Photoshop :: CS3 Clone Tool - (unable To Use Tool Due To Program Error)?
Sep 18, 2012
I have been away from PhotoShop for awhile and have not used CS3 for over a year. When I try to use the clone tool a pop up tells me unable to use tool due to a program error. How can I fix?
I get this error message all the time even though i made a duplicate of the background layer. The used layer is unlocked and have selected the target with the alt key.What is happening and how do i correct this? Should i do a reinstall of PSE10.
When I use the quick selection tool (or when I use content-aware scaling) I get an error message saying "could not complete your request because of a program error." I am working with NEF files, 4 GB of RAM, fast machine with plenty of scratch space, Radeon X1950 crossfire graphics card. With small .jpg files, the problem doesn't occur.
I got some problems with pen tool. When I want to use pen tool and select shapes I get error which says "could not use pen tool because of program error" I really dont understand whats happening with photoshop.
Whenever I try to use the type tool in Photoshop CS5 (Mac) I get the message "Could not complete your request because of a program error." I already tried cleaning out the font cache and I validated all the fonts installed on the system and all passed.
Mac OS X 10.6.8 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 8 GB 1066 MHz DDR3
I am currently using PS CC and can't use the eye dropper tool. I get a dialog box that reads "Could not use the eye dropper tool because of a program error"
I have tried the tool from many angles thru the color picker, shifting the brush tool, ect. I get the same message. The eyedropper works for me in Illustrator.
You don't realize how necessary the eyedropper tool is till it is not working! I have rebooted, tried 64bit and 32, uninstalled CC and and reinstalled with no luck.
I'm trying to do some work on a file I set up months ago. First, I tried to copy some text to paste into another program. I got this back:
"Could not use the type tool because of a program error."
I'm using a font called Hit the Road. Interestingly when I changed it to Myriad Pro it let me copy and paste.But - when I went to save the file out as a PDF, I got a similar message:
"Could not save as “xxxxxxx.pdf” because of a program error."
I've tried clearing my preferences and restarting the computer. I haven't uninstalled PS.
I'm using:
CS6 13.0.4 x64
And I'm on a:
MacBook Pro 13" Retina running up to date Lion 2.5 GHz i5, 8GB memory, Intel HD Graphics 4000 768 MB
the problem seems to happen when I fool around with my projects layers (turning turning them on and off) all my tools lock up and when i try to click back onto my work.
I get this error "Could not use the brush tool because of a program error"
Then I need to save my work and restart PS to work on it another 5 mins before it locks up again.
Working on a document with many layers, I kept getting a Program Error when I typed the double quote character into the type tool. This was not the usual Program Error in that it was recoverable. Other times I've seen the Program Error, Photoshop would stop responding & require a restart.
In this case, all I had to do was delete the double quote character, and Photoshop was back to normal. Hmmm...PSCS5.1 on a Mac Pro with Mountain Lion.
when i try to use either of them, instead of getting a SINGLE disc the same color as my sample point i get a blotch, containing MORE THAN ONE smudged discs. see example below. i didn't want mickey mouse ears, i wanted ONE disc.
Could not use the clone stamp tool because the area to clone has not been defined (option-click to define a source point). this is what shows up in the command box when ever I click to start to pick the spot i want to use as the clone. makes my cloning tool useless. I have reset the tools restrted my computer.
I can choose any tool either by menu or by shortcut, but only the hand icon remains visible and active. Reopen Photoshop and rebooting mac doesn't work, only solution I have found is: Repair Disk Permissions.
Every time I try to run a tool from the tool palette like dragging an AEC block into my drawing I get a pop out window saying: "Unable to execute the tool - Class not registered" why this is happening on Autocad Architecture 2010?
I have created a custom Assembly using Assembly Composer for C3D 2012 and imported it to C3D. Problem is when I try to place the assembly in a drawing.
I get the error message "Unable to execute the tool. Not enough storage is available to complete this operation."
I am trying to create an assembly that will calculate a built volume based on constructed height of the structure.
I'm trying to use the clone tool to erase creases around an eye.
I have the layer with the eye in it active, I choose the clone tool, I hit CTRL and click the area of flesh around the eye I want to copy, I see a moving outline of the flesh that's being copied, It works spiffingly! I change brush size to work in a smaller area, I hit CTRL and click the area of flesh I want to copy, I see a moving outline of the flesh I want to copy, But nothing! My cursor moves, but no cloning going on.
This has been plaguing me for a while but I've had projects going that I didn't want to interrupt. It's gotten to the point that I just can't take it anymore. I really need the clone tool for this phase of this project
I have a multi layered image where all the layers are of the same image with different effects. Is there a way I can align the clone source point to the same point on a different layer? I am using PS CS (version 1)
I'm just starting to use CS4 which has some nice little features, but also behaves differently with some tools. The clone tool is excellent because you can position the clone before you apply it (you can see where it is going), but how do you clear the clone brush ater you've cloned something. if you've used the clone tool in CS4 you'll know what I mean.
I do not have a full understanding of this tool. I am constantly bumping into what is trying to clone an area and not able to control boundries of the brush.
When I select a location from which I want to clone the pixel colors/properties and then begin to paint in the target location, the results are of pixels from areas that are outside of what I want, or thought I had selected.
I have reset tools, reset preferences, checked opacity, blending mode, made sure I am on a active layer, duplicated background layer, used a different file to see if the same result occurred, checked channels palette for rgb active. Done everything but re-install software,
I am using CS4, and my clone tool will act up every once in a while by cloning to an area that I have not gone over. I will be cloning and then when I start an area, nothing happens to the area cloned (the area I am trying to cover over with selected area), then suddenly another area of the photo will show the clone.
I have reset my settings by doing a CTRL, Shift, ALT at startup.