a screenshot instead. Basically each frame has a gap in between and I am unable to line up the frames back to back. I was hoping to find out how to fix it so the frames play back to back seamlessly without any gaps. But yeah, when I attempt to align the frames back to back it won't let me, instead the frames overlap halfway or have this gap in between.
my 'Convert To Video Timeline' Option has gone missing from my Photoshop. I'm using Photoshop CS6 Extended Version.I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it numerous times.I have tried running it in 32-bit as well as 64-bit.The option isn't in the Panel Fly-Out menu either.I have also noticed that I can no longer open videos in Photoshop.I have tried resetting my Preferences, as well.
I’m trying to make a 3D text video intro in Photoshop CS6. It seems like the default time line is only 10 seconds long. Is there any way to extend the duration of the time line?
I need to create an animation sequence in Photoshop cs6 longer than 5 seconds. In previous versions the length of each video layer could be extended easily.
Now it appears you need to make each video layer a maximum of 5 seconds. Document settings doesn't resolve this problem. I've found out how to extend the timeline but, crucially, not the length of individual video layers beyond 5 seconds.
I'm currently using CS6 to make Gifs with Frame Animation using the Video Frames to Layers. I want to convert my Frame Animation to Video Timeline but it won't let me do it. Can I do it with CS6 or do I need CS6 extended?
I've been making web comics and trailers using the animation pallet in CS4. I just upgraded to CS6 and am really excited about the ability to animate 3D objects in CD6. You can see two short demos here: [URL] .... and here: [URL]........
My issues is that in CS4, I could make my animations as long as I wanted. There was a fly out menu that would let you input the length of the animation. In CS6 that has been replaced with the drag-out-the-layer-to-the-length-you-want interface (of which I'm not a fan). In doing this I noticed that my 3D layers can only be 10 seconds long, I can't drag them further into the timeline, even when my animation is 20 or 30 seconds.
I've looked at the 3D options in preferences and all I can think is there I have maxed out my RAM. Is 10 seconds the max that Photoshop can animate a 3D layer, or am I missing something?
I am having problem with my video timeline on my Photoshop CS6 Extended. The timeline shows frames instead of the normal video timeline, my timeline by default is completely different from what I have seen in CS6 Video Editing tutorials all over the internet.
Furthermore, I cant open or drag vidoes to the document, I have tried MPG, MP4, AVI and FLV video formats but it says, 'no parser or file format can open the file'.
Check out this video I put together for this question,
As you can see I'm just playing around w/ the effect/amounts etc.
I had to manually apply this effect at every frame in the Photoshop's Timeline, which takes a to long... I would love to do it to whole clips. What's the best workflow for that?
A way I tried w little success before was to split the clip into individual frames, (forget how to do that) & then apply a batch command to all the pics, I remember trying this method & it not working w/ Oil Paint effect.
For some reason I cannot choose between Video Timeline & Frame Animation in the Timeline window. I do not know why, I've looked in the Timeline panel options, still nothing.
I added a filter to my video but it only lasts for a few frames. There are little marks shown where I added it in the Altered Video section of the timeline. How do I apply a filter or effect to the entire clip?
Also when I ad a filter such as Lens Correction, it only lasts for a few frames..How do I get it to remain?
I am using PS in a traditional animation capacity--drawing each frame of animation by hand on a seperate layer. I loved doing this in 5.5 and it worked wonderfully on my machine. There are a couple of problems for me with CS6 that perhaps
My main problem is that when i play back my animation (I prefer to use the clips/layers version as opposed to the "frame" version which is more limited in my opinion), the image quality is horrible. When I say "play back" I mean hitting the spacebar and playing it, not rendering it. This feature worked like a charm in CS5.5, but the quality is very low in CS6. The same thing happens when scrubbing with the play head--the image quality gets all blocky and pixelly looking. The funny thing is, when I stop playback or stop scrubbing through frames, the images go back to thier normal state.
When I first saw this happen, it reminded me of a low quality RAM preview in After Effects (for those of you who are familiar with After Effects)--which I thought would make sense, since AE offers a way to increase or descrease the quality of immediate playbacks (RAM Previews) depending on what you are testing in the playback and how much available RAM you have. But there is no way to adjust the playback quality in PS CS6--at least not one that I can find. I absoluately need playback to be 100% quality as it was in 5.5, otherwise this feature is completely useless to me.
Also--did they remove the "onion skinning" button from the Timeline window? That was so useful... That is such a useful button for anyone attempting traditional animation in this program--which it was wonderful for in CS5.5.
BTW--my current machine specs if that matters:
Mac Mini, 2009 model 2.26 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo 64 bit NVIDIA GeForce 9400 256MB OSX Lion 4 GB RAM 100+ GB free HD space
There must be some keyboard command to duplicate a graphic style since I seem to do that often unintentionally. What is the command, and can I turn it off? CS 5.5, Mac, OSX 10.8.2.
I'm currently working on a video that has alot of individual pictures etc in the timeline. I would like to delete a few of the pictures from the video. when I delete the pictures I get an opening in the video that I don't wish to have. How do I shift the entire video over to fill that gap? On the flip side of the coin. Is there a way to insert a clip into the timeline and shift everything down around the inserted clip?
When I create a new document in AutoCAD, I get a weird gap of space right above my command bar that either displays a duplicate of the command bar or just blank white space. It is as if the comupter does not recognize it as part of the screen. My mouse will jump over the bar and I cannot type or select anything inside it.
I have been looking all around Civil 3D 2013 for the "group" command and cannot find it anywhere! I had it in 2012 and previous versions (and added it to the quick bar).
I'm running X4. I have 3 minutes of photos with text and audio narrative at the beginning of my project. When I try to add the first video clip to let's say 3:01 of the project, the video track pins itself to 0:00...I don't see how to set it free...
So the option to add Adding Video/Audio Tracks to Timeline are "grey'd out" and what's even more strange is that they don't even have the one or two tracks that are usually in the timeline when you open new project.
I am a new VS6 user (coming from Pinnacle Studio). Is there a way to display the video and the video's audio waveform on the timeline at the same time. I see where I can select the Sound Mixer button above the timeline, which does show the audio waveform, but then the video thumbnails disappear.
2nd question, when I put a fade-to-black transition between two clips, it seems like the clips' audio does not get faded out then in with the next clip. Do I have to add a separate audio fade for every video fade?
how do i add a video in the middle of timeline without changing the sync between other videos/audios in the rest of timeline ?
for example when i add a video(30sec.) at min.(1) , all the videos after min.(1) is shifted for 30 sec. , but all audios+images+titles (AFTER 1st min.) is still in it's same time , so the syncing is gone.
Is it possible to export a part of the timeline to a new video file?
So if I have a 10 min video in the timeline, I would like to "mark in" and "mark out" from 3m02s to 5m30s, and create a new file.
I used to use Edius I could mark in and mark out from time to time and export to a new video file. Is there a workaround in Videostudio ?
I'm editing a training video, and would like to export different "chapters" to seperate video files, so I can upload the seperate videos to the web, and not have to export the entire video, as this would be too big.
if it's possible to control a html5 video in Edge ?For example, I added a html5 video with the video tag and I want the video to play and stop after 20 seconds. Then, plays some animation on my edge timeline. I suppose the video must be controlled with Javascript ?
This is a daily occurrence. As I go along editing, I inevitably come upon some video clip (or audio clip) on my timeline that is missing it's original audio (or video) counterpart. I've previously deleted the audio portion (or video) at some point earlier in the edit, when it made sense to do so. Now, though, I change my mind, or I need to hear the audio to sync other clips, or just hear the audio for reference, etc.
How do I bring back the corresponding media? I love the new "Join Through Edits" command in Premiere Pro CC, it seems that a companion feature would be something like "Restore Original Linked Audio / Video"
Match Frame seems close to what I need, but involves a few more steps than a right-click, or keyboard shortcut (maybe I don't properly understand how it works). Does any command exist that would do what I'm needing? I can't imagine I'm the only one who would need this function DAILY.
I'm new to video editing and know little about the program I am using (Adobe Premiere Pro CC). How I can add the full size video or pics to the time line. It appears whenever I add something from my Gopro 3 HD camera I only get a partial of the video / pic.