Photoshop :: Black Hair To White
Oct 3, 2008I have a buddy of mine who wants me to make his black hair white and ive tried everything ive found on the web and it doesnt seem to work.
View 4 RepliesI have a buddy of mine who wants me to make his black hair white and ive tried everything ive found on the web and it doesnt seem to work.
View 4 Repliestrying every layer mask combo I could think of to create a realistic shade of white hair that doesn't look like I just used the brush tool to make it.
I've tried lighting up the shadows with the curves option then using the selective color option. But all that does is make a very fake looking film to put over the eyebrows (ya it's eyebrows I'm working on, I'm trying to get them to match a white wig the subject is wearing.)
I've also tried using the solid color option, and a color overlay and that just came out weird.
Has anyone ever turned pitch black hair to white and had it still look like hair?
how to achieve this?
I want to change dark hair, such as brunette, on a photograph to white hair, but the picture needs to retain its colour.
i know how to turn a grey hair into a blonde..but how do u change it into a black hair?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI wanted to make a decal to place on the acrylic window of my PC. I found the perfect picture, which is in black and white. For it to look right though, I need to switch the black to white, and vice versa. Is there a way with Photoshop to automatically switch these, instead of having to manually switch them.
View 3 Replies View Relatedbrunette to blond, blond to redhead etc but none of them seem to work for blond to black.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn Photoshop CS6 Adobe has added a white outline to the cross hair cursor (when for example using the Marquee and pen tool) making it a lot less precise than before when you want to hit exact pixels. Is there a way to remove this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've created a web site (my first) for my sister and it's all ready to be uploaded. But I've been held up for a while by a Photoshop problem. I've been trying to extract a couple of hair models in order to put them on a transparent background and display them on her homepage using a JavaScript rotator.
I use the Lasso tool to select the main parts and then extract the hair using the Refine Edges tool in CS6. It all looks good as long as I'm working with it in PS. I see no signs of white scratch marks in either a dark or transparent background. But as soon as I save the image in either gif or PNG with transparency, the scratch marks appear.
How to extract these two images on a transparent background and then tell what they did so that I can do the rest of them myself. These are the ones I have real difficulty with.The files are in Tiff format and I could use either gif or PNG.
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
View 3 Replies View Relatedfollowing image shows up fine on WIndows machines, but on Macs it shows up as balck instead of navy, why? I have tried svaing in PDF, JPG, PNG, and PDF nwith Mac color profiles... what is going on? PS, the navy is #0d1125
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a multilayered psd file. All layers should remain opaque except the black to white gradient layer where I need the white to be transparent. So that when I place the final psd on top of a block of solid colour in Indesign the gradient shows the background colour through where the black fades off.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using PSE8. I was using Filter>Render>Clouds and it was working for me. I must have done something because the clouds that are rendered are black & white not Blue and white. My photo is of course a color image. How I can correct this or what I need to do to get back to the default setting that will render blue & white instead of black and white?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to draw parts in 3d view which look very basic, i.e. out of a book.
white block with black lines so you can see it is 3d.background should also be white.
How do i set autocad (2012/2013) to do this. I would like the model space to be the same and not just for printing.
Basically a CAD program I use only exports PNG files. The CAD program can export in black and white and in color. The color PNG files open fine in CorelDraw. The black and white PNG files just show up as a black filled box.
I attached an example PNG file. Example PNG
I have an image where i chopped seperate parts of different pictures, desaturated all 4, but on the one, there seems to be more "grays" in the black and white photo... i want the grays to be more black. Messing with the brightness and contrast isnt doing it...
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI had a question about photo editing, lately I really like black and white photos,but in the hdr.So I would say that it is in black and white hdr mean something like this: How to achieve this effect in PS?I
View 5 Replies View RelatedI saw this picture on the internet and was wondering how to create it. I tried creating it with a black and white filter but it just wasn't the same.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have changed background colors on many things in the past, but I can't seem to find a good clean way to turn this logo's background from white to black, including the center circle. I've tried selecting the white area, or the logo itself, get the point.
It is 459x148,
I've seen a number of black and white photos that have a red colour added. For instance,a womans face that is black and white but with red lips. Any ideas please on if and how this is done in photoshop?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get an image to be only two colors, black and white, and still have the contrast without the image being distorted. I've played around with levels, curves, etc. but I can only get a grayscale looking image.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhaving trouble making this images background black instead it's current color, white.
I can easily change the background color itself, but I can't seem to make the image look as smooth is it does in it's current state.
it dosent look like ordinary black and white, and apparently the models hair was brown, so the effect wasnt created by mearly turning down the saturation and up the brightness. I also know that the effect wasnt created using makeup, it was soley Photoshop, I've seen this type of 'white' before but I cannot work out how it is done.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI want to turn a colored picture into a black and white one, while maintaining some of the quality of the original pic, or in other words: be able to tell what's on the picture.
Ofcourse it's not so hard to remove all the color of a picture, but then it would be a black/white/grey picture, and duotone, which does actually what I want, isn't a great help either, because there's almost no way of telling what the original picture looked like.
Why I wanna do this you ask? Simple, I want to have an easy way to create an operator logo for my mobile phone
Started producing a new catalogue some time ago very happy working away on the first 3 – 4 pages
Before long I was up to 100 pages, looking fantastic. But then the thought come to me, I have set may page colour to BLACK and all my drawing and text are WHITE as I said looks fantastic until you go to print a page. How much black Ink would you use printing 100 pages black.
I have tried publishing to PDF then in acrobat replacing document colours and on screen that works fine but when you print it still prints
With the black background and white text for some reason.
Photoshop CS 5.1 only prints in black and white. It is not a new printer (Kodak) and I have printed in color in Photoshop in the past. All other applications will print in color. Have removed the settings folder, but that did not do anything.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt never let's me use it like it's broken or something, I don't know why and I need it right now
View 6 Replies View Relatedif it is possible with Photoshop CS6 to generate a black and white from a model (not a preset)I work up a photo color that I am satisfied with the result, I would like to apply the curve of gray image (which is not a simple conversion tool with nb) or histogram to another image or a series images.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI work with floorplans a lot in my job and I come across this a lot so I figured I'd ask to save me a ton of time. Sometimes I get floorplans in a PDF format that I have to edit in Photoshop. Sometimes, the floorplans come to me very light (the black outlines of walls, doors, the building, etc.) are not as dark as I need them to be. I've tried to go to the Adjustments Menu --> Curves and darkened it that way. But then when I go to flatten the picture, it goes back to the light black color it was before. Is there any way to make the lines darker and to stay darker?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have these shoes, they are black, but I want to change them into white..
I have read another thread, but I can't make them look real. It looks like they are glowing.. I have tryed to inverte colours, and used layer masks.. I have tryed luminosity, colour overlay.. But I have failed
The picture is cropped, because the girl doesn't want to be published on the internet..
What is the best was to turn this to pure black and white? It is for printing, so there can't be any grays.
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