I would like to know to reduce a photograph to a simple drawing using a minimal number of colors such as 3 or 4, or even black and white. Here are a couple of samples of what I would like to be able to do. Is there a PS filter or technique that will do this type of thing?
I have a picture of my girlfriend in her underwear & I want to alter it in an artistic way so that I can use it for a CD cover. I was thinkin along the lines of makin the edges of her body neon or somethin but dunno how to do it. Any ideas?
I can't remember reading any tutorials on dealing with noise in Photoshop. Scott Kelby dedicates a whole paragraph in his CS3 book for digital photographers. I need to make a decision on what noise reduction plugin to buy, so if you can reply to thread I can get a consensus of what is being used most.
If the circumstances force me to work on images with noise which have to be enlarged, and if I use noise reduction based on noise-pattern-recognition, is it better to carry out the noise reduction before or after the enlargement (and in case the answer is after, which resampling method would resample the image (and thus the noise) best for subsequent noise reduction?)
I'm trying to duplicate this effect on a Shakira picture, but have had no luck at all. I need to know how the skin was made so light and sparkly. And the eyes and the eyeshadow, how was that done? Code:
I have am image of a map that I have been asked to detail an post to a web page. The map had been drawn out fairly well, but the lines that make up the drawing are jagged. I would like to be able to smooth out the lines so it makes the map more presentable.
I am trying to find out if anyone knows an easy step by step process to make a slide (like you mount photos in) or maybe a negative strip? They have an action at Photoshop for the slide process but the dpi is only 72 and I wanted to use this for a print, can I change the process in the action so the resolution is higher?
I need to know a good technique to make a page have the vellum texture and the shadowy look of an 1800's map as show in the link. I know you can use the burn tool to make shadows but I was wondering if there was another way to make it look more realistic.
Every time I try to use shake reduction, it works on the photo but then immediately crashes Photoshop CC and I have to reboot the computer to get it to open again. I suspect it has something to do with RAM. Mine is set for 1192MB. Is that enough? The images I tried were about 2000 x 3000 at 72ppi.
I have the latest version of Photoshop updated from the Creative Cloud. I have a full membership and pay monthly so updates come up accordingly using the Adobe Install/Update Manager.
I really want to use the Shake Reduction tool but it is not appearing in my filters list even though I have Photoshop CC all updated? What to do to gain this amazing filter.
red eye reduction on digital photo's. I've been selecting the red color and playing with a variety of color balances and fills but they still end up looking pretty demonic.
To me, this sounds completely backwards, but for some reason I cannot figure out how to do this the right way. Every time I use Image Size to reduce my high res image proportions, my resolution goes to shxx. By luck, I managed to find the right way to do it last week, and I cannot get it to work today.
I have been struggling to master the style used here by artist Joshua Budich, I have been searching the internet and spending many hours on photoshop the past few days trying to figure out how to add halftone/polka dots in the same colours, like the one used in the Star Wars print and the pattern used on Tyrell.
I've spent hours trying to recreate the grave rubbing technique in Photoshop and am getting very frustrated. I'm looking for something like the rubbing of the knight's shield from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (see attachment below).
I just want to display some block letters in the rubbing (i.e. "LOREM IPSUM DOLOREM EST").
I would like to cut out a cloud from one image and place it into the sky of another image. What is the best technique for preserving the transparent wispy edges like in the image below? The background is usually various gradient shades of blue.
ive had a graphic requested and they want an explosion in the background. Was wondering if anybody knew a good tutorial to make explosions or how to make them in general?
I have KPT 5, and I see that it says that KPT needs to be updated to 5.01...and I looked everywhere to find the update...can anyone show me a link, or send me the file or something? I really want to use that Pank Metal, but I cant with KPT 5.
Im working on an official rap mixtape release for a well know los angeles dj and i was working on the cover and came across this image, i was wondering if anyone knows how to do that lighting effect.
The light is kind of exploding and looks like it has single lines in it, but i was wondering if someone could tell me how to achieve an effect like this.