I want to insert text on an image, using a text box is the ideal way to ensure the text wraps nicely, etc. However I do not want the text to be in a standard rectangular or square text box but one of my own irregular shape.
I've searched on "irregular" and "gradient" and a few other terms, but I did not find anything from the past to answer my question. If I am repeating an old topic, I'm sorry.
I am trying to find an easy way to create gradient fills that are not linear or circular. I want to create them in irregular shapes. So far, the only way I can think of is to draw my shape, select it, fill it, then go to Select>Modify>Contract then fill it with a slightly lighter color then repeat the process over and over and over again until I reach the center. I could certainly create an action to do the contraction of the selection so it would be a little easier, but I would still have to change the fill color each time and then fill the new shape. Is there an easier way?
I'll attach an image to show you what I am talking about. This one has banding since I do not have the patience to contract the selection one pixel at a time over and over. I am hoping that there is an automated way. Incidentally, I am using version 7. I am not completely opposed to upgrading if the feature exists in a newer version, but I am hopeful that there is some feature I am not aware of that will make it easy even in my version.
We (several people at my company including myself) are having a problem where we set up sheets for plotting in paperspace that include multiple viewports. Often, the projects require us to use irregularly shaped viewports (i.e. not square/rectangular). When we print the sheets to our plotter, to PDF, or to any other printer, the page looks fine. However, if we print them to DWF using the DWF6 ePlot.pc3, the viewports will square off, allowing items that were not supposed to be shown outside of the viewport to come through. This has caused extra information to show up across our sheets, making portions of them unreadable.
We are at a loss on how to work around this, beyond only using square/rectangular viewports. Is there a way to get the DWFs to match what we can get out of other plotters?
Is there a way to find the exact area of an irregularly shaped object? If there is, does the procedure work for compound paths (objects with holes in them)?
Today's challenge was to create an artificial reflection beneath an irregularly shaped object.
In the past I've been asked to add reflections where the reflection is simply a plane that cuts horizontally across the entire object (example 1), and where the object to be reflected is skewed (example 2) - both operations are pretty straight forward...
Example 3 is the object (a duvet) to which I had to add a floor reflection. I did come up with a solution, which I am reasonably happy with, but would love to see what methods other people use! I guess my attempt is OK because the texture and shape of the duvet is fairly forgiving!
Do you have a better method for these irregular floor reflections?
Example 4 is perhaps the trickiest I can imagine as the entire object is curved and the texture uniform so a bodge job will be very obvious!
Perhaps this can't easily be done in Xara - I imagine it could be painted in a bitmap package or rendered with a 3d package... or photographed with a reflection in the first place!
I have been trying to create artwork for university style hoodies, where text is created to form the shape of a number.
I have successfully converted a number into a text box for this purpose. The text is inside and looks great.
However, I need to convert this number / text box to curves in order to keep its appearance when e-mailing. When I convert it to curves, the text shifts its position to outside of the text box. The strangest part is that it only happens with numbers that have a gap in the middle (4, 6, 8, 9 and 0).
I am creating subway art and am creating various templates. I would like it so that when I have a text box with a 5 letter word, and I want to enter a longer word, they all fit and just kind of smush together rather than me having to fix the text boxes constantly.
I have an older version of GIMP. I set text on a J-shaped path. It shows as purple with no fill. I want the text to be black, as the original text was. What do I need to do to make the shaped text be black?
I've been experiencing a problem in PhotoShop CS4 in Vista where a text box will suddenly become much larger than it needs to be. Usually the text box will keep the original width I created it at, but will become extremely tall and the bottom will extend several inches below the actual image area.
This makes editing and moving text annoyingly difficult. It seems to happen after a text layer is copied/duplicated or moved to another document. The document I'm working with was originally a Fireworks document, but it seems to happen even with text that was originally created in PhotoShop.
More and more often I come across exhibits where the text has a background mask shaped like the letters and numbers, used in the callout. Typically I see this in GIS software based exhibits. Looking for text that can be used in CAD that functions similiarly? Currently working in 2011 Civil 3d.
I am having trouble resizing text boxes with text in them, so that the text scales with the box.If I convert the text box the curves, it messes up the formatting when I add an outline to the curve because the text box itself is given a outline.
Autocad Architecture 2012 crashed during hatch. Upon recovery, all my text was replaced with boxes. I suspect there is a system variable which was changed as part of the recovery process, but I can't find it.
I have hundreds of diagrams in Microsoft word that need importing to Indesign. I have imported the illustration part of the diagrams via Illustrator but i now need to bring in the diagrams' text labelling.
The diagrams have a lot of text labels which each appear in their own text box, but if I save the .doc as an rtf and import it into InDesign, it imports all my individual textboxes into 1 large textbox which I can't seem to separate them from.
If I select one of my labels in Indesign and copy and paste it, it is now a separate text box - great, but InDesign won't let me select multiple text boxes within it's large text box and it just is not feasible for me to be selecting each box individually to cut and paste it.
Edit: Each individual text box (within the large textbox they have been imported into) appears to have been anchored on import. If I release the anchor this does what I need in the same way as cutting and pasting, but again, indesign won't let me select more than one and it would take far too long to select each box individually to release it. So I guess I'm either asking for a different import methos, or a way to select multiple textboxes that have been imported into a single text box.
Recently Photoshop CS3 started acting up (after over a year installed). Toolbars and dialog boxes won't let me type into text boxes or select from most drop-down lists. This makes it completely unusable.
The textboxes and drop-down lists "lose focus" instantly after being clicked. This occurs even if no other applications are running.
For example in the Brush toolbar, when I click to open the Brush Mode dropdown, it opens, then immediately closes before I can even release the mouse button. However the Brush Size works fine (because it isn't really a dropdown, it opens another window). The Opacity textbox won't let me type, but the slider opens under it and operates normally.
Similarly in the Text toolbar, it is impossible to select a font or font style, but I *can* select one of the standard font sizes (because that is a different type of dropdown). But I can't type a specific size into the textbox! Same type of issues in the character/paragraph pallette.
To try to resolve this, I upgraded my computer from XP SP3 to Vista SP1. (To eliminate any possible "contamination", I reformatted the C drive, installed Vista & SP1 from CD, installed anti-virus, then reinstalled Photoshop and Lightroom from scratch - and NO other applications yet).
After all that, I still have the same probem under Vista! With no other programs installed.
My computer is an HP Intel Core2 Duo, 4GB RAM, nVidia 512MB 3D graphics card. (I upgraded the RAM from 2GB and the video card both under XP to see if they helped - before doing the Vista upgrade)
No other software has ever exhibited this problem - or any strange issues.
I'm completely unable to process photos for my photography business, and at my wit's end.
Why is the text size in the instructional boxes "File", "Edit", "Image" etc: so small that they are almost unreadable. I know its me, but I can't figure out how to fix it.
I'm currently using Illustrator CS4 and I'm having problems with what I assume is a corrupted file of some kind. When I'm working in Illustrator everything works and looks fine but when I save it as a PDF all my text changes to a bunch of box and rectangle outlines. I've tried opening in Photoshop and the same thing happens. Also when I preview it in Finder the same thing happens.
I have an iMac at work with Mountain Lion and Ilustrator CS6, I have files that I have created with Illustrator from scratch but when I bring them home and open them on my iMac at home with the same system the text boxes are broken into individual text boxes for each line of text. What is going on. Also everything in the document is a Clipping Path inside the document bound box.
How do you thread two different text box with two different text format? Eg. Text Box
1: Font Size 50pt...Text box 2: Font Size 10pt..
Once you thread the two text boxes; and delete the content in Text box 1, what ever the content that flows to Text box 1 from text box 2 should auto format to Font Size 50.
Here's the situation. I have a block that will be inserted showing a piece of angle iron that is used for a stiffener. We have various sizes that will need to be used. Instead of typing in the angle size each time it's inserted can I have a list of all the angle sizes and then a pick box or radial dial or something to be selected and that is what is put in the block?
I have been able to do a text wrap which works great. However, I need to be able to move the boxes along with the paragraph if, say, I change the beginning and causing the entire thing to shift.
So far when I enter anything and the boxes are just inserted with text wrap the words move together but leave the boxes where they are. I can move the boxes along after words by just pushing the down arrow but that means I have to go through and move each one which is time consuming and frustrating.
Is there anyway to perhaps insert the box directly into the paragraph so that it is all one thing?
I have Inventor professional 2011 & AutoCAD 2011.Both these programs are showing the same error. This is only affecting one PC out of 20 installed with the software
The text beneath the icons at the top of the screen appear as empty rectangular boxes. It would appear to be unable to render the character (as if it was a foriegn language set)
The PC language is set to UK English as is the keyboard.
I want to do a glow effect on a logo that I am working on.. the problem is that all the tutorials I've seen are for single text boxes. I will need to have different sizes and fonts so it requires more than one text box. I can edit the first text box to where I can "path from text," add a new layer, "select from path," create an outline using the "grow" effect and then blur the it so it looks like a soft edge with a different color than the text. I would like to do this for each text box, but when I add a new layer for a new letter and attempt to "select from path" it will only highlight the letter that I've already completed with the glow effect. I'm thinking I will have to save the file each time I create a new glow letter and reopen as a new file to add one more glow letter... but is there a faster way? I've attached a screen shot... the whole logo will read like this:
Affiliated Wellness Group
The A,W, and G will be larger and in a different font than the lowercase letters when its done. SO I will have 6 text boxes total.
I'm starting a new drawing in Civil 3D 2012 and when I go to draw a line I can't see the small text boxes that show up beside the cursor that allow you to input numbers. I like to type my lengths and angles into these boxes to draw my lines as it makes it 100% accurate however the aren't showing up. Drawing lines is essentially useless because I now have to eyeball it. Is there a keyboard shortcut to get these boxes to display again?