Photoshop :: CS5 - How To Make Shapes In The Sky Out Of Clouds
May 19, 2012
I have intermediate level knowledge of Photoshop (CS5). I did a one-day course a couple of months ago, where the instructor told us how to put shapes/images/text in the sky and then make it so that it looked like cloud.
For example we wrote something like, "High in the Sky", then managed to make it look like it was like clouds in the sky that were spelling it out. We also dropped a picture of a plane or something then did the same thing, so there was a cloud shaped plane in the sky. The problem is I've completely forgotten how to do this but it so happens I need it for a work project I am doing.
I am making revision clouds on some record drawings. They come out all peachy, but when I save the file and reopen it, all of the wonderful little clouds change to jagged straight lines.
Im talking about the more geometric shapes in the background. The things like the perfectly symetrical tear drop, and the white dots aligned as a circle... I have no idea how they could be made in PS (without having to do a lot of slow manual work).
I'm looking to make a box that is empty in the middle but has a border. I'd like to be able to set the thickness of this border. I remember being able to do this fairly simply in CorelDRAW so I'm surprised that I haven't found the technique yet in Photoshop. Here is an example. I made that using the Rectangle Tool and merging the 4 layers to form a bordered box. This is not an effective method when my canvas is 2550 x 3300 px.
way to make parallel shapes using the Path Tool similar to Photoshop?
I haven't used Photoshop in a while, but I remember that you could hold CTRL (on PC) and click with the Pen Tool and it would straighten up your shape for you once the paths are connected and would like to do similar in GIMP but can't find out how.
I'd like to be able to make Clipping Paths out of (unexpanded) Compound Shapes. We can't do that already.I'd also like the Expand button to work like it did in CS4 again.
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
I'm trying to make a logo consisting of a bunch of simple shapes which are all individual layers. All of these layers are on top of a transparent canvas. I'm not sure if canvas is the right word, but basically what I mean is that I launched GIMP and made a new image that's 512x512 filled with transparency, and by default that became a layer titled background which I consider to be the canvas of my entire Image.
I can't seem to draw on new layers anymore. I've been trying to make new layers filled with transparency and draw on them with the free select tool, ensuring that the opacity is not 0 and that the layer is selected, but its drawing on the background layer rather than the layer I made to draw on. So now when I try to adjust the position of the layer, the shape I drew stays in the same spot because its not part of the layer.
Using Lasso i have created a good shape that i require in my work. so now i want to save that shape i have drawn to custom shapes so that i can use it later also in my future works.
I know you can render clouds to your hearts delight... but are there any tutorials on how create realistic clouds, like cumulus, etc... I'm thinking of figuring it out and writing them myself if no one else has.
I have an image of clouds, I need the clouds to basically just have the white area showing and the darker areas to be transparent. Then I'm going to import it into illustrator --
I have a night-sky picture with a moon. I would like to make clouds on it, which would look really realistic, in dark parts they should be hardly visible or better said they should be dark, but they should be more bright over the moon. The moon shouldn't be covered whole. Can anybody help me with this? How to make such clouds?
I would like to cut out a cloud from one image and place it into the sky of another image. What is the best technique for preserving the transparent wispy edges like in the image below? The background is usually various gradient shades of blue.
I have this picture of the sky (wooooooooo). I figured out how to make the blue more vibrant using 'Selective Color'. But I cannot figure out how to make the clouds have more detail. My end production comes out rather flat.
Can I use Render>Clouds on the inside of a font only?
I want to leave the background untouched (if filled) or transparent.
I don't want to use the magic wand tool on the font, and then cut out shape from a clouds background. I need more detail than that would offer to get the effect.