I had previously been using CS3 and recently upgraded to CS6. When doing color processing I no longer find the on/off preview button so that when adjusting color balance, for example, I do not see a toggle switch (preview)Â to see the effect on and off.
I have a .psd file that was created by someone else for my friends web page. The psd file is the background, logo, and navigational bar for her home page. Each button is a "slice" I think because there are lines around each button on the left side navigational bar (not a true navigational bar just created by buttons) and around the head and body etc. (The lines are blue if that tells you anything - each section is numbered with a little tiny icon that looks a little like the back of an envelope.)
My question - we wanted to change the word on one of the buttons - I did that saved the psd file - no problem. Then I cropped out the button that we had changed. When I saved it to the web (as a jpg) the button looks like a button (a box around it - not a line a raised area that looks like a button.) The other buttons do NOT look like a button (even though the layers are named buttons.)
How can I change it so it looks flat (not button like) like all of the rest of the items on the navigational bar.
I am growing increasinly frustrated. I just installed AutoCAD LT 2013 on my laptop. I managed to get everything customized the way I want, except the button icons on my (classic) toolbar are much too small. If I go into the menu and select 'use large icons', they are too huge. My screen resolution DOES NOT need to be changed or adjusted. I went to the help menu to see what I can do, and found that I can go into CUI and adjust the size of the button icons that way, via the button image editor, however there is no 'button image editor' dialog box when I select any given toolbar command.
A feature notably absent from the Oil Paint filter is any way to temporarily disable the effect (e.g., not preview it).I happen to like using Oil Paint to make refllections in the surface of water smoother and more "liquid" (which involves turning off the "Shine"), and it would really be nice if I could easily gauge the amount of the effect easily by blinking back and forth between original and processed image with a quick "disable preview" functionality.  With most standard filters, one can either uncheck a [ ] Preview box, and/or click the mouse button down on the image to temporarily show what the image is like without the effect.Yes, I know I can turn the Stylization down to 0.1 and see how a very minimal amount of the effect can be applied. And I can look at the original image in Photoshop proper, but of course that can't be zoomed while the Oil Paint filter is active.  Also, the zooming / panning seems kind of stiffly implemented.In summary, the more or less standard and expected filter features I'd like to see added to this (new class of) GPU-accelerated filters are:Preview/No Preview capability. It doesn't have to update Photoshop, just the preview display in the filter itself. I suggest a [ ] Preview checkbox and/or an on-mouse-click temporary effect disable.Â
Modal click and drag Zooming vs. Panning - i.e., based on a Zoom or Pan function selected (e.g., via an icon along the left) vs. having to hold modifier keys down. I personally would want it set to Zoom by default, not Pan. Since the filter has scroll bars (a Good Thing), I would have thought Zoom would have been a better default as it is. I have implemented these things in my own GPU-accelerated plug-ins, so I know that all the infrastructure Adobe needs to support them is already in there. These changes are controls only and should be trivial to implement.
I recently bought a Nikon D7100. I took some test shots and imported the images to Lightroom 4.4, then generated 1:1 previews for all the images.  Previews zoomed to 1:1 in Library Mode are noticeably soft. The image below is a screen shot of the Library preview:
Moving to Develop View produces a higher-resolution 1:1 preview. The image below is a screen shot of the Develop preview:
Look at the bricks and window screens to see the difference.  This difference occurs immediately after import (with a User Preset applied during import). Once any Develop work is done, the Library preview updates and displays at full resolution.  This problem makes doing initial editing/selection of images time consuming, because I can't determine the sharpness/quality of imported images until I've done some kind of Develop adjustment on each image.
I'm trying to edit a set of titles made in Premiere in After Effects, and after I import the file (as a Premiere file) then load the sequence into the timeline; the preview is just a black screen throughout the entire preview. The titles never show up.
I am using MacBook (late 2008) OS X 10.9.2 and recently upgraded to Lightroom 5.3 from Lightroom 4. After a while, some photo started to show exclamation mark at the right hand corner of the photo (*.CR2 raw files in NAS) in grid view. When I click on the exclamation mark, it shows a dialog with following message; "Lightroom has encountered problems reading this photo". So, I moved previews.lrdata, which is about 9GB, to the trash and restarted the Lightroom 5, expecting Lightroom 5 to create a new previews.lrdata. However, it won't create any preview at all. Â exclamation mark at the top right hand corner of the photos in grid view. Â size of Previews.lrdata file stops at 152KB.
Just downloaded LR 5 and noticed that I cannot jump back from a Publish Service folder preview to a different folder preview in grid mode. The only way to view photos in another folder is to restart LR 5. This only happens when I am viewing photos in a Publish Service such as Flickr. Â I updated from LR 4 using Creative Cloud installer.
I'm wondering if there is a Font Preview plugin available that will do what Illustrator SHOULD HAVE done for many years - which is to actually allow you to toggle through your font list and display the text you entered in the fonts you are clicking through - - kind of like what CorelDraw has had for the last 15 years.  Imagine that... being able to review text in a selected font to facillitate the selection of an appropriate visual reference for logos, etc. Earth-shaking, I know.it seems there would be an Illustrator plugin by now that would do this???  Or do I have to continue to have CorelDraw opened up so that I can review text in various fonts to determine the best choice for a given project font?
This is the "oh so" most annoyance in Photoshop I have ever encountered.
Alt + scrollwheel is the greatest tool for zooming in Photoshop!
However, every time you cease zooming and go for the move tool (V) it opens up the View menu at the top of the program window. Every time you go for the full screen mode (F) it opens the file menu. Every time you go for the hand/pan tool (space bar) it opens the program menu at the top of the window. Every time you go for the wand tool (W) it opens the window menu at the top of the program. Every single time. Though there are two ways to overcome it:
1. by quickly pressing ALT once after you finish zooming 2. hitting escape
It is easy to forget to do these and I feel this shouldn't be a problem in the first place, as you can clearly tell. Often times, I hit (F, F) and it opens the File Menu>File Info... since the ALT command has already been activated. [/vent] I just wonder who else has this same problem, and what are your solutions?
ok my firend opend a site and i hooked him up with fly log-go right well then he wanted more so he wants me to make him some buttons on his sight like you know people got dem little squares that you clikc and go to like a page or to there site i was jw how to make one i got the box and i made the pc and stuff but how do i make it so i cna put it on his site and click it and it goes to a page or so that if they click the picture it goes to his home page?
I got Photoshop CC. But when I tried to make 3D text, I couldn't do it... There was no 3D button/ option. I have Photoshop CS6 Extended, which allows me to create 3D text. I'm hoping I don't have to switch between versions every time I want to make 3D text..Also, one more thing. When I first launched Photoshop CC, it said "Would you like to migrate your presets from Photoshop CS6?" I chose No, What this would do, since I'm not the most experienced Photoshop user.
How to put the buttons I use a lot in the top bars, such as save, new, etc. I just upgraded from using Photoshop Elements for 10 years to Photoshop CS5. I am not a fan of using shortcuts, I prefer to use the top bar buttons. There is a ton of unused real estate on those bars.
I am working on a design of a button for my stations website. The problem is I need to make this stand out, after using the fire effect tutorial that I found here I know you can help.
1) I need a cool effect to make the button stand out on a semi busy page. Any ideas would be appreciated.
2) Then I need to be able to make the image glow. (Again don't know how to do it, but shoot high in what I want to learn)
i have a psd file of a button template. In the first instance i would like to be able to make new buttons from this. I have tried editing the text, and although i can do this...the text does not fit on the button and is not of the same style as the other buttons generated from this psd..told you i was brand new.
Secondly, i would actually like to make my own template for 2 sets of buttons ( new websites coming soon) and without a clue and no up to date tutorials i have really hit a brick wall....i don't even know how to change the colour of an existing button let alone start from scratch...
I followed the tutorial for the metallic blue button used on pank pages. My button looks great however How am I gonna use just the button for my website?? the whole image is still there and if i cut it i loose the drop shadow effect. If I delete background and just have button I save image as gif with transparancy it still looks dumb.
I'm only finding 2 choices: 1. Edit>Undo (for a single undo action)2. Ctrl+Z (for multiple undo actions) I'm not a fan of searching the keyboard for short cuts if I can justclick on the screen. (Ctrl+Z=pain in the *** for me) Is there a button available?A 'back' or 'undo' button? I bet CS4 has one . . . should have waited for CS4 . . .
If I have a simple button that I created in photoshop, and I make an exact copy of that button except with the opacity taken down a few notches, then I take those two images and turn them into gifs - is this the best way to make a rollover image that looks like it is fading in and out?
When I save as gifs, what happens is the color is either completely opaque or completely invisible...
I don't want to use jpg or bmp because then the background of my image is no longer invisible, it is white.
whenever I left click a tool in the toolbar of 6.01 it gives me the options for the other tools...
Now it should only do this when I right click! It's rather annoying...and I have no idea how to change it back. I did a little snooping in the registry but found nothing.
I have successfully changed a background using the Layers feature. Part of that process was copying and pasting by Edit--Copy and Edit--Paste in Cs4. I've done it only once,
and now that I am onto a new image that I'd like to copy, the Copy button is greyed out, and all I am allowed to select is Paste and when I select that, it only pastes the image I'd done the first time. I've closed out Photoshop twice, and it is still doing the same thing. I just want my Copy button back...
I'm trying to make my website look a bit more professional. I want to make the images (in my sub categories) on my website into web buttons with rounded corners to fit a white background & with some depth & gradients etc instead of just flat squares like the buttons I have at the moment
Here a link to the buttons for my sub cats [URL]....  I thought here would be the best place to ask. I know how make buttons from text but I need to make buttons from the images of the sub cats you see on my site.
I just need plain images that look like buttons to use on my EKM powershop..
Intel Processor Graphics 3000 version Â Â On a trial version of Photoshop CS6 extended trial the 3D links in the tab is greyed out. and nor can I make any 3D objects. Why is this? This is my System Info from PS (the first part only). The GPU FAQ states that my graphics card was tested: [URL] ..... Â Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading