On my MAC the Photoshop CS5 plugins in my plugin folder do not show in the filter menu, i.e, "lighting effects"? What am I doing wrong? Is there something I must do to install or activate them?
I have installed some redfield plugins and ensured that theyre in the correct 64bit folder.. i open it and there they are.. however photoshop cc doesnt show them in filters?
How can you create your own plugin directories in Photoshop? Let's say I have a bunch of my favourite plugins/filters and I want to put them into a folder named "Favourites" for example, then I stick it in the plugin folder, why does the directory not show up when I open Photoshop and scroll down through the filters?
I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.8 in Windows XP. The Filters menu option shows only Repeat last, Re-show last and Reset all filters.Nothing else in there. Where are the filters?
I just downloaded 1700 filters and effects for Photoshop. How do I install them? I tried putting them in the "plug-ins" folder, but that just made PS not load. Im trying to add them to PS CS2.
I've installed my topaz plugins but for some reason they are not showing up in my filter drop down like they used to. How to get them in to PHOTOSHOP CC.
Is there a limit to the number of filters that Photoshop CS2 will display in the filters menu? If so, is there a workaround for a plugin maniac like myself?
Asus motherboard, i7, 930. 24 gig Kingston HyperX ram. Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. 5 SATA hard drives: 3 are WD 7200s; Driive C is a Plextor SSD and Drive G (where LR and Photoshop are installed), is an Intel SSD.
I've had LR 3 and 4 and 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. I have several hard drives. All the LR programs are installed on my G drive.
This time when I installed the update to 4.4, it did install on the G drive, but instead of creating a folder in Program Files, all the files, including the executables, simply installed in a long long row under Program Files and under the folders for the previous versions of LR. It did indeed install 4.4, but it's a mess and I can't figure out why there was no folder created.
When going into LR my copyright is gone and all the various styles of copyright I'd created in the Watermarks folder are unavailable. I also have 2 Nik Filters and 2 Topaz filters - they too are unavailable from the upgrade to 4.4. I also had a plugin for Zenfolio which is also missing and I can't find any plugin folder. Where is the plugin folder supposed to be?
It has never been clear to me which folders are supposed to reside on the same disk as the main LR program and which folders can be kept on another drive. Perhaps this is part of why I lost so much information.
I do have backups and I've been able to retrieve a lot - but I would like to be able to have the correct folders in the correct directories and drives. For example, when I updated to the new camera raw and dng, it was installed on my drive C, as it usually is. But the LR 4.4 files installed in a big list, although fortunately on the correct drive. And I have to reset all my settings, all my watermarks, my plugins and my filters.
Why did this happen and what can I do to repair it properly both for the best functioning of LR 4.4 and to not have this repeat itself with the next upgrade.
I just upgraded from PSE 10 to 12. I was able to get my NIK and my Topaz folders to show up under the filters menu, but not my Alien Skin (Bokeh 2) folder
The Fluid mask installer doesn't recognize Photoshop 6. I selected other and tried to put the “Vertus Fluid Mask 3” folder that contains the files dbghelper.dll & FluidMask3.8bf into the Photoshop 6’s plugins directory. It’s not available within Photoshop.
It does however function as a freestanding program so I know it works on the computer. It also worked very well under CS5.I’m sure Vertus will get around to upgrading, but I’d like to be able to use it with my current projects and not have to wait for them.
UPDATE: The above procedure works for the 32 Bit install of CS6... Not with the 64Bit.... would like it to work with 64bit since I edit some sizable files
This problem just started when I upgraded to 2014. When I try to set up layer filters the Layer filters properties dialog box does not show. I'm guessing the function is working its is just that the dialog box is poping up somewhere out of view of the monitors, forgot to mention it is a 2 monitor set up.
I have hardly ever used filters for any of my work as I have preferred using Xara's native tools and effects to get what I wanted. But recently, I was inspired by some animation work which used backgrounds painted in Photoshop. They used a lot of textures which enhanced the look of the animation and so I thought I'd try to simulate it within Xara.
It works very well and I can export it as a PSD retaining the layers and Alpha channel. But here come my questions.
1. How can I remove the two Alien Skin demo plugins as I already have the full versions.
2. Why don't the native Photoshop plugins--Artistic, Sketch, etc.--seem to work?
In CS3 you could change something to make all filters act like smart filters, even though they won't. I found this worked very well, now I have CS4 and would like to do the same but can't remember what to do to make it work.
I just downloaded a bunch of filters and I dragged them into the filters directory under plugins, but when I open photoshop, none of the filters are there.
I am working on a dormitory project and need to provide a required light and ventilation schedule. I have figured out how to create a schedule for each level, but I want to isolate only the Dormitories and the Kitchenette (weed out all the other rooms such as corridor, elevator, storage, toilets, showers, stairs, trash, electrical, etc.).
I tried using seclusion filters, but there are too many items to exclude and cannot fit them all into the 4 filter categories. I am trying to just get the rooms that begin with 'D' and 'K'. I tried providing the variable 'Begins With' for D and in the next line 'Begins With' K, but then nothing shows up.
Is there a way to provide information to the filter that would allow it to show only rooms beginning with D AND K? I cannot seem to get it to work. I have been playing around with separation values within one filter category (i.e. 'Begins With' D, K) but apparently you cannot add multiple variables within one of the filter items.
I own Design and web Premium CS6 and Lightroom 5.2 running with NIK and Canon Printer iPF9100 plugins running just fine on a Win7 machine.
I purchased and installed PhotoShop CC about a month ago/ When I start PhotoShop CC from the exec file the NIK and Canon plugins do not show up. If I am in Lightroom and ask to edit in PhotoShop CC the file opens in PhotoShop CC and I can access both plugins. If I am in Lightroom the NIK plugin is available and works just fine.
I have tried putting the plugins in: NIK: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)Plug-ins
Canon: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)Plug-insiPF9100 Print Plug-In for Photoshop x64Print Plugin for iPF9100 C:Program FilesCanoniPF9100 Print Plug-In for Photoshop x64Print Plugin for iPF9100 C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobePlug-InsCCPrint Plugin for iPF9100
My Canon dealer says the driver and plugin for my printer work just fine on other customers machines.
I upgraded from CS4 to CS6 and have not been able to see my plug-ins in CS6. I tried reinstalling them and dropping them in the CS6 file and still can't see them.
At first glance PS CC looks pretty cool, downloaded without a hitch and worked first time. There doesn't seem to be an alternative plug-in folder option in Preferences anymore, how do I get CC to 'see' my Nik Plug-ins?
I use Photoshop CS3. All plug-ins used to work before. Now with some of the plug-ins (liquify+vanishing point+artistic for example) the following happens:
- plug-in dialog window opens
- i can make changes and see the preview of them in the plug-in window
- i can apply the plug-in
- then PS displays a dialog saying something like "applying effect.."
- but when that is finished I'm back at my original image without the plug-in effect being applied (nothing shows in history window)
I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Photoshop but the problem remains. I even tried installing a demo of PS CS4 but have the same problem with that version.
The error appears on the plugins with a more sophisticated user interface, the ones with the basic UI (like gaussian blur etc) still work ok.
I have an old version of Photoshop (3.0) which I've never updated because frankly it still suits my needs.(which are limited). I realized recently that when I switched from Windows 95 to Windows 98 se a few years back I lost some of my filters, like clouds and mezzotint, ripple, lighting and a handful of others. When I go back and fire up the 95 machine they are there. Also I notice they are in the plugin folder but not showing up on the menu. The best investigation I've turned up is that Photoshop(at least on the 98 machine) says it doesn't recognize the file extention?( 8bf files )although the computer lists this as a recognized file.( 8bf )
I just got my hands on KPT 7 or 5 i dont remember, but does any one know of a good place to learn how to use the plugs in? tutorials or anything would be great.
Have looked pretty much everywhere (except the right place, apparently) for my Nik and OnOne software. Do they have to be installed into PS to work? They show up in LR and work fine.
I just purchased CS6 and noticed that some of the 3rd party filters I had in CS4 have not been migrated over to CS4. The specific plugins I'm concerned about are Noiseware Professional and Alienskins, both of which I am able to access in CS4's filter drop down menu.