I have recently bought a new windows 7 computer, HP 1250ea it has a i7 processor and 6g memory.I then loaded PS CS3 which I have been using on my old XP PC for years and it would no longer open raw files.Both Bridge and PS give me the error message "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document"
I have version 4 camera raw and I cant seem to update it either by using the Help > Updates in PS or downloading the latest version from the Adobe Website...I am using a Canon 40D..
I've been working on a psb file for a couple of days in CS6 and this morning the file would no longer open. I get a dialogue box that says "the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop". I've been using the same version all along so I know this is not a version problem. My backup file has the same problem.
I can open a flattened version of the file in Illustrator CS6 but can't open a layered version. It would appear that the file has become corrupted in the layers somehow. how I might be able to fix the original psb file and resurrect the layers?
I have Nikon D60 and recently started shooting in raw when I discovered that Photoshop allows you to then edit the files to a much greater extent before converting them to .jpg.
.nef files used to open automatically in Photoshop (in a separate window, seemingly a sort of add-on designed for raw files?). Now when I try, the software tells me that they are 'the wrong kind of document'.
What's changed / broken? Or have I suddenly forgotten a vital step....?
I've tried downloading a newer version of camera raw, to no avail...
Just recently I tried to open my Photoshop CS2 and received a message saying cannot open no longer supported by PowerPC. What does this mean? Is this version officially defunct? If so what can I do so I won't have to buy Creative Suite again.
I had photoshop CS4, and it's been working fine since I've gotten it, but yesterday I started having this weird issue. I open it, it opens fine, then windows tells me photoshop has stopped working. I've restarted, re-installed and tried over and over, but it won't stay open for longer than 5 seconds. My mother gave me CS6 to replace CS4.
I get the 'can't open the app because PowerPC apps are no longer supported. I went to support and ran the script that was recommended. And I confirmed that com.apple.LaunchServices.plist is no longer in my pref file.
I am running Mac 10.6.8 and recently upgraded to PS6. I can no longer print to my Epson 3880 nor can I open NEF files. I have applied all udates from Apple, Epson and Adobe.
I've just recently purchased PSP X4 since they touted that it was much faster loading and more stable (X3 was horrible about crashing). I continue to be amazed at how they (Corel) can just keep digging a hole instead of actually improving this product. I can see why they continue to lose market share.
1) I can no longer open mulitple images at the same time for side-by-side comparison. The work area now will only accommodate 1 open file at a time. 2) I miss not having the file size included in the data box that appears when you hold the cursor over a thumbnail. It was always handy when downsizing (resizing) photos for posting. 3) It is a pain now to have to go back and forth from the "EDIT" tab to the "MANAGE" tab to view full-sized photos (without having to open one at a time). They really screwed the pooch in X2 or X3 (can't remember) when they got rid of the old Organizer format. It was soooo easy to navigate; you had a screen full of thumbnails, you saw what you wanted and clicked it open....just too easy I guess!!! I was hoping they would go back to it for this version. I know in other forums, this change really rankled a lot of users. They just seem to bounce around trying different things. I wonder who the h*ll they use to test this stuff in-house.
I do like the faster speed, but don't know if I'll go for any more versions after this or not (been here since V.7 when JASC owned it). Big mistake selling if off to Corel. I've just about had it and there is some decent up and coming competition out there nowdays.
I'm no longer able to launch Photoshop 5.5 on my Mac OS X 10.7.5 (Lion) system. I did a reinstall with same results. All software is up-to-date. The only change has been a second monitor connected to the computer. InDesign and Illustrator work fine.
On 9-4-2012, I was given a brand new Dell at work. At about 1pm on 9-12-2012, I noticed scrubby zoom had stopped working. I checked Preferences>Performance>GPU Settings, and I’m told the graphics acceleration is unavailable. I found that very strange, as I had been using said acceleration for over a week. I've spent several hours searching for a solution, but found nothing that even remotely addresses both my problem and circumstance.
I've been using Photoshop since 1998 and I've been building computers as a side business since 2001. I don’t have a giant magnet sitting next to my computer, and said computer isn’t resting in 3 inches of water. There are no tin foil covered Honey Badgers running amok inside my computer case.
Yes, I have rebooted my computer.
Yes, all my video/device drivers are up to date.
Yes, Windows is up to do date.
Yes, all Adobe products are up to date.
Yes, all my Adobe products are legit.
Yes, the GPU features worked fine for 6.5 full business days before dying.
Yes, I fiddled with Nvidia Control Panel settings while trying to fix this issue.
Yes, my video card (Nvidia Quadro 600) is official supported by Adobe… [URL]
No, I’m not using any third party plug-in’s
No, I have no cheap off brand nonsense installed or plugged into this computer. It’s exactly how Dell shipped it, but with Adobe CS5.5.
I have a mac OS X 10.8.2 and my CS5 has always worked but now will not open. The only thing different on my computer is the removal of the Java application.
My photoshop CS education version has been working great. Now, today it comes up partially but won't fully function. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it twice to no avail.
I had 3 updates through the so-called cloud. They were bridge CC, Photoshop CC and an extension mgr update to CS6. After installing the updates Photoshop CC no longer works. It boots up but all selections do nothing. Even closing PS cc won't work.
I have PS CS4 v.11.0 loaded on a Dell Optiplex 755 running Windows XP Pro SP3 with a Dell 1908FP(Digital) on ATI Radeon HD 2400 LCD monitor.
When running any program EXCEPT PS, white appears as white on the screen. When running PS, white appears as a pale shade of ecru in all open files, swatches, and color selection tools. All other colors are also "off" in this same manner.
However, when I use the PS-created files in other applications, white is once again white, but colors (unless I stick with Pantones) are also off.
I have just discovered from this DVInfo thread, that Premiere Pro CC no longer comes with Encore, or any DVD/Blu-ray authoring software. So if you used Premiere Pro CS6 and still need to provide clients or whoever with DVD or Blu-ray disk, hang on to your CS6 apps.
It is a huge (my word for today) benefit being able to right click an object and having the option to open it in Photoshop like a Smart Object. Make your edits, Ctrl (Cmd) s and it updates in Encore. But so long as you still have Premiere Pro and Photoshop CS6 installed, you still have that function.
I am afraid I don't know a whole lot about Photoshop and video because I’ve always used Premiere Pro.
Levels don't work in my installation of CS 5.1. The dialog comes up but adjustment don't change the image. I reinstalled CS 5.1 but that didn't fix things.
My photos will no longer display on the web, just a box with an X. I must have changed one of the jpeg options inside 'save for web' window. I'm designing webs with Expression Web 4 and I'm using Internet Explorer...
Is CS4 now obsolete? If there is something I need to do to reinstall an updater or some such thing--easy peasy step by steps instructions for this granny--nothing that refers to roots (do you mean carrots?). . I hate to think a program that cost over a $1000 has gone the way of the dodo.
The problem is that I can't get any of the tools in Photoshop Toolbox to work. Tools like Clone Stamp Tool, Healing Tool, Burn Tool, Dodge Tool, Sponge Tool, etc. The person that replied to this problem before advised me to open My Computer>Program Files>Adobe>Adobe Photoshop & then delete a certain file. It worked great but now I can't remember which file to delete.
Photoshop 7 has suddenly stopped showing object handles, so I am unable to resize or transform a portion of an image that I have selected. I can find no instructions as to how I can get the handles to show again.
I was trying to use a couple of filters when I noticed that some of them are no longer working. They are still there but can not even be selected to be used. I don't believe that I may have changed an option to bring this about but I may have.
I have been doing a lot of photoshopping lately involving the lighting effects filter. Unfortunately after producing about 7 images, the lighting effects option is no longer available. When i click on filters>rendering>where it normally gives the option for lighting effects, instead it is a grey text saying lighting effects but i can't click on it. I've tried re-installing but that didn't do anything. I have photoshop CS and Windows Vista.
when I go to choose the move tool and I'm on a specific layer that I want to move, I left click like I've always done for years to move it on the canvas and and instead of having that one layer move (on the canvas, not on layers window) it picks up the root group and moves everything. The highlighted (selected) layer also turns to the outer (root) group folder, instead of staying on that layer.
I am running Lightroom 4.4 with Camera 7.4 and Photoshop CS 6 will no longer let me edit directly from Lightroom. I am on an IMac running the most recent OS, OS X 10.8.3.
I can no longer edit from LR 5 in photoshop CC. When I right click on the DNG image in my filmstrip, choose edit in> Photoshop CC nothing happens. If photoshop is closed, it will launch the program but does not open my image. I haven't changed any settings that I know of.
Smart Objects previously created no longer scale properly. These objects have live type and vector shapes in them, but they behave just like raster elements. These objects scaled properly in the past, and I can only think a setting has broken somewhere.
I've tried restarting, trashing the prefs and creating a new object just to see what would happen, but to no avail...