Photoshop :: CS6 - Can't Change Black To Yellow In JPEG
Aug 5, 2012
Downloaded .jpeg image of simple Olympic Rings. Using PS in CS6 I can change every ring to a different color except the black ring. It turns gray no matter how I use the adjuments/replace color function. Is this a PS thing ?.
I got sent a jpeg of a semi-flat black painted car. The client can only provide these images as they are just for mock ups of sponsors. They asked me to turn the car into a yellow one. What would be the best course to take? I tried adding a new layer in "screen" blending mode.Tried "replace color".Tried using a gradient map.All to no avail. While the car obviously gets the correct color, shadows get washed out and the result is no where "high end". Is there a step I should undertake before changing the car's color, or am I just screwed because of the semi-flat black finish on the car?
I'm not in for a session of painting all shadows and reflections in by hand.
I recently updated to Corel Draw service pack one (X5 suite). After this update the background color has changed into a light yellow when I try to export to jpeg format (see attached screen shot). In the matte color menu in the export window I have the option of changing this color. All colors are there except White! (or transparent). This is driving me nuts. I would just like to be able to export to jpeg with a White background. I have changed no settings, only installed service pack 1.
How to get rid of the yellow background/matte? I am considering uninstalling Corel Draw, then reinstalling without installing the service pack.
I just clicked on the "font" icon...and placed some text on an image. "Now" I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the back and yellow cropped line around my text.
I use Lightroom 2.2 to import and convert RAW photos from my Panasonic Lumix LX3 to DNG files. Works great except for one thing:
If I shot a photo using the LX3's 'Black and White Dynamic' preset, Lightroom imports it and a few seconds later, the photo becomes colored (really yellow) instead of remaining black and white.
That's weird since I don't use any Lightroom preset when importing these photos. It seems like Lightroom is applying some type of auto-correction to these photos.
When I export a drawing into pdf, the yellow color of the paint on the road changes to black. The export had worked fine until I c/p an image under my line-work.
I'm having an issue. I'm running Vista 64 and and Photoshop CS3. Using my B8850, when I try to make 4x6 prints in Photoshop, they print out black and yellow. I installed Photoshop CS2 and they same thing happened. This only occurs with this one size. Is this a common issue?
I have reinstalled drivers, I have the sizes correct, and color management is in Photoshop only. HP support keeps giving the runaround, and I found out I can print 4x6s using the Windows Picture viewer perfectly, so it's not just the printer.
Is there a plugin or something that will allow me to change all pixels that match a certain color value to another color value? So let's say I have a picture that has red, green and blue on it. And I want to change every pixel that is blue to yellow.
I am working on drawings in which some of the text is in yellow which is great on a black background. After printing the yellow becomes very hard to see on white paper. I know I know I could change the color of the layer before plotting but I was hoping for a seamless way of doing it. Is there a way to display colors in yellow and plot in blue similar to white/black?
I have been watching MANY videos, but just cannot seem to figure out how to color the B&W photo I imported into Illustrator CC. Do I need to do something in Photoshop first? I was able to trace the image but from there I am lost.
Below is a .jpg copy of the Vitruvian Man that I bought on I would like to get rid of the gold background and keep the black line work. I would like what was the gold background to be transparent. I would like to convert this .jpg to a vector file using Adobe Illustrator CS5. To do this I assume I somehow use the Live Trace feature but I'm not exactly sure how.
I would then like to be able to select the black linework and change it to red. Does this mean I need to somehow convert the drawing into a collection of indivdual paths and anchor points? When I've used Live Trace before, I had the tolerance set to about 45 and Simple Trace. This indeed got rid of the gold background but gave me no individual paths or points I could select and change the color of. The only thing I could select was the image as a whole, not individual points or paths. It was the entire image within a box. This occurred whether I used the black arrow tool (Selection tool ) or the white arrow tool (Direct selection tool). If no, then how could I change the black linework to red?
I have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?
I have scanned a few negatives with my Epson 3200 scanner through the import twain 3200. It brings the file up and I make my changes. Then I go to Save As and my only options are "TIFF", "PSD" or "RAW". How do I save it as a JPEG?
I open my file (which has an embedded srgb color profile) in photoshop (my rgb values are 246/205/218). When I use the color picker, it confirms that my color is accurate. Then I save the file as a JPEG (using maximum-12, and baseline), also embedding the same srgb color profile into the photo (which is also my working space btw). Then when I reopen the JPEG file in photoshop, and use the color picker.... my srgb values are (246/205/219). The difference is so small that it doesn't make a huge difference, but why is this happening? My PSD file has of course maintained the original rgb values.
The picture below is a (sadly), .jpeg and I would like to be able to change its dimensions from 800X600 to 958x198However, when I use Ctrl + T to change the size (of course), the sun (most of all) becomes an ellipse.Is there a way that I can change the dimensions of this image without losing the perspective?
Like maybe a way to extend the clouds? I've read about the Clone tool but it leaves seams and aside from that it looks like the image belongs on Santas island of misfit images . Any way, maybe what I am asking is not possible at all but I thought I would ask nonetheless. I've tried keywords up the wahzoo in the FAQ's & forum but have come up empty handed.