How to delete all ik handle nodes in a scene and all constrain nodes in a scene.
My rig is so complex that going in and deleting one by one seems like a crazy process but if there was a way to get the outliner to show only ik_handles and or constrain nodes then I could just select them and delete them and this would save me a lot of time.
I am trying to import thousands of pictures into Lightroom as I have a mess of pictures do to a long story...But basically I have probably 30,000 pictures in a bunch of folders that I want to import.
One issue I have found is that I don't want to import TIFF, BMP, GIF, or things like PNG. I really only want jpg files or jpeg files unless I stumble across others in another format I haven't found yet.
Can I set something during the import? I have searched the forums and internet, but haven't found anything that mentions this.
How to clean up a mess like this where I have 30,000 pictures but probably only need 10,000 as there are duplicates upon duplicates due to having to move the pictures around in a hurry as I had a mess in my basement during a storm a couple years ago.
I am interested in grouping and sorting brushes according to size, shape, whatever.
Right now when I add a brush library, they just stack on top of one another.
For example let's say I have a round brush with a 10 diameter, then next to it a round brush with a 20 diameter. If I make a 15, it goes to the bottom of the list, and I have to scroll all around. How can I group them?
I suspect I would have to make my own brush library with my brushes how I want them, then save that and load it?
i've a scanned image in a .ES0 file type format, and open in photoshop, i renamed it to a .raw file and tryed opening again but i've not really used raw file types before. I opened it up in photoshop with defult raw open setting and i managed to get somthing...
Any other designs styles besides retro, grunge and vintage? Or is there any website with loads of different design styles. I wanna try and expand my design knowledge.
With Photoshop CS 6 the desktop does not recognize me and allows me to assign the correspondence file. For example, if I double click on a .psd file nothing happens. If I reconnect the program Photoshop to psd file manually, does not recognize it (as if I had not made the selection). While Adobe Photoshop CS6 Bridge point for each matching file, the associates, but when I do a Bridge by double-clicking it, I go into Photoshop without opening the file.
This means that I can no longer be Indesign edit a file with a simple click, but I have to go find the file at all times and I can only find it in Photoshop with a huge waste of time!
I have installed Photoshop CS2 as a part of the Video Production Suite. I am having difficulty associating my image file types to PS CS2. Windows defaults to its image viewer and will not change in the Folder Options in Windows. How can I do this within Photoshop? When I installed from the DVDs I was not presented with the File Association Window, as the the Help file indicates.
how ICT can motivate and aid learning skills; and I am currently talking about a section of my essay on Adobe products. What I'm after is perhaps links that touch on Adobe aiding students in these areas: understanding, analysis, problem-solving, collaborative, autonomy, and evaluation.
On photoshop cs6 (Mac Lion) trying to save file as tiff, creates .pxr, trying to save .png creates .pcx, raw creates .mpo, eps creates .gif, gif creates .bmp etc. etc.
in CS6 in Windows 7, my text tool only types in uppercase no matter what font I choose. it was working perfectly up until a few weeks ago. Pressing caps ON or caps OFF makes no difference.
For some odd reason, when I choose a different file format in Photoshop CS3, the extension does not change, and I have to manually enter this in. I don't recall having to do this before.
I have a mac as well but it doesnt seem to have this problem.
When I was reinstalling Photoshop 7 it asked me what kind of filetypes should it open, me being somewhat foolish checked .gif and .jpg along with all the default ones.
I have been using Photoshop Elements for quite some time without any problems. Suddenly it appears the feature to change letter types is not responding. The last type I used seems to be stuck and I can not change to any other type. The window with the different letter types flashes up momentarely, but doe not open to be used. Uninstall / install die not solve the problem.
I am running CS6 Cloud Suite under Mountain Lion on a Mac Pro. I have no other versions of Photoshop installed, and I've never HAD any other versions installed on this machine.
The problem is this - when I right-click, say, a JPEG file and choose to open with Photoshop CS6, it will launch Photoshop as expected. But if Photoshop is already launched and I right-click to open, say, a TGA file, it will spawn a completely new instance of Photoshop to open it in. From that point on, with the two instances of photoshop running at the same time, right-clicking and opening any other files will open them in one of the two PS instances.
It's almost like some file types have been associated with one "instance" of PS, and other formats are associated with the other. This seems impossible since there's only ONE install of Photoshop on my computer.
My camera software dumps jpegs and raw files into a single folder.
I am wanting to batch (automate) process the jpegs in said folder, but not the camera's raw files. How do I employ an action that will only run on the jpegs in the folder and skip the raw files?
I have extensive photoshop files of early work and when attempting to open them, a warning, "could not complete because of unknown or invalid jpeg marker types found".How can these be saved or retrieved?
I'm having trouble with the Extract filter being grayed out/disabled in some types of seems like I can't use it on TIFF files, but I can if it's a JPEG.
I added Keywords to many jpg files when I should have added them to their scanned source files (tifs). Is there an efficient way to copy them from the jpg versions to their tif “originals?” Except for their suffixes, they are identically named.
My PC operating Microsoft XP had to be replaced. I was using Adobe Photoshop6.0, serial #<deleted>. That program is lost to me and I am now using Photoshop 2.0. I cannot find a way to adjust for different media types; that is, plain paper, glossy photo paper, etc. How do I make the adjustments to accommodate a variety of media using Photoshop 2.0 and can I get access or download Photoshop 6.0?
I am trying to load CR2 files from a Conon 600D to elements 7. Each time I try I get the message 'Nothing was imported, files did not contain any supported file types'. I imagine this is something to do with ACR. I have looked at some discussions here and as a result downloaded ACR 5.4, but I still get the same error message.
Photoshop just becomes unresponsive until I use alt+f4 to close the invisible option dialogue. As a result, I'm currently unable to do things like open PDF files or save JPEGs.
I'm using Photoshop Elements 10 Organizer with Premiere Elements10 Installed. I have a number of files of type MTS which I understand to be AVCHD and are imported from my Panasonic Lumix TZ20 camera which captures HD video. These files will not play in the Organizer, resulting in a message stating the required Codec is missing. However, when the same file is sent to Premiere Elements for Editingand agreeing to a message to have Premiere set the correct properties for the media type it plays perfectly. What am I do wrong? Are there any settings I need to change to have Organizer also play the file successfully?