Here's the situation. I have a block that will be inserted showing a piece of angle iron that is used for a stiffener. We have various sizes that will need to be used. Instead of typing in the angle size each time it's inserted can I have a list of all the angle sizes and then a pick box or radial dial or something to be selected and that is what is put in the block?
How to create a flow arrow label for a feature line that parallels the curve?
I've a vague notion that this could be done with a dynamic block and a few fancy expressions. I'm comfortable with expressions, but I've never used dynamic blocks at all, so I wouldn't know where to start.
To be clear, I know curved text is possible, but I'm looking for a curved line (ie an arc) that would look 'parallel' to the arc of the feature line (ie have the same centre point). This would have to be dynamic to allow for different radii and for flipping to the left and right side of the feature line.
Having a time getting ribs to align 2m below top of ridge beam, and connect to curved wall below. I created one, then arrayed, but the radius changes at each 2.5 degree interval. I don't think I should have to calculate the % radius change to get the beams to do this. Some constraint button maybe?
Not sure if editing a wall profile is the best way to model this, but it's working.
I want to extrude a big number of pillars to a rather complicated surface and that works out fine. But each end of the pillars warps around the surface and I want them just to go up to it and stop with a resulting horizontal face.
I am currently working in a facade that has a stylized gondola on it. The gondola has curved walls for the sides, and I need to have the curved cut to give it the shape. The tools I know are for straight walls, not curved. and the Opening/wall makes a squared opening, not curved.
I've been experiencing a problem in PhotoShop CS4 in Vista where a text box will suddenly become much larger than it needs to be. Usually the text box will keep the original width I created it at, but will become extremely tall and the bottom will extend several inches below the actual image area.
This makes editing and moving text annoyingly difficult. It seems to happen after a text layer is copied/duplicated or moved to another document. The document I'm working with was originally a Fireworks document, but it seems to happen even with text that was originally created in PhotoShop.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on Windows 7 and I want to create an edge effect on a rounded box around a picture.
I can see how to make the box rounded and I can see how to make the edge effect but I cant see how to apply the edge effect to a box that has already been rounded.
For some reason when I go to use "Save As" either from the dropdown "File" menu or from the keyboard shortcut the dialog box shows up for a split second and then dissappears. If I hit enter it acts as if I told it to write over the currently open file without renaming it and prompts me to verify that's what I want to do.
I can't see the dialog, so I can't rename the file if I want to, or change the location where the file is being saved to. I had my computer re-imaged last week and didn't have any issues once everything hed been reinstalled.
On Monday when I had the Wacom tablet drivers installed as they had been missed the previous week the issue started. I deleted my preferences but nothing changed. I had PS reinstalled as I know in the previous PS editions the software prefered to be reloaded when accessories were attached. This didn't fix the problem, so I had the wacom drivers removed.
It STILL didn't fix anything.When I came in this morning (23 June) neither PS or AI would even open up. I had the entire suite removed (even though Flash, Fireworks and Dreamweaver all operate as intended) and reinstalled. When they were finally done the problem was STILL there!! What other step am I missing?? Why out of the blue would these two, and ONLY these two be acting crazy?
I want to be able to make nice, attractive boxes similar to cartoon character type boxes with tapered connectors pointing to the characters mouth or at least to the character. The boxes contain text, i.e. what the character is saying; or in some cases (with little bubbles instead of the tapered pointer).
I think those are called "callouts", but I have also seen the word used to describe a single line.
How do I do this in Photoshop? What I have been doing is using the elliptical Marquis tool, then painting (or using Clouds on a filter) to create the box, then the line tool to make the arrows; then the text tool to put in the text. This is not only time consuming but produces distinctly inferior looking results.
How can I make the space between lines like the pic I attached,space them so its 5 or 6 pixels apart? It looks really bad doing it freehand,is there a way to just set the space so it looks even? And how can I add colours to the empty space? Must I use white background instead of transparent?
Final question,how can I do those grey boxes like those on URL banner. And those lines that fade out plus how can I sort of make the lines "pop-up" or have that 3d effect,sort of like emboss I guess.
i change my screensetting from single laptop screen to extended screen (laptop+19") and back again on dayly basis.
the problem (which ONLY occours whit adobe products is that when changeing my screen to laptop only the property boxes used fx; on layer/layer style/"blending options" appear (well they don't) outside the main window even though i placed them im my main window before changeing the screen setting.(from extended to normal).
most windows can be moved the the arrows or move function in the bottom bar, but how can i MOVE the pop-up property window and place it in the main (well, only) window ?
looking for a keyboard comb. to move the active window og a function to place ALL windows i the main window...
i'm using PS 6.0
the "reset workspace" works fine on everything BUT the "Layer/layer style" -property boxes, and the whole prob. is that i only have 1 screen here at home.
Recently Photoshop CS3 started acting up (after over a year installed). Toolbars and dialog boxes won't let me type into text boxes or select from most drop-down lists. This makes it completely unusable.
The textboxes and drop-down lists "lose focus" instantly after being clicked. This occurs even if no other applications are running.
For example in the Brush toolbar, when I click to open the Brush Mode dropdown, it opens, then immediately closes before I can even release the mouse button. However the Brush Size works fine (because it isn't really a dropdown, it opens another window). The Opacity textbox won't let me type, but the slider opens under it and operates normally.
Similarly in the Text toolbar, it is impossible to select a font or font style, but I *can* select one of the standard font sizes (because that is a different type of dropdown). But I can't type a specific size into the textbox! Same type of issues in the character/paragraph pallette.
To try to resolve this, I upgraded my computer from XP SP3 to Vista SP1. (To eliminate any possible "contamination", I reformatted the C drive, installed Vista & SP1 from CD, installed anti-virus, then reinstalled Photoshop and Lightroom from scratch - and NO other applications yet).
After all that, I still have the same probem under Vista! With no other programs installed.
My computer is an HP Intel Core2 Duo, 4GB RAM, nVidia 512MB 3D graphics card. (I upgraded the RAM from 2GB and the video card both under XP to see if they helped - before doing the Vista upgrade)
No other software has ever exhibited this problem - or any strange issues.
I'm completely unable to process photos for my photography business, and at my wit's end.
I am trying to make thin line boxes like those seen on sites like yahoo! etc... when I create a box using the rectangular marquee, and make the border 1 pixes, it makes the line too thick. Any idea how to make a finer line/border around a box?
I want to insert text on an image, using a text box is the ideal way to ensure the text wraps nicely, etc. However I do not want the text to be in a standard rectangular or square text box but one of my own irregular shape.
I am trying to find where to turn on the floating menu boxes in Photoshop CS. Right now I have the tools, color swatches and navigator, but want the layer toolbox. I know I can go to the pulldown menu to select layers, but it is much easer to use the floating box to select my between my different layers.
All of the dialog boxes in my Bridge & Photoshop CS6 have black writing on a black background which makes all of them unusable. I have recently zeroed my hard drive and reinstalled all software (Adobe via Creative Cloud) and this problem popped up.
There is a similar 2012 forum thread which addressed this problem, stating the solution was found by zeroing the drive, then reinstalling:
When I try to add "Extude, Wind or Tile effect", from the stylize filter menu are opening up in black and not the normal color. I can't see the names on the adjustment slider. I am on a Mac.
I have a problem with Photoshop automatically creating strange boxes on the layer mask when I'm sharpening the image, first with high pass, then unsharp mask. After I've already created a stamp visible layer on top of the layer mask.
On Mavericks. I'm getting white blank dialog boxes in Photoshop CC. Doesn't happen right away. It lets me work for a limited time then I get the blank boxes and can only Force Quit. I don't use Suitcase but I do have a Wacom. iMac.
Whenever I draw a box on the page using the foreground color, the background color is applied as a 1px border (I believe) and is accompanied with the box.
When you go to select the background color, there doesn't seem to be any 'use no color for background' option. It's also not being added in the 'layer options' box either (as a stroke).
How do I remove that the outside background color?
Environment: CS6 (PS 13.0.1) Mac OS X 10.7.5. Plenty of hardware. (Generally starting with .CR2 RAW.)Recently (maybe since the 13.0.1 update??), I have been having problems with the open and save as dialog boxes.
First. The open file dialog always defaults to Enable: blank (i.e. no file types enabled). Each time I have to go to the bottom of the dropdown list and select "All readable documents" before I can open ANY type of file. I've searched in everyway I can think of looking for some method to have OPEN default to "all readable" but can't find anyway to do this. when whipping around at deadline having to stop each time and make this change is irritating. No other program has this difficulty (including Illustrator and InDesign). PS 5.5 did not exhibit this behavior on the same machine.
Second. When I save as and try to select any file format, say going from psd to tiff, the format dropdown list ALWAYS selects the format ABOVE the one I choose. Example: If I select JPEG, PS tries to save as .iff. If I pull the selection down to JPEG2000 it will then save as standard JPEG. Again just an irritant but, tiff (which I need for several other programs) is last on the list thus there is no way I can go one below it to get tiff format selected. It always comes out as png. Also note that the Format selection indicates the correct format - in the case of tiff the dialog box shows TIFF selected, but the program is appending .png. (Continuing the save as (without altering my selection) always results in the incorrect format no matter what the Format dialog says in the save as operation.) Again, no other program I work with (including several Adobe products) exhibits this behavior.
Bug in CS4 - when starting a new selection (Marquee Tool), random sized boxes will appear BEFORE dragging and releasing the mouse button to define a selection. The boxes will often extend from the first mouse click to an image edge, but it's unpredictable. I need to release the mouse button, deselect (left click), and then start over again. Once this behavior begins, it can recur repeatedly, making marquee selections VERY frustrating. It also occurs with the zoom tool.
I´m running Photoshop CS4 on a brand new Dell Latitude (integrated Intel graphics) on Windows 7. The CS4 is also a brand new installation. I´ve tried a couple of different mice and also disabling Open GL. I had the same issue on other laptops I used over the years but not on all of them.Actually there was a thread on this issue a while ago but it seems to be closed now and no satisfactory answer was provided. URL....